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Exchange Facebook Access Token with A JWT from my Backend

I'm developing an Android mobile app. I have successfully implemented Facebook Login as instructed here. After the user successfully logs in using Facebook, I'd like to send the Facebook access token ...
Milad's user avatar
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Making Facebook graph API calls from Firebase Cloud Functions

I have an Android app using Cloud Firestore (Blaze Plan). By calling Firebase Call functions from the Android app I can easily send text from the client and receive answers from the server. ...
nibbana's user avatar
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Keep Facebook access token always active

I wonder how can I confidently keep my Facebook access token always active. Is it enough to subscribe to token updates with AccessTokenTracker, or it's also/instead need to check token expiration ...
Konstantin Konopko's user avatar
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facebook sdk: "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user"

When I try to query facebook, I get the following exception: "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user." This is the request: AccessToken accessToken = ...
murkr's user avatar
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How to access to a user public picture, just with photo id

When a user loggin in my app, i get, trough facebook API, the public pictures id, by the code below and save that in DB. Now i want to access to that photos by the url generated by the picture id. The ...
Miguel Andrade's user avatar
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How should Facebook Login app implement the new 60- or 90-day login requirement?

Facebook sent out developer notification pointing to The page contains 2 concerning portions: When you use iOS, ...
androidguy's user avatar
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facebook login button in android doesn't work

I have used the graph api in android app to get events of facebook page so I added a facebook login button to get access Token from it and I had followed the steps of the tutorial but when I press on ...
M.Khaled's user avatar
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Pass facebook AccessToken by Retrofit

I'm trying to get posts from facebook page using Retrofit but I can't pass Access token and every time I get an error io.reactivex.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: HTTP 400 Bad Request This ...
droho's user avatar
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Facebook Android SDK: AccessToken.refreshCurrentAccessTokenAsync() not extending expiration

My Android app is using the Android Facebook SDK's LoginManager and AccessToken classes. We use LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions() to initially link a Facebook account to our ...
GPRyan's user avatar
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Facebook android sdk's 'AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken.getUserId()' method is returning different id from the id retrieved using

I'm trying to get user's id like this: AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken.getUserId() and it is returning an id like this: 1493******22153 but when I'm retrieving the id for same user using ...
Hammad Nasir's user avatar
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400: An internal consistency error has occurred: 406: No access token: cannot retrieve account

throws an error when i try to get access token exact after phone verified phoneLogin() this method load the UI and all the process goes perfect but when i try `if (loginResult.getAccessToken() != ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Why am I getting Facebook AccountKitError: 400: An internal consistency error has occurred: 406: No access token: cannot retrieve account

I'm trying to use Facebook AccountKit in my android app. Here's my code: loginPhoneNumber.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View ...
Hammad Nasir's user avatar
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How to get page events bypage_id via Facebook API on Android

Hi everybody. I want to get events from Facebook page. I had permission to handle events. I looked up almost every site that how to use newGraphPathRequest() function. I can get AccessToken ...
hoola's user avatar
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How to add Facebook App's accessToken to GraphRequest.newGraphPathRequest method? [duplicate]

I copied the code below from Facebook Graph Api console. However, Android Studio doesn't recognize accessToken. I have alread created a Facebook App and I got its acesstoken. But I don't know where ...
Suhaib's user avatar
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Facebook Login - get user data in onCancel

I added Facebook login button to my code. it works well. Assuming that the user logs in via facebook and unchecks the 'user_friends' permission: 'onSuccess' function will be called so the user data ...
Maor Cohen's user avatar
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how can I pass facebook AccessToken object by Intent

I am trying to pass facebook's AccessToken object to another activity via Intent.putExtra. intent.putExtra("ACCESS_TOKEN", loginResult.getAccessToken()); and trying to get it on second activiy as ...
cincin's user avatar
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How to use facebook access token as a string in graph api

Actually i want to post on my page as a page not as a user using facebook sdk in android app but the problem is page "AccessToken" which i retrieve from graph request is in String and now i cannot use ...
Muhammad Asim's user avatar
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Android App FB login..

I have integrated FB sign in in my app. I am able to login to my App with FB Sign in. Even If user has signed in via FB then when he relaunches my app he does not have to login again and he is shown ...
ajay's user avatar
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Getting AccessToken null in Facebook accountkit android device

Using this sample I am easily able to run and get access token but when I implement the same in own application its returning null value.
Last_Crypto's user avatar
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Graph API is not working properly in android

I am integrating Facebook login in my android app and accessing user info using Graph API. I am getting an unusual behaviour, when i launch the app in which i am not logged in with Facebook and then ...
RajeshKumar_'s user avatar
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how to make a Facebook server graph API call to extend Facebook token expiry from app in SDK 3.23 using Request call in Android

I have tried this code to get the new extended Access token from Facebook server: I am getting null pointer exception at response line and it crash my App. Bundle some = new Bundle(); ...
dielan's user avatar
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Android with Facebook long lived access token

I'm developing an Android app backed by Laravel. In the app I sign in the user with the Facebook SDK (com.facebook.login.widget.LoginButton) and get the Facebook access token. This token is sent to ...
Mushu8's user avatar
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Making Page Access Tokens Never Expire With 2016 Facebook SDK?

The application we are building is both an iOS and Android mobile app that pairs high school students with nonprofits to help manage their Facebook pages. We assign each student to one nonprofit, make ...
Rahul Chabria's user avatar
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Facebook AccessToken is null on re-opening application after a "full" close

I have an app that uses Facebook in combination with Parse to login users. My problem is that when I fully close the application and then open it again, my AccessToken from Facebook is null. Seems ...
Slagathor's user avatar
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Can't get Access Token for Facebook SDK 4.8.1 for Android (OR) FacebookCallback is not called (OR) requestCode is different in Facebook integration

I followed Facebook login for Android to integrate FB to my Android app. It is done. I see the permission screen where user has to accepet to use his email ID. Issue is that none of the callbacks of ...
cgr's user avatar
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Facebook - AccessTokenTracker is not tracking the permission changes

I am using the AccessTokenTracker to keep my app aware of any permission changes happening in online say for example via a laptop. Secanario : The app logs into my FB and gains access to "...
iappmaker's user avatar
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Facebook taggable friends api does not return numeric id

I want to retrieve all Facebook friends list in my app. I have used "/me/taggable_friends/" api to get list of friends. I need ID of particular friend so that I can store it in database that this ...
Bansi Doshi's user avatar
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Why am I not able to clear Facebook access token data on Logout

I am trying to clear the access token data during log out in my app. But for some reason its not getting cleared. The next time I click on Facebook login button it is directly signing me in. public ...
Panda's user avatar
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Facebook access token changes by app reinstall

I'm using Facebook access token to get user info for our mobile game. The Android app gets the token from Facebook, the respective Facebook app is installed on user's Facebook account. My problem is ...
gokturk's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms and Facebook Android SDK issues

I'm working on Xamarin.Forms app with Parse backend. I am trying to integrate Facebook Android SDK into that. What I want to do is to get the access token natively on each device, and push that access ...
kyurkchyan's user avatar
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getting post and likes from facebook graph api android

I am trying to get the post and their likes form the facebook graph api. When I am quering to get all posts, it returns 200 status but null json object, even though I have set permissions and also ...
user3290805's user avatar
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Getting a long-lived Facebook Access Token on android

This code gives me a short-lived Access Token - AccessToken ac = AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(); From Facebook documentation, I found out the Graph Request endpoint to exchange a short-lived ...
Ronn's user avatar
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Use access token to create a facebook cookie?

I have an app which uses the Facebook SDK for various stuff (sharing, like etc). My problem is that; inside my app, I also show an WebView which exposes a webpage with Facebook Comments (Social ...
Whyser's user avatar
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Android Studio: Facebook get access Tokken

I would like to get an Access Token for accessing the Graph for my Application, without using the Facebook.Login button. (The button is actually placed in the Action Bar). Thanks in advance!
EnderNicky's user avatar
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How to get JWT and Access Token oAuth for Facebook Login in android

I am implementing Facebook login in my android app, for that I need JWT and Access Token oAuth. What steps should follow to get Token.
Varsha P's user avatar
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How to have Access Token Facebook SDK 4.4.1

I want to use Facebook SDK to get my photo's url, and display it. I log in with fb sdk, but each time I open my app, I must log out and log in again to have access token. Can I have acces token ...
Minh Nguyen's user avatar
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How to pass Facebook access token from one activity to another activity

My main activity contains the code to login to the facebook. Facebook LoginResult gives the access token as response. Next activity contains the graph API call to get users posts which needs access ...
user3856376's user avatar
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Making a Facebook login button android app page

I am making a facebook login page android app, just with login button. In my this example after login the cancel method runs instead of onSccess. Here is my code.. public class MainActivity extends ...
Sam's user avatar
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Access Token of Facebook changed by user, How to get call back for Access Token?

I am using Facebook SDK 4.2. I have implemented AccessTokenTracker interface, which is working if token is changed. My question is : If user got publish_permission for post something from Android app....
Akashsingla19's user avatar
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Android , How to add additional permission in new facebook Graph API v 2.3?

I want to add new permission to my app by new Facebook Graph API v2.3 but I cannot find any useful resource in Internet.
Nima's user avatar
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Graph API v2.3 , Cannot pass a read permission (read_custom_friendlists) to a request for publish authorization

I'm trying to add additional permission to access friends list in my Android App , there are many resources about old API graph but could not find anything for new API , so I tried to add new ...
Nima's user avatar
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6 answers

How to get current Facebook access token on app start?

On app start I need to know if the user is logged in or not to show a login page or not. My first try was to call AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(), but this doesn't work, see https://stackoverflow....
Ralph Bergmann's user avatar
4 votes
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Facebook Login Not Returning User access_token

This is my first post, so please let me know if I'm not abiding by the community rules. Now to the problem! I've been trying to setup the Facebook login process for an app and I've gotten as far as ...
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How to detect logout event with the Facebook Android API v4?

I post here because I've got a problem. I'm working on a new android application , and I want to know how I can detect when a user is disconnecting (facebook logout button), because I want to refresh ...
outstore's user avatar
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How to handle Facebook Android SDK v4.1 Access Token between Activities

When i go to another activity after successfully logged a user in i can't access to the Facebook Access token AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken() I got this in the LogCat: {AccessToken token:...
Vladimir Lopez's user avatar
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Facebook Access Token lost after App Restart

I'm working with Facebook SDK 4.0 and using the in-built LoginButton. I have a Fragment which contains the LoginButton and another which just contains a TextBox. Here's a code snippet from the ...
akshayt23's user avatar
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Can't request permissions from Android Facebook SDK

I'm attempting to request certain permissions when I log in to Facebook using the Android SDK. Using the following code, the login is successful, but the permissions I wanted are neither granted nor ...
James Harpe's user avatar
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How to get current access token in Facebook Android SDK V4?

I want to check whether the user is logged in or not within the main FragmentActivity but although the user is logged in AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken() returns null. What am I doing wrong in ...
Sujit Maharjan's user avatar
10 votes
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Access token removed in Facebook Android SDK 4.0

I am using Facebook Android SDK 4.0 (newly updated version). I logged in to my app after the initial setup. Then I exited from my app. If again start my app, user is not in the logged in state. When I ...
Chella M's user avatar
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How to LogOut from app with Facebook sdk 4 in android

I'm updating an app that use facebook sdk, but i'm facing some problems, and official documentation is too poor. On my app, user can log in with facebook or with a normal account (stored on my server),...
giozh's user avatar
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