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Problem with running mlpack sample program

I have installed mlpack via msys2. Also I have installed gcc via msys2. Made a simple program in c++ from the code on mlpack website // This is an interactive demo, so feel free to change the code and ...
Shoyeb Sheikh's user avatar
2 votes
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Dependencies flags "module could not be found on disk" even though the DLL is there

I've been using Dependency Walker's successor, Dependencies, to troubleshoot some errors with a legacy application I'm working on. I've noticed that Dependencies flagged a DLL as missing (let's call ...
RAM's user avatar
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GetProcAddress does not find function in DLL

I have a DLL and I want to call a function in it. I check the DLL using Dependency Walker and the result I got is: void U2U_Test(void) This is the code that I wrote, but GetProcAddress() returns ...
Sasan's user avatar
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Find all modules with a dependency on a specific DLL

I know I can use tools like Dependency Walker (and newer rewrites) to answer the question "what DLL dependencies does X have?" But I have about 100 modules built in our solution, and from ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Missing DLLs in Dependency Walker. Trying to load DLL. Unable to load DLL 'libscvpcli.dll': The specified module could not be found [duplicate]

I have a DLL called libscvpcli.dll, both x64 and x32 versions. When I try to import functions from this dll, I get the error message "Unable to load DLL 'libscvpcli.dll': The specified module ...
Majd Odeh's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Pybind11: "ImportError: DLL not found" when trying to import *.pyd in Python Interpreter

I built a .pyd in Visual Studio 2019 (Community) that provides a wrapper for some functionality that's only present in the LibRaw. The solution compiles successfully without any warnings or errors. ...
Tim Hilt's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Circular dependency errors from KERNEL32.DLL? [duplicate]

Recently I've had a problem that seemingly every DLL I've opened with Dependency Walker gives an error like: (Dependency Walker Module Error - "c:\windows\syswow64\MSVBVM50.DLL" will fail to load due ...
StayOnTarget's user avatar
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DLL JAVA Calling Nested DLL Method

I have a DLL but no source code for it. I would like to call a method inside this DLL. Now in this Picture. You can see that I want to access is the Test2.DLL which have fb1_CheckSensor Method. But ...
Aizen's user avatar
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I need help running a x64 .dll in an app that only takes x86 [duplicate]

I'm trying to run a certain program (PCXS2), but after looking at the .exe with Dependency Walker, i figured out i needed 2 certain .dll files (ext-ms-win-ntuser-uicontext-ext-l1-1-0.dll, and api-ms-...
Nae Eggy's user avatar
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Migrating windows project to VS 2017 with third party libraries

I have a solution of about 10 projects, a mixture of c# and C++ which were built using VS 10 as DLLs and run with VC++ redist 10. It uses various third-party libraries such as protobuf, gtest, openssl ...
Deepak Selvakumar's user avatar
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Circular dependency with Dependency walker due to forwarded functions?

When checking a dll, dependency walker reports Error: A circular dependency was detected. The documentation says Detects circular dependency errors. This is a very rare error, but can occur with ...
Richard's user avatar
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9 votes
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Dependency walker is very slow for wintrust.dll

I use Dependency Walker to open wintrust.dll on my Windows 10 and it takes around 40 seconds! When it is opened, I see very strange picture of recurring calls between KERNEL32.DLL and API-MS-WIN-CORE-...
Mikhail's user avatar
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How to output dependency walker to the console?

Fairly straightforward question, but I can't seem to find if this is an option in their command line help. Is there anyway to output the contents of the dependency walker directly to the console? ...
Chris's user avatar
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Small C program compiles, but tries to import functions from wrong DLLs

I have a small C program that uses 3 DLLs. It uses 8 functions from the first DLL. 5 functions from the second DLL. And 2 functions from the 3rd DLL. Problem 1) When I open the outputed ...
JDO's user avatar
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Dependency walker doesn't see Visual C++ dependency on C# DLL

I'm afraid Dependency Walker doesn't support this, but I need to make sure I'm not missing something. I have a Visual C++ application that depends on a number of DLLs. One of which, is a DLL written ...
Kendall Weihe's user avatar
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Windows Symbol Address Definition

I have extracted a dump file of system call addresses called in windows using ETW. I had some confusions about the addresses. I just use NtOpenFile for future examples. 1- I dump the Kernel PDB file ...
MoeKav's user avatar
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Understanding Dependency Walker

I am going through this book, and am trying to understand Dependency Walker. When I select something like KERNEL32.DLL, and it shows 6 imports in the top right pane, then when I click on a sub of ...
droidus's user avatar
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cplex would not run on matlab due to invalid mex-file

I'm trying to use cplex on matlab but I'm getting the following error: Error using cplexlp (line 256) Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio1271\cplex\matlab\x64_win64\cplexlink1271....
user avatar
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dll not working in different machines

we have a 32-bit .dll working on a remote 32-bit machine without a problem. We have moved our systems to another machine (64bit), also this .dll was moved. However this .dll is working in the new ...
lamostreta's user avatar
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What is UCRTBASE error in dependency walker?

I have an OCX file that not register in another PC. when I run dependencyWalker.exe and load the OCX on it, It shows me some dll is missing. I downloaded some of them from but It shows me ...
H.Ghassami's user avatar
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Calling "clueless" function C++ DLL from C# [closed]

Most of the time, I know how to P/Invoke C++ function from C# but at this point, I only know the functions name and I don't know what it returns and what kind parameters that should be passed. I able ...
user avatar
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cx_Oracle: ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found

I have suddenly got a problem that I can no longer import cx_Oracle in python. I know that a lot of people have had a similar error message as mine, which is: The specified PROCEDURE could not be ...
Nickpick's user avatar
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119 votes
5 answers

Dependency Walker: missing dlls

I have been trying to resolve .dll dependencies for the executable file with Dependency Walker. Currently, I am getting missing .dlls in the following form: API-MS-WIN-XXX EXT-MS-WIN-XXX For ...
Ben N.'s user avatar
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Dependency Walker parent import function list shows functions from a different lib

I am trying to include a external library (.lib pointing to a .dll) in my project. I am building on windows using QT (it appears to be using msvc2010 as the compiler) and have: LIBS += <path>/&...
Chris's user avatar
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c++ project not working after moving to new Windows 7 PC

I have C++ projects on Windows 7 + NetBeans + MinGW. They worked very well for years. Yesterday, because of hardware problem, I have to use a new Windows 7 PC. I installed NetBeans with imported ...
senderj's user avatar
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Dependency-walker reports errors in HelloWorld

to get familiar with dependency-walker I built a simple (32-Bit) command line c++ HelloWorld.exe with Visual Studio. Using (32-Bit) dependency walker on that .exe file it shows me VCRUNTIME140.DLL as ...
Alfred S.'s user avatar
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Cross-compile hello world program from VS2012 on Windows 7 to Windows XP

I am trying to cross-compile the following hello-world program #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; } My host platform uses ...
Bart Vandewoestyne's user avatar
55 votes
2 answers

Dependency Walker with kernel32.dll on Windows 10

I tried to open kernel32.dll using Dependency Walker on Windows 10. I got the following error and warning: Error: At least one required implicit or forwarded dependency was not found Warning: At ...
Ash's user avatar
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VSTO 2010 Runtime on Windows XP SP3

I developed an Excel VSTO add-in in Visual Studio 2010. It works fine on different combinations of Windows 7+ and Excel 2007+, but fails to load on Windows XP and Excel 2007 with a non-informative "A ...
mephi42's user avatar
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GDAL compile using pyinstaller (ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.)

I'm hoping someone can help me debug the following error message from pyinstall. I'm trying to compile a script to exe and have been dealing with hidden modules for days, however I've come across a ...
Praxis's user avatar
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Forbid linking against a c++ method

I try to forbid the use of a method, to have a compile error if some piece of code use it. This is a proprietary legacy module, that I know that some methods are problematic. We have headers files, ...
saad's user avatar
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7 votes
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Dependency Walker: error opening file the system cannot find the file specified

I am trying to find out the dependency of my C++ project. I have both .dll and .so file for that project. I am trying to use dependency walker to find out the dependency. I think that I have already ...
Garima Singh's user avatar
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453 views DLL method not visible

I have created a DLL with Visual Basic Express very simple, this is my code : Public Class Class1 Public Function SayHello() As String Return "Hello" End Function End Class I ...
programmeur-excel's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

REGSVR32: the module "xxxxx.dll" failed to load ... dependent assembly could not be found

I'm having an issue with regards to registering a *.dll under Windows 7 x64. I've tried placing the *.dll in both, C:/Windows/System32 and C:/Windows/SysWOW64 and attempting to register with "...
Alfie J. Palmer's user avatar
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D3DXCompileShader Returns ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND

I'm compiling the program using VS2013 using the v120_xp toolset. The program runs perfectly fine on Windows 7 however as soon as I try and run the program on a machine running XP SP3 I get the error. ...
abcthomas's user avatar
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ieframe.dll and shlwapi.dll lack in dependency walker

I try to run a .net desktop project on Oracle VM but it does not run. I tried to see missing resources on "dependency walker". ieframe.dll and shlwapi.dll are marked as red. When I added these ...
eponymous's user avatar
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"DLL not found error " could not be fixed although I downloaded missing related-DLLs

I have created a Dll file from c++, I then called it in a c# file. It is working fine. But then when I tried to export the files in another computer. I was getting this exception : DLL not found. I ...
dede9714's user avatar
7 votes
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Missing Dll in dependency walker

I am having a dll and which I am opening into the dependency walker with platform visual studio 2003 and OS is 2000. and my that dll find all dependency. But when I am going to open that dll in to ...
user3811406's user avatar
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Application won't crash when profiling with Dependency Walker

I have a console application running in an Azure cloud service, it crashes randomly and therefore I started profiling it with dependency walker to see if I could get more information out. It's a ...
Poul K. Sørensen's user avatar
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Is is possible to verify the linked functions that a dll is using through static library using dependency walker?

I am creating a dll that is using a static library. My problem is, when I am using this dll in a test application, I am getting the linking error for the function that is called from my dll. This ...
Bhupesh Pant's user avatar
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I must be doing something wrong when building DLLs

I need to build some DLLs using Qt 5, but I must be doing something wrong since the program that needs it isnt working. I know there is something wrong because when I run the dependency walker on any ...
Victor's user avatar
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How to know Which reference has related to ATL100.dll in C# winform?

Update environment : .NET 4 and Winform C# application. I want to know which reference has related to ATL100.dll in my C# application ? When I use "DependencyWalker" or "TaskManager", I can see this ...
Changju.rhee's user avatar
12 votes
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Reading Dependency walker output

I am having some problems using one of the Dlls in my application and I ran dependency walker on it. i am not sure how to read it but I got following results Does it suggest any x86-x64 ...
Lost's user avatar
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After solving my previous problem linking a MPI program, I tried to start that program unfortunatelly without much success. mpirun -np 4 mpi_prime.exe Starting the program this way resulted in ...
aldr's user avatar
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Missing or incompatible file: ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application

Problem: Getting this error when trying to import python-tesseract into my project (OCR functionality): ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. I do not know what exactly ...
Chris Dutrow's user avatar
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failed to find entry point even though Dependency Walker says it's there

After launching my app, it complains that entry point glIsQuery could not be located. So I used Dependency Walker to debug this problem. The Parent Import Function table does show that 'glIsQuery' is ...
user11869's user avatar
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Proper use of Dependency Walker (depends.exe)

I would like to check whether I am using Dependency Walker correctly. I make simple utility programs which I distribute for free, and I am just trying to ensure that they run correctly on other ...
adam.baker's user avatar
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Visual Studio System.DllNotFoundException ("Unable to load DLL 'cbw32.dll'" message)

Good morning all, I'm new to C#, and I have to update an already developed application, where I intend to add some new features. I've opened it in Visual Studio 2012 and rebuilt it, apparently with ...
João Fernandes's user avatar
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(Dependency Walker) missing explicit type on function

Apologies in advance for noob mistakes. This is my first question here. First, some background: I am trying to create a module for a program using dependency walker to find C++ functions in a .dll ...
Rainbow Dash's user avatar
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Create library archive from dependency walker?

A little background: I am creating a QT application based on shared library. I have to distribute the same. I have quite a few dlls to share and was using the tool dependency walker. I did a complete ...
Prajosh Premdas's user avatar