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CI/CD Pipeline using GitHub Actions: Automated PRs showing Historical Release Commits

This is our branch structure: issue_branch for feature/issues, dev, and main Developers create an issue_branch from dev, make and test their changes, then create a Pull Request from issue_branch to ...
mywn9's user avatar
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Git workflow to run in the same runner in the group for multiple yml files

I have two workflow yml files codeql.yml and snyk-zap.yml file codeql.yml # Define the name of the workflow name: "CodeQL-Advanced" # Define when the workflow should be triggered (on push ...
merilstack's user avatar
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Invalid OCI archive error for snyk/actions/docker@master

I am trying to implement the following workflow for my image which was built successfully: # Step 1: Build a Docker image - name: Build a Docker image run: docker build --no-cache -f ./Dockerfile --...
merilstack's user avatar
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What is the correct process for merging hotfix changes into multiple release branches (ie: dev/staging)?

I'm wondering what is the correct way of getting a hotfix into various main release branches which ensures Git history for these branches are more aligned and Git history is consistent? I have the ...
David's user avatar
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Organize workflow in pull requests when two tasks are needed by the third

We have a situation where we have 3 tasks to be done. Task 1 and Task 2 are independant from each other and Task 1 and Task 2 are needed in Task 3. How can WE organize workflow with branches and pull ...
Zero0's user avatar
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Proper flow when waiting for PRs

When we accept PRs to the main branch they are squashed to a single commit and the original branch is deleted. I want to know what is the proper flow to start to work on a feature that is based on ...
IttayD's user avatar
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Ensure a GitHub/Gitea release includes only its milestone's PRs

Many GitHub/Gitea/etc. projects use this workflow: milestones are used to prioritise work milestones correspond to production versions PRs are assigned to milestones PRs are merged into master a ...
lonix's user avatar
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Create Environment based workflow on git to host angular application on Azure static web app

I have created a workflow to host an Angular application on Azure static web apps but I want to host based on environment for development I want to execute command ng build --configuration=development ...
Hrishikesh's user avatar
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dbt-athena-comunity package with gitActions

Unable to properly execute workflow on gitActions using dbt-athena-community package. When executing the following credential issue appears: error log from workflow git action execution dbt.exceptions....
mares's user avatar
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github actions workflow workflow_dispatch running a workflow manually - most of the Tags are disabled

I am using github actions workflow for code deployment. One of the flow is manual using workflow_dispatch. I am able to select main or any feature branch but when i select tags - most of them are ...
user12358212's user avatar
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How to collaborate on the same branch on a rebase workflow

Suppose I'm in a git rebase workflow and I have a feature branch with some new commits (rebased on top of master) and another developer joins me to work on that branch - so he also adds some commits. ...
Dean's user avatar
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Get list of files changed by GitHub Pull Request using git

As a part of PR validation, I need to detect what files have changed in PRs created from forked repositories to my main repository. Currently, I am using this code: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ...
Grzegorz Krukowski's user avatar
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git merge: enforce both linear history AND merge commits

In our project, we want to have merged feature branches visible in git log --graph, but still have a linear history, so that there are no commits on the main branch for the duration of the feature ...
Edheldil's user avatar
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Sending vars in DBT run command using github actions

I am trying to run dbt core using github actions. I want to send vars as part of my dbt run command and I used the following yaml script: name: schedule_dbt_jobs on: pull_request: branches: ...
Bunny Talks's user avatar
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Git workflow: How to avoid this kind of merge conflict

I have two branches: qa and prd. Initially they are completely the same (qa is based on prd). Step 1: A creates a feature branch f1 from prd. A completes development. Step 2: A merges f1 into qa for ...
Marcus Anthony's user avatar
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How to control git which deploys to different release nos

I am handling a project with a directory structure I am unaware of, instead of having project directories on the root, it is nested in deploy/releases/108 where there are 3 other directories named 1, ...
Ahmed Syed's user avatar
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How to include extern

Here is my Dockerfile: FROM openjdk:11-jre COPY build/libs/project-lion-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"] My Spring resources ...
WooCher Leem's user avatar
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Bitbucket branch misalignment and conflicts

I am experiencing strange behavior of Git/Bitbucket. We are a small team of developers working using following workflow: All features are developed in branches started from master. And we have a ...'s user avatar
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Based on git-flow, do we really have to create anything under `feature` prefix?

Our team keep asking me, why refactor tasks, or fixes has to be prefixed as /feature if they are not feature and my unofficial answer is that git-workflow rules. But to be honest I think these rules ...
Dvir's user avatar
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Dynamic naming for build artifacts zip file

in my repo, I have yml file with the code below /.github/workflows/filename.yml - name: Create Artifact uses: actions/upload-artifiact@v2 with: name: path: | ...
shiva's user avatar
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Git workflow issue on Azure DevOps

I am using the following workflow with Git on Azure DevOps. I have two branches, main and develop. When it's time for a release, I create a release branch rb from develop and open a pull request into ...
ab_732's user avatar
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can i have multiple 'on' in single GitActions workflow file?

I want to have the multiple on in single git workflow file life following. is this possible and if yes is it a good practice ? on: schedule: - cron: '30 5,17 * * *' jobs ----- on: push:...
Taufik Pirjade's user avatar
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Change default Squash And Merge commit message algorithm

I want to write CI/CD script, which will change the default generated Squash And Merge commit into the convention my team uses. Is it possible to change it in CI/CD level, can I get commit messages in ...
Tigran Yengibaryan's user avatar
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Is there a git workflow to describe this scenario? [closed]

Currently working from two branches : develop Feature branches are created from develop and when the changes is complete the feature branch is then merged back to develop. Currently, we are working on ...
blue-sky's user avatar
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what is github.ref when merging PR to master

when I use github.ref in a workflow, that triggers when pushed, I know that it refers to the branch that pushed changes. When I merge that PR, the same workflow runs, but now I'm not sure if github....
ShaiB's user avatar
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How to develop a brach when it is merged with other developing branches

Imagine two branches: 124 (mine) and 158, both are under development. I merge commitA of 158 into 124. In 158-commitA files are renamed, content changed after rename, now it is 158-commitB. 158 ...
Caper's user avatar
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How to pull from a remote branch `someBranch` to a local branch `sonOfSomeBranch`?

So, my teammate and I have these branches: master, someBranch and sonOfSomeBranch. The last one, as you might have guessed, was branched off someBranch. I have all of them both locally and remotely, ...
Cydonia's user avatar
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Workflow: git with feature branches, rebase, pull requests (not open-source project)

We have 5 developers in a team submitting pull requests regularly (daily) to master branch of a single repo. Typical workflow is like this: Clone repo from server Create local feature branch from ...
David Wasser's user avatar
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Is it true that when using Git to try for 2 or 3 solutions, we have to use 2 or 3 branches with commits? [closed]

For one problem, we may want to solve it by 3 ways. Sometimes we can just comment out the code and try for the 3 methods, but what if we want to have 3 snapshots of working code, easy to switch in a ...
kla's user avatar
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git merging best practice

Lately I've been working on project and created beside master, a dev branch. I've been pushing new commits of 'checkpoints' (just saving my work) and finished features. After finished feature I always ...
Wiktoor's user avatar
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Git Branches Workflow

I am trying to understand branches. Scenario: I am working on branch1 and I realized that there is another task I need to do before continuing with branch1. I don't want to delete branch1 until I am ...
Melissa J Kipp's user avatar
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Github actions run only on feature branches

I am just experimenting with GitHub action and I have the following workflow. when a developer finishes a feature and creates a PR on (branch name can be in the format of feature/ticketno ), I would ...
shamon shamsudeen's user avatar
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Working with hotfix branch using git workflow and containers

I have the following scenario: We are using a feature branch workflow and containers. Team A's developers create branches (from master/main) to work on features, and once they are finished, the code ...
Joao  Vitorino's user avatar
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GitHub action CI check for npm test keep running non stop

I have worked with github actions before while setting up github-workflow, but this is the first time I'm including action/job for npm test. I have configured it to run the actions on pull request to ...
Mary Obiagba's user avatar
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In Gitlab, are you supposed to create a merge request before even starting to work on an issue?

When I click on the issue I've just been assigned to, the default action is "Create merge request". I don't understand why. Wouldn't it make more sense to start working on the issue before ...
DisplayName80's user avatar
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Confusion regarding github workflow

I have been reading github workflow for a while, but still bit confused in certain part. My understanding of github workflow: Create a branch off from master and given a descriptively name(ie: new-...
daxu's user avatar
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Why does git tag local create two tags on remote after push?

I am creating a git branch B off branch A. $git checkout A $git checkout -b B I change some files in branch B, then $git add <files> $git commit -m "a message" Then I create a tag ...
user10664542's user avatar
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How to reduce the merge-redundancy, which is used to make sure master is the root of all, in our Git workflow?

We use the "Git workflow" by Vincent Driessen, 2 long lived branches master/dev. We believe we need 2 long lived branches instead of one in github flow because we do enterprise (2B) ...
Qiulang's user avatar
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Understanding Git: Latest push is not visible on production server

I have self-taught working with git repositories wanted to create the following environment which fits my needs. I code on my local machine I have a bitbucket repository, where I keep everything ...
Mista K.'s user avatar
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which git worklfow is this?(Tag on master and hotfix-branch)

in my previous job we followed a git workflow who seem perfect: we had feature branch and a master like usual each time we want to deliver we put a tag on the master with a major version name, then ...
sab's user avatar
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Right git workflow that allows me to peek into a previous version without committing [duplicate]

I was working on a git project. At some time I want to peek into a previous version of a file. But I do not want to commit the current version as that would leave a trace to an unfinished, usually ...
zell's user avatar
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Gated Push with Git in Azure DevOps

Currently we use a dev-Branch in TFVC where every developer checks in. We have a Gated Checkin which ensures that our project builds. Now we would like to switch to git, but TFS 2017 and Azure DevOps ...
Martin's user avatar
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What is the process of deployment to the correct github branch?

I have 3 branches, namely branch master, branch staging and branch prod besides that I have 2 servers, namely staging server and production server When I have finished the development process on my ...
moses toh's user avatar
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best way to refactor master when there is an in-progress feature branch?

If your adding a feature inside a git feature branch and part way through you realize your master code should be refactored, what do you do? Question Background: Im adding a communication library ...
Silas Waxter's user avatar
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What workflow should I use for parallel feature development? Each feature must be merged into master on its own

I am wondering which would be the best approach in this case: I have a baseFeature branch derived from master, and multiple feature branches derived from baseFeature. baseFeature has initial changes ...
Gaby V's user avatar
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Git workflow of a multi phase project in parallel

We are working on a project with a client which is divided into two phases. Our phase-1 just went live on production environment. Now, the situation here is we have started development for phase-2 and ...
Murtaza's user avatar
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Recover git history from legacy version of project

Long story short: Project is getting migrated to new git repository server Someone only copies project files and pushes whole project to new server as initial commit Work continues starting at that ...
Robert James Mieta's user avatar
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Github workflow ECR deployment on non-master branch

I have a workflow where I build a docker image and deploy to ECR. However, there is a syntax issue with the following part. on: release: types: - [published, edited] branches: - ...
toing_toing's user avatar
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Consequences of git reset --HARD on a branch that's publicly shared?

I was reading git tutorial here, where they mention: don’t use git reset on a publicly-visible branch that other developers pull from, as it will force needless merges on other developers to ...
user3760100's user avatar
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Github Workflow Actions And EC2: Error Loading Key Invalid Format

I am trying to set up CI for my nodejs server. I would like to use github actions to ssh into my ec2 instance, where I can then git clone/pull my updated repo. I can ssh into my ec2 instance on my ...
Christopher's user avatar