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WIndows taskbar hidden when WinForms's FormBorderStyle is set to other than Sizable

I have a question related to how does the FormBorderStyle property works. When I set the property to Sizable, the Windows taskbar shows perfectly, but when I set it to other than that (e.g. ...
joseenrique61's user avatar
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I Need to make my kotlin jar application without sizeable border

im making a simple kotlin jar program and i need to make the border style like fixed single. Visual Basic i need to do that in kotlin (print is on visual basic)
0x7D's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set fixed size form to different resolutions

I have a problem and I couldn't find the answer anywhere on the internet. I am working on a project which its forms should be fixedsingle borderstyle. I don't want anyone to maximize or minimize the ...
Thiades's user avatar
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Why do child forms show the maximize and minimize buttons despite the fact that the FormBorderStyle property is equal to none?

I'm working with visual C# and Windows Forms. I have a parent form that calls its form children, the form children have the FormBorderStyle property in none, minimize box and maximizeBox in false and ...
Fabián Romo's user avatar
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Create a new form instance inside parent with the ability to access the parent form

I tried to create a new form inside the Parent. I set FormBorderStyle to none. When I am adjusting MDIParent to the myForm, it gave me a sick looking error like this: System.ArgumentException : The ...
Martijn's user avatar
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Form with FormBorderStyle none, becomes fullscreen when maximized

I have a form with FormBorderStyle property set to None and I have my own panels acting as the title Bar so that my application looks good. But, the problem is that when the application is maximized, ...
tejasgupta's user avatar
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FormBorderStyle issue

Encountered an issue with different FormBorderStyle modes. In 'None' mode everything works fine. But as soon as I change the mode to anything else - this happens: I'm getting strange empty area all ...
Inviter42's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

how to prevent none state form from being maximized in c#

i have created a form and set its FormBorderStyle property to none. when i press Windows + UP form will be Maximized. how can i prevent form from maximize? i tried private void logIn_Resize(object ...
mohamadkamal's user avatar
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Forms don't render properly in Visual Studio

I am using Visual Studio Community 2017, but the same problem appeared on older versions too. In almost every WinForm app in form_load I write this: FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; ...
user avatar
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c# how to apply WindowState, FormBorderStyle and Bounds changes to multiple forms at once?

I have buttons in an options menu that i want to be able to change the style of every form at once. At the moment it only applies to the options menu itself because I've used "this." private void ...
Tom1's user avatar
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2 answers

C# Completely hide form border ONLY when maximized

I have a form that is a child of an MDI form. When this form isn't maximized, it fits inside of the MDI form, below several menu panels and controls. It has a border, icon, and controlbox. When the ...
Brook Ballard's user avatar
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On Windows 10 Some FormBorderStyles has no borders

This is only an issue if you have Drop Shadows turned off in appearance settings. I noticed some of our applications form windows had no borders. Specifically they have been missing the 1 pixel thick ...
Per Hyyrynen's user avatar
3 votes
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How to set only 1 specific sizing border edge?

I have some tool-panels made via forms with bsSizeToolWin borders, i have custom handling of window-movement and custom routines for sticking/aligning tool-panels with borders of main form (almost ...
Markus_13's user avatar
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PowerShell window border without Icon

I would like to create a windows form which does not contain an icon in the upper left corner. The problem is that I dont want to use the borderstyle "FixedToolWindow". I need to use the borderstyle "...
user avatar
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How to create a full-screen form with max/min/close button in c#?

I made full-screen by: FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; but there is no max/min/close button? How to get it?
Tomsz Comasz's user avatar
5 votes
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C# Winforms | Form-border thickness

Is there any documentation of how thick a border of a regular form is? The goal: I've created a userControl with a width of 800px. I want to raise a popup (normal form in general) with a new instance ...
C4d's user avatar
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Resizing Windows Forms

I have a form with it's FormBorderStyle set to Sizable. This creates the grip in the bottom right. The only way to resize the window is to get your mouse right exactly on the edge. I'm wondering if ...
ReddShepherd's user avatar
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Hide minimize and maximize buttons on form without hide title

How can I hide minimize and maximize (but not the close) buttons on form without hide the form's title and icon too? I want to a MessageBox like style. I've tried and failed with: FormBorderStyle ...
Jack's user avatar
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Smaller Border on Sizeable Windows Form

I want the Border-Thickness around the Form smaller. I make FormBorderStyle = Sizeable, because I want that Aero Snap works. Then I found a hint that I need WM_NCCALCSIZE for this. protected ...
R3Tech's user avatar
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how to remove the title bar of a child form in

I am creating a MdiParent form in For that I have created the child form. The child form's FormBorderStyle is none. But while I open it on the MdiParent form, it shows the title bar at the ...
S.Manjunathan's user avatar
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set panel border thickness in c# winform

I have searching and the result cannot solve my case. Actually I have a panel and I want the panel have thicker border than Windows given. I need BorderStyle BorderStyle.FixedSingle thicker.. ...
rifleon's user avatar
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5 answers

UITextfield borderColor and width on one side of the text field

I have a text field setup like so: textField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleLine; textField.layer.borderColor = [[UIColor greenColor] CGColor]; textField.layer.borderWidth= 10.0f;' But is it ...
cdub's user avatar
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Put controls on a form border in

I have a project where I want to put controls on the form's border, when the formborderstyle is set to formborderstyle.sizable Formborderstyle.none will not work, since it can't be sized on runtime,...
user2226109's user avatar
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How to make a dialog with FormBorderStyle = FixedSingle in a WiX custom action?

When I use FormBorderStyle = FixedSingle on a winform it shows a thin border like this: But the same form when invoked during a Setup Custom Action written in WiX the border is of a resizable window ...
Jader Dias's user avatar
4 votes
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Howto add a custom border to a FormBorderStyle=None - form?

I have a form with the property FormBorderStyle set to 'None' and with a custom bar on top side for dragging and buttons. Now I'd like to give the form a border because it's a child form and the ...
Zoef's user avatar
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Get title bar height for a SizeableToolWindow .NET form

I have already written at that .NET WindowsForms package has some problems ...
Tecman's user avatar
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231 views W7 Snap feature doesnt work with formborderstyle = none

I made a custom form with a panel to represent the top bar with custom controlbox and set FormBorderStyle to None. Now I notice that the W7 Snap feature doesn't work on my form. I have no idea how to ...
Zoef's user avatar
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MDI child is only visible when WindowState is Maximized

I made a custom border for my mdi child. Mdi child form properties: FormBorderStyle = None Controlbox = False Text = "" WindowState = Maximized First, when I had the property of Windowstate set to ...
Zoef's user avatar
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How do I get the FixedSingle FormBorderStyle to be respected by Windows 7?

To prevent the user from resizing a form, I set its FormBorderStyle to FixedSingle, as recommended here: Disable Resizing of a Windows Form This works on XP, but on Windows 7 it doesn't. What has to ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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when use this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None ,ProcessCmdKey can not work?

my code is: protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message msg, System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData) { if (keyData == (Keys.LWin | Keys.M)) { MessageBox.Show("...
artwl's user avatar
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Is there way to check whether a Form has a Form Border? (by handle)

I want to check whether a form has a Form Border by its handle. And, the handle is from the another Application. How can I handle this? Please help me.. Thanks!
jn4kim's user avatar
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Form with Rounded Borders in C#? [duplicate]

I am using this code to make the form have no border style: this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; I need to make rounded edges on the form. Is there an easy way? How do I do it?
Hunter Mitchell's user avatar
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Screen resolution error with none borderstyle form

I am using a form that FormBorderStlye property is none for RoundedRactangle form and I'm using some images. But I have a problem. I know why but don't know how to solve it. The reason of the problem ...
opcoder's user avatar
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Form can be sized/dragged to a larger size but cannot be sized/dragged back to a smaller size

I have this simple problem and I have tried searching for answers but came up empty handed. See, I have this small program that has FormBorderStyle set to "Sizeable". My problem is that it can only ...
Nathan's user avatar
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CSS: Solid border with Panel creates scrollable panel

I am using Vaadin to create my front-end and when i add the border-style:solid to style.css page, i end up with a scrollable v-panel? How can i add the solid style while removing the scrollable option....
Warz's user avatar
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Winforms border style

I am trying to make a form with a border like the border on the Windows Vista volume control. The form would need to be resizeable as well. Thanks, giodamelio To be a little more clear about what I ...
giodamelio's user avatar
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My WindowsFormsApplication going behind of all application

I developed a WindowsFormsApplication having a Form of Border Style as "FixedToolWindow", now the problem is while I am going to minimize any other opened application then my application going behind ...
SharpUrBrain's user avatar
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C# Form with custom border and rounded edges [duplicate]

I am using this code to make my form (FormBorderStyle=none) with rounded edges: [DllImport("Gdi32.dll", EntryPoint = "CreateRoundRectRgn")] private static extern IntPtr CreateRoundRectRgn ( int ...
Meredith's user avatar
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Borderless form shows borders for a moment when shown inside an mdi container

Update (2011-01-17): I am creating a form with FormBorderStyle=None inside an MdiContainer. When I show the first form, even if it has already been created, for a fraction of a second it appears ...
raven's user avatar
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css : where are the white background borders on textboxes coming from?

I have the following page: where the textboxes have these white borders on on their 4 corners in the upper right login section. I have the following css ...
phill's user avatar
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Form.FormBorderStyle Native Exception Access violation

On a WindowsCE platform (custom build) our C# gui uses regular forms to show an "popup menu". We set the FormBorderstyle to None as we don't want the form controls to be visible. Some clients ...
Stormenet's user avatar
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Form for Telerik RadRibbonBar?

I got the Telerik RadRibbonBar for free with the Express edition of vb a while back, but it did not come with any sort of form. It also, unfortunately, has the control buttons there automatically. How ...
Cyclone's user avatar
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7 answers

How to move and resize a form without a border?

Does anyone know how I can resize a winform when it has no border. I don't want the default border that Windows has, so I changed the property "FormBorderStyle" to "None". This removed the border, ...
Joey Morani's user avatar
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10 answers

C# Anchor property doesn't seem to work

I added some controls to my form and changed Anchor property how I'd expect this to work, but when I resize the form at the runtime, the controls stay at the same place. For example, I have two ...
flamey's user avatar
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How to move a Windows Form when its FormBorderStyle property is set to None? [duplicate]

Using C#. I am trying to move a Form without its title bar. I found an article about it on: It works as long as I do not set FormBorderStyle as ...
Moon's user avatar
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