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How to write.table a RowReordered table

I am trying to give the user the option to look at a subset of a data table, reorder that subset with RowReorders drag and drop function, then then export that now reordered data to a file. I have the ...
Greg Deiulio's user avatar
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Limit on Export Size while exporting Oracle Database using SQL Developer 1.5.4

I am trying to export a large Oracle Database with dozens of tables, for import into MySQL. When I export my database using SQLDeveloper it produces a text file with all the Insert statements, but ...
AnR's user avatar
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How to export multiple tables resulting from the tab command in Stata to LaTeX

I have sorted and would like to export the tables resulting from this command by state3 year: tab cooking_scorein Stata to LaTeX. I tried to use esttab, cells("Freq." "Percent") ...
cherry's user avatar
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read text from picture getting lot of color shade

Ciao, How can I exctract text data from this picture : Picture form which I want to export text data I have not so much experience on data post processing, since few days I try to extract text data ...
JackBow's user avatar
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Java program is not printing to the end [closed]

Hi I have an issue with my simple app. It is printing from csv file some text to the txt file it is working well, but not to the end, It stops at like 90% and ends. It doesn't matter how many rows are ...
Paweł Piotrowski's user avatar
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How can I remove the Null representation from PostgreSQL table when exporting to a text delimited file using pgAdmin4?

Im using Postgresql with pgadmin4 for exporting a table to a text-delimited file. I'm using 'Import/Export Data' and I need to change the default Null representation (\N) by an empty value. But I can ...
Kervin's user avatar
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Converting load cell data to .txt file

I am trying to gather data from my load cell that is hooked up to a raspberry pi 3B. I have the script reading data but am trying to figure out how to export that data into a .txt file. I have seen ...
mike098765432's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to export the data - Python

I want to export the real time data that I am taking from my car to a .txt or .csv file (or something else that I don't know). How can I do that? Here's the documentation for obdII. import obd #import ...
BANI's user avatar
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How to export a .out file into a .txt file or a sql file?

How can I convert a .out file into a .txt file, CSV, or SQL file? The records present in the .out file do not have delimiters instead each segment in the record has a fixed start and endpoint. Is ...
Shun Zu's user avatar
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Export rows to text with datadump

This script does everything I need but one thing: it only exports Col B, and I need it to export col B:H (using A as the filename, which this script does). EDIT: actually, I'm not sure now if I could ...
lise's user avatar
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R Code to Add a Special Header When Exporting a Matrix to a Text File

I have code that is creating a 141 x 131 matrix from one big column and exporting it as a text file. So far it works good. I am going to import these files into ArcGIS using the ASCII to raster tool. ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 answers

Export spreadsheet as pipe-delimited file instead of csv

I am trying to automate a Google Sheets -> pipe-delimited text file download. Basically, I want to create a time-driven script to run on a Google spreadsheet to save it as a .txt with | delimiters. ...
DAC's user avatar
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Excel VBA to export data from table to text file using another field as the file name

I've got an Excel report with a table and I need to export a single column from that table to a txt file. I'm calculating the file name that I want to use for the txt file based on fields in the ...
Jeff Miller's user avatar
2 votes
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Exporting SQL query from Python to txt file

I'm trying to export data that I queried from a database to a txt file. I am able to do so with the .to_csv method however it exports with spaces. I've tried to set the (sep) in the query to no space ...
adura826's user avatar
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Export filtered JTable data to text file

I am making a java app where user can search for data in the JTable. I have used filters to let user search content from the JTable. I also intend on exporting the filtered data to a text file. But ...
mmmmmmmmm's user avatar
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NameError: free variable 'mywidget' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope

When I export the text file from openproject() it works fine and exported the text file but when I export from other fn such as openuser() its show NameError: free variable 'mywidget' referenced ...
htetaung11's user avatar
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Exporting table parameter result as .txt file using stored procedure

Is there a way that I could use for me to export the table parameter into .txt file in SQL Server? Sample code that I did for trying to print out the DECLARE @testTable TABLE (fld_Name VARCHAR(12), ...
Lawless16's user avatar
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Looping through excel cells forces to have at least 2 active cells

I am trying to print the content of the cells into a text file in a specific format. All works fine unless I have at least 2 Rows filled in. If I have only 1, it crashes. Could anyone help me, please? ...
Alta's user avatar
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Python Selenium List Export to text file

The code below was intended to get the titles of the video courses. Well it finds it, but I am unable to write the output to a text file. from selenium import webdriver f=("output.txt", "a") ...
Lokkii9's user avatar
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How to separate data based on null values in two different CSV files in python

I am new to python development and and I am trying to separate csv file into two different text files based on null values my csv file has data like and My csv file contains four fields facility, ...
user3465377's user avatar
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SQL Server 2016 : Error running DTS package using dtexec from cmd line to export from table to flat file

I have the following software: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Datacenter SQL Server Management Studio v18.2 (SSMS) Running services: C:\workspace> net start | grep -i sql SQL ...
user3737906's user avatar
2 votes
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Solve runtime 91 error in Excel VBA textfile export

Very new to VBA and trying to create an automated textfile export. Currently it works like a charm for row 1 and the textfile is created. But when adding data on row 2 as well I get: Runtime error ...
roobeat's user avatar
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6 answers

C# Save DataGridView to Text File

I'm currently attempting to use datagridview for the first time, I have managed to do many things with it so far (such as importing text files) however, I have trouble when attempting to save the ...
ACƎ's user avatar
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Export model to text file with out column names or headers(only values)

I have a DTO(Data Transfer Object) object as model which contains data from Response received. I need to export only values under header/column to text file. Column names or header need not be ...
Shardul's user avatar
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How to convert csv file to tab delimited .txt file using c#

This is because I have some fields like address in csv which contains comma in the middle of the field. If I directly copy from csv to text, tabs are also copying. but If I use File.copy("xxx.csv","...
T. Bharath kumar's user avatar
-4 votes
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Exporting Java results to text file

Hello for my class that I am in, it is required that the results of my code (calculating federal and state tax) be exported to a text file. I have tried browsing around for help but I just can't seem ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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saving a csv to txt only one column data

Hey guys so i have this data in csv(fifty csv): income,output 1000,2000 2000,1000 1000,2000 3000,4000 4000,3000 5000,5000 i would like to combine and save the first column from fifty csv to one txt ...
user3646742's user avatar
82 votes
7 answers

DBeaver, export from database Postgres, table structure (properties) into file .txt

I have little problem with DBeaver. I want to export my structure from each table from database in file .txt. I found how to export all data but I don't need this data, just table structure. If you ...
Iani M.D.'s user avatar
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Excel VBA export multiple ranges to text file

I would like to make a UserForm with check boxes to select data from multiple ranges within an excel workbood and then have a button that will export the checked ranges to a single text file. ...
CJ Binder's user avatar
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export datagridview to txt with vb6.0

I would like to ask how to export datagridview from vb6.0 to .txt format? I write this code to view the content of table to datagridview Call Buka koneksi.CursorLocation = adUseClient rsDTS.Open "...
SETYO's user avatar
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Insert custom text on datagridview row export to TXT

For the code below, I want to put at the beginning of each line exported in TXT the following text : "S,1,___,,;" + the row exported from database. How can I add for each line that text on ...
Marian Tunaru's user avatar
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Writing to TXT depending of IF outcome

I have a Excel file where some data are added it can be 1 row or it can be 1000 rows. A VBA script matches which outcome that will be used depending of Column C & E: Sub LoopRange() Dim myFile ...
Markus Sacramento's user avatar
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Getting an Extra Empty line when exporting Excel Range to .txt file

I am trying to copy an Excel range to a .txt file. The export is successful, with one exception, It adds one "extra" empty line at the end. I've read and tests many of the solution on SO (and other ...
Shai Rado's user avatar
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Saving ListView items in a text file in c#

From the following code I am trying to save listView items in a text file. But it doesn't save the items of listView in text file even not generating any error. My listView has a single column. Please ...
Sumi's user avatar
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Exporting From Excel

I have an Excel Sheet with 55 Columns Of Data, Each with 1000 Rows. Is there any way I can export this from Excel to Notepad in the order of All of Column A, Followed by All Of Column B and so on ...
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Requesting Runtime Permissions Causes Crash

The main reason I'm posting here is that I'm currently stuck without a computer that can run an emulator, I've been having to send the APK to my phone to test it. Even if my phone's connected to my ...
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Export DataGridView to text file keeping columns lined up

I am working on project for school, using VB, I am working in Visual Studio 2017. I have a DataGridView which I need to export to a Text File. I could use some help with an export feature from VB to ...
B Sore's user avatar
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The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process in python

def worker(ip, started_date, full_path): planner_file = full_path+"\\"+"export_"+str(ip)+".txt" print "planner file", planner_file arg_list = [] action ="MakeExport" arg_list....
pylearner's user avatar
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Syntax error when trying to redirect the output of my python script [closed]

'Trying to redirect the output of my python script: print('Hi') python /path/to/script/ > /path/to/output/myfile.txt However I am being told that '/' before path/to/output/myfile.txt is ...
Hannah Rowley's user avatar
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Export large number of documents into text file using mongoose

Im am having about 60,000 records imported into MongoDb using Mongoose schema from different source files. Now I wanted to perform an export into text file of selected records (also applying ...
mvs's user avatar
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Python export to a TXT formatted or to Clipboard

I have a csv file that is something like BM13302, EM13203,etc I have to read this from a file then reformat it to something like 'BM13302', 'EM13203',etc What I'm having problems with is how do I ...
Sc-python-leaner's user avatar
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Exporting posts from a Facebook-event to a group

My friend recently passed away and me and another friend was asked to estimate how many people would come to the funeral. I did this by creating an event, inviting those we thought would want to come. ...
August Schirmer's user avatar
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How to Export DataSet to notepad?

how to Export DataSet(multiple of Datatables) to a notepad. From c# Note: NOT A SINGLE DataTable ,Multiple DataTables From DataSet;
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Access export query as text with header and footer

I've been researching this issue high and low for an answer or at least a template to go by. I am using MS Access 2007. I need to export a query as a text file with fixed width specifications (...
PAT2B's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Export and download txt file using PHP assigning fixed spaces [closed]

I need to make a method to generate and download a txt file where the string length is fixed and reserved. For example, I need to insert data from a record containing id, name, NIF. The id can be 100, ...
Sandra VR's user avatar
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*.csv or *.txt export by using Framework7

Is there any possibility to export the content of an array to an *.csv or *.txt file by using Framework7? The app will be used on the iPhone as a web app in Safari, so how can I save the exported ...
Markus's user avatar
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Export Google Doc **with** suggested changes to plain text

My research team uses "suggesting mode" in Google Doc to flag changes made to papers that we jointly write (in latex format/syntax). When I export the paper to "plain text", the text unfortunately ...
PMM's user avatar
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Export all ElasticSearch data to JSON file

I need t export all data in the ElasticSearch and reindex all those data. The export Java code as follows. SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("news") .setTypes("news_data"...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 answers

I want to get export from datagridview to text file but I get error

I want to get export from datagridview to text file but i get following error : An unhandled exception of type 'System.Security.SecurityException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information: ...
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In R, using results of rle (Run Length Encoding) including named row and column headers

I have a large matrix containing companies as row names, months as column names and data for each of the elements. Test data below: testmatrix<-matrix(c(1,0,0,0,10,5,5,5,5,5,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),...
ellimist's user avatar