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Cloud Code extension for VS Code: How do I configure the "client-name" to avoid the error "Failed to deploy the app. Error: undefined"?

When I try to deploy using the UI, this is what's running in the background: Running gcloud command: run deploy xxx --project xxx --image --client-name Cloud Code for VS Code --client-...
Marcel's user avatar
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Deploy to Cloud run spends 4 minutes on "Analyzing workspace for builders..."

I'm using Version 2.19.0 of the Cloud Code for Visual Studio Code Extension. My development system OS is Windows 11. I have not changed any extension settings, they are all at their original defaults. ...
Travis Hawkins's user avatar
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How to debug a testify golang code which is deployed in k8s cluster as job using vscode?

I am trying to debug golang test code which is deployed as job in local k8s cluster. I have installed cloud code extension. In my dockerfile I have installed dlv. dockerfile is as below FROM
Samselvaprabu's user avatar
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Issue connecting to Cloud SQL via Google Cloud Run when running locally via Cloud Code

I am attempting to run a Cloud Run container locally in VSCode via Cloud Code, but the trying to build it fails every time due to the following errors: Waiting for deployments to stabilize... - ...: ...
David's user avatar
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VS Code and Cloud Code file sync for static files

I have a project where we use Node.js and Visual Studio Code with the Google Cloud Code extension. The Node.js runs on Cloud Run and I develop locally with the Cloud Run emulator of Cloud Code. This ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Google Cloud Code -- connect to cloud sql db using cloud proxy with iam impersonation

Is there a way to connect to google cloud db using cloud sql proxy iam impersonation? I can see the options for connecting to cloud sql instance using the proxy, but not how to do so using iam ...
user23265885's user avatar
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Does Cloud Code Resolve Symbolic Links to Actual Files During Deployment to Cloud Functions?

I am working on a project using Google Cloud Functions and I have organized my code in a way that common functionalities are placed in a directory outside of my Cloud Functions' directories. I have ...
Yu  Sato's user avatar
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Request to Metadata service is failed on minikube with Cloud Code for VS Code

I'm a beginner of Cloud Run and k8s. Now I'm developing with Node.js to use Cloud Run and trying to use SecretManager to save secrets. But, it's never successful because the request to Metadata ...
Daisuke Takamizawa's user avatar
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Can no longer push container image with Cloud Code

I've used Cloud Code for VS Code to deploy containers onto Cloud Run for several weeks without problems. Today I get this error: Failed to build the app. Error: could not push image "
JD Margulici's user avatar
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Capture "error" object in HTTP get Response

I have requirement to load data from BQ to PostGreSQL using GCP Workflows. Basically i am doing a HTTP Post call to PostGreSQL and invoking "importContext" method to perfrom the import ...
Amdone's user avatar
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How can i get Vertex ai managed notebook in my local vs code

I am able to connect to the project using google cloud code, but it lists only user managed notebooks and VMs. How can i SSH into Managed notebooks. I have tried this, but its for user managed ...
Jismy Sebastian's user avatar
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Failed to deploy the app. Error: Violation in UpdateServiceRequest.service.template.containers[0].volume_mounts[0].mount_path: must be a valid path

I'm using Visual Studio Code with Google Cloud Code extension. When I try to use Deploy to Cloud Run with Cloud SQL connections field, I get this error: Failed to deploy the app. Error: Violation in ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Cloud Run - network settings not persisting between revisions

I am adding a VPC Serverless access connector to my cloud run service. I typically deploy with VS code using the cloud code plugin, and I build the image locally using Docker. Whenever I do this, I ...
chris's user avatar
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Go Cloud Code/Docker on M1 Mac exec format error

I'm trying to use GoLand/Cloud Code to build a Golang microservice. But I can't seem to get the Dockerfile nailed down. FROM --platform=linux/arm64 golang:1.20-alpine AS build_base RUN apk add --no-...
Cate Daniel's user avatar
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I can't run Debug mode on the Cloud Code plugin in Pycharm

I want to debug my simple flask app (hello-world Skaffold sample) on the local Kubernetes cluster but when I click debug button, Skaffold runs in dev mode and doesn't open debug page. Does anybody ...
ali haririan's user avatar
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Configure VSCode and Cloud Code to debug TypeScript Node application in Kubernetes

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to use Cloud Code in VSCode to debug a TypeScript Node application in Kubernetes remotely? I used Cloud Code regularly to debug JS Node applications in ...
MilesDyson's user avatar
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Is there a way to setup a debug a go application on kubernetes with skaffold and vscode?

My app is written in go and is packaged in a helm chart which is deployed on the k3s cluster. I am able to use skaffold to deploy to the k3s cluster. I am also able to deploy to the cluster using ...
Moses's user avatar
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VS Cloud Code extension writing Python libraries to AppData/Local/Temp every time a workspace is opened

With Cloud Code Extension enabled, every time I open a workspace (new or existing) VSCode spins up two Python tasks each taking up 10% cpu each for at least 5 minutes. Each task is going to C:\Users{...
chris's user avatar
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invalid skaffold config: proxy: unknown scheme: http : VSCode Cloud Code

I tried to follow the instructions on Youtube to run a Cloud Run service locally. I created a sample Python hello-world application. When I choose the ...
Ashok KS's user avatar
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MongoDB Persistency when deploying to Kubernetes via VSCode Cloud Studio

I am trying to use VSCode Cloud Studio plugin to deploy and debug a project in Kubernetes. When I use intellij and Cloud Studio plugin there, everything works perfect. My MongoDB is persistent with ...
MilesDyson's user avatar
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"Invoke function" gives curl: (6) Could not resolve host: undefined

In VSCode with the cloud code add on, I have a list of my active cloud functions. When hovering over one of them there's an option "Invoke Function via http" If I select this I get the ...
Doug Fir's user avatar
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Invalid value at 'function' (oneof), oneof field 'source_code' is already set. Cannot set 'sourceUploadUrl'

Cloud Code v1.22.0-insiders.0 I installed the Cloud Code extension for VSCode to work with my cloud functions locally. After authorizing, when I click cloud functions section on the cloud code nav ...
Doug Fir's user avatar
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Connect Java Google AppEngine Local Standard Server to Cloud DB | appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.9.84.jar | IntelliJ & Cloud Code

EDIT2: I have managed to get past the GlobalDatastoreConfig has already been set error. I managed to pinpoint all the locations that were getting called before the init function. They were in static ...
James's user avatar
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How to set environment variables when using the VSCode Cloud Code extension?

I know how to set environment variables in Cloud Run using the web console (, but how can I do this locally in the emulator ...
Nelu's user avatar
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Unable to connect to Cloud SQL (through Auth Proxy) from Cloud Run

I am trying to access my Cloud SQL database (PostgreSQL) through a Cloud Run application (Node.js) that I am developing locally (using Cloud Code as part of the VS Code extension). I am able to access ...
David's user avatar
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Update failed with error code BUILD_DOCKER_UNKNOWN

I am using VS Code with the Cloud Code extension to try to deploy a Python script to GCP Cloud Run. I am able to run the "hello, world" python flask app locally with the Cloud Run emulator ...
Nick Nelson's user avatar
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Why isn't Cloud Code honoring my cloudbuild.yaml file but gcloud beta builds submit is?

I am using Google's Cloud Code extension with Visual Studio Code to use GCP's Cloud Build and deploy to a local kubernetes cluster (Docker Desktop). I have directed Cloud Build to run unit tests after ...
Dshiz's user avatar
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How to add extension to apigee-emulator on local environment?

Recently we get the need for work on the same apigee proxy more than one developer. So we are trying to use the apigee-emulator to allow us to use git as version control We already have everything ...
Ernesto Alfonso's user avatar
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IntelliJ Community Edition Hanging on Plugin Cloud Code

I installed Cloud Code for IntelliJ Community Edition 2022.2.1 and IntelliJ hung. I have let it run for over 20 minutes but there is no change. This is the second time this has happened (I reinstalled ...
David Gordon's user avatar
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Why is my GCP image failing to deploy to local kubernetes?

I am getting "can't be pulled" when I use Cloud Code plugin in VS code to build and deploy an image to a local Kubernetes cluster. There are no errors being logged on GCP, but locally I'm ...
Dshiz's user avatar
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Cloud Code isn't using minikube docker context

I use the Google Cloud Code extension on VSCode. I have a minikube running on my macbook (using the virtualbox driver). I can run skaffold debug from my terminal just fine; the Helm chart gets ...
AdrienF's user avatar
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How to debug Java application in Kubernetes with Cloud Code plugin

I'm trying to debug a Java application in Kubernetes using a Cloud Code plugin. There is no trouble with the default debug. I just click debug and it works, but... I don't know how to connect to ...
Alexander Kazantsev's user avatar
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Cloud Run Run/Debug has stopped working - Exited with code 127

The cloudrun debug in cloud shell was working. It is no longer working for me with the following output. I have 1) rebooted the VM and 2) I have tried another project that was also working previously. ...
Stewart Bell's user avatar
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4 answers

ERROR: ( argument --set-env-vars: Bad syntax for dict arg

I'm using Cloud Code (extension for Visual Studio Code) and during the deploy, via UI, I'm trying to set the Environment Variables field like this: KEY1:value1 KEY2:value2,value3 But I'm having this ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Build x86_64 image for Cloud Code's "Debug on Cloud Run Emulator" from M1 Mac

I'm currently trying to build a python 3.10 application using VSCode and want to deploy the application to Cloud Run soon. Google conveniently has a Cloud Code plugin that is supposed to help with ...
Martin Reindl's user avatar
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Failed to start minikube: Error while starting minikube. Error: X Exiting due to MK_USAGE: Container runtime must be set to "containerd" for rootless

I'm getting the error and I believe the way to solve it is by running: minikube start --container-runtime=containerd but the extension seems to run minikube start. So how am I supposed to add the flag?...
blest's user avatar
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Skaffold cannot pull image from Harbor

Expected behavior Skaffold should pull the image from insecure Harbor registry running on HTTP. I have tried everything from these docs:
Bit Wise's user avatar
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Unable to start a Cloud Run container on M1 Macbook

I haven't installed Rosetta on my M1 Macbook. Have Docker and all deps installed and this even worked a few times but not sure what caused this error suddenly: Starting to run the app using ...
eozzy's user avatar
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Attach remote debugger to cloud run from Intellij

I have an app running on Cloud Run and I'm trying to debug remotely using Intellij and the Cloud Code plugin. The java agent is running and I'm able to create snapshots on the GCP Debugger, but ...
Codder's user avatar
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Google Cloud Code VSCode extension fills out my root drive

This is my first post in stack overflow. I am using Arch Linux updated to the latest updates available for all packages. My system is divided to 2 volumes: 30 GB for root folder and another volume for ...
Almog Surizon's user avatar
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Apigee JavaScript resource output running Cloud Code emulator?

I'm writing Apigee JavaScript Policy Resources using the VS Code Cloud Code plugin and can't locate the print statement output- is it available while running the Apigee (Docker) emulator? TIA.
Mike Summers's user avatar
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cannot find debugger path for <path to main.go>

skaffold version: v1.35.1 Goland: 2021.2.4 Cloud Code: 21.11.1 Just create the Sample Application: Go: Guestbook or Hello World It builds and deploys well enough, but when setting a breakpoint it ...
Chris G.'s user avatar
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Cloud Code Kubernetes spawn python enoent error in VS Code when attaching a debugger

I come across a very weird case in my Visual Studio Code when trying to debug a simple Kubernetes app using CloudCode extension. If anyone has worked with cloudcode in VS Code, any suggestions on this ...
Alexander Komarov's user avatar
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Running Skaffold fails if configured to work with Helm

I am trying to make Skaffold work with Helm. Below is my skaffold.yml file: apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta23 kind: Config metadata: name: test-app build: artifacts: - image: test.common....
Mark's user avatar
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Cloud Run /Cloud Code deployment error in intellij

trying to follow the Getting Started instructions for Deploying a Cloud Run service with Cloud Code in Intellij (deploying HelloWorld Flask app container with Cloud Run: Deploy) but getting the ...
alex's user avatar
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Remote debugging golang application in aks cluster using Cloud Code and GoLand

I'm trying to debug a go application in AKS cluster using Cloud Code and GoLand IDE. How should I use it to debug remote go application without building and pushing each time docker file to remote ...
Lior Kesten's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cloud code : deploy to cloud run didn't work

I'm trying to deploy my app using Google Cloud Run but it didn't work, there's no error appear, so I'm pretty confused, I've been waiting for an hour but nothing happened (just a blank page) like this ...
Hikm Nasir's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't launch VScode Cloud Run plugin on WSL

I'm trying to use the [Google Cloud Code plugin for VSCode] ( into my WSL containers. First time it worked, than I modify ...
DamDam's user avatar
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Google Cloud Code's Cloud Run extension stores the Docker image in Cloud Storage instead of Artifact Registry

Why when I use the Visual Studio Code extension "Cloud Code", to deploy a Cloud Run service, it seems to store the image contents in Cloud Storage (via Container Registry). Can I make it ...
Zaffer's user avatar
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How to Make Google Kubernetes Engine LoadBalancer Service Receive External Traffic When Using Google Cloud Code ItelliJ?

I have a working GKE cluster serving content at port 80. How do I get the load balancer service to deliver the content on the external (regional reserved) static IP 111.222.333.123? I see that kubectl ...
RndmSymbl's user avatar
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