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PDF::FromHTML No Anchors and Early Termination

Further top this question: PDF::FromHTML - Corrupt file and no output The code in question is 'working' in that it produces a PDF document just fine, just NONE of the HTML anchors are being ...
Beeblbrox's user avatar
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PDF::FromHTML - Corrupt file and no output

Similar to this post PDF::FromHTML creates empty PDF I have the following code $textblob='<html><head></head><body><p>HelloWorld</p></body></html>'...
Beeblbrox's user avatar
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Errors reading PDF with CAM-PDF: use of uninitialized value in addition <+> line 667

I'm new to perl and I'm trying to read a pdf file using CAM::PDF here is my code: When I try to run this in the command prompt I get these errors: "Use of uninitialized value in addition <+> ...
markdid's user avatar
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ubuntu PDF::Template installation

trying to install CPAN PDF::Template module, I got this error message : RKINYON/PDF-Template-0.22.tar.gz Tests succeeded but one dependency not OK (pdflib_pl) RKINYON/PDF-Template-0.22.tar.gz ...
Fred Sullet's user avatar
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Newline and Linespace in PDF::API2

Perl's PDF::API2 can put text on a page, like the following example does: $pdf = PDF::API2->new(); $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $page->gfx->textlabel(50, 50, $pdf-&...
Martin's user avatar
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Create a simple PDF file using perl

I am parsing a text file in my perl script and wanted to dumb my hash to a pdf file. I dont really need to do formatting of data, just some plain text going to be there in the pdf file. Using a heavy ...
Govind Kailas's user avatar
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How can I create a PDF form using PDFMARK and/or PERL cpan module PDF::API2?

Does anyone have any sample that demonstrates how one may create a simple PDF form (single text input box, or single radio button) and 'submit field_name/value pairs via HTTP post' to server when ...
user1232031's user avatar
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Erroring in my Perl script coming from CAM::PDF::Annot module. Don't know why

I believe this may be a bug in the module I am using, or I am just completely overlooking something. My code is this: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CAM::PDF; use CAM::PDF::Annot; ...
Samuel's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the best Perl module to use for creating a .pdf from scratch? [closed]

There are quite a number of modules on CPAN relating to the creation and manipulation of .pdf files, and I'm hoping this community can save me some time going down blind alleys. I am looking to ...
Marcus's user avatar
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