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How to formally verify a compiler (frontend and/or backend)?

For a project I am about to begin, I was exploring formal verification of a compiler. I came across the CompCert C Compiler which is an ACM awarded, formally verified C compiler. When I read further, ...
anurag's user avatar
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How to proceed in Isabelle when the goal has implications and existentials?

I'm trying to write a proof in the Isabelle "structured style" and I'm not sure how to specify the value of existential variables. Specifically, I'm trying to expand the sorrys in this proof:...
lacker's user avatar
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Cannot prove in Dafny that f(a,b)=f(b,a)

I m trying to prove in Dafny that a function is symmetric: i.e., f(a,b)=f(b,a). I specify this Dafny by doing ensures f(a,b) == f(b,a). However, it is not able to verify; but what I do not understand ...
Theo Deep's user avatar
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How to rearrange newly defined associative terms in Coq?

I wonder what is the most elegant way of rearranging associative terms in Coq. I think it is a well-defined problem for some existing operators, such as plus. I have defined new associative operater ...
KingsAlpaca's user avatar
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SMT solvers or an alternative for uninterpreted symbols + ∀

I wanted to use Z3 to prove theorems from axioms with universal quantifiers, but Z3 seems to be a bad fit for my problem. It is able to solve some such problems, but it seems to get stuck every now ...
dumbo's user avatar
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Definition of multiplicative group of a field in Isabelle

theory Scratch imports "HOL.Fields" "HOL.Groups" begin locale Field_is_group= fixes F :: "'a :: field" begin typedef 'a mul_group = "{x :: 'a set. x ≠ 0}...
user779130's user avatar
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Dafny prove lemmas in a high-order polymorphic function

I have been working on an algorithm (Dafny cannot prove function-method equivalence, with High-Order-Polymorphic Recursive vs Linear Iterative) to count the number of subsequences of a sequence that ...
Theo Deep's user avatar
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Proving in Dafny: A non-empty even sequence, is the concatenation of it's two halves

I would like to prove this "trivial" lemma in Dafny. A non-empty even sequence, is the concatenation of it's two halves: lemma sequence_division(sequ:seq<int>) requires sequ != [] ...
Theo Deep's user avatar
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How to prove reverse nil is nil in Lean

I have defined a reverse function on lists, and I am trying to prove the trivial property that reverse of an empty list is empty. It should be provable by reflexivity: def reverse (t : list α) : ...
Viktoriya Malyasova's user avatar
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Knowing when an Isar-style proof is actually valid in Isabelle

I am working on an exercise while trying to learn the Isar language. I have the following script for a lemma about lists. lemma "EX ys zs. xs = ys @ zs ∧ (length ys = length zs ∨ length ys = length ...
CuriousKid7's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Non-empty list append theorem in Coq

I am trying to prove the following lemma in Coq: Require Import Lists.List. Import ListNotations. Lemma not_empty : forall (A : Type) (a b : list A), (a <> [] \/ b <> []) -> a ++ b ...
Akhil's user avatar
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In Isabelle, what do the angle brackets and double asterisks mean?

I'm trying to understand some Isabelle code, and there is some syntax I don't understand. I haven't seen them in tutorials, including the two bundled with the Isabelle2017 distribution, "Programming ...
Alex Altair's user avatar
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Fully evaluated results in Z3?

Z3 often gives back models defined in terms of a bunch of intermediate functions. For example, it's common to see the following (pardon my improper syntax): (define-const myArray (Array Bool Int) (_ ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Which First Order theorem provers are guaranteed to halt on monadic inputs?

Monadic First Order Logic, where all predicates take exactly one argument, is a known decidable fragment of first order logic. Testing whether a formula is satisfiable in this logic is decidable, and ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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From set inclusion to set equality in lean

Given a proof of set inclusion and its converse I'd like to be able to show that two sets are equal. For example, I know how to prove the following statement, and its converse: open set universe u ...
Adam Kurkiewicz's user avatar
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How to write a definition of the non-dependent product using Pi types in Lean?

I'm working through chapter 7 – Inductive Types of "Theorem Proving in Lean". I'd like to know how to write the definition of dependent non-dependent product in a more expanded or "primitive" form. ...
Adam Kurkiewicz's user avatar
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Proving substitution property of successor over equality

I'm trying to understand inductive types from chapter 7 of "theorem proving in lean". I set myself a task of proving that successor of natural numbers has a substitution property over equality: ...
Adam Kurkiewicz's user avatar
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Rewriting in simple theorem proof

I wrote a definition of group in Idris: data Group: Type -> Type where Unit: (x: t) -> Group t (*): Group t -> Group t -> Group t Inv: Group t -> Group t postulate ...
stop-cran's user avatar
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How to implement fully-declarative Horn logic? [closed]

I would like to formalize some knowledge and execute queries in what may referred to as fully-declarative Horn logic (or, fully-declarative Prolog). Could anyone provide some guidelines on how to ...
amka66's user avatar
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Need help understanding the Owicki-Gries method

I've (mistakenly) picked up a course about verifying concurrent programs, and we've so far covered this method called "Owicki-Gries method". Apparently, one can prove various results about the program ...
Einheri's user avatar
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printing internal solver formulas in z3

The theorem proving tool z3 is taking a lot of time to solve a formula, which I believe it should be able to handle easily. To understand this better and possibly optimize my input to z3, I wanted to ...
user1779685's user avatar