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3 votes
2 answers

How to calculate a Voxel size?

Provided following information from a DICOM header, how can I calculate the third value of voxel size? I assume the first two values are 0.515625 and 0.515625. BitsAllocated: "16" BitsStored:...
daftcranberry2's user avatar
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1 answer

How to standardize multiple DICOM images?

I'm working with multiple DICOM files, most of which are vastly different pixel wise. For example one ranges from -1024 to 2815 and another ranges from 0 to 2378. Is there a way to standardise them ...
Faffy's user avatar
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How to transform stored values in a DICOM file to real world units?

I am trying to calculate radioactivity concentrations on a PET DICOM image using either Matlab or python. I have read in the DICOM standard that (0028,1053) Rescale Slope (0028,1052) Rescale ...
David's user avatar
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how to write multiple dicom files into a folder using 'dicomwrite' command

using for loop, i can read all the 'k' dicom files present in the folder . After performing some operation on each slice, i need to save them into another folder . Someone please help me names=dir(...
Cndu's user avatar
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1 answer

Conv2D to Conv3D

I have 3D medical images and wanted to know if I have a CNN that uses Conv2D can I just change the Conv2D to a Conv3D? If not what would I need to change?
rzaratx's user avatar
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Medical Image quality problem with DICOM files

I am trying to make some segmentation tasks on CT images which are in DICOM format, using python. The main problem is that when I am trying to read the DICOM file (
robertg's user avatar
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3 answers

How to adjust the viewing window of .mhd file to get a better look at medical images?

I load some .mdh and .raw files for medical images, but one thing bothers me. I understand that in .dicom file, you can convert pixel intensity to HU by using rescale.slope and rescale.intercept, ...
yujuezhao 's user avatar
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2 answers

papaya DICOM viewer, moving slice not working, When it's same

I have an array that contains list DICOM slices. var data = [["MR.1.2.840.113619.2.244.3596.11861950.26703.1468828230.740","MR.1.2.840.113619.2.244.3596.11861950.26703.1468828230.740","MR.1.2.840....
Ashok Charu's user avatar
3 votes
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How to read a dicom file on matlab?

I have a dicom file of size 256*256*3. However, when I read this file using dicomread command in matlab the size of the dicom file is 256*256? How to fix this ? `close all; clear all; clear all; %...
kitty 's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What direction do the DICOM instance numbers grow along?

By direction I mean for example from a patient's head to bottom or from his bottom to head. The CHEST CT scans I have seen so far indicates that Instance Number 1 slice is usually the first one down ...
user1206899's user avatar
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2 answers

How are the spacing value of the z dimension and thickness (0018, 0050) different in dicom series?

I've been studying some dicom series and find that the thickness attribute and the itkimage.GetSpacing()[2] value are not always consistent. For example the thickness (0018, 0050) value encoded in ...
user1206899's user avatar
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Import model from 3DSlicer into Unity automatically

For my bachelor thesis I have to convert DICOM data to a 3d model and import this into unity so I can create a virtual reality. So the data out of 3DSlicer has to be updated in Unity automatically. ...
Joh's user avatar
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CT CAD is based on DICOM image data or raw data?

I am just wondering the data used in the CT CAD (computer aided diagnosis) is DICOM image data (reconstructed data) or the raw data (not reconstructed data)?
peterboston's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

DICOM file with CT and MR tags

A DICOM file (an artificial axial slice) has been generated from both a CT and an MR images. Can the aggregated file contain both CT and MR DICOM tags? E.g. Echo Time (0x18, 0x81) and KVP (0x18,0x60)? ...
Pavlo Dyban's user avatar
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Storage Commitment with fo-dicom

I am trying to implement a storage commitment with FO-DICOM framework, but with no result. I am able to create the N-ACTION request. I am able to receive the N-ACTION response. But I don't know how to ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Storage Commitment Service (push model): how i get the result back to my SCU?

I planned to implement a Storage Commitment Service to verify if files previously sent to the storage were safely stored. My architecture is very simple and straightforward my SCU sends some ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Storage Commitment Service: why I really need a what is the real purpose?

I'm wondering why I really need of commitment after a c-store command; I can understand the commit is a sort of assurance about the fact the message was actually taken in charge by the storage and ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Secondary Capture Image: what is the correct workflow for creating and storing?

I need to create a Secondary Capture Image representing a report related to radiopharmaceutical and dose injected to the patient during the medical examination. I know Secondary Capture Image is ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
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Patient Orientation attribute: which value when the image doesn't depict body parts?

In DICOM General Image Module (C.7.6.1) Patient Orientation (0020,0020) is declared of type 2C (conditional). From DICOM standard documentation: Required if image does not require Image ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
0 votes
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Error: The compressed pixel data is missing item delimiters.?

I am working with few Dicom files and when i try to use dicomread('filename.dcm') in MATLAB it gives the following error: Error using dicomread>processOffsetTable (line 943) The compressed pixel ...
Gopi's user avatar
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3 answers

How to change pixel intensity range of the image in matlab?

I read dicom Image in matlab. Pixel intensity range is really large. I want to rescale Pixel intensity to 0 - 1000. How Can I modify the Image ? I would appreciate for any help please.
Agata's user avatar
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3 answers

Interpolation between two images with different pixelsize

For my application, I want to interpolate between two images(CT to PET). Therefore I map between them like that: [X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(linspace(1,size(imagedata_ct,1),size_pet(1)),... ...
JavaNullPointer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Eliminate connected component in 3d volume matlab

I have a CT lung 3d volume, I am using matlab to extract nodules and classify it ... I need to eliminate "delete" the air ways from the volume, in order to minimize suspected nodules, there is a ...
Ahmed Hassaan's user avatar
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Can DICOM pixel data compression decompression mess with window center and window width

I am viewing Computerized Tomography ( CT) DICOM images. These were originally uncompressed DICOM images. I have lossless J2K compressed form of these DICOM images: Transfer syntax = 1.2.840.10008.1....
Yogesh Devi's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I convert Dicom directory (series of dicom images) to 3D volume image?

I have almost 80 dicom images in a folder. Now, I want to convert these series of dicom images to a 3d volume. Below is the code which loads MRI data, forms counter slices and then generates 3d ...
santosh patil's user avatar
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how to draw the scan range in the gantry tilt cases?

The scan/recon range rectangles on the Topo/Scout image show the scan/recon ranges for next scans/recons. The width of the rectangle represents the FOV and the height represents the scan/recon length. ...
peterboston's user avatar
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Tomosynthesis image : Determining orientation

I am trying to find the orientation (head-feet, lateral-medial) of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis multi-frame DICOM images. Anyone can tell me how to achieve this? Basically which DICOM tags I should ...
Asha's user avatar
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Correct display of DICOM images ITK-VTK (images too dark)

I read dicom images with ITK using itk::ImageSeriesReader and itk::GDCMImageIO after reading i flip the images with itk::FlipImageFilter (to get right orientation of the images) and convert the ...
Angel.Risteski's user avatar
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Read private dicom TAGS from various vendors - dcm4che2

I am wondering on which is the most efficient way to setup & build a JAVA application (using dcm4che2 toolkit) for being able to indentify and parse in a proper way DICOMs from various vendors. ...
thanili's user avatar
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GDCM: I'd like to do a simple sharpening filter to the image, but have no idea how to change the pixel value

I'm new to GDCM(c++). What I want to do, is to code a very simple laplacian filter to the dicom image. I have gotten the buffer of the image, but what to do next? Is there a method that can let me ...
YFan's user avatar
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2 answers

Using DICOM attribute information to determine the range of bone pixel values

I'm working with DICOM CT images to segment bones. I was wondering if I can use DICOM attribute information to determine the range of bone pixel values.
user4386605's user avatar
-1 votes
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Adjusting Resolution of DICOM Images

I am working with DICOM images, and would like to change the resolution of all the images I have to 0.5mm/pixel. What are the entries that I should access in the DICOM header and how can I change the ...
VeraD's user avatar
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Parsing Dicom results with Python

I'm trying to parse the results page from a dicom study. I've tried with pydicom but it only parses the "header" info (patient info, device info, etc.). I'd like to extract the numeric results from ...
Neurus's user avatar
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4 answers

How could I know a tag's specific meaning in DICOM?

I was doing a project on dicom, and I found the DICOM Standard document( is really a mess for programmers.For example when I come across a Tag(0008, 0060), I look ...
fork123x's user avatar
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2 answers

Reading DICOM 1.2.840.10008.

I have a problem when reading DICOM file. This is the format 1.2.840.10008. 14 with a first-order prediction (Selection Value 1). I write my own software. Here is result of my work. ...
user1677686's user avatar
6 votes
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How to draw scout/reference lines in dicom

I am a beginner to dicom development group . I need to create a localizer image line on dicom image . So, is there any good ideas . Any Geeks .
eurekha_ananth's user avatar
2 votes
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Not Reading DICOM Image Series Correctly with ITK

I want to read a Series of DICOM image to convert them into a 3D image using ITK. I follow the example in the documentation: " Examples/IO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx" . But I am still having ...
Antonio's user avatar
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DICOM basics for volumetric data

I have looked at some of the DICOM standard and the Wikipedia page (and all DICOM topics on SO) but without really digging into the file structure doc (ugh), I'm left confused what exactly is stored ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Which SDK should I use to visualize medical images in 3D?

I need to process DICOM formatted medical images and visualize them in 3D, also do some image processing on these images on real-time. Therefore, I am asking this question to learn which SDK has ...
baris.aydinoz's user avatar