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2 answers

CI: how to speed up step installing perl modules

In my pipeline I have the following steps: runs-on: ubuntu-latest ... - name: install additional packages # graphics: transfig gnuplot inkscape # pdf utilities: poppler-utils (...
user2609605's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Facing lot of prerequisite packages issues while installing perl-LWP-UserAgent package in oracle linux 9

Tried installing perl-LWP-UserAgent using the perl-libwww-perl-6.53-4.el9.noarch.rpm package and I got an error message: $ sudo yum install perl-libwww-perl-6.53-4.el9.noarch.rpm Last metadata ...
Sumanth Devadiga's user avatar
1 vote
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Perl module ExtUtils::Embed requires itself to be compiled

I have an incomplete Perl 5.16.3 install on a CentOS server for which I don't have administrative rights. I am trying to install ExtUtils::Embed which normally should be part of the Perl install. So ...
PlasmaBinturong's user avatar
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Can't install YAML with cpan

I am very new to Perl. I am trying to install some modules with cpan. Everytime I use install YAML I get the following Failed during this command: RJBS/Test-Deep-1.204.tar.gz : make ...
Omar Mohsen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

XML::LibXML not installing on ubuntu 22.04

I'm having trouble installing XML::LibXML with cpan on ubuntu 22.04. I have installed libxml2 and zlib1g. And CPAN reports that it sees libxml2: # Compiled against libxml2 version: 21303 # Running ...
Dean Guenther's user avatar
1 vote
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Postgresql query : how to select a jsonb object having backslash it in and how to remove the backslashes?

We have jsonb objects (which have backslashes in the name)in the database table. Whenever we try to update or delete the jsonb object, postgresql throws the error. Names with backslashes in it are ...
shubhra garg's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get and keep all perl modules dependencies of a Perl Module

Here is my problem : I would like to get automatically the dependencies of the XML::Parser module because I need the source for an offline built on multiple ...
Arnaud Dubois's user avatar
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1 answer

DBI cpan install fails

Trying to install using cpan install DBI under bash-4.2 fails on several linux platforms including raspberrypi. On a GoDaddy server a lot of commands go well until gcc -c (many options) Perl....
DGerman's user avatar
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cpan install Sodium::FFI fails

Sodium::FFI is a dependency for something I'd like to use on my Raspberry Pi 4 (running Raspberry PI OS Bullseye) and the instructions said to install it using sudo cpan install Sodium::FFI, but that ...
hanjo's user avatar
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How can I reinstall a partially installed Perl module?

I'm running Strawberry perl on Win7 and somehow the LWP module got deleted from all my lib folders. I tried to restore it with cpanm, but it says that it's installed. Nevertheless, the LWP folders ...
user1067305's user avatar
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cpan : command not found on Redhat 9

I want to compile Qt5 on RedHat 9, and when I run the ./configure command, I get the following message: Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the English module) (@INC contains: /...
mnekkach's user avatar
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Error installing perl Tk module using cpan

I am trying to install Tk using cpan I get an error. This is on a PC, Windows 10, Strawberry Perl 5.38.1 Attempting a basic install of the Tk module, everything downloads, makefile runs to a point, ...
James Lamb's user avatar
3 votes
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Issue installing Perl::LanguageServer via cpanm and cpan in WSL 2

Hi I am trying to install the perl::LanguageServer for eventual use in VS CODE. However, I getting errors when running: sudo cpan install Perl::LanguageServer I am very lost, it also says in here ...
darkfrobozz's user avatar
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CPAN Install DBD::MariaDB failed on OS X 14

I am using a MacBook 14.1.1 Sonoma M2 chip and want my Perl scripts to talk to my MariaDB database. Installing DBI was no problem. However when trying to install DBD::MariaDB I get the following error:...
mhotchjr's user avatar
1 vote
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Installing XML::[email protected] fails with error: ‘__thread’ before ‘static’ in Alien::Libxml2

I have a docker image whose build used to succeed until recently when I started to observe a build failure owing to Alien::Libxml2 and the errors below. /root/.cpanm/work/1700643185.67/Alien-Libxml2-0....
Lalit Mehra's user avatar
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perl can't find modules installed by apt [closed]

I'm trying to build a perl program from source. The program has a Build script which installs all the many dependencies by cpan by invoking perl ./Build installdeps. However, some of the dependencies ...
gannex's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Image::Magick is gone from Perl CPAN - where is it?

I can't find the Perl module Image::Magick anywhere. It is gone from CPAN. What happened to it? Where can I get it? Is there a problem with CPAN, or with the module?
skeetastax's user avatar
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Can't locate perl module

I am trying to run a perl script on a machine using CentOS Linux 7. I have perl 5.36.1. The script uses a program called polymake which has its own copy of perl. I cannot modify that copy of perl. I ...
Matt Larson's user avatar
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perl mcpan fails with certificate errors

I'm using perl 5.36.0 installed with perlbrew (yes, I need to use that version) but can't install any modules due to certificate errors like below Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended ...
user2913094's user avatar
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3 answers

docker build fails when running cpanm

In docker container I have a perl script and I need to be able to parse json I tried to have CPAN JSON installed for perl in my Dockerfile. So I am doing the following in my Dockerfile FROM centos:7.9....
Jim's user avatar
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Test coverage missing after upload of Perl module to CPAN

After upload of a module to CPAN, all testing reports are positive. Nevertheless, the test coverage (usually located between Bus factor and License on the left hand side) is missing. In my sandbox, I ...
Jurij's user avatar
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Cannot install Webservice::InterMine

I'm attempting to install Webservice::InterMine on Ubuntu 22.04 and perl 5.38.0, but I get the following error: Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging Reading '/home/con/...
con's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Remove entries with specific keys from an XML file in Perl

I have XML files that look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- some comment here --> <rsccat version="1.0" locale="en_US" ...
Kautuk Raj's user avatar
-3 votes
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Install perlcritic on macOS Ventura

I'm on macOS Ventura 13.3.1 and I'm trying to get perlcritic working. perl --version Gives me: This is perl 5, version 36, subversion 0 (v5.36.0) built for darwin-thread-multi-2level ... When I ...
baduker's user avatar
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5 votes
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Install & update a Perl module as "universal" (x86_64, arm64)?

Is is possible to install and update Perl (CPAN) modules with universal (x86_64, arm64) architecture support? If yes, then how? background On an arm-based macOS computer, a Perl CPAN module can be ...
marc-medley's user avatar
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dockerfile - cpan proxy configuration

I am creating a docker image via dockerfile. ... RUN dnf install -y cpan perl perl-core perl-App-cpanminus make RUN cpan Config::Properties ... I require to install a CPAN library (Config::Properties)...
MKB's user avatar
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connect to a remote host in perl and run ssh commands as a root user

I am trying to connect to a remote host as a user. Now i want to run a few commands that need sudo access. The commands are: export http_proxy= export https_proxy=http://xxxx-...
Daksha's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

error while installing DBD::oracle in windows10 `perl -MCPAN -e "install DBD::Oracle" [closed]

Fetching with LWP: LWP failed with code[470] message[status code 470]Warning: no success downloading 'C:\STRAWB~1\cpan\sources\authors\01mailrc....
Shrishti Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

cannot install a certain module on google-collab

i try to install the module on the Google-Colab - but it does not work !cpan install CPAN::Authors Output: Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging Reading '/root/.cpan/...
zero's user avatar
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cpan not using configured repo instead trying to connect to when installing perl modules

I have installed perl and cpan in an automated shell script. configure only one local repo from the script itself as below: echo o conf urllist echo o conf ...
Raghavendra J's user avatar
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Cannot build Perl libgd on Mac Perlbrew environment

I was using Mac OS 12 and Perlbrew with Perl 5.36. When I install GD using either CPAN or cpanm I get the following error: cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.7046 on perl 5.036000 built for darwin-2level Work ...
thran's user avatar
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Perl Net::DNS version 1.35 resolver query fails [closed]

I am trying to test out the new version of cpan-Net-DNS (version 1.35) and it fails in the Net/DNS/Resolver/ file at line 987 with the following error. *** FATAL PROGRAM ERROR!! Unknown ...
user1712584's user avatar
1 vote
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error when installing module Text::Unaccent

trying to install the Text::Unaccent module I have next error, Can someone help ? C:/Strawberry/c/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/8.3.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: Unaccent.o:...
Jean-Luc's user avatar
3 votes
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cpan fails because it can't verify's SSL certificate

I upgraded perl from perl 5.18.2 to perl 5.36.0, and now many modules are missing. When I try to install the module using CPAN, I am getting errors. For ex: cpan YAML::XS It gave me the following ...
Kamakshi Trivedi's user avatar
2 votes
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Error when installing List-SomeUtils from cpan

I seem to get an error when trying to install from cpan cpan List::SomeUtils Perl v5.14.2 I have also downloaded direct from metacpan and doing a perl and make but make test fails with ...
Ian's user avatar
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"Can't locate Parse/Pidl/" while installing Parse::Pidl

I'm having an error trying to install Parse::Pidl module with cpan. It seems that within the downloaded archive Parse-Pidl-0.02.tar.gz is missing the module (I think it should be within Parse-...
ulix's user avatar
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Perl modules not installing. sh: 1: gzip: Exec format error

I am getting issues when trying to install Perl modules on Ubuntu running on Windows 10. I am not sure the best way to post the output, I am guessing maybe as "code" $ cpan HTTP::Tiny ...
Matt Williams's user avatar
7 votes
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Do all my perl module .pm files need a `$VERSION` definition?

I just added a new file to the PDL::IO::Touchstone distribution and noticed that CPAN's indexer says version is undef since $VERSION is missing: module : PDL::IO::MDIF version: undef in ...
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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Perl Devel::REPL command not found

Is there any instruction on installing Devel::Repl? I use cpan Devel::REPL command to have it installed but I cannot launch it using the command (as suggested
whyuenacccc's user avatar
3 votes
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Using Dist::Zilla dist.ini how can I have files that I only use for testing?

In a Dist::Zilla-based distribution I would like to have some files that are only used for testing, but do not get installed. These are mockup libs that aren't needed for runtime. How do I do that?
simone's user avatar
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Using Dist::Zilla dist.ini how can I set alternate dependencies?

I am building a module that could work with Mojo::SQLite or Mojo::Pg indifferently. How do I handle the dependencies? I've checked Mojo::DB::Results::Role::Struct which works in the same way, and it ...
simone's user avatar
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How do you test your Perl module to check if Makefile.PL declares all dependencies?

I would like to write a t/00-check-deps.t module to find all dependencies in and make sure they exist in Makefile.PL before release. This way when I do make test before distributing to ...
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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Is there an automatic way to build the "Changes" file from `git log` when publishing a perl module?

This is a perl-module specific question: I already have my history and version tags in git so it would be nice to sync ./Changes with git log just before publishing the module update. Specifically I ...
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can't install some POE perl module in Strawberry Perl

I've inherited a Perl project that uses a number of Perl modules. I've been trying to set up the environment, but it's been a nightmare. I'm now on day two of just trying to install the modules. The ...
Bill de Haan's user avatar
1 vote
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Implicit declaration of function is invalid error for Perl module install on macOS Monterey

I'm trying to install the Text::Unaccent module for Perl (5.30.3) using cpan (1.64) on macOS Monterey 12.4 but I'm getting 12 warnings and 1 error: Unaccent.xs:109:10: error: implicit declaration of ...
RTF's user avatar
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Cpan Install - No Bareword Allowed (windows)

I've inherited a project in Perl - an environment I know very little about. Nobody else knows anything about it either and nobody knows how to even get it running natively. So the project is developed ...
Josh Dredge's user avatar
-1 votes
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perl modules failing to install

I was writing a perl script and realised I needed to get some additional modules, so I used the command: $ cpan List::MoreUtils ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Can't use an array as a reference when installing perl module

edit: worked with sudo cpanm Data::Match --force I'm trying to install the "Data::Match" perl module with ubuntu 18.04. I use: perl make make test And I get the following error: ...
Roni Weiss's user avatar
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cpanm force install fails to Build and test Alien::OpenSSL on WSL

I am new to perl and I have having some trouble installing some packages on my WSL2 Ubuntu20.04 distro. The comand that I am runnig on my machine is: sudo cpanm --force Net::RFC3161::Timestamp Output ...
Indiano's user avatar
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Error when trying to install cpan install Win32::PerfLib

I need to run one Perl script (I have not developped that script). When I tried to run perl.exe, it throws an error about 'Win32::PerfLib'. Hence, I tried to install 'Win32::PerfLib'...
Arevik's user avatar
  • 31

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