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Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline: Differentiate between build triggered by branch indexing vs webhook

I have a Jenkins multibranch pipeline for github and currently it triggers builds whenever a branch is indexed. I have certain actions in my pipeline that I only want triggered whenever there are ...
Fizi's user avatar
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Parameterize my repo url by parsing webhook request body/JSONpath

I am working on a multibranch pipeline Jenkins setup and build is triggered using webhook in Git.. Here I have selected Git Branch source as - Git. When I push any change in git, webhook creates a ...
Aprajita05's user avatar
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Bitbucket webhook is triggering all the Jenkins jobs for the repository?

I have created a Bitbucket webhook to trigger the jenkins jobs when a change is pushed to the repository. There are several different project in the repository and for each project a separate Jenkins ...
Manish Choudhary's user avatar
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Is it possible to set a Pipeline job to trigger based on GitHub webhook from 2 repos?

We have 2 repos related to each other. The pipeline job checks out both one after another. So ideally it should run whenever there's a change in either repo checked in. Is it possible to set it to ...
Arghya's user avatar
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Took more time to initiate CI job when GitLab merge request created

I am using the Gitlab version of GitLab Community Edition 10.3.5. For Gitlab integration with CI, I have written the Gitlab webhook and using it for CI using Jenkins. While creating a new merge ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to trigger a Git-webhook to merge any protetcted github branch to a test branch via Jenkinsfile?

I have built a jenkins pipeline using jenkinsfile which basically runs pylint and unit tests on my test branch (let's say "devops" branch). Now i want to merge this test-branch, devops to my master ...
BlimBlam's user avatar
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what is git branch name in jenkins pipeline when invoked by gitlab webhook

I can invoke a simple Jenkins pipeline from gitlab merge requests using a webhook. Now I'd like to know what is the source branch to make the checkout against it. Example: if I push code to develop ...
3psilon's user avatar
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Reuse one Jenkins jobs for multiple Git (GitHub) repositories

I have a very simple Jenkins build which is needed for several repositories. All these repositories have the same organisation, the same branches, etc. There is no difference except the repository ...
Guite's user avatar
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Jenkins pipline - how to access github webhook payload

Im trying to build a Jenkins pipeline which enforces gitflow. My requirements are that when there is a merge from the release branch (e.g. release/v1.0.0) to master i will use the same docker image ...
Nathaniel Assis's user avatar
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jenkins with github webhook don't work as expected

I create 3 pipelines on jenkins with github webhook. These pipeline triggers are GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling and all of these trigger have some repository and branch. When I push code to ...
zpyu's user avatar
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Github Webhook With Jenkins return 302 Found

I set up localhost jenkins, using ngrok to expose my jenkins to github. I didn't set up any credentials. When I test delivery from webhook, it shows 302 not found. Response: Content-Length: 0 Date: ...
Xiaoxi Bian's user avatar