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-4 votes
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Best practice for storing user uploaded files: Laravel 8

Using Laravel 8. Users can upload files and they get saved into myApp/storage/app/documents/{user_uuid}/{filename}. I want the already uploaded files to be embedded into a profile page shown to the ...
santiago's user avatar
0 votes
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parameter cc_lang_pref does not work in 2024?

Does the cc_lang_pref and cc_load_policy parameters not work in 2024? I'm trying to include them in my code, but they don't seem to work. It only works when I set h1=es, but sometimes it gets stuck in ...
awayluk's user avatar
  • 11
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0 answers

C++ PHP Embed load php script from string

I am working on a project to embed PHP in my C++ program. I found the following code. I am struggling to find an example that doesn't use a file ...
Krum110487's user avatar
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Embed latest Instagram post to a PHP website

I want to embed the latest updating post from Instagram profile in the website homepage. Now I can select a particular post in the profile and while embedding that on it shows in the site. But is ...
GMS's user avatar
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1 answer

YouTube embedded video issue

I want to embed the YouTube video on my website. The problem is with timeline and origin link properties. For example, I have some text and 2 bbCode video tags, one with timeline and 2nd without ...
Hunter91151's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Store output of php_execute_script

How can I store the output of php_execute_script() in a character array? php_execute_script() only prints the output. Here's what I've got: PHP_EMBED_START_BLOCK(argc, argv) char string[200]; setbuf(...
user avatar
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How to check in PHP if the URL Format is an Embed and if its Type is an "audio", "image" or "video"?

I am trying to use this library ( which allows to retrieve information on the URL in Embed format for example Youtube videos. However, I would first like to check ...
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wp_insert_post() not working when in loop

I have a script which scrapes articles from the web and saves the url to a .txt file. I've created a custom plugin which on activation, loops through the urls and creates a draft post with the content ...
Robert Mifsud's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to compile PHP Embed SAPI with snapshot build extensions statically compiled

The problem Trying to compile a Windows Embed SAPI PHP binary that includes the core PHP and snapshot extensions, with as many of them as possible statically linked. Trying with PHP 7.4, ZTS, x64 ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Unable to embed base64 image URI in mail using PHPMailer

I am generating QR codes using and getting their URI to embed them in a mail using PHPMailer ( building the mail object: $...
Philippe Vermeulen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

jQuery / PHP - Embed image from external page

I'm currently working on a website that requires me to load the image source of an tag from an external website via jQuery or PHP in order to embed that image on my page, is there any way to do this ...
mrvinrsk's user avatar
0 votes
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Embedding a html website gives me " refused to connect."

When I try to embed this website to another website through HTML with this code <embed type="text/html" src="
Adam Khattab's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

how to embed link youtube to be dynamic in codeigniter

I want to display the youtube link stored in the database and just call the link but it can't <div class="divideo"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src=&...
Majidil Khithar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to embed HTML code in the laravel blade template?

I am trying to built a embed HTML system in where anyone can copy and paste code snippet in his website to display that.For this I have written requied code in the jquery section . I want to pass that ...
Habibur Rahman's user avatar
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How can I connect to vimeo by using my website with PHP, Javascript or an API?

I'm currently working on a website, and I would like to add automatically the most recent video uploaded on my vimeo account. I found out that I have to use in a first place, an API, but I don't know ...
Maxime Kupke's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Embed google sheets w/o updating source

I have a published Google sheet and I would like to use it in a website. What I want is to have something such a "local copy" of that sheet, that is when I update sheet on my website the ...
Adriano's user avatar
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1 answer

Easyadmin 3 - How to render embedded form?

I am trying EasyAdmin, and I am completely lost. I have entity A which contains a relationship with entity B (which contains multiple fields). In Entity A's CrudController, if I want to display fields ...
eronn's user avatar
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1 answer

Implement Embeddable Custom Badges in Laravel

I want organically promoting in my application(Laravel) is to provide badges; snippets of content that people can embed on their own websites (When a website url is stored in our database). Something ...
Amin's user avatar
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1 answer

Discord.JS embed: User avatar in footer

I'm trying to port over some PHP code my friend made for a Discord bot, to DiscordJS. Here's what he wrote for an embed (in PHP): $embed->setFooter($message->author->username, $av = $message-&...
ASOwnerYT's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Display Gravity Form ID based on parent category name or ID

I'm using Gravity Forms as the main contact form on a WordPress install with a classified theme that uses custom-taxonomies for the categories, the site has 3 parent categories and I prepared 3 ...
Virtual Boy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to test Spotify ID?

I wanna test if Spotify ID (converted from URI o URL) is OK. I did something similar with YouTube and it has been working. Unfortunatelly, this one not. $headers = get_headers("https://open....
halotukozak's user avatar
-1 votes
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javascript dynamic Select from php sql query

There are so many questions around embedding php in javascript that I hate to even ask this, but I'm stuck. I have two things working independently and I'm essentially trying to combine them: ...
SaintFrag's user avatar
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0 answers

embed domain.php in html

I wanted to ask you if there is a way to embed a .php in an HTML document. the .php functions like an RSS feed. It's a job market feed from another page and I want to embed it into my page. I have ...
Jan O.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Symfony 5 embed form not persist foreign key

i start to study symfony and try to make a relation between two entities with an embed form, i can persist the news information inside my entity but the foreign key is not persisted.i try to search ...
devstudent's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to we insert the value between the <option> and </option> into phpmyadmin database, instead of option value?

I have created a dropdown list with links in the options, but while I'm submitting the form, the link goes into the database, instead of the value inside the option tags. <select name="loc&...
Ryan Timothy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error while embeding youtube video

here is my embed code: <iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> here is the error in console Access ...
qadenza's user avatar
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Adding Embedded Youtube video in PHP website gives error in console

Please Help! I tried to add an embedded youtube video in my website and failed to load due to below error. How can I modify the CSP header in one single file(override) without modifying the default ...
LearningUser's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Add/Embed Instagram Posts To Laravel 7

What I want: I am creating a blog using Laravel 7 for my client. He wants to add a section containing a link to his Instagram posts by something similar to a carousel, so that, when he posts a new ...
Hilal Najem's user avatar
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WordPress: Fix oEmbed and <--/wp:paragraph--> in shortcode?

I have created shortcode that will show to non-logged users (non-subscribers) part of text, or 100 characters. And for logged in users (subscribers) it will show full content. function subscriber_only(...
Alex Media's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Display Youtube Video from database in PHP

I found a weird occur in my code. I display youtube video from my database on my PHP page. I saved youtube video id in my database. All youtube videos working perfectly except one (
Sourav Das's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to Embed HTML code inside email using PHP

I want to include an html meta tag inside an email which we are sending using PHP. <meta name=\"yyyy\" content=\"uuuuu\" /> I'm expecting the email like: Hello, Thank you ...
Jenz's user avatar
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0 answers

how to detect pdf links and replace with embed code using php?

how to detect pdf links using php and add pdf embed code using preg_replace to show the pdf as part of the page? tested this embed code but not working <OBJECT data="YourFile.pdf" TYPE="...
codeArt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to display a pdf file in laravel blade view and undownloadable

i'm using Laravel for my application, i want to show a PDF file in view i know i have to use <embed> or <iframe> but when i use this tags, i can't see my PDF file in my view and it will ...
Pooriya Mostaan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Metabase embed question fails with Assert failed: (integer? card-id)

Trying to embed a question using iframe in my application. I've followed the instructions here: Code (PHP): $payload = (...
Matanya's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to autoplay embed Google Drive video?

I have uploaded the video in Google Drive and trying to use the link in my website. The video should be auto-play. I have tried ?autoplay=1 and ?Start=1 after the URL. But video does not autoplay.
US-1234's user avatar
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Iframe is not working on my website while working on local

<iframe class="metaframe rptss" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen=""></iframe&...
Bored's user avatar
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How to generate "Embed Picture" on laravel, is there any special method?

I have a website using Laravel and it stores the images. If other people want to use my picture using tag <iframe src="#"></iframe> how can it be generated automatically? Do you have any ...
Dazzle's user avatar
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1 answer

Embed soundcloud player with url

i'm actually working on a website where the users will put the soundcloud link of their tracks and there will be a player directly on the website. The problem is I have not found any solution on how ...
ogtm's user avatar
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Getting an Embed Token for App Owns Data model in Power BI

I've been working through how to implement getting a Power BI Embed token for the App Owns data model in Power BI. It's proving a little tricky I've found a post:
Rob Davies's user avatar
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What I'm doing wrong with this preg_replace code to embed videos?

I'm trying to embed videos directly from the link Link Example The Standard Embed code: <iframe src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Akirabyte's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I embed php code snippets in a string and have them properly interpreted using Symfony-v2.8?

I have a web-page that is created by server-side a php script that uses the Symfony-2.8 framework. I'm not using twige, but instead using the $strMAIN string variable to collect the content of the ...
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Can't echo code correctly. CSS dissapears

I want to make an email-signature page with Elementor and then generate the HTML-code like the code when you that appears when you "View Source" of a page, but code gets not exactly correct. I am ...
codesid's user avatar
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How to change iframe source using javascript

I'm setting up an iframe to embed streaming video from a server, and it works perfect. I need that when a user click on tag to update the iframe and change the source of it. It also works good on ...
Sam's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to correctly embed image in html email

I have some trouble to correctly embed images in html/php email. My .php file just sends out a few text emails. But I want a picture in there. <img src=""> works so far ...
itsenaf's user avatar
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How can we embed TripAdvisor reviews?

I need to display my TripAdvisor reviews in my website. Our website is in PHP. what is needed is to display the reviews as displayed in TripAdvisor itself and not the regular TripAdvisor widget. I do ...
sameermanandhar's user avatar
0 votes
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Pause or stop Instagram embed video after scrolling away

I'm embedding videos from Instagram in my website using below URL: Embedding it with an iframe: <iframe src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Rupali's user avatar
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PHP does not properly output read file

I've got a text file that contains a youtube url code for example: BzRBCM89GvI I want this to be placed inside a iFrame and the title of the file to be used as a title above the video. I almost have ...
DjKillerMemeStar's user avatar
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Embed image with a link using phpmailer from a private website cannot be seen by the recipient

Using phpmailer I need to build an email with an embedded image which has a link. At the body of the message it is trivial to include <a href="link"><img src="" /&...
dstonek's user avatar
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Google analytics Embed API php Server-side Authorization

I am currently working on adding google analytics charts on my admin panel. Have setup a Service account on and downloaded the json key file. The problem is i am getting "...
lasse jb's user avatar
1 vote
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Path for embed in Twig cannot contain variables, else returns Variable not found error

For some reason, setting a variable to represent a file path, and then using that to embed does not work. Does anyone know the reason? This works: {% embed 'Console::components/somecomponent' with {...
Thomas Cheng's user avatar

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