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DLL load failed while importing _version --- rasterio and gdal

I work on Spyder. I need to import 'rasterio', but I always get this error when trying to import it: import rasterio Traceback (most recent call last): Cell In[2], line 1 import rasterio ...
Leonora's user avatar
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Gdal.translate produces map with latitude axis upside-down

I am trying to process rain radar images of the UK MET weather service for a particular catchment area. I am stitiching the image together from several png files before georeferencing it with gdal....
felix_the_cat's user avatar
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Convert CH1903+/LV95 projection (EPSG:2056) to EPSG:4326 (WGS84) with vertical correction

I am currently trying to use elevation data data from the Swiss Alti3D DEM and compare it to another set of data that I have acquired in WGS 84 (EPSG: 4326). As such, I tried to reproject the Swiss ...
becker's user avatar
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Making RGB tiff files from red,green,and blue bands

i have three geotiff orthomosaic images which i have processed from pix4d mapper. one is red band, one is blue band, one is green band. I have to combine these three images to form an rgb geotiff ...
Midhun Bose's user avatar
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Convert GIS Raster to CSV and plot as points on the grid using Python

I'm trying to convert raster to CSV file with coordinates and plot them and encounter a problem. I have a raster .tif file with some buildings in Denmark projected in EPSG:7416 CRS. I read .tif file ...
errenmike1806's user avatar
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How to change the resampling method in rasterio's rio.reproject_match function (python)?

I wanted to apply to raster 1 the resolution and origin of raster 2. I found the rasterio's "rio.reproject_match" function. This take the transformation correctly but I couldn't change the ...
tazrart's user avatar
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rasterio doesn't import to local dask cluster

I am running an analysis on a large number of rasters with Dask in a Jupyter Lab notebook on a Windows computer. When I run my analysis using Coiled (cloud cluster), the analysis runs fine. However, ...
DGibbs's user avatar
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How to find how many times each pixel is covered in several GeoTIFFs?

I have a few GeoTIFFs which might have overlap, I want to find how many times each pixel is covered in several GeoTIFFs. I thought it is best to create a heat map in Python (using Gdal or Rasterio) ...
Ari's user avatar
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rasterio - set compression quality

I know about the possibility in the rasterio module to set a compression "family" like webp or JPEG by using the respective profile. But I want to have more control over the compression ...
s6hebern's user avatar
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geotiff exported all black with rasterio

I'm developing a workflow for satellite imagery processing with Python, using rasterio (1.3.6) and earthpy libraries. The idea is to generate some raster algebra, make a composition (sabinsRatio), and ...
Rodrigo Brust's user avatar
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How to use rasterio to store raster data with coordinate system information?

I use the following code to save the modified raster data. The original data has a complete coordinate system, but the coordinate system information cannot be saved to the new raster data when saving. ...
ZiSenWang's user avatar
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Rasterizing a large image with Rasterio

I am rasterizing polygons in a large raster using the following code: import rasterio.features from shapely.geometry import Polygon p1 = Polygon([[0,0], [32000,0], [32000,32000], [0,0]]) out_shape = (...
KarateKid's user avatar
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How to solve "TypeError: invalid path or file .."?

I am using the rasterstats python module zonal_stats to calculate the mean solar irradiance value (taken from a raster) inside each land particle (contained in a shapefile). If I print(
Daniele Mosso's user avatar
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GDAL GetGeoTransform() precision

I need to read extent of tif file with larger number of signs after point. Example: when I open tif image in QGis I got these numbers: enter image description here but with GDAL GetGeoTransform() I ...
cris's user avatar
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From numpy to geotif having a georeferenced box

I created a numpy array by calculating the density of dwellings within an area through the following code: def myplot(x, y, z, s, bins=10000): heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=...
Stefano's user avatar
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Rasterio reproject using from_gcps moves raster boundaries but not pixels

Raster was misaligned with ground truth (as observed in google earth) so I used rasterio.warp.reproject with some manually obtained GCPs to try to align it. This is the code to do so (somewhat ...
JohnHood's user avatar
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extract raster values into each polygon in a shapefile in Python

I have a Gtiff layer and a shapefile with 5 polygons that are placed across the Gtiff (both have the same crs). I'm trying to create a NumPy array for each polygon that contains the pixels that are ...
Naama's user avatar
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How to read s3 rasters with accompanying ".aux.xml" metadata file using rasterio?

Suppose a GeoTIFF raster on a S3 bucket which has - next to the raw TIF file - an associated .aux.xml metadata file: s3://my_s3_bucket/myraster.tif s3://my_s3_bucket/myraster.tif.aux.xml I'm trying ...
Kristof's user avatar
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Wrong min value for a geo tif file

I am working on pre-processing a few geo-tif files. I want to obtain the minimum value for my raster image. My OS is Linux and Rasterio version 1.3.3. When I run my script in a conda environment, I ...
carol's user avatar
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How to compare two geotiff datasets

I have two geotiff with the same projection and the same dimension. One dataset is related to population and the other one to distances. I want to count the population only in the pixels where the ...
emax's user avatar
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Memory leak -- rasterio.MemoryFile()?

Code: import numpy as np import os import psutil import rasterio from memory_profiler import profile @profile def main(): profile = dict( count=1, height=30000, width=30000, ...
Rahul Mahrsee's user avatar
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Plot geopandas dataframe on top of raster using matplotlib/gdal(numpy)/geopandas

I want to plot my geopandas objects on top of a raster. Other people have asked this question here before and all answers seems to be: convert numpy array(raster) into Rasterio object. Is there a ...
Qiicken's user avatar
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Raster in Spyder about save, export etc

I have a problem about with Spyder. I want to saving the raster output to created with rasterio module. But where is the Created output in Spyder? I must find Because I cant export the raster Thanks :)...
edaasc's user avatar
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Why all the data is Nan when I load NDVI image by rasterio or gdal [duplicate]

I calculated NDVI value and saved single band images following this page; After that I wanted to load those images on ...
Mashiro's user avatar
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Python3.8 GDAL Could not find gdal-config

Error [enter image description here][1] [1]: × Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully. #8 17.82 │ exit code: 1 #8 17.82 ╰─> [2 lines of ...
kraivit's user avatar
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Getting basic stats from Np.array within a for loop in python

I don't have a lot of python experience and I'm trying something rather complicated for me, so excuse my messy code. I have a few arrays that were generated with rasterio from raster layers (tif), ...
Naama's user avatar
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Geotiff image plotting in Python

I am new geotif image ploting in python. I have two Geotiff images of the same region. However, after plotting these two images they are not matching. The below is the meta information for both the ...
Nidhi Verma's user avatar
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How can I obtain pixel value from map co-ordinate [longitude, latitude] for image of band count 1?

so I am using Landsat-8 image of band-4. I want to obtain the n-array index for given longitude and latitude values. I have tried below code xs=np.array([92.8]) ys=np.array([26.6]) row,col=rasterio....
KRATEE PAREEK's user avatar
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Georeferencing using boundingbox coordinates for a Geotiff file that got converted from a JPEG

I'm currently working with aerial imagery that is only available as a JPEG. I got the data using a boundingbox with coordinate system EPSG:28992. Therefore, I thought I could georeference it with gdal ...
Leendert's user avatar
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How to change numpy array to geotiff array without saving on computer?

I am using gdal.translate() to make the image but its saving the formed image on local machine, I don't want to save it anywhere in my local machine and use it on run time only without saving it.
saksham kumar sharma's user avatar
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Can't import modules in python even if they are "successfully" installed

I'm new to this and I've had trouble starting to practice my code because of the libraries and python versions, first I must explain that I had python 3 installed and was trying to install the ...
Jenny Lizeth's user avatar
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Creating georeference geotiff image

I have tried to create a geotiff image after extracting texture feature of a grayscale geotiff image using the below codes. #Creating texture images Texture_Contrast = Image.fromarray(Contrast) #...
HKF's user avatar
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'str' object has no attribute 'get' when creating a mask on dataset

i am trying to make a mask on a dataset as follows: out_image, g= rasterio.mask.mask(dataset=NDVIsTIFFAsDataset, shapes=bufferedTreatmentAsGeoJSONInEPSG3857) the value of the shapes parameter is ...
Amrmsmb's user avatar
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Reprojection of North Polar Stereographic binary to Lon/Lat grid (rasterio or gdal in python)

Now, I am working on Stage IV dataset (Precipitation dataset in CONUS). This is a binary data that shapes (1121 x 881) array and local 4km polar-stereographic ...
TBan's user avatar
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Build Shapely point objects from .TIF

I would like to convert an image (.tiff) into Shapely points. There are 45 million pixels, I need a way to accomplish this without a loop (currently taking 15+ hours) For example, I have a .tiff file ...
perrycn's user avatar
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Copy raster exif in GDAL

I have two images with the same size - first one is an image from a drone and the second - a mask. I need to subtract both images and of course translate the exif data from the original image into the ...
Aceituna's user avatar
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How to write tiff file using rasterio?

In the code below, I am trying to write a dataset. The GTiff file has data and the image is clear but when I run the below code, the result of dataset.write(total.astype(rasterio.uint16), 1) is a ...
Amrmsmb's user avatar
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Plot 2 dimensional numpy array in .npy file using matplotlib?

I have numpy file stored as "test.npy" which is a 2 dimensional Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) image data with VV and VH polarization bands. How do I plot this 2 dimensional image array using ...
hillsonghimire's user avatar
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Average thousands of partially overlapping rasters with GDAL

I have thousands of partially overlapping rasters that are each about 6500 x 6500 px, with a 500 px overlap on each of the four edges. I am trying to merge them into one geotiff and average the ...
John Brandt's user avatar
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Kernel died with on geo tiff images

When I tried to open and read a certain geo tiff image with gdal and rasterio, I can read and do things like img.meta and img.descriptions. But when I tried to do with rasterio or img....
Chloe's user avatar
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Problems with GDAL, Libspatialite, Rasterio and Sumo (ImportError, Symbol _GEOSArea not found, Referencing from libspatialite.7.dylib)

I'm new to using gdal/libspatialite/rasterio/sumo and all the family of library and packages that is related to geographical, time and space. But I was just wondering what's this error here? Does ...
M. Fire's user avatar
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ImportError: dlopen(...), Symbol not found: _GEOSArea, Referenced From ..., Expected in: flat namespace

I'm trying to load in rasterio but for some reason gets this weird error. Anyone knows what this is, what this means and what's the best solution for it? File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-...
M. Fire's user avatar
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Combining rasters with a slightly different size

I have two rasters that I clipped using the same shapefile. I then used gdal to resample them into the same resolution but now I have an issue where the shapes are very similar but not quite the same. ...
Phanster's user avatar
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Rasterio instalation error on aws lambda sam build

I'm trying to use lambGeo docker-lambda ( but when I try to build with sam in Cloud9 it's give the error #include "cpl_conv.h" ^~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
Rennan Paloschi's user avatar
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What is the correct way to reproject a raster from a CRS to another using Python?

I have a raster of Land Cover data (specifically this one /eodata/auxdata/S2GLC/2017/S2GLC_T32TMS_2017 in that uses 'epsg:32632' as CRS. I want to reproject this raster on '...
hyperpiano's user avatar
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Using rasterio (python) in Visual Studio Code - "does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported dataset name."

I am trying to use rasterio in Visual Studio Code for Windows. I downloaded the rasterio and GDAL binaries from: and installed them using "py -m pip ...
AlexScott's user avatar
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Rasterio MemoryFile to Pillow image (Or base64 output)

I'm trying to write an AWS Lambda function that takes a TIFF, converts it to JPEG, then outputs it in base64 so that lambda can serve it. But I keep running into malformed response, or issues with ...
Kevin Redman's user avatar
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windowed read and write of raster using rasterio

I am trying to read a raster with overlapping windows and doing some calculations on those windows. I am using the code from this answer. I want to do calucations on overlapping windows but want to ...
FJ_Abbasi's user avatar
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Rasterio equivalent for GDAL's GetProjection() and GetGeoTransform()?

I have a GeoTIFF that I've done a lot of processing with in OpenCV. After processing, its lost its spatial information so I need to insert it back in. In GDAL, I would just extract that from the ...
hmnoidk's user avatar
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Geotiff Rotation Python/GDAL/QGIS

I am trying to rotate geotifs by different amounts in python, GDAl and/or QGIS and keep the georeference information the same. Is there a way to do this?
jondave's user avatar
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