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2 votes
2 answers

Storage Commitment Service (push model): how i get the result back to my SCU?

I planned to implement a Storage Commitment Service to verify if files previously sent to the storage were safely stored. My architecture is very simple and straightforward my SCU sends some ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Storage Commitment Service: why I really need a what is the real purpose?

I'm wondering why I really need of commitment after a c-store command; I can understand the commit is a sort of assurance about the fact the message was actually taken in charge by the storage and ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Secondary Capture Image: what is the correct workflow for creating and storing?

I need to create a Secondary Capture Image representing a report related to radiopharmaceutical and dose injected to the patient during the medical examination. I know Secondary Capture Image is ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Patient Orientation attribute: which value when the image doesn't depict body parts?

In DICOM General Image Module (C.7.6.1) Patient Orientation (0020,0020) is declared of type 2C (conditional). From DICOM standard documentation: Required if image does not require Image ...
Ghini Antonio's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Adjusting Resolution of DICOM Images

I am working with DICOM images, and would like to change the resolution of all the images I have to 0.5mm/pixel. What are the entries that I should access in the DICOM header and how can I change the ...
VeraD's user avatar
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