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Stateless Resource Sever effiently validating Facebook tokens

I am writing a Resource Server backend for a mobile app front end. The app is responsible for getting a token from Facebook and passing it to the backend for authz, but as they do not use JWT bearer ...
Dennis Crissman II's user avatar
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How use Oauth2 to connect and use facebook marketing api

I'm trying to use facebook Marketing API. The problem is I don't know how to perform the request import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "net/http" &...
Kevin SUON's user avatar
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How to Store Facebook App Access Token in Mobile App Client?

To request the FB app events API, I would need to use an app access token. It says in the doc "The Facebook SDK automatically logs app installs, app sessions, and in-app purchases." And &...
user2895478's user avatar
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0 answers

Getting error in requesting access token with graph.facebook

I'm testing OAuth 2.0 with facebook API, after receiving the authorization code and requesting the access token with the GET i got this response : {...
Dave_veo's user avatar
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2 answers

Web API Facebook Authentication

I am using the default code from ASP.NET Web api for facebook authentication. The facebook cookie is being passed to my ExternalLogin endpoint. However the claims about Email is not available. User....
den's user avatar
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Facebook Access Token doesnt expire, but new documentation says the max is 60 days

From reading the Facebook documentation on access tokens, the maximum lifetime is 60 days. However, I tested the one below I got through a TEST application of my real application and it says Never, ...
Mike Flynn's user avatar
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get the current scope of the users oauth token in Google API?

Is is possible to obtain the scope(Google API's) an Oauth token can access?? I have tried searching for it but no luck. However facebook has something called as access token debugger which does the ...
Ralstan Vaz's user avatar
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Facebook token by direct GET/POST requets

I need to provide Facebook web access without using browser. I'm using Play Framework for my needs, and send requests to FB API through web service. I've checked request parameters for HTTP using ...
adrift_boat's user avatar
3 votes
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Handling an expired long lived access token, server side - facebook

In my web app, I need to post on users facebook feed while they are offline. I already store long lived access tokens for the users. But these tokens also expire after 60 days. The FB docs mention ...
ksb's user avatar
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restFB: Facebook login redirect

i've tried to request redirect_uri=,create_event but ...
user2482703's user avatar
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Exchanging Facebook Auth Code for Access Token using the PHP SDK

I am trying to build a server-to-server auth flow using the Facebook PHP SDK and no Javascript, as outlined here. So far, I have successfully created a LoginUrl that lets the User sign in with ...
cygnus's user avatar
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FacebookAuthorizationCodeUsedException when fetching a page access token

I have existing code that uses a constant value for clientID to fetch a FacebookPage access token. That static value comes from when I deploy to GAE. But since I have many appIDs, I would like this to ...
Davek804's user avatar
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How should a client pass a facebook access token to the server?

On every call to my REST API, I require clients to pass user's facebook access token, which authenticates the user. What's best practice for passing this token? maybe as a parameter behind the HTTP ...
zafeiris.m's user avatar
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Is it possible to get any information out of a Facebook Token without hitting the server?

With the old Facebook access tokens (Oauth1) it was possible to get a user's Facebook ID and the token's expiration without passing anything to the server. Is this possible with the new Oauth2 tokens?...
Brad Dwyer's user avatar
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When Facebook removes an App, it puts the site's domain on a blacklist?

I got my app removed by Facebook last week. Now I'm trying to build a new one correcting the problems, but I always get an error authenticating the user. SECURITY WARNING: Sharing the above URL ...
Márcio's user avatar
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Error 100 This authorization code has been used

I have a simple sign-in button that directs the user to:,...
Matt Sither's user avatar
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Different types of facebook access token

I a bit confused. I'll be glad if someone could clarify it to me - What are the differences between the the token that I get in the following ways: Getting a token in this way: https://graph....
gipouf's user avatar
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How can I get a user access token for a specific facebook test user?

According to Facebook Devlopers: Test Users, I can list the test users of my facebook app by making a request to ...
Oswald's user avatar
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How to get a Facebook access token that has enough rights to get the posts in which you're tagged in?

The Facebook posts in which you're tagged in - using @Name - appear in your wall feed. A friend of mine posted a link and tagged me in it: On the Graph API documentation, when I click on my wall ...
sp00m's user avatar
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Sharing Facebook Access Tokens Across Apps

I want to provide a service using the facebook api to third parties. Is it possible for us to share access tokens? If the third party gives my service a user's access token, can I access that users ...
Ken Mazaika's user avatar
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how to get oauth access token for facebook using ruby

Am trying to get oauth access token for facebook programmatically in ruby. My code is as follows: client = APP_ID, SECRET_ID, :authorize_url => "/dialog/oauth", :...
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can't get access token with code

I'm using javascript sdk for user login FB.init({appId: applicationId, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true, oauth: true}); FB.login(callbackFunction, {scope:permissions}); i get valid access ...
Anders Celsius's user avatar
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Whats the expiry time of Facebook access token fetched for the first time

Few days back I was trying to refresh access token and observed for "Web" type of app the initial access token expiry time is around 2 hrs and for "native/desktop" type app its 25 hrs. But since today ...
Manasij Sur Roy's user avatar