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Forth: Use 'I' as its value with 'CHAR'

I try to use special loop variable I with [CHAR]. With this minimal example: : ex ( -- ) 10 0 DO [CHAR] I EMIT LOOP ; I expected '0123456789' to be printed but -obviously- I get '...
david's user avatar
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Why is : y : x ; legal? What does it mean?

I found that : x : y ; is legal (in gforth at least), but I can't think of a use case for this construct. As I understand, executing x start a redefinition of y, but throw error at the closing ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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do, ?do and loop implementation

The DO ... LOOP execute always at least one time. If I want to skip execution when limit = index, I can put the loop inside a if ... then : 2DUP <> IF DO ... LOOP THEN The recommended ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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Semantic of double WHILE

According to Forth Standard, you can implement PARSE-NAME using a combination of words that include this xt-skip: : xt-skip ( addr1 n1 xt -- addr2 n2 ) \ skip all characters satisfying xt ( c -- f )...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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How CREATE and buffers works?

This code create a buffer: : bytes create allot does> + ; When you execute 10 bytes a create first create the header for the definition, and then insert one operation that pushed next address ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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Why do I get this error in gforth random number generotor random.fs?

I’m trying this word shuffle: : random-range ( n -- r ) dup 1- random mod ; : shuffle ( array len -- ) 1- 0 do i random-range swap rot over ! loop ; but gforth is giving this error:...
zeynel's user avatar
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How to avoid overwriting built-in words?

Just starting learning Forth. While practicing I defined a word I named min. It turns out that min is a built-in word. Now when I try to find the minimum of two numbers my own min runs! Is there a way ...
zeynel's user avatar
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How to insert literals in a colon definition?

I wrote a Forth interpreter for the J1 CPU, which I am now porting to Z80. In the new version, a colon word is a list of addresses to be called by the interpreter. My problem is how to insert literals ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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Forth: What is the standard way to define a word using machine code?

I wrote a Forth interpreter in Assembler (core set), but is there a standard way to define a Forth word using Assembler instructions or directly machine code? Example I want to define "+" (...
Candid Moe's user avatar
4 votes
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Redefined but still alive

In section 4 of Starting Forth tutorial, the answer to the 5th question is: : STAR [CHAR] * EMIT ; : STARS ( #stars -- ) 0 ?DO STAR LOOP ; : STARS ( n -- ) ?DUP IF STARS THEN ; The third ...
david's user avatar
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How exit a BEGIN loop in Forth?

In many languages there is the BREAK statement, which allows you to escape an iterative cycle. I can't find a word to escape a BEGIN-AGAIN or BEGIN-UNTIL cycle in Forth I want to implement this code ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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Restrictions on stack use when defining words?

I was testing the use of [] inside a definition, I got an error: : x [ here ] ; :2: unstructured : x [ here ] >>>;<<< I understand that the cause of the error is having grown/...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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Does CREATE waste space?

In gforth, CREATE, by itself, creates a variable, which takes some memory space: a few bytes to store the value plus two instructions to put the address on the stack and return: create a ok 42 a ! ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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How can I use a word, which parses its input inside a definition of another word?

Suppose there is a word string which works like so: 64 string var$, and the result of var$ execution is an address of the first byte of the allocated memory and '0' to reflect the used space of the 64 ...
mcc's user avatar
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How can I transfer ASCII-files to the *console* of Picocom while being connected to a microcontroller

Setup Using a Linux PC. Via picocom I am connected to an ESP32 board running ESP32Forth, which gives me a REPL (kinda console). Task to acchieve Since cut and paste is highly unreliable I need to ...
mcc's user avatar
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Files I/O handling in Forth

While learning Forth I have the following issue, concerning files I/O handling. I am reading this tutorial and trying to ...
Michel's user avatar
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Create a new word from string on stack in Forth

I need to use create on a string that I got from parse-name. Possible? Perhaps using the word evaluate?
Olle Härstedt's user avatar
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How can I check whether enough arguments are passed to a word in Forth?

I have written this word to multiply two floating point numbers: : fpmult { F: a F: b } cr ." Result: " a b f* f. ; This works fine as long as there are either two fp's on the fstack ...
Rather Vi's user avatar
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A weird problem in Forth when printing out the data stack and floating-point stack

I've started exploring Forth using Gforth on a Kali Linux computer. Thinking about stacks I always imagine the picture of the HP calculator stacks like so: T <- bottom of the stack Z Y X <- top ...
Rather Vi's user avatar
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Making use of the return stack in the fibsum example in Forth

While learning gforth I have implemented the Fibonacci sequence in a few forms. Below are some implementations of the fibsum definition, which sums up all the Fibonacci values up to a certain rank. In ...
Michel's user avatar
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gforth : using the return stack

I am in the process of learning GForth. Now trying to understand and get some practice using the return stack. Can somebody with more experience tell me what I am missing ? Here is the issue. If use ...
Michel's user avatar
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How to write a GUI for Gforth

I would like to learn GUI for Linux Gforth, but documentation about that are, from my point of view, awful obsolete or both :) to be honest. I already searched and tried many from all of What is the ...
francois P's user avatar
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gforth : Attempt to use zero-length string as a name

I am a beginner in this language : GForth. Can someone with some experience tell me what the problem is in the code below ? Here is a definition. : collatzcount variable count 0 count ! { ini } ini ...
Michel's user avatar
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how to trigger capslock from code in gnuforth on linux host

how to trigger caps lock from code in gnu-forth ? currently as a temporary solution I use : caps s" xdotool key Caps_Lock" system ; I'm looking for either a full gforth code solution ...
francois P's user avatar
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how to trap/disable CTRL+C in GFORTH

how to trap/disable CTRL+C in GFORTH ? I often use common case...endcase statement on key but ctl+c is still possible to user. I would add a function or something to disable it inside a word like ...
francois P's user avatar
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Why does this simple C program depend on the GCC optimization level?

I came across this surprising tidbit while translating jonesforth.s from x86 ASM to C with GCC extensions. depends_on_optimization.c is a "simple" C program which depends on whether it's ...
Jan Burgy's user avatar
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Forth: associate a name with a memory address

I use a word ->list that creates and returns an address. I don't always need to associate this address with a variable name, but I'd like that to be possible. For the moment, if I want to do so, ...
david's user avatar
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gforth 2constant; explanation of the content?

in gforth, when I want to see the inner of the word 2constant , I use the command see 2constant then the output is.. : 2Constant Create 2, 140549207084808 (does>2) ; I could not find so far ...
floppy_molly's user avatar
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How can I get a words string representation on the data stack in Forth (gforth)?

In gforth I can see a word's definition with see wordname and even get its execution token with ' wordname and also some information with the see subwords such as ' wordname seecol I have not been ...
Bots Fab's user avatar
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how to get a filename in gnuforth from user input to save it

currently I try to add a save function to a code from gforth 0.7.3 currently the version I have works fine if savefile is already existing (filled or empty as no importance both use-case are OK) here ...
francois P's user avatar
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How to call a forth function from within assembler created through forth

If I create a forth word that simply calls ., I can see that it looks like this : mytest . ; see mytest MYTEST ( 0010D7B0 E8BB70F1FF ) CALL 00024870 . ( 0010D7B5 C3 ) ...
Bruce's user avatar
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How is the Forth data stack accessed in assembler?

I'm just starting to get into both forth and assembler. In forth, if I create a word as follows: : push5 5 ; I have created a word that simply puts 5 on the stack. If I ask to see the created ...
Bruce's user avatar
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How can I write my own colon definition in ColorForth?

How can I write my own colon definitions in ColorForth? I tried to write : in interpretation mode, but it shows :?. Do I need to change the entry colour in interpretation mode? Do I need to use the ...
Miroslav Popov's user avatar
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How would one go about implementing a vector or dynamic array in forth?

I need to a dynamic array in forth, but I don't have any idea of how I could implement it. I searched online, and couldn't find any results either. I'm very new to forth, and just starting to learn it....
Josh's user avatar
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How is a Forth value different from a variable?

Reading the Gforth manual, a value can be changed using the word TO, so how is it different than a variable?
Olle Härstedt's user avatar
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Why do I need to call `clear` after `initscr` with ncurses?

I have solved this problem in the sense I have code that does what I want, but I don't understand why it is necessary to do what I do, and I cannot see this behaviour documented, so I wonder if ...
adrianmcmenamin's user avatar
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Does Collapse OS have a "WORDS" word?

I have recently built Dusk OS (a Collapse OS derivative). I was surprised to see that it does not have a WORDS word. Does Collapse OS or Dusk OS have a word that shows all words in the dictionary?
Rick's user avatar
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FORTH implementation for embedded SOCs

I'm wondering if there is a good resource for FORTH implementations on recent SOCs. I'm mostly interested in bare metal versions, something that can sit net to RTOS on an ESP32 or RISC-V for instance (...
Klapaucius Klapaucius's user avatar
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forth implementation with JIT write protection?

I believe Apple has disabled being able to write and execute memory at the same time on the ARM64 architecture, see: See mmap() RWX page on MacOS (ARM64 architecture)? This makes it difficult to port ...
Klapaucius Klapaucius's user avatar
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How do you keep track of all strings allocated in Forth and free them on time?

I see a lot of Forth code just doing s" Hello " s" world" s+ like it's nothing, but now that I think about it, this actually allocates 3 pointers, and lose two of them to the great ...
Zoé Martin's user avatar
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What does "local variable" mean in the Forth programming language?

In C, local variables exist inside of a function and contain the values like this: void main(){ int a = 5; int b = 9; } In the Gforth manual, they describe the local variables like this: : ...
Tanzina Rahman Smita's user avatar
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How can I exit Forth with a non-zero exit status?

I would like to exit a Forth program (using Gforth 0.7.3) with a non-zero exit status. I've tried: 1 bye But the 1 is not interpreted as an argument to bye (and I didn't expect this to work anyway; I ...
Christian Hujer's user avatar
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How can I find and change a variable in an embedded Forth controller?

In repairing an instrument cluster, I need to replace a controller which is built on an Motorola MC68HC11 using Forth. While I was able to dump the whole memory, it is unknown which Forth is used and ...
Riley's user avatar
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How can I access a shadowed definition in Forth?

When a word is redefined, is it possible to access the old word? Imagine there is a word foo defined and redefined : foo ( n -- 2*n ) 2* ; ok : foo ( n -- 2*n+1 ) foo 1+ ; redefined foo ok 10 foo . ...
pmg's user avatar
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Print double quotes in Forth

The word ." prints a string. More precisely it compiles the (.") and the string up to the next " in the currently compiled word. But how can I print That's the "question". ...
harper's user avatar
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Multiline command-line editing in Gforth console

I have just started learning the Forth programming language. I'm using Gforth on Ubuntu. In Gforth interactive console, I want to do indentation but it requires changing line. Enter key didn't work, ...
Mitsutoshi's user avatar
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What might cause a SIGILL (other than an illegal instruction) on RISC-V?

I am trying to load some Forth into my Forth compiler running on a RISC-V SBC (I do not believe this is a Forth-related question though): >load /root/repos/riscyforth/test2.4th : cuboid * * [ The ...
adrianmcmenamin's user avatar
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Skip over input stream in ATLAST forth

I'm trying to implement a kind of "conditional :" in ATLAST, the reasoning being I have a file that gets FLOADed multiple times to handle multiple steps of my program flow (I'm essentially ...
nonchip's user avatar
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Get day name from a user specified date in Gforth

I tried to apply Zeller's convergence simplified method to get the day name from a user input date. Simplified algorithm from \ Zeller's Congruence variable year 2 allot variable day 2 ...
francois P's user avatar
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Strategy for AMD64 cache optimization - stacks, symbols, variables and strings tables

Intro I am going to write my own FORTH "engine" in GNU assembler (GAS) for Linux x86-64 (specifically for AMD Ryzen 9 3900X that is siting on my table). (If it will be success, I may use ...
gilhad's user avatar
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