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more than one 10-q?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I am new to using python in data extraction. When I extract data from EDGAR, there is something that troubles me. When I fetch 10-Q reports, several similar but not ...
faipince's user avatar
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Why am I getting an error message when searching for certain facts in 10-Q forms?

I'm fairly new to Python and would really appreciate any help I can get. I apologise if I call something by the wrong name. I am trying to build a tool using Edgar APIs that grabs info from financial ...
Charlotte Phillips's user avatar
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Cannot get RSS feed using tidyRSS

I have been using the following R code in RStudio for several months and it worked well without a need for while loop, just at the first run. It takes RSS feed from EDGAR. feed_url = c("https://...
user3367236's user avatar
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How to declare user-agent in edgar?

I'm trying to figure out how to fix some error messages in R while using edgar package to download filings by following this post. Code: ua <- "Name [email protected]" #declare user-agent ...
tctrg's user avatar
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How to ignore or bypass instances that result in NoneType non-iterable object

I am trying to parse a section from 10K in Edgar database, when I run the following code, # pip install edgartools import pandas as pd from edgar import * # Tell the SEC who you are set_identity(&...
Sharif's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Iteration an object in Python

I am new to python. I am trying to parse some 10-Ks from Edgar using edgartools and sec-parsers module of python. Here is my code - import pandas as pd # pip install edgartools from edgar import * # ...
Sharif's user avatar
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How to organise all the data from SEC.Gov Edgar API into instatement and balance sheet

My question in a nutshell: I am trying to build my own financial data collection python script for stock investing to download company filings data from SEC.Gov. I have develop my script to ...
Stan Suen's user avatar
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Discrepancy in EDGAR data

My question is about the source of truth regarding EDGAR. I am developing a simple service for myself to choose stocks based on fundamental data. Therefore I went to the EDGAR site and downloaded all ...
Leonardo Lanchas's user avatar
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parse SEC EDGAR xml file using XML and xlm2 in R

I have a simple download from SEC's EDAGR and parse the XLM file, but something does not work. library(xml2) library(XML) download.file("
Grillo's user avatar
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2 answers

Extracting PDF's from EDGAR database

Trying to extract the information from the PDF located here: However, even though this is an open API, it appears that the SEC blocks ...
P5C768's user avatar
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Is it possible to recreate tables from a 10-Q document using linkbases and facts?

For reference, I am testing on this Netflix 10-Q. Using just the presentation linkbase, I am able to reconstruct what the tables should look like. Tabs indicate indents. This is the statement of ...
SoftwareThings's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I access a custom tag in a company's 10q filing?

My issue concerns how to access non us-gapp tagged company data in, for example, a 10-q for the ticker MSFT. See this 10q filing:
mjebus's user avatar
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How to get S-1 form from SEC using python? [closed]

I am trying to get S-1 balance sheets, income statements, etc. using Python. I've used a lot of packages (sec_api, edgar and others) trying to get the data, but I haven't been able to get it. Could ...
william duran's user avatar
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SEC filings data using API in python with filter for specific strings

I'm trying to extract SEC filings in a certain date range with a certain key string, for several different companies. Basically I'm trying to replicate the search in this link: SEC Edgar (https://www....
Deep_S's user avatar
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Scrapping full Edgar into HTML fails due to condition has length > 1

I always get the following error message despite in my view I am doing everything as in the R documentary. > output <- getFilingsHTML( = 789019, 'ALL', 2018, quarter = c(1,2,3,4), ...
Fritz Müller's user avatar
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Finding string or empty column in pandas

This is to create a general use case of cleaning up tabular Data from the SEC EDGAR database. Considering this below table, I need to remove columns that may contain '[any_int]' Column A Column B ...
thzCU's user avatar
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Why purrr:map () function is not working with load () to import Rda datasets

I have downloaded some Rdata files using getMasterIndex function from edgar package. Now I am trying to load all of these files into RStudio using the following code - paths <- list.files('Master ...
Sharif's user avatar
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EDGAR RESTful API dei taxonomy

I'm trying to write a Microsoft Excel UDF to pull information from the U.S. SEC's EDGAR database. The documentation I can find says that I can pull data (for example) this way, and I'll get a JSON ...
jerry's user avatar
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Why is some of the text I extracted not properly decoded in Python? [duplicate]

I have written the following code to download the text of a financial report of Apple on the SEC: headers = {'User-Agent' : 'email'} response = requests.get('
larzz_010's user avatar
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How to get 10k fillings for the russell 3000 constituents using sec-api?

Is it possible to fetch the 10-K filings using something like the following? from sec_api import QueryApi query_api = QueryApi(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY') # Define search parameters index_ticker = 'RUA' ...
Ayodele Ashad's user avatar
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Delete txt file based on keywords from multiple folders

I downloaded a bunch of 10-ks from edgar. I need to keep only 10-k reports with keywords "cryptocurrency" and "blockchain". Each company has one single folder. However, I was stuck ...
Ciercy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Parse SEC EDGAR XML Form Data with child nodes using BeautifulSoup

I am attempting to scrape individual fund holdings from the SEC's N-PORT-P/A form using beautiful soup and xml. A typical submission, outlined below and [linked here][1], looks like: <...
therdawg's user avatar
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Web scraping for multiple classes using python

I am trying to scrape address from 10K filing document in HTML: It has multiple div class, and I want to scrape ...
Sushmitha Krishnan's user avatar
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Extract 10K filings url for a company using CIK number python

I am working on a project to find the latest 10K filings url for a company using CIK number. Please find the code below: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # CIK number for Apple is ...
Sushmitha Krishnan's user avatar
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Accessing filing data from SEC EDGAR API in python

I want to pull reports from the SEC EDGAR API and conduct analysis within python. From what I can tell, it looks like the main issue is that I'm using the wrong file format, but methods I have found ...
SPR26's user avatar
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SEC EDGAR API to Google Sheets integration

I want to connect US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) API to Google sheet. I want to be able to upload files in JSON from SEK server to Google Sheets directly. Buy could not make any of ...
John Tiller's user avatar
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Downloading all 10-k filings for SEC EDGAR in python

I have currently managed to scrape all filings for a specific ticker eg. 'AAPL' and every type of filing with its link is presented in a massive dictionary. I would like only those links where the '...
joshijos's user avatar
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Inconsistent tags between XBRL files from the SEC (EDGAR)

I'm parsing every XBRL files from the SEC through EDGAR in order to retrieve some data (in json format on python). I have no problem parsing those files. My problem lies in the structure of the XBRL ...
Omar Sow's user avatar
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How can I mitigate encoding error that happens irregularly while scraping data?

I was scraping SEC EDGAR data by running 'MDA' in this link. As this program was made in Python2, I changed some expressions (e.g., print -> ...
Peter Park's user avatar
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Downloading file from the website - HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

I am trying to download 10Ks (annual report of public companies) from EDGAR. I am running the code below (used it from the textbook, don't understand much of it), but keep getting the following error: ...
Alberto Alvarez's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to get data from SEC Edgar python and a json

on the following page below there is as Data source a json link: Data source: CIK0001067983.json ->
JKR's user avatar
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What does the `end` property mean in the XBRL data?

I'm trying to read some programmatic API data from EDGAR, and I'm having trouble understanding the end property. For example, when looking at AssetsCurrent: "end": "2018-03-31", &...
jayjyli's user avatar
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Save (pre-2012) 13-F filings to Pandas Dataframe using python

I saw the question on pre-2013 13-F filings, but noticed they used an even different format pre 2012. This is the original question: Extracting table of holdings from (Edgar 13-F filings) TXT (pre-...
Not_a_Robot's user avatar
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Extract entire textual data from Edgar 10-K using python

I am trying to extract entire textual data from the given URL below as an example. I have many URLs so automating. I tried every code posted here - they are giving error, eg AttributeError: 'NoneType' ...
silicon23's user avatar
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Syncing another company's financial year to another company using EDGAR database

I'm working on a school project that was built by a previous group, and one of my tasks is to synchronize the fiscal year's start date according to the start date of the company of focus. This is the ...
MG0310's user avatar
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How to create user agent?

I'm trying out this function from the package edgarwebR x <- paste0("", "933691/000119312517247698/0001193125-17-247698-index.htm&...
Rachael Loh's user avatar
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Can ExtractorApi in sec-api module be used for 10-Q filings?

I am trying to extract specific sections from the 10-Q report using ExtractorApi from sec-api module. The module works for 10-K, however, it fails with certain sections for the 10-Q. For example, if I ...
Maneet Singh's user avatar
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How to build up edgar filing calculations when a fact is summed up multiple ways?

The Edgar documentation has some limited information on how to handle facts with different dimension break-downs. Take as an example the AAPL annual report: On page 29 the total Net Sales (365,817) is ...
jollytall's user avatar
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Build financial table from EDGAR XBRL files

When companies submit their reports to SEC, a number of files are made available. E.g. the latest 10-K of AAPL. From this even the SEC website (and many others) make the tables as structured data. ...
jollytall's user avatar
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Download a txt file from EDGAR

I want to download this file to my local drive: Here are my codes: import requests import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup ...
Julie's user avatar
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How should I scrape an idx file on EDGAR?

I have an idx file: I could open the idx file with following codes one year ago, but the codes don't work now. Why is that? ...
Julie's user avatar
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JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) when scaping SEC EDGAR

My codes are as follows: import requests import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup year_url = r"" year_content = requests.get(...
Julie's user avatar
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R: reading old 13F txt files from SEC Edgar database using R edgar package

Hi I'm trying to read the 13F filings in the SEC edgar database using the R edgar package The challenge I have is the filings I'm looking at is the old filing (~year 2000)
ML33M's user avatar
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BeautifulSoup: Get the HTML Code of Modal Footer

I'm new to Web scraping in Python and try to scrape all htm document-links from an SEC Edgar full-text search. I can see the link in the Modal Footer, but BeautifulSoup won't parse the href Element ...
Steve's user avatar
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How to Web scraping SEC Edgar 10-K Dynamic data

we are trying to parse SEC Edgar filing using Python . I'm trying to get this table "Sales By Segment Of Business" at line 21 . This is the link to the document.
Tarun teja's user avatar
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Python Edgar asks for useragent

I ran the following command: import edgar import pandas as pd edgar.download_index('/Users/myusername/Desktop/Desktop', 2010,skip_all_present_except_last=False) It's throwing the following error ...
Thayyib PV's user avatar
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Problems with getMgmtDisc (from edgar): "no filing information found" or "object ´words.count´ not found"

I am unfortunately working with R for the first time and I am having a problem with the package "edgar". My code is as follows: Normal: MgmtDisc <- getMgmtDisc( = c(1390777, 1077771,...
pd94_wwu's user avatar
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Downloading files from via EDGAR using Python 3.9

I am new to the world of coding, so please bear with me if I misuse terminology or generally do not know what I am talking about. I am doing a research project in which I am trying to scrape public ...
snoder's user avatar
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Download multiple 10-ks documents

I need to download multiple 10-ks documents, however, this code works fine if i download the 10-ks between 5-10 companies. But if i increase the number of companies in [cik_lookup function]. Here's ...
Researcher's user avatar
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Retrieving S-1 filings from EDGAR based on SIC using R

I am trying to analyse the S-1 filings of all Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SIC=6770) but I am having trouble finding a way of getting this data from SEC EDGAR in an efficient way. I have ...
jlis's user avatar
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