
I have a visual studio project and i add .ignore file for visual studio ignore file from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore

When i commit file it ignore all dll from bin folder but i need to upload some necessary dll file to repo. How can i achieve this.

Not ignore file like


3 Answers 3


If you really need to have these dll files part of your version control, then you can use git add --force to add them to your Git tracking list, e.g.

git add --force AjaxControlToolkit.dll

This assumes that the three dll files you listed above are currently in the Visual Studio .gitignore file you mentioned above.


Append this to your .gitignore file.

# bin folder being ignored in the gitignore

# exclude these file

It will exclude these files from being ignored.


You likely have your bin directory in a directory that is included in the .gitignore. Analyze your directory structure and the contents of .gitignore to figure out which it is.

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