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Aluvial Graph Color, Label, and Ordering Issues

I'm trying to produce a Sankey plot, but every time I code it, either the left or right side ends up without color. Also, I'm having trouble getting correct the strongly agree, agree, neither, ...
Anna O'Sullivan's user avatar
1 vote
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Plotting alluvial plot using different categories of one variable

I am attempting to plot something like the following where x axis is InEx and ReA SFMC but they are two categories of the variable called "Group", y axis is variable called "n" (...
Zoya Qaiyum's user avatar
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Alluvial plots using ggplot2 - highlight certain pairings

I have plotted an alluvial plot using ggplot2, however I cannot seem to figure out how to colour only the most frequent pair "CAGGFNYQLIW" from the variable "CTaa_alpha" which is ...
Zoya Qaiyum's user avatar
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ggalluvial: Order flow of lines based on a variable so they converge when reaching the next stratum

I'm plotting an alluvial diagram in RStudio wth the below code. My original dataset is in wide format. I want to plot it in a way that when flows (color defined by the variables in the first axis, &...
Zilin Liu's user avatar
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Adding markdown formatted text to ggalluvial plots

I wish to add formatting to some of the labels in various columns of the following alluvial plot: library(ggplot2) library(ggalluvial) dataset <- data.frame(Gene = c("A1", "B2",...
user36196's user avatar
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Using ggalluvial, how can I color one stratum box and leave all others white

I am trying to create an alluvial plot with ggalluvial where the terminal stratum box color is the colors of the flows. I am unfortunately unable to keep other stratum colors from changing either to a ...
Marc in the box's user avatar
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Alluvial diagram in R: Create an plot where the categories are aligned on the y-axis across time

How can I create an Alluvial-like diagram where the categories are hierarchically aligned on the y-axis (rather than fixed together) so that it does not look like individuals are going "downward&...
Oscar Kjell's user avatar
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Creating an Alluvial plot with ggplot

I am trying to create an Alluvial Plot in R for longitudinal gene expression data. The code works fine and I kind of get what I need. My problem is though, that I would like that the color code for ...
user26837610's user avatar
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ggalluvial plot move and round flow percentages

I am adding flow percentages in my ggalluvial plot based on an existing StackOverflow case (how to calculate percentages in geom_flow() based on variable size and not stratum size) which works fine. ...
joejoe9's user avatar
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How do I set different strata order, drop label edges, and fix overlapping labels in r package ggalluvial?

I am trying to customize some ggalluvial plots in r and there are three aspects that I find difficult to set. I have inserted a dummy table for explanation below: I would like to reorder the plot so ...
joejoe9's user avatar
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How do I sort two axis in geom_alluvium [duplicate]

When I sorted the rectangles and lines on the two axes of the relative alluvial plot, I found that using factor can only adjust one axis, while the other cannot. What should I do? The data is as ...
Evans Liu's user avatar
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Cannot re-order axes in ggalluvial

I have read through all of the ggalluvial posts that I can find about ordering the axes in an alluvial diagram. Each of my axes is a factor variable and I have set the levels to be in the order I wish ...
jos0909's user avatar
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How to plot monthly purchase data using alluvial plot?

I have monthly data which shows 1. funds received in each month for a population and 2. purchase done for different materials in the form of frequency tables. month fund_recd_freq june 20 july 35 ...
Damitr's user avatar
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How to colour all the stratum specifically in R with ggalluvial?

Here is my data frame: library(ggalluvial) allu1 <- tibble::tribble( ~transitionState_PB, ~DC_PIB, ~transitionState_PI, ~Freq, "BATF3", "BATF3", ...
user20388122's user avatar
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Aligning a tree structure with an alluvial plot using ggtreeExtra

I am trying to align a tree structure I made with ggtree to an alluvial plot I made with ggalluvial. Here is a simple example data and the code I used: library(ggtreeExtra) library(ggtree) library(...
Zhaleh Hosseini's user avatar
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how to join dataflows in ggalluvial at a node

I have two datasets that show the flow of people between districts in 3 different time periods, where the middle time period (t2) is the unique link between the periods. Now I would like to draw a ...
L Smeets's user avatar
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ggalluvial with one value in axis1

I am supposed to make a ggalluvial with the following dataframe : df <- data.frame(departure = c("Paris"), arrival = c("Nantes","Caen","Nice"), value = c(0....
Chloé's user avatar
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R: How to wrap character columns to print to 2 lines in ggplot, but they're NOT titles?

There are myriad similar questions for splitting character strings to 2 lines with \n and cat (e.g.), paste (e.g.), strwrap (e.g.), and writeLines (e.g.). But all of these either anticipate the output ...
dez93_2000's user avatar
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Sankey Diagram Showing Break Down Into Categories

I am looking to create a basic Sankey diagram using ggalluvial that breaks down a set of observations by an edit that is made. Please consider the following example: library(data.table) library(...
plausibly_exogenous's user avatar
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how to shift left only the 'label' text of the second node in geom_text

The problem is that I am graphing some sankeys and visually it is inefficient for me to see the labels this way, I would like to be able to integrate them to the left, there should be a simpler way ...
Roberto Cid's user avatar
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Show tow times change map with same color legend with ggalluvial

I have a map with 3 classes. I evaluated size of classes in two times. I am using dplyr, ggplot and ggalluvial libraries to present changes from 'First' time to 'Second' time. data.frame( First = c(&...
jlopez's user avatar
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How to fix ordering of the sankey diagramm when using R ggalluvial, ggsankey package?

Here is the input datasets: id <- c("A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9", "A10") ...
choij's user avatar
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Alluvial Plot - Use Percents Instead of Frequencies

I am trying to create an alluvial plot using ggplot and the ggalluvial. I am less interested in the frequency change per position, but instead, I'm more interested in the percent change per position. ...
JonKetchup91's user avatar
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How to make a sankey graph using ggalluvial in R?

I am trying to make a Sankey graph using the ggalluvial package in R. I have the following data: ID Cluster3(values ranging from 1 to 3) Cluster 6 (values ranging from 1 to 6). x and y coordinates (as ...
Tammy's user avatar
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ggalluvial or ggsankey - colours for different axis

I am trying to make an alluvial chart using ggalluvial on R. I was wondering if it is possible to have different colours for each segment (or between axis). In the example below, I have A on axis one ...
Andre Mazzetto's user avatar
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Creating Sankey or Alluvial plot and stopping the flow where the "next_node" and "next_x" value is "NA" in R

I am trying to create a Sankey or Alluvial plot using the ggplot2 library in R to visualize the flow of nodes based on the provided CSV data. The data includes columns for 'x', 'node', 'next_x', and '...
Rohan Nath's user avatar
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ggalluvial: Control order of boxes/strata and line width

It's my first time using the ggalluvial package and I have problems to adapt the design for my purposes. Consider this example data I came up with: data <- data.frame(person = c(rep("x",5)...
Adn's user avatar
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how to calculate percentages in geom_flow() based on variable size and not stratum size

I am trying the create an alluvial plot with geom_flow() and display the percentages of the flows. This works, however if I use more than two variables, I noticed that the percentages in the middle ...
Gilean0709's user avatar
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I want my stratum the same size in my alluvial graph

I'm making an alluvial graph in R with two stratum. Each stratum has the same categories but when I graph, it has different size for every category because the number of observations is different. ...
Luis Fernando Corrales's user avatar
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ggalluvial: How to order the lines between blocks to be in same order as your data.frame?

I have made an alluvia plot using the ggalluvial package in R. I am trying to order the flows (lines between blocks) so that they are much easier to read - I am aiming for them to be stacked on top of ...
Purrsia's user avatar
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How to correct strata boxes position in ggalluvial

I would like to align the strata boxes to the borders of the graph in ggalluvial plots, and cannot find the way to customize my plot accordingly. I could not find the way to adjust their position ...
caroma's user avatar
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Why cant I get fluxes divided in ggalluvial plot?

I am new using the ggalluvial package. Currently I am working with a dataset of pixels forming different types of land cover. What I want to represent is the migration of pixels from one cover type to ...
Agostina Ferro's user avatar
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ggalluvial Warning messages: 1: Computation failed in `stat_stratum()` Caused by error in `default_missing()`

I am trying to reproduce the solution given in this post, which includes a nice reproducible example Formating dataframe for a ggalluvial plot between 2 categorical variables? However, I cant get this ...
i.b's user avatar
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Changing size of alluvial plot boxes to include larger text in ggplot R?

I made an alluvial plot but I noticed that my labels are difficult to read in darker colour boxes. Ultimately, I want to have larger sized font, which means I also want taller size boxes. You will ...
Kristen Cyr's user avatar
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Changing width of border lines in alluvial plot, ggplot R?

I have made an alluvial plot with ggplot, but I'm finding it's difficult to distinguish between the boxes. I do not want to change how it's coloured, but I am hoping to increase the line width around ...
Kristen Cyr's user avatar
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Changing alpha/transparency of alluvial plot in ggplot R?

I have made an alluvial plot, but the colours are too transparent. I tried playing around with alpha = in my code but nothing happens. This is the code I'm using. I kept the alpha = in my code where ...
Kristen Cyr's user avatar
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Group color/ flow so that the bars create a bar chart of first

I have a dataset that looks something like this: results <-"Violence", "Violence", "Violence", "Violence", "Economic", &...
Benjamin Krick's user avatar
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How to transform dataframe with duplicate rows into to_lodes_format?

I have a follow-up question to this one geom_flow question When i duplicate the rows ggalluvial is not able to generate the flow charts mentioned in the discussion: set.seed(42) individual <- as....
Philipp Schulz's user avatar
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Working with ggalluvial ggsankey library with missing combinations and dropouts

I'm trying to represent the movements of patients between several treatment groups measured in 3 different years. However, there're dropouts where some patients from 1st year are missing in the 2nd ...
RobertoT's user avatar
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showing label with ggalluvium

I tried adding label to a ggalluvial plot. I only have axis 1 and 2 and when I try to show label, it shows twice. Here's my code : ggplot(bdd_1, aes(axis1 = Group_year1, axis2 = Group_year2, y=...
Chloé's user avatar
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Can't get geom_text to appear in ggalluvial

I have been using code that is verbatim to that in: in order to produce an alluvial plot. While I can get the plot to appear: ...
cavernam's user avatar
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Alluvial diagram with varying aesthetic / colors over one flow in R based on ggplot2

I have created the following alluvial diagram in R as follows: df <- data.frame(Variable = c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6"), ...
nickolakis's user avatar
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Multistep alluvial diagram in R

I have a data frame in R with 6 categories Pearson1, Spearman1, Kendall1, Pearson2, Spearman2, and Kendall2 and I have 6 variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6. In each category I have the ranking of the ...
nickolakis's user avatar
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Change the flow colours of a diagram [duplicate]

Is there any command to set your own pallet? In a plot like this: library(ggalluvial) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) df <- data.frame(status = c("open", "close", "close&...
Erik Brole's user avatar
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3 answers

Change labels length in a plot

I try to run this option of a plot: library(ggalluvial) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) df <- data.frame(status = c("open", "close", "close", "open/close", &...
Erik Brole's user avatar
-3 votes
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Alluvial plot for three variabes

From a dataframe like this: data.frame(status = c("open", "close", "close", "open/close","close"), stock = c("google", "...
Erik Brole's user avatar
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How to create a circular alluvial plot in R?

I have been looking through alluvial plots in r on Stack Overflow and all of the ones I see are either horizontal or vertical but not circular. Does anyone know if this is possible to do in r? So far ...
IzOss's user avatar
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Find the intersection of all combination of list of list

My ultimate goal is to have alluvial plots in R. However, my data is big and is not stored in a way that can be used for direct input, I have: 4 groups (they will be axes of the alluvial plot) In ...
William Wong's user avatar
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Change size of label/legend in alluvial plot (ggalluvial) and split a categorical variable with many categories in half

I´m trying to alter a basic alluvial plot in order to fit my data and I have two separate issues: two of the categories (A1 & A2) within my main variable (index) are much much larger in relation ...
Chrysa's user avatar
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Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data: fill, y and axis1 [closed]

Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (5): fill, y and axis1 Any suggestion would be appreiated. Thank you! Here's the background: dim(fly) Rows: 21,000 Columns: 4 head(fly,5) ...
Francis-18's user avatar