I have Visual Studio solution. I renamed 1 file in the solution: It was CartCreated and now it is BinTypeCreated. After renaming Visual Studio highlights this file as ignored: enter image description here

Git shows that file CartCreated was removed, but doesn't show that file BinTypeCreated was added (as it does usually):

Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add/rm ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

    deleted:    Src/xxx.M2/Bin/CartCreated.cs
    modified:   src/xxx.M2/xxx.M2.csproj

According to .gitignore - file shouldn't be ignored. I tried to give different name to that file - it doesn't help. I tried to search the answer - but usually the answer is - check .gitignore.

  • How to force git to track renamed file?
  • Why VisualStudio added red point near to file name?

1 Answer 1


Looks like the problem related to the fact that folder name is "Bin" - which is standart git ignore thing.

  • To force git to track renamed file, we need to exlcude the target file from .gitignore. To solve the problem is just added exception to .gitignore, so now it looks like:


  • Visual Studio 2015 marked the file as 'ignored' just because it can read git settings and in a some way cooperates with Git (also it can create empty repository etc.)
  • 1
    A couple things: First, excluding Bin/ is not a git standard. It is a VisualStudio standard (regardless of which VCS is used). The other thing is, you may want to think about whether including the bin/ directory is the right solution. It is if Bin/ is a source folder... which I think it might be here, but that's contrary to convention with VisualStudio so you might want to revisit it. If build products are placed in Bin/ then you still probably want those excluded, so you'd want a more specific rule (!Bin/*.cs maybe) or to force-add specific files and not use an exception rule Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 16:53
  • Thanks. Good point about "git ignore standart", i agree that it is not a git standart, but GitExtensions provides ignoring patterns, so i think it is "GitExtensions" standart too. Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 18:23

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