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Django devserver load once

I am trying to develop a django application it use paddelocr take sometime to initiate. so when ever I am trying to change something and test it I have to wait 5 sec for the paddleocr to initiate ...
  Irfan Shaikh's user avatar
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In Django, is it possible to see which method is generating a SQL query?

When creating a custom User (inherits from AbstractUser) we have a signal which creates a randomized password (from Django's get_random_string) and send it out in an email in a celery task to the user....
kunambi's user avatar
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How to run django app on windows server ec2 instance with mysql database and costum domain

I have Copied my files to the server and also setup the domain in the route 53 and also installed the xampp server now When i try starting the server with the command Python runserver 0.0.0....
Muhammad Zarak Aamer's user avatar
-2 votes
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Django server won't load

strong text I am trying to run my django server using the python runservercommand. Keep getting this error in my shell. The development server is refusing to load. The image is the error ...
Brainiedude's user avatar
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Django Dev Server - sleep(N) in Middleware makes requests sleep multiple N seconds

Working on a middleware that slows down dev server response time. To simplify it I've created a very simple example that measures get_response time and then sleeps so the whole request cycle takes ...
Milano's user avatar
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Django Heroku how to go back to development server to make more changes

So I just deployed my Django app to Heroku, and everything is working fine. The current version of the app isn't perfect, so I want to edit it, but my current process is: 1. **make changes in files 2. ...
timrockx's user avatar
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Django Serve Static Files with out seperate Web server(i.e, without nginx??)

I have a issue with running my django application on the production server, Its working fine when i use nginx webserver to serve the static files. But i have my django application running on one ...
Sanjeeva's user avatar
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Django dev server extremely slow

We have an app that works perfectly fine on production but very slow on the dev machine. Django==2.2.4 I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 but other devs are using macOS and even Windows. Our production server is ...
user1532587's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django.contrib.admin' in pythonanywhere

hi i know this is repetitive question but i checked everywhere and i checkd my urls and import stuffs but it does not fix i don't know which file path is incorrect i clone my project from github and ...
gazegan's user avatar
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Error importing devserver module devserver.modules.sql: "cannot import name util"

Just upgraded from django 1.8 to 1.9 and getting this error while migrating: Error importing devserver module devserver.modules.sql: "cannot import name util" Although they say it is fixed it here: ...
moddayjob's user avatar
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Django https with a dev server

I'm trying to use SpeechRecognition/ webkitSpeechRecognition in my website, and thus need to run a dev server in django using https. I've taken the following steps: install and configure ...
Preston's user avatar
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Django development server shutdown on error

I am running a dev server on localhost to test a django app. About a week ago the dev server started exiting on error- which is not ideal. To give you an instance, imagine I want to create a new ...
Preston's user avatar
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Django Development server displaying wrong project data

I am able to access the django development server even without running "python runserver". It is displaying the previously created project website. Even when I run ...
Vishal S's user avatar
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How to query data using the build in Django functions in postgresql database?

I am wanting to query data using the build in Django functions on postgresql database. When the highlighted line of code runs, I get the following error: django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: can't adapt ...
Mohammad Mahjoub's user avatar
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Django dev server STILL won't serve static files

Okay, all. I know this is a question that many people have solved in various cases, but I cannot for the life of me get my Django 1.9 development server to serve static content on my local computer. ...
Jensen Reynolds's user avatar
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How to slow down the django debug server

What is a best way to slow down the django runserver in debug mode? I want to emulate the weak server.
Y.N's user avatar
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Is there a best practice way to direct output of the development server to stdout for a front-end dev server?

Let's say I have a a hybrid application (the django templater is required to serve the page with the form widgets, data, etc, however there is still a decent amount of js/ejs/lodash/etc wizardry going ...
Escher's user avatar
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Django test server and development server intermittently having trouble retrieving external resources

I am working on a Django app on Ubuntu 16.04, and recently noticed that functional tests using selenium in the test suite for my Django app will sometimes fail (timeout). These are tests that ...
elethan's user avatar
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Cookieless domains for static in Django + Nginx

I've found a tip of using cookieless domains for serving static files. My experiments have shown seriuos drop in request time (django-debug-toolbar) that is pretty much what I wanted to get. The ...
Danil Emelianov's user avatar
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Why is Django development server bringing my app under another app's address?

After going through Django Project's tutorial on creating a polling app, named polls, I started my own project on the same virtual environment, under another name. Now, what I did in my new app under ...
OddvarK's user avatar
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Quit Django dev server but process doesn't stop

I'm developing on Mac OSX 10.8. Lately I've been noticing that when I've been running the dev server for a while, and then -C to exit, the process continues to run in the background. I have to do a ps ...
RossGK's user avatar
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Why can't I import modules in a Django project?

I am trying to pick up an old Django project and my immediate goal is to see what I can get running on my computer on the development server. I get: Inner Sanctum ~/pragmatometer $ python ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
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Can a development server buffer HTTP requests while reloading?

We all love that Django's development server ( runserver) notices file changes and reloads. But I find that I often beat the dev server to the punch - I hit reload in my browser while the ...
Shimon Rura's user avatar
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django python runserver RuntimeError: Settings already configured

I am quite new to Django and Python. My environ is Win7 and Python3.4. Now following the tutorial in Django Official Website to build a web app. At first, everything works quite well and output are ...
X.C.'s user avatar
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Serve different Static files on devel and production in Django

I have a production and local DJANGO development environment. To push things to production we have a deployer which minifies and gzips all CSS and JS files. To serve them on production I need to ...
Pol Alvarez Vecino's user avatar
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Django dev server serving css files with wrong mimetype

My browser (firefox) console confirms receiving files with status 200 but firefox gives me this: The stylesheet http://localhost:8000/css/full-width-pics.css was not loaded because its MIME type, "...
Hauzron's user avatar
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Django development server. CSS files being served as 'text/html'

I'm using Django 1.8. I get status 200 for both of my css files but the firefox says: The stylesheet http://localhost:8000/css/full-width-pics.css was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html", ...
Hauzron's user avatar
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Achieving PHP-like workflow with Django dev server? (without reloading)

The development of my django applications involves something very annoying: whenever I perform any change in my codebase, I need to restart the application. Django does it for me, cool, but it takes ...
Adam Zielinski's user avatar
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How to restart a Django development web server in virtual machine on file modification?

I have a VirtualBox machine managed by Vagrant. On this machine I run a Django development web server: ./ runserver The codebase is big so for faster code reload I installed ...
Burnash's user avatar
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Getting Error NoReverseMatch error in Django. (It works at local but doesn't work at server)

I have project and i must to deploy my project to server. In local, my project can work properly. But, when i try to run in server. Why appears this error Environment: Request Method: GET Request ...
ranggatry's user avatar
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Very slow first request in Django Development server

Whenever I run python runserver and accesses my website with localhost:8000 in the browser, the first request is VERY slow (around 10 seconds). Following requests are really fast. Is there ...
jhagege's user avatar
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port forwarding django development server - URL is being doubled

I have a Django development server running on a remote centos VM on another lan. I have set up port forwarding using Secure CRT to access the web page through my browser from my desk pc. I am ...
Django Fett's user avatar
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Django serving each app separately in each its port

I've got a very simple project running on Django (no models yet) and I need to do the following: I have created 2 apps, 'Ebony' and 'Ivory' that need to communicate with each other through JSON ...
stratis's user avatar
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Django development server not returning JSON responses

Or rather, it's returning them as text, which is really odd. So I have this line of code in my javascript to test this that's $.get('/static/js/categories.json', function(response){ console.log(...
Jared Joke's user avatar
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Django - separating shared & dedicated static files on dev machine

I've gone through & related Q&A on stackoverflow regarding placement of static files on Django. Each project app has its own dedicated ...
user's user avatar
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Can't get Django to server its dev server on my LAN

I really try not to ask questions on here, but I've been googling for a bit now and can't find the answer or another method to try. I have a CentOS box at my house hooked to a router. I've assigned it ...
n0nag0n's user avatar
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how to set django development server

I am stuck on this step: i have a page, which i am developing in django. the page is ready to test. i deployed it. running well and it is online. but now i want to setup a new project in server as ...
doniyor's user avatar
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Django development server and MIME types

Is there anyway of setting MIME types in the django development server? Specifically, I would love to remove this message from the warnings in Chrome dev tools. Resource interpreted as Image but ...
Fergal Moran's user avatar
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Turning off model validation on Django dev-server

Stage of models validation is most longest in Django dev-server startup. And in my case it mostly waste of time, since my models сhanging infrequently. Is there way to turn off this?
Gill Bates's user avatar
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What's the meaning of the default output of runserver?

What's the meaning of the default output of runserver? Can't find any documentation on it: [25/Jan/2013 07:45:59] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 149
htmldrum's user avatar
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Testing Django project, how can I avoid Errno 10054?

I'm testing a simple django project using its own development server. However every time I close my IE client an error appears in the console. It doesn't cause any failure though. When I open another ...
kev's user avatar
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Django - use pdb interactive debug for wsgi running app

If I develop a Django app and use the included testing server, I can just add a import pdb; pdb.set_trace() anywhere in the code and have a breaking point that throws me into an interactive debugger. ...
NeuronQ's user avatar
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GeoDjango: Geographic query causes segmentation fault

On Django development server with SpatiaLite, I am trying to do a basic geographic query: Location.objects.filter(geom__within=loc.geom) This causes a Segmentation error and the server dies. loc is ...
onurmatik's user avatar
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The logs of POST/GET requests from Django application on Apache

Django development server is really nice, it shows the log of all POST/GET requests as well as other events in real time. Example of logs from Django dev server: [04/Jul/2012 19:23:27] "GET /static/...
Arman's user avatar
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Django - distinguish development server ( runserver) from the regular one (eg. Apache)

I need a way to distinguish development server in Django (run eg. by ./ runserver from the one being run on Apache. In case of Apache I use WSGI daemon mode, but I would like to ...
Tadeck's user avatar
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Change colors of output log text from Django development server

When running the django test server on a local project, can you make 400/500 errors stand out in a different color in output text?
MikeN's user avatar
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Serving static files in development with django-devserver

I finally got around to trying out django-devserver. It's installed and working but static files refuse to load (Django 1.3). (Note: static files work fine with the standard runserver management ...
Chris Pratt's user avatar
14 votes
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Django dev server intermittently fails to serve static files

In my development environment I'm getting intermittent failures for serving static files (js scripts and css). In the error console in Chrome I get 404s. But if I refresh on those items, or visit the ...
Joe's user avatar
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Getting error with Django while requesting any url

I am running django on django's development server. It was working fine before but from yesterday i keep getting this error on the linux command line where server was running. Exception happened ...
Mirage's user avatar
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Django IDE : how to start the devserver in an editor?

I`m trying to develop a simple plugin for the Editra editor for django development. Right now it can create django projects and apps from within the editor. The editor is based on wxPython and I want ...
Weholt's user avatar
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