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Git merge error caused by visual studio after checking out to master branch

Im pretty new to git and i still couldn't figure out the best approach, when it comes to flow of git. Im using this flow, but it seems to cause errors. Could you fix it for me? ->git clone [repo ...
artem keller's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What branching model should I use for multiple specialized releases?

I'm working with a team on a project that has multiple releases for special customers ( They get custom features, therefore need their own release ) and I'm not sure what branching model to use? I ...
JanikCodes's user avatar
-2 votes
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how to fix "Another git process seems to be running in this repository" [duplicate]

start project by git flow and in process bugfix not commit finish process see error to other order git: Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g. an editor opened by 'git commit'...
Meiad Noushadi's user avatar
0 votes
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How should I merge into main branch in Git with this structure?

In my team, we have a repository that has two branches to deploy a website: Main and Develop Main: This one, is connected with the server and this branch only contain the minimal folders with the ...
JuanjoMB98's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

how to get remote updates to my local working copy in git

how do i update my local working copy of source code with current latest version of remote code? This is the situation: Suppose 2 people(A,B,C) are working on the project and they follows git flow.. ...
Boris's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to restrict the merge request to be executed only from and to specific branches?

I am trying to implement git flow with GitLab. The flow of merge requests should be restricted. For example, it should not be allowed to create a merge request from a feature branch to main. Can I ...
Znar's user avatar
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How to handle hotfix in GitFlow and GitLab MR's?

We use GitLab and its MRs. We use a gitflow (just without release branches). Master is our production branch and develop the current dev branch. Master and develop are protected on GitLab so any push ...
MuyBien's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to remove git remote branches locally which has been deleted online?

After a successful merge request , the branch get's deleted on the gitlab but it still exist on my local machine so how can I remove that branch locally ? How can I remove config-tailwind branch ...
Mehdi Faraji's user avatar
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Use Gitflow on two different developers' computer

I use gitflow on my PC to develop my code. The repository is hosted on a self hosted instance of gitlab. The client I'm using is Sourcetree. My process to create a new project is to create the main ...
effemmeffe's user avatar
0 votes
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Gitworkflow to manage multiple versions and hotfixes

We have a git repository with a master branch. All devs create a feature branch from master and commit back to it. Once we are ready for release we create a tag on master and create a release from it. ...
bluelurker's user avatar
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Good practices structuring Git repository [closed]

My team is required to rewrite a highly modified moodle platform. The way we are going to face it is creating several plugins integrated with moodle itself. Those plugins also get installed in several ...
antoniomedina97's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you review changes of MR that depends on other MR being merged?

I am starting to work with other developers on a project where I have mostly worked alone up until now. Our repo is hosted on GitLab and I am trying to figure out how to setup a simple git workflow ...
hornobster's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to avoid outdated personal branch from being pushed and merged to master branch

Currently our dev teams are using following git flow: we have a master branch, a release branch and couple personal branches. The personal branches (both remote and local) are created and managed by ...
Stephen.W's user avatar
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git merge develop and master Issue

I'm using Gitflow for my project. my develop branch is ahead of master branch by many commits in a while. But when I tried to merge master with develop by: git merge develop It says that Already up ...
ng-hobby's user avatar
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Why git log graph of merged branch from GitLab was inverted?

As you can see in the image, feature branch number 668 has been merged into dev branch. But why the git graph appears like dev branch was merged into branch number 668 instead? This behavior seems to ...
Preeti Y.'s user avatar
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semantic-release publishing tags to wrong channel

I am using semantic-release for our .Net Core solution. Semantic-release is used as part of the CI pipeline on GitLab repository. This is my .releaserc.json { "plugins": [ "@...
BluTuTh's user avatar
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Git Cherry pick creates a diff in target

Context: I have 2 target branches named R1 and R2 (Release 2). I did changes using F1.1 and merged it to R1. R1 was moved to Production. R2 was created after R1 was released. In a hurry, instead of ...
Mugundh Muthuvel's user avatar
1 vote
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Pull changes from branch develop to my feature

I was working in a feature (feature/A) a few weeks ago, however, a new demand arose and I had to let the feature aside. So I created a new feature (feature/B) and worked in this demand till it was ...
Luann Sapucaia's user avatar
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How to properly fix a bug directly to Master Branch?

I was recently granted maintainer status in the repository and my remote team just asked to fix a bug directly to Master branch. Our flow is the following: All Feature branches get merged into a ...
Angel D.'s user avatar
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How to use a Gitlab Merge Request to finish a release/hotfix branch using Gitflow?

So our company is using Gitflow. Can't currently change that. I have looked into github-flow and gitlab-flow, but we can't currently move to a different model. When finishing a hotfix or release ...
Squirrelkiller's user avatar
0 votes
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is there a way to programmatically determine if a repository is following gitflow?

so I'm working on a project that analyzes GitLab repositories, the task that is assigned to me right now is to find a way to determine if a GitLab repo is following Gitflow principles! I've looked on ...
nidhal dring's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

how does branching works , using the gitflow workflow? [closed]

I am working on a project and we are using gitflow workflow. Basically I am just new to gitflow workflow , I have just a question. There were two branches from the repository which is the master and ...
user avatar
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1 answer

turning a fork to a new branch of an existing branch

Consider that you have a repository with at least two branches Master and Develop. You have forked the repo into a private one You have ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

git branch workflow policy

I am new to git and understand a little bit about Git. My company is currently have 1 program and the program divides into 5 products. each product is handling by different team. Currently my ...
Baba Carita's user avatar
1 vote
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Git / Gitlab Flow Workflow

We have the following branches in our project: master preproduction production We use branches like feature/myfeature-123 to develop new function. If they are done, we merge those into the master. ...
Max Schindler's user avatar
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Isn't git-flow a bit ambiguous when it comes to raising MR for code reviews?

I am new to using git-flow and have got some queries. Let's say I have master & dev branches created upon git flow init and feature/master-api branch made from dev branch. Once I complete the ...
Praveen Kamath's user avatar
7 votes
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Git - Merging master back into develop?

I am on a new team, and the way of working is completely different to what I was previously used to where we would work on a feature branch, the testers would test on that feature branch and then we ...
berimbolo's user avatar
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Pushing from existing local branch to new online repository

Basically what we have is master and testing-stage in our online repository. I am currently connected to testing-stage and updated with my local. Now, the testing-stage has been merged with master. ...
KiritoLyn's user avatar
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Front-end and back-end separation -> Case with HEROKU

Me and my friend are currently working on the same project. We have two different git (GitLab) repos for each of us, which are SPAGHETTI-WEB and SPAGHETTI-LIVE. My friend is working on front-end (...
oneturkmen's user avatar
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How to merge previous commits

I've setup Gitlab and I'm trying to follow the workflow mentioned here: Gitlab Production branch flow. Now my repository looks like this: And I've been asked to merge only commit A of the master ...
Raghavendra N's user avatar
1 vote
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Cant create release with git flow in source tree

I'm using gitflow to create a new release but in the final step when pushing to remote on gitlab I get this error message: fatal: could not read Username for 'https://gitlab.local': Device not ...
Joel's user avatar
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What is the best way to handle tree conflicts in Git?

I am following the git-flow workflow model for the version controlling. While I was working in a feature branch, someone else merged another feature branch to develop branch which contains some tree ...
Vidura Mudalige's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to use git flow in GitLab

We're using GitLab for our project and we think it's great. We're also using git flow to manage the changes in feature, develop, master branches. Can you use the Merge Request build in GitLab to ...
JeroenKnoops's user avatar
154 votes
3 answers

What are the pros and cons of git-flow vs github-flow? [closed]

We have recently started to use GitLab. Currently using a "centralized" workflow. We are considering moving to the github-flow but I want to make sure. What are the pros and cons of git-flow vs ...
Paul McKenzie's user avatar