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"Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64" error when using ncurses getch() method in C++ [duplicate]

I am trying to write a program using the ncurses library, specifically using the getch() method. However the instant I use it I get a symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 error This is a dummy ...
ParsaFarjam's user avatar
-3 votes
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error trying to install a script from an library app namely Helium which backs up your android app data to computer here is the error when i try to run the SH script command in terminal Code: Select all yuks@puks:~/...
sporingGT's user avatar
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Failed to use `top` after trying to install htop

My machine: cat /etc/os-release gives ... ID_LIKE="fedora" VERSION_ID="7.2" The error currently: $top 'xterm-256color': unknown terminal type. What I tried: modify term, TERM, ...
Z Chen's user avatar
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Intermittent cursor visibility in NCURSES

I'm teaching myself C (c17) and playing with ncurses. I have written a function that clears the screen and draws a random number of colored period characters in random X, Y locations. (I've removed ...
Timothy B.'s user avatar
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Undefined reference to 'tputs' when compiling gdb 15 on redhat

I am trying to build gdb15 on redhat, and I get an error: /usr/bin/ld: ../readline/readline/libreadline.a(display.o): in function `_rl_move_cursor_relative': /home/myusr/gdb/gdb-15.2/readline/readline/...
bin_ls's user avatar
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Can't make menuconfig because terminal doesn't see ncurses

I am configuring android kernel as a root user and have installed ncurses libraries with apt install libncursesw5-dev, but if I try to make menuconfig it doesn't see this *** Unable to find the ...
Santoni_geep's user avatar
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weird ncurses behaviour compared to pdcurses

I am working on a text editor project that uses pdcurses for tui here is the code : but since it uses pdcurses it was only availible on windows , so i ...
abdelrahman Mohamed's user avatar
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ncursesw6 compatiblity issues across distros

I didn't have much problem with ncursesw5 with my 32bit console app, but using ncursesw6 causes issues. When I build the application on a Debian based OS, it requires version symbols for ncursesw6. ...
user3161924's user avatar
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Fedora 41/RedHat 9.4 crash in check_match

Trying to run a console 32bit application (compiled under Devuan Chimaera 32bit) that uses ncurses but it crashes in Fedora 41/RedHat 9.4. ./myapp: /lib/ no version information available ...
user3161924's user avatar
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-2 votes
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how do I get LINES and COLS updated if I user newterm() instead of initscr()?

migrating my existing code from using initscr() (which created the stdscr) .. .. to using newterm() for multi monitor use. I never used the stdscr but created other WINDOW's over it. Trouble is just ...
keith bradley's user avatar
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2 answers

Form validation using Ncurses (FORM)

Cannot implement character input validation. I have sketched out the code of a simple program for input validation. Various characters are displayed in the field. #include <form.h> int main() { ...
alexanderzhirov's user avatar
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Adding wide character support breaks ncurses menu

I'm currently trying to create an ada program (this will be relevante later on) with a basic TUI. To do so, I'm using ncurses, and more specifically, I'm interfacing with C as the ada bindings, ...
Akutchi's user avatar
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How to install ncurses package for ARM64 machine on x86 machine during cross compilation?

Error: cannot find -lncurses How to fix this error? I have executed these set of commands. sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64 sudo apt update sudo apt install libncurses5:arm64 libncursesw5:arm64 sudo ...
Aayush Shrivastava's user avatar
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Completely disabling mouse in ncurses

I am wondering how to completely disable mouse functionality in ncurses. I do not want to use the gpm lib. Is the switch HAVE_LIBGPM in ncurses_def.h the way to go? Thank you Vaclav
mravenca's user avatar
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whis is code segfaulting only outside of gdb [closed]

I have some code performing relatively simple operations #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <curses.h> char map[3600] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,...
user20695956's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there any way to detect horizontal scrolling for a mouse/touchpad in ncurses?

I'm printing a list of files to a pad using the ncurses library in C. I've already managed to code vertical scrolling for both up and down directions by detecting mouse event. Is there some way to ...
Shreyas Jenner's user avatar
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how to detect multiple keypresses in ncurses

I'm trying to make a crossplatform way to detect when multiple keys are held down in ncurses. I used
user20695956's user avatar
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How do I resolve ncurses build error in source file generated by

I am in the process of upgrading to bluez-5.65.tar.gz as part of a linux development build for a target arm-none-linux-gnueabi processor. This is simplified by dropping readline with --disable-client ...
Peter Groves's user avatar
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C: Reading terminal key combinations (Ctrl+shift+)

I'm trying to build a simple terminal program with ncurses, but I'm having a hardtime trying to read key combinations like (Ctrl+shift+) or (Ctrl+) I tried other libraries like libtickit which can ...
Yaiko's user avatar
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Tracking which terminal to call endwin on in ncurses

According to the man page for curs_initscr: If newterm is called more than once for the same terminal, the first terminal referred to must be the last one for which endwin is called. I have taken ...
Ian's user avatar
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Python Curses getkey giving different results based on input window

I'm writing a curses UI program in Python. I am using the curses wrapper and getting a screen object as a parameter to a function I've set up. I divide the screen up into some smaller windows using ...
user1200296's user avatar
2 votes
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detection of mouse hovering using pdcurses

I am making an implemintation of conway's game of life using c and wanted to make the game highlight the cell the mouse in hovering over but i can't seem to be able to catch mouse movements even ...
abdelrahman Mohamed's user avatar
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How to Implement Continuous State Switching with Spacebar in ncurses?

So i made this project called the Hassan Doodles which is just like my own version of Google Doodles but it didn't turn out how i wanted it as it failed to run the function Here is the code #include &...
Hamza Mohamud's user avatar
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Ending Textbox when the user type ESC in ncurses with Python

General overview In a curses wrapper, I have a main stdscr. If I press : then I enter in a specific mode where I can type text inside a curses.textpad.Textbox. In my following MWE it work fine until ...
fauve's user avatar
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Chinese chars can not be displayed properly with ncursesw on MinGW(ucrt64) env

Recently I want to build a cross-platform tui program with C, using libncursesw. I tried to test multiple solutions as listed: (phenomenon talked below is the displaying result of string containing ...
RocketDev's user avatar
-1 votes
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ncurses C home and end keys

I'm doing a simple menu with ncurses. It works for cygwin, but not in linux - home or end keys end the program immediately. I think handling of excape (27) has something to do with it because if I don'...
NickSoft's user avatar
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ncurses cannot display wide characters with colour

attempting to print a unicode character. It does not work. Here is my code: #include <locale.h> #include <ncurses.h> int main() { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); initscr()...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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Ncurses c++ printing arrow codes in terminal instead of reading them

I'm in kali linux trying to do a simple cpp program using ncurses but whenever I try to read an arrow key press, the escape code appears on screen. I cannot figure out what might be happening. #...
Nico Perez's user avatar
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Broken vertical cursor movement in custom text editor

I am trying to implement vertical cursor movement (up and down arrow keys) in my custom nano-like text editor, but I could not get it working properly and keep introducing new bugs. My text editor ...
Viliam Holly's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Busybox build fails with ncurses header not found in archlinux (spoiler: i already have ncurses package)

I am trying to build busybox from source, installed all the necessary dependencies, but build fails every time with ncurses header not found err. OS: Arch Linux x86_64 (On docker: archlinux image) ...
Suryansh's user avatar
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ncurses bug using init_color and curs_set

Trying to manipulate colors using ncurses, I bumped into a weird bug. I want to set my own colors by changing color definitions using init_color. I also wanted to make the cursor invisible. That's ...
realhllcngn's user avatar
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Inconsistency with mvwprintw in ncurses

I have written a Snake clone in C++ using the ncurses library. I have encountered a bug where at random the apple will not be printed to the screen. Here is the code: void Screen::print_apple(const ...
user avatar
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I have a problem with terminal applications for Android [duplicate]

I wrote a code in C++ and with ncurses in an IDE for Android to test it on the terminal. The problem is when I use a different terminal. I used c4droid to compile the code with the option to export ...
FIM-92's user avatar
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Change Linux build from shared ncurses5w to static causes a symbol has different size in shared object message?

Because the older ncurses5w is becoming harder to find, I changed the build to use /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libncursesw.a and added tinfo as a shared library to link with. However if I move the binary ...
user3161924's user avatar
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Link problems in Rust undefined reference to `initscr'

I am working on a pseudo OS using Rust and c++, I am trying to detect the keys pressed using c++ with ncurses (I am aware that there is a similar crate for Rust) and in the I have the ...
GSB's user avatar
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Ncurses - How to handle terminal resizes for an image that is being updated in an infinite loop

I have a program utilizing ncurses to draw a window with a clock timer. It is constantly being refreshed in an infinite loop. It works as intended, however when I resize the terminal window, the ...
Coldchain9's user avatar
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How to move the cursor above the first line without overighting it

Here is my code print("1") print("2") My desired output 2 1 I tried using ansi characters but the second line is overighting the first line print("1") print("\033[...
Charles Wabochi's user avatar
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Get unicode character on the screen ncurses

I'm facing a problem with getting a U+2588 █ character from the screen by using the winch(). Let's assume I have a window called win and it looks like this: ###████### I want to redraw all # ...
Artiom-Astashonak's user avatar
-1 votes
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NCURSESW - Unable to use addwstr function to print out unicode characters outside of standard ASCII

I am trying to make a simple game using the ncursesw library which I am basically a complete noob at. I got the library working and I am now able to compile programs successfully with it. Now I am ...
AldoGP5's user avatar
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ncurses - form field validation - can't modify "TYPE-INTEGER" value entered and outside range specified with set_field_type()

I'm having trouble with field modification after entering a number outside the range specified with set_field_type() : the cursor stays in the field but I'm unable to enter any valid number after ...
bendeg's user avatar
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Why is gnome-terminal slow when drawing characters with ncurses?

I've written a small program to compare ncurses performance between various terminal emulators and virtual console. I've found that gnome-terminal performs well in some situations, and poorly in ...
John Driscoll's user avatar
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how to install ncurses library in Android

I tried to run a program but it was using ncurses library and that library was not installed in my system I tried to run a program but it was using ncurses library and I was unable to run it I ...
Santosh Dubey's user avatar
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Preventing cursor flickering in ncurses applications

I recently wrote an application in ncurses. In most of it, the cursor is disabled, but one part of it includes an editor (using forms), and the cursor is enabled for this (with visibility 2). I have ...
InterLinked's user avatar
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Check for terminal resizing using ncurses under windows

I am using ncurses for a terminal application which should also be usable on windows but every time the user resizes the terminal everything is mashed. So I need a way to detect resizing and redraw. ...
Rhuamer's user avatar
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Libncurses5 installation for Ubuntu 23.1

A particular android build requires a dependency on libncurses. This was the error. prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-3289846/bin/clang.real: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses....
Posiden's user avatar
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Displaying color in NCurses window

In the code below, why don't I see color text/background? #include <ncurses.h> int main() { initscr(); int lines = 20; int cols = 30; ...
Hector Aurelio's user avatar
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ncurses timeout() is terminating my program

I'm receiving input in a timed loop, and getch() blocks (waits for key) the program even though the loop has ended. When utilizing timeout(), or other functions, it doesn't block, but terminates the ...
ayuval's user avatar
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'\n' Prints extra space in ncurses C++

I am trying to write a basic app in C++ using ncurses library. All I wanted was to print out characters that user presses manually. Here's the code: #include <iostream> #include <curses.h> ...
Merd Ceferzade's user avatar
2 votes
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windows not showing when the terminal is made smaller (ncurses, c)

I'm trying to make a program that has 2 windows side by side that scale to fit the terminal. However the windows only show when the terminal is made larger, not smaller. I was wondering if it was a ...
JamieBuckerton's user avatar
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How to use the pattern buffer of an ncurses menu?

The website says that each menu has an associated pattern buffer which can be used to find the nearest match to characters entered. But I ...
Shreyas Jenner's user avatar

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