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Dafny for loop is inconsistent with forall

assert (forall i, j :: 0 <= i <= j <= end ==> monotonic(arr, i, j) ==> j - i <= endFinal - startFinal) by { for (int i = 0; i <= end; i++) { for (int j = i; j <= ...
wbrbrg ''s user avatar
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Why is the ensures clause in my Dafny method for finding the largest monotonic subarray not provable?

I am working on a Dafny program to find the largest monotonic island (strictly increasing or strictly decreasing subarray) in an array. My code defines helper functions to check if a subarray is ...
Ariyanna Burns's user avatar
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Verifying a type-punning, multibyte optimization

I am trying to verify a modified version of musl libc memchr which uses a type-punned optimization: it looks for the value in the prefix of the buffer until it is aligned on sizeof(size_t), then uses ...
Tommy McGuire's user avatar
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Is verification of pointer arithmetic less difficult than pointer modification?

I was attempting to use WP to verify memchr from musl libc, which fundamentally boils down to: void *memchr(const void *src, int c, size_t n) { const unsigned char *s = src; for (; n && *s ...
Tommy McGuire's user avatar
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Dafny method does not verify

I have a method that returns the lowest index of the first bad neighbour or -1 if there are none. If a neighbouring pair of elements have a negative sum then the right neighbour is said to be bad. For ...
blueyuu's user avatar
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How to prove sequential commands C1; C2 can always execute to C2 if we know C1 always terminates?

I am using a theorem prover to demonstrate the progress of programs. The semantics of a program are defined using a small-step relation, denoted as ctran, between program configurations. A program ...
Huan Sun's user avatar
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About Dafny loop invariant errors

The following code is the answer I came up with for the following problem. However, there are two main errors. By the way, this problem is problem 17 in Chapter 13 of the book "PROGRAM PROOFS&...
2万で買った中古のパンツ's user avatar
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Proving correctness of Matrix Addition

I want to prove the correctness of 2D matrix addition in Dafny (using the VSCode extension) with the aim of identifying SMT-proveable loop invariants. I believe this should be fairly straight forward ...
carbonaramerchant's user avatar
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accessing members of constrained type parameters in Dafny

Dafny neophyte here (again!). Below, Scope is fine, but the 'generic' version ScopeG fails with type T does not have a member id on the line forall id :: id in id2Items ==> id == id2Items[id].id. I'...
Sam Stainsby's user avatar
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establishing facts about constants in Dafny

Dafny neophyte here. I was expecting the assertion in use_a to pass: class A { const a: int constructor(a0: int) requires a0 > 100 ensures a > 100 { a := a0; } function ...
Sam Stainsby's user avatar
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Issues with converting 2D matrix indices to 1D array index

I am trying to write a Dafny function that converts 2D matrix indices to a 1D array index. Below contains my current code. The issue I face is that Dafny's verification times out after 20 seconds. Is ...
carbonaramerchant's user avatar
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Turn `P(?x)` into `exists x,P(x)` to give different instantiations for different subgoals in Coq

I have a goal with an existential variable ?x. In order to prove it, I need to destruct a term t, and under the different cases generated from destructing t, the term for instantiating ?x should be ...
Cs_J's user avatar
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Exposing local pointers in trace and producing load event in case of non-volatile load in CompCert

CompCert only exposes global pointers in trace. How difficult would be to change the overall development to expose the local pointers in trace? I understand preservation of the trace would be the ...
Swarn's user avatar
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Copy a singly linked list with Frama-C

I am trying to verify the above with Frama-C. From the manuals, it seems like Frama-C isn't well suited for malloc, and function pointers. I was wondering if I am missing something in my verification ...
user3598542's user avatar
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Lightweight ways to prove an assembly language steps from a certain state to another state after variable number of instructions in Coq

I want to prove that a compiler that I wrote for a toy language is correct. I defined a predicate P which relates the runtime configuration of the source toy language and the target toy assembly. The ...
Cs_J's user avatar
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How to add an element to a total function while making sure no other mapping to this element exists?

I am trying to formally specify a railway interlocking system with the B method in Atelier B. The most basic underlying concept is very simple: trains can be assigned a location and an area. There can ...
Frederic's user avatar
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WP Plugin: Why does the following simplified code fail to verify

I am a new Frama-C User and I am trying to prove certain properties for a large project. I was seeing a particular proof fail, and tried reducing the problem to a minimum reproducible example, and the ...
LakshyAAAgrawal's user avatar
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Why do I get "closeparen expected" error in Dafny?

I am struggling with Dafny's syntax, and I get an error that I don't know how to deal with. Here is the code: function pow(base: int, exp: nat): int { if exp == 0 then 1 else base * pow(base, exp -...
Costel Anghel's user avatar
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Proving the linear count slope-search algorithm in Dafny

I've been working to implement a slope search algorithm in Dafny where I have a double ascending matrix, and I want to calculate the amount of elements strictly less than a given value. Besides the O(...
The Mods Hunter's user avatar
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UPPAAL SMC - How to provide a time distribution data as an input for invariant at a location and/or a guard in a transition?

I currently have information of time in the form of a distribution as shown in the image below. I want to provide this time information(which is in the form of a distribution) as invariant in a ...
Michael Tesla's user avatar
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How to create a constant reference to an object in Dafny

I am trying to create a model of a multicore system in Dafny. Usually, in multicore systems (and in the system I'm modelling), there is an idle task -- a placeholder task that is run when a core doesn'...
user401445's user avatar
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Alloy does not find a solution (instance) for my specification

I've been following the Alloy docs and writing the spec at the same time, but I get a different result from what the docs say: Recall that without any temporal operator, the added constrain applies ...
devio's user avatar
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How to revers a seq relation in Alloy

sig Customer { orders: seq RecordedOrder, } sig RecordedOrder {} fact "example fact" { all o:RecordedOrder | #o.~orders > 0; } How can I revers the orders relation, the ...
Job's user avatar
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How do I check if the result of symTake is equal to a concrete list?

This is my code: {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Grisette x :: SymInteger x = "x" y :: SymInteger y = "y" numbers :: [SymInteger] numbers = [x, ...
Stefanos Baziotis's user avatar
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Invariants of nested loops

I have to fully annote the following program and I currently have a hard time with finding the invariants for the loops: { 0 <= n } r := 0; x := 0; do[false] // find invariant for the outer loop ...
Makedoneren's user avatar
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Understanding Verification Steps in Dafny when Using Recursive Functions

I am currently learning Dafny and program verification from the book Program Proofs by K. Rustan M. Leino. I came across this example in the book and I am having a hard time understanding some ...
Easton McBeth's user avatar
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Unclear behaviour of variable signatures in alloy models

I'm currently learning Alloy, and I'm struggling to understand the behaviour of variable signatures. I'm attempting to model a straightforward rental system where all items are initially available and ...
Job's user avatar
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Formal verification of state machine with SymbiYosys not giving expected results

I'm trying to verify a very simple state machine written in verilog with SymbiYosys. It is failing and I cannot figure out what I am doing incorrectly, and would like some help in figuring it out. I ...
Christopher P's user avatar
3 votes
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Termination for Wrapped `Fin n` in Lean4

The following example type checks in Lean 4, but I am confused why the termination_by declaration is required. import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith def Idx (n:Nat) := Fin n def sum(k:Idx n) : Nat := if ...
redjamjar's user avatar
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Dafny issue modifying array member of class

I'm trying to modify an array member of a class in Dafny. These modifications may include re-assigning the array member, modifying elements of the array member, or both. For example, consider the ...
alex's user avatar
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How to make Spoq generate high-level specifications in Coq (not just AST) for the functions in LLVM IR

I am trying to use Spoq framework (and on GitHub) to translate code from C to Coq. I faced problem - I am getting only low-level specifications for my functions (just AST), but I want to get high-...
Natasha Klaus's user avatar
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Visualize the verification conditions in Dafny

We are doing some academic experiments in Dafny and were wondering if there is a way to see the generated verification conditions in Dafny? We searched the literature, websites and blogs but did not ...
Costel Anghel's user avatar
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How to verify C functions with array parameters using Isabelle

I am using Isabelle to verify a C program. During the verification process, I used the c-parser install-C-file to load the code, but the following issue occurred: attempt to cause decay to pointer on ...
riiiiyueeeejiiiiiiuzhao's user avatar
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how to model and verify model

I have written several requirements formally for modeling a real-time system. One of these requirements is as follows: If sensor1.value is less than or equal to -5 and sensor2.value is less than or ...
saghar13's user avatar
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Use NuXMV to calculate exponentiation

I want to use operator exp in NuXMV to calculate exponentiation. But the result is always 0. I have written a simple program. The following is my program. MODULE main VAR exponentiation : real; ...
yayi-mei's user avatar
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`agda`: how to specify that a step in equational reasoning is by definition of a function?

I'm new to agda. How can I specify, when I do equational reasoning, that a specific step is by definition of a function? For example, take the following definition of natural numbers: open import ...
Ivan Perez's user avatar
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Do I need to install Zchaff before using NuXMV to do verification by BMC

I just install NuXMV and want to use it to do Bounded Model Checking. But in user-mannual, the writer says NuXMV doesn't contain Zchaff of minisat. So do i need to install them before starting the ...
yayi-mei's user avatar
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Can't compile Hello World in F*

Both OCaml and F* have been successfully installed. The only thing resembling a Hello World example I was able to find was: module Hello open FStar.IO let main = print_string "Hello F*!\n" ...
buddingprogrammer's user avatar
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How to prove properties of non-linear operators involved in LEB128 algorithm in Dafny?

I'm trying to prove that encoding/decoding a (signed) LEB128 algorithm is lossless. What's got me stuck is the "Sign Extension" operation for the ...
Hongyi Lu's user avatar
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SymbiYosys cover mode fails on checks that aren't covers

I am learning formal verification using PSL and VHDL with SymbiYosys. I have the following test in Formal.psl: vunit f_top_asm_verify(TopAssembly(Rtl)) { default clock is rising_edge(i_clk); ...
xormapmap's user avatar
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Proving a counting slope search algorithm with Dafny

I've been working to implement a slope search algorithm in Dafny where I have a double ascending matrix, and I want to calculate the amount of elements strictly less than a given value. Besides the O(...
The Mods Hunter's user avatar
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How to integrate Regex into Alloy Analyzer?

I am currently modeling a container orchestrator using Alloy. It turns out that many of the facts I need to write involve regular expressions (regex). Since regex is not supported by default in Alloy, ...
bd36's user avatar
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How to capture a change in an element of an array in TLA+

I am specifying a system whose state consists of a sequence: VARIABLE Seq The sequence is constrained to be of a certain type: TypeInvariant == Seq \in [Nat -> [v1: {0,1}, v2: {0,1}]] I want to ...
Andry's user avatar
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how to give a bound when traverse infinite map (imap) in Dafny?

here is an example: type temporal = imap<int, bool> type Behavior<S> = imap<int, S> function stepmap(f:imap<int, bool>):temporal ensures forall i:int :: i in f ==> ...
ZihaoZhang's user avatar
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Dafny method will not verify

I have this method that returns the number of trailing zeros, and modifies the array a to replace all the trailing zeros with -1. Currently I am getting assertion might not hold error on assert s == 1 ...
FreeAntiVirus's user avatar
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Dafny Method to find Max fails to verify

I'm working on a Dafny program that finds the maximum element in a sequence of integers. The method Strictmax should return the maximum element and its index. If the maximum element is not unique, the ...
FreeAntiVirus's user avatar
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Has Frama-C been verified?

I am curious as to whether Frama-C has been formally verified using Frama-C or another verification framework, since bugs in Frama-C could possibly result in bugs in programs verified by Frama-C going ...
Aadithyaa Eeswaran's user avatar
2 votes
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SVA assertion compile syntax errors

assert property @(posedge(clk)) !rstN |-> n==0 && full==0 && empty==1; assert property @(posedge clk) disable iff(!rstN) ( full |=>(wr_en && $stable (n) ) ); assert ...
Amala Joseph's user avatar
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Is Symbolic Execution a formal Verification technique?

I have spent two days researching on Formal Methods and formal Verification to be more specific. I also came across Symbolic Execution and I don't know whether this is a formal verification technique? ...
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How to use logging to reduce verification variability

I have a project with great variabilities in verification times. I can now call the Dafny logger (see below), but I don't know How to use the text or csv format to improve the verification. Should I ...
Carl's user avatar
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