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Exposing local pointers in trace and producing load event in case of non-volatile load in CompCert

CompCert only exposes global pointers in trace. How difficult would be to change the overall development to expose the local pointers in trace? I understand preservation of the trace would be the ...
Swarn's user avatar
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How to formally verify a compiler (frontend and/or backend)?

For a project I am about to begin, I was exploring formal verification of a compiler. I came across the CompCert C Compiler which is an ACM awarded, formally verified C compiler. When I read further, ...
anurag's user avatar
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Using VST with GCC

The Verifiable-C manual says Whatever observable property about a C program you prove using the Verifiable C program logic, that property will actually hold on the assembly-language program that ...
rsaill's user avatar
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Trouble Installing CompCert C compiler on Ubuntu

I'm installing CompCert C compiler as instructed here: However I'm stuck at the stage where I "Run the configure script with appropriate options: ./...
Keyboard_Crasher's user avatar
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What is the EvalOp in Coq CompCert

The definition of EvalOp is in compcert.backend.SplitLongproof: Ltac EvalOp := eauto; match goal with | [ |- eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ _ Enil _ ] => constructor | [ |- eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ _ (...
Jian Wang's user avatar
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how ot proof 10%Z < Int.max_unsigned in Coq and the Int type from Compcert

I want to proof a Z type value less than Int.max_unsigned. Lemma test: 10%Z < Int.max_unsigned. Proof. ?? How to prove the above test lemma?
haiyong's user avatar
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Error: Cannot coerce to an evaluable reference in coq

I'm trying to unfold Mem.load and I get the error: Error: Cannot coerce Mem.load to an evaluable reference. I wrote the exact same Definition of Mem.load as load1 and is unfoldable. Require ...
Mina mohamadi's user avatar
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Casting types in coq

I have the definition my_def1: Require Import compcert.common.Memory. Require Import compcert.common.Values. Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. Definition my_def1 (vl: list memval) : val := ...
Mina mohamadi's user avatar
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comparing two unequal values in coq

I'm proving this lemma: Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib. Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. Require Import compcert.common.Values. Lemma test: forall (val1 val2: int), ((Vint val1) <> (...
saeed M's user avatar
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Solving equality / inequality in goal, coq code

How can I prove that these two statements are equal: Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c) = Vint ?3434 /\ ?3434 <> d Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c) <> d The concept is pretty simple ...
saeed M's user avatar
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Need finding the right tactic over

I have the following Lemma but couldn't prove it: Lemma my_comp2: forall i t:Z, t<i -> Int.ltu (Int.repr i) (Int.repr t) = false. Proof. .... I found the tactic for equality (link) but can't ...
saeed M's user avatar
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How to have a proposition of comparing two 'int' types in Coq?

I have the following Definition in my spec file in Coq. I need to have a proposition comparing two "int" type values. These two are 't' and 'Int.repr (i.(period1))'.(i.period1) and (i.period2) have ...
saeed M's user avatar
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