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Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 11: .gitignore not ignoring obj folder, no other suggestions here work

My VS 2022 solution's .gitignore looks like the following, which is the default created by VS via Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Git Repository Settings: ## Ignore Visual Studio ...
CB_at_Sw's user avatar
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location of tasks.vs.json ignored by vs recommended .gitignore

In every .gitignore template for Visual studio (e.g. Here) the .vs cache directory is marked as to ignore. but when i create a Task (right click on solution explorer >> Configure tasks), it ...
Tomer W's user avatar
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How do you add a Visual Studio solution / project to an existing git repo?

So I have an existing git repo full of c code. I want to compile that c code into a .dll, and then add a c# solution utilizing the dll and commit and push the updated code to git so that others can ...
user19435638's user avatar
2 votes
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What are *.userosscache files generated by Visual Studio?

They're mentioned in .gitignore template for Visual Studio, provided by GitHub: But I couldn't google anything ...
cher-nov's user avatar
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.gitignore include SqlServerTypes folder with all contents

I am using the official Visual Studio .gitignore. I have projects in a nested folder, say: /MySolution/src/MyProject1/...
user3625699's user avatar
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In a Visual Studio 2022 C# Solution, is it possible to have a local project which is not included in the repository?

I am working on a C# solution which contains multiple projects. I have one project I am just using as a scratch pad to test things out. I don't want to include this in the repository as it is not for ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
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.gitignore does not seem to ignore files [duplicate]

I have added a .gitignore into my project, but It seems that It don't ignore certain files: modified: .gitignore modified: src/INT.InformationServices.OnePlmSub/Startup.cs modified: ...
Bryan's user avatar
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Hide .gitignored files from visual studio solution explorer

Files with the red "minus" with status "ignored" are being listed in the Solution Explorer. How do I automatically remove them? This is related to temp files created by Office ...
BurnsBA's user avatar
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Git stages changes that should be ignored by the .gitignore

I've made a Unity Project and want to exclude some folders. I made the .gitignore look like this: [Ll]ibrary/ [Tt]emp/ [Oo]bj/ [Bb]uild/ [Bb]uilds/ [Ll]ogs/ [Uu]ser[Ss]ettings/ # Visual Studio cache ...
Marlon Müller's user avatar
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.gitignore not working with Visual Studio 2019 [duplicate]

I cannot get .gitignore to work with Visual Studio 2019 Community. Above is an image of the "Team Explorer" tab showing a portion of the list of files which are to be committed. The ...
user34299's user avatar
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.gitignore for Visual Studio cmake - which files should I ignore?

Making a C++ application in Visual Studio 2019 with cmake, Visual Studio generates output in a folder called "out". However, there are some ninja build files like .ninja_deps,, ...
rohan's user avatar
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Should I add other files to git except .cpp?

When I created a C++ console project in Visual Studio, I found that besides .cpp files, I had other files like .sln, .vcxproj, .filters, .user. Should I add them to Git repo?
DeadNerd's user avatar
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Git keeps tracking undesirable files

Morning I had had a "project" composed of independent files, when I move it to visual studio the IDE creates lots of files which are useless to the repository. The Vs project is inside the git folder,...
user12684739's user avatar
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Visual studio Ignore the .gitignore file [duplicate]

I add to my project root the .gitignore file but I don't know why I still get the bin and debug folder here is my .gitignore file in the ...
24sharon's user avatar
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Specify that a file is Always CopyToOutputDirectory outside of the .csproj file

I have a file I want git to ignore locally (not in .gitignore but in .git/info/exclude), but I also need that file to be copied to bin on build. Is there a way I can specify that either in a separate ...
capn's user avatar
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Can a gitignore file have a generic pattern for XML documentation files?

Enable the XML documentation file from the C# Project Properties > Build tab. Build the project By default, git will suggest adding this to the repo. Since it's a build artifact, this is not desired....
Bernard Vander Beken's user avatar
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.gitignore file not ignoring VS files [duplicate]

I have inherited a Visual Studio project, and the git repo did not include a .gitignore file. I downloaded the one located here ...
Cam's user avatar
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When I switch back to no-changes branch, VS rebuilds the project. How to track build-files but not push them?

In my repo setup, I have all the build files ignored. So basically I am not interested in tracking all the files that get generated when I build my project, for example *.exe. In the below scenario, ...
Khalil Khalaf's user avatar
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How to enable .gitignore file in private repository in GitHub with GUI

I can't uploud a project in private repository even I'have .gitignore file(where I made a mistake, because .gitignore doesn't work). Message is that I have more than a hundred files, and simply I can'...
Katy's user avatar
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How to add specific file to .gitignore in Visual Studio solution?

I want add specific file to be not tracking by git. Im using default Visual Studio .gitignore that was generated by Visual Studio while making solution. Now, i have a file that i dont want to be ...
michasaucer's user avatar
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Error while i try to commit changes in Git via Visual studio 2017

I`m trying to commit to my DevOps using Git source. for some reason I cannot proceed with the commit phase. The error: Git failed with a fatal error. error: open("FinalWorkFinder/FinalWorkFinder/...
Csibi Norbert's user avatar
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.gitignore with Visual Studio Solutions containing multiple project folders

I have a c:\git folder where I store all my code. In this folder is a folder for each application/solution. Each application/solution can have many projects. Example folder structure: c:\git\abc\abc-...
D. Kermott's user avatar
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I've committed folders that I should ignore. How can I start to ignore now?

I've committed time ago many folders that I should had ignored. I mean, the folders .vs (and its content) into every Visual Studio project. That said, I've many folders/projects with .vs into it, to ...
markzzz's user avatar
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Can't get git to ignore App_Data mdf file in VS

I have an App_Data folder in my Visual Studio web project. I have commmitted a *.mdf to the repository and referenced it in web.config: <connectionStrings> <add name="foo" providerName=...
jlo-gmail's user avatar
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How to gitignore the files that get generated when you compile in Visual Stuido 2015

I'm currently using the .gitignore file from GitHub but every time I compile my project in Visual Studio I get a bunch of files generated. These are the files that get generated every time I compile. ...
fs_tigre's user avatar
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Git abort undergoing merge

I am using git through visual studio to push and pull the code from git repository. A team of three people are at present using the same repository. One of my colleague has accidentally pushed bin and ...
Arti's user avatar
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Visual Studio Ignore .vs

So, I tried making a new project and using BitBucket. I wanted to push my newly created project to the repository. However somehow my .vs and my packages folders got commited as well. I was too late ...
Joost00719's user avatar
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windows .gitignore is not ignoreing visual studio temporatry files

I can't ignore directory in windows git. I downloaded this file:- But still all the time I see as:- It must not complain any modification under .vs/ ...
masiboo's user avatar
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bin - to ignore or not to ignore

Just a quick question because it bugs me. :) Many .gitignore templates for VS ignore the bin using something like [Bb]in/ and this is understandable if this is the 'output' of a compiled project. ...
Jag's user avatar
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Git ignore files after renaming in the VisualStudio

I have Visual Studio solution. I renamed 1 file in the solution: It was CartCreated and now it is BinTypeCreated. After renaming Visual Studio highlights this file as ignored: Git shows that file ...
Maxim Kitsenko's user avatar
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Visual Studio ignores *.jfm entry in the gitIgnore file

I'm having a problem with Visual Studio 2013 locking a .jfm file. I am unable to save project changes to the local git repository when the project is open. The error looks like this when clicking on ...
desertchief's user avatar
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How to remove (not ignore) specific files using .gitignore?

Below is the image of my project structure: I would like to delete .vs folder, packages folder, .hgignore file and bin and obj directories under Leapfrog.Datafetcher, Leapfrog.Test, and src/...
tRuEsAtM's user avatar
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Recommended .gitignore file for Visual Studio Xamarin project

Looked around I can't seem to find the recommended template .gitignore file for Visual Studio Xamarin project. I looked here as well Will the Visual Studio one ...
jasonlam604's user avatar
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Why don't the build result directories start ** in VS .gitignore

There's a standard Visual Studio .gitignore file available here. It includes this section: # Build results [Dd]ebug/ [Dd]ebugPublic/ [Rr]elease/ [Rr]eleases/ x64/ x86/ bld/ [Bb]in/ [Oo]bj/ [Ll]og/ ...
dumbledad's user avatar
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Un-ignore a specific bin directory

I have a large repository containing many VS dll projects and a couple of web folders. I want to blanket ignore all the bin and obj folders generated by all the those dll projects. However I do not ...
AnthonyWJones's user avatar
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Git pulls updating Config file instead of ignoring

I have a config file inside my Git project directory (bad i know and changing it) and the file is part of my .gitignore # User-specific files *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates PATH/...
Eric G's user avatar
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How to exclude project from .gitignore

I have a Visual Studio solution, inside my solution I created a new project named: MyProject.Log I committed but saw there is nothing to commit. Then I opened my .gitignore file and saw a *.log and [...
VAAA's user avatar
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Git cannot ignore node_modules in Visual Studio

Here is the scenario, my colleague has already pushed the node_modules folder from his machine to remote repo. On my machine, I ran the "npm_install" to install all required dependencies. Now, when ...
Hussein Salman's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2015 add specific file to Gitignore

I am trying to add a specific config.json file to my gitignore file, but for some reason I can't figure this out! I have a config file which I do not want to be included in the repo on Git, which it ...
3therk1ll's user avatar
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GIT ignoring files in project/bin/debug folder except few files (Visual Studio Project)

This is how my .gitignore looks like: # User-specific files *.userprefs !*.ini !*.gitkeep !*.bat # Build results [Bb]in/ [Dd]ebug/ What I want to achieve is to ignore all files in project/bin/...
philxtian's user avatar
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How do I need to modify this gitignore file to include a settings-subfolder in the Debug-directory of a VisualStudio project?

I have downloaded a generic .gitignore file for Visual Studio from GitHub (I don't remember where), that I need to modify, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. The .gitignore file lies in the ...
packoman's user avatar
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Sonar Lint Ruleset files: Gitignore?

I installed SonarLint and hooked it up to our server in Visual Studio, and when I did git status it showed all these net .ruleset files. Should I put this extension in the .gitignore file or add them ...
devlord's user avatar
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Why is applicationhost.config still being added to source control even thought it's in gitignore

First of all, I've seen .vs\config\applicationhost.config in source control. We are working in a team and Visual Studio changes some path inside applicationhost.config file. We need to exclude this. ...
Can Poyrazoğlu's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2015 update 2 - Git is showing me in changes all the bin\debug and obj\debug folder/files , why would it be ignoring the gitignore

I had created a new project on a computer with vs 2015 update 2, I commit and sync to visual studio TFS free online repository. Then I had pulled down a clone onto another computer, and after a few ...
Tom Stickel's user avatar
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Visual Studio files included in git commits even when excluded using .gitignore

I have a large VS solution, under Git source control using Atlassian BitBucket. The .gitignore file contains lines to exclude build results (int the /obj and /bin) directories, but these keep ...
JamieS's user avatar
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Ignored file still showing changes

my .gitignore is as follows: ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. # Project files *.sln *.vcxproj *.vcxproj.filters ...
Syntactic Fructose's user avatar
117 votes
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Gitignore won't ignore .vs folder

We've tried all sorts of explicit and wildcard entries in .gitignore however items in the hidden .vs folder as a part of Visual Studio keep getting committed. Since those are individual settings for ...
user5015546's user avatar
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Git ignore disable for certain file

I have a visual studio project and i add .ignore file for visual studio ignore file from When i commit file it ignore all dll ...
manoj's user avatar
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.gitignore and web.release.config

I'm trying to remove my web.release.config from my GIT repository, so I removed it from git with git rm and then added it to my .gitignore file. But as soon as I copy again the file into the project, ...
Escobar5's user avatar
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Include certain files with extention X only when in folders named Y: Ignore TypeScript generated JavaScript files in git

I inherited code for a project in a zip file and my first step is to try to get it into a SCM system. The code is developed in Visual Studio and utilizes NuGet and TypeScript. The TypeScript ...
vossad01's user avatar
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