I have Visual Studio
solution. I renamed 1 file in the solution:
It was CartCreated
and now it is BinTypeCreated
. After renaming Visual Studio
highlights this file as ignored:
shows that file CartCreated
was removed, but doesn't show that file BinTypeCreated
was added (as it does usually):
Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add/rm ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: Src/xxx.M2/Bin/CartCreated.cs modified: src/xxx.M2/xxx.M2.csproj
According to .gitignore
- file shouldn't be ignored. I tried to give different name to that file - it doesn't help. I tried to search the answer - but usually the answer is - check .gitignore.
- How to force git to track renamed file?
- Why VisualStudio added red point near to file name?