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Cannot build Perl libgd on Mac Perlbrew environment

I was using Mac OS 12 and Perlbrew with Perl 5.36. When I install GD using either CPAN or cpanm I get the following error: cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.7046 on perl 5.036000 built for darwin-2level Work ...
thran's user avatar
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Compile perlbrew with versus libperl.a

I've been working on moving some software from RHEL 7 to Ubuntu 22.04. I utilize Perlbrew. When I built the new 5.36.0 everything seemed normal until I started working on compiling mod_perl for my ...
ilgtech's user avatar
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2 answers

Perlbrew libs management

I have installed perlbrew and installed two Perls with it. Now I am trying to separate libraries for modules I install with cpanm. I want (if possible) to switch to one Perl (within Perlbrew) (for ...
Arsenii's user avatar
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3 answers

Perlbrew fails to install new perl version

I'm attempting to install a new perl version with perlbrew: perlbrew install perl-5.34.1 but this produces the error: Fetching perl 5.34.1 as /home/703404669/perl5/perlbrew/dists/perl-5.34.1.tar.gz ...
con's user avatar
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Attempt to install perlbrew fails

I'm attempting to install perlbrew via \curl -L | bash as suggested from However, I get these errors print() on closed filehandle $fh at perlbrew....
con's user avatar
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4 votes
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Perlbrew can't find @INC

I think perlbrew is properly installed and using the correct @INC. I switched to perlbrew. The module I want (String::Approx) is installed. I have sources ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc in ~/....
Kip's user avatar
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perlbrew switch path order not permanent on MacOS Big Sur 11.4

I'm writing a step-by-step instruction guide to installing perlbrew on a newly built (from ISO) MacOS Big Sur (11.4) VM running on VMware Fusion. I have been able to successfully install perlbrew. ...
JBlaty's user avatar
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How to rerun test while installing perl via perlbrew fails?

I installing perl-5.28.1 via perlbrew. Some tests fail: ../cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/storable.t ................................... ok ../cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/threaded.t ................................... ...
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
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macOS Big Sur: Unexpected product version 11.1. How to patch perlbrew?

I just updated my Macbook Air from 10.15 to 11.1, and then tried to install perl 5.32 with perlbrew: $ perlbrew install perl-5.32.0 Installing /Users/hakonhaegland/perl5/perlbrew/build/perl-5.32.0/...
Håkon Hægland's user avatar
5 votes
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Error installing perl using perlbrew on Big Sur

I'm trying to install perl version 5.33.4 in my macOS environment using perlbrew. I cannot comprehend why it fails during installation. I started installing perlbrew using \curl -L https://install....
Flavio Del Grosso's user avatar
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Unable to get XML::LibXML to install Mac OS11

I've been trying to get XML::LibXML to install on perl for a few days, and I think I've run into a wall regarding what to try next. As I understand it XML::LibXML needs to know where Libxml2 is ...
Jon's user avatar
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How to install Carton module into local project with perlbrew?

I use perlbrew to easy switch between perl. I use Carton to install modules only for current project into /local directory. But when I deploy application on new host. I do: perlbrew install -v -j 8 --...
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
2 votes
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perlbrew custom folder for libs

When I use perlbrew lib create testlibs to have a folder to store test libraries from CPAN, it creates a folder under the following path: $HOME/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.32.0@testlibs/lib/perl5 How can ...
JohnnyLoo's user avatar
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How to remove perlbrew versions/installations?

I'm running perl-5.32.0 on an Ubuntu VM, and I keep getting this warning every time I open a new terminal: ERROR: The installation "perl-5.30.0" is unknown. I removed directories to old ...
con's user avatar
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How to display all available perls in perlbrew?

I can list all available perls via perlbrew available kes@kes-X751SA ~ $ pb available perl-5.32.0 perl-5.30.3 perl-5.28.3 perl-5.26.3 perl-5.24.4 perl-5.22.4 ...
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
6 votes
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Perlbrew failed building 5.28.2 with "porting/libperl.t: Unexpected /usr/bin/nm error: no symbols"

I'm relatively new to perl and not used to having to build a development tool. I tried to build 5.28.2 and it failed with the following: Test Summary Report ------------------- porting/libperl.t ...
Coltrane58's user avatar
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Perlbrew install of 5.30.2 fails

I'm attempting to install perl 5.30.2 with perlbrew thus: perlbrew install perl-5.30.2 however, this install fails grep -A2 -B2 -i fail /home/con/perl5/perlbrew/build.perl-5.30.2.log shows op/...
con's user avatar
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Cannot install perl package `Vcf` via CPAN

I'm attempting to install the perl package VCF for my perlbrew installation, which is accessed via vcf-validator 703404669@bioitutil2:~$ vcf-validator Can't locate in @INC (you may need to ...
con's user avatar
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perl (5.30.0) install failure on MacOS 10.14.6

I have an up to date copy of XCode: Version 11.0 (11A420a) I use perlbrew to do installs, and the last successful one was 5-28.0 Jul 26 2018 Here is that tail of the log: Finishing processing ...
Roger Thompson's user avatar
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Perlbrew fails to install perl-5.30.0, op/groups.t at fault?

I'm attempting to install perl 5.30.0 from perl 5.16.3, I run perlbrew install perl-5.30.0 but the installation fails, even with -f, and selections from the error file show: ~/perl5/perlbrew/...
con's user avatar
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Perlbrew version number of latest stable version

I see perlbrew install can take a stable argument to install the latest, but I would like to get the latest stable version number to check against before installing. How can I get the version number ...
Rorschach's user avatar
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Perlbrew switch fails on docker build [duplicate]

I want to perlbrew on docker building phase. I successfully install a perl but can't perlbrew switch to it so cpanm installs the module into wrong place. The Dockerfile is as follows. FROM centos:...
user3203239's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Perlbrew cannot run simple scripts IPC::System::Simple required for Fatalised/autodying system()

I am a new perlbrew user, as I wish to upgrade to perl 5.30.0 on Ubuntu. I have done perlbrew init perlbrew install perl-5.30.0 perlbrew switch perl-5.30.0 so I try to run this test script: #!/usr/...
con's user avatar
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Install modules with perlbrew and cpm - perlbrew switch does not change @INC during docker build

I'd like to use fast cpm module installer instead of cpanm in my projects. Also I install target perl version using perlbrew. According documentation of cpm -g option will install modules into ...
Paul Serikov's user avatar
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Perl Syntax Error on Compilation - "use" not allowed in expression [closed]

Bear with me as I'm new to Perl, but I am having an error in compilation on a use statement, but I'm not entirely sure why I'd get one there. I am using perlbrew on Mac Sierra. The perl version is 5....
Marisa's user avatar
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Fastest, cheapest way to create a fresh, throw-away installation of perl using perlbrew?

I tried doing the following. First, I install a relocatable perl, e.g.: % perlbrew -Duserelocatableinc -j4 -n --as perl-5.28.1-fresh_src 5.28.1 Then, whenever I need a new throw-away fresh ...
Perl Ancar's user avatar
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Perlbrew cannot download latest tarball

I've installed perlbrew on my Ubuntu 18.04 VM, but I cannot download the latest version, con@con-VirtualBox:~/20190305_concordance$ perlbrew install 5.28.1 gives error Fetching perl 5.28.1 as /home/...
con's user avatar
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Incorrect behavior of perl module `Getopt::Long::Subcommand` in perl version 5.24.1

I'm using Getopt::Long::Subcommand to parse the command line arguments. But I found that in some of Perl versions. This module has incorrect behavior. For example if I run ./ViewBS BisNonConvRate -...
xie186's user avatar
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'perlbrew list-modules' does return 'Perl' and nothing else

I've ubuntu 16.04 and i've installed perl 5.8.7,5.18.2 both with threads activated, and 5.18.1 without threads. The purpose was to use a version of Perl with threads instead of forks as i've mutiple ...
technoleap84's user avatar
2 votes
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Perlbrew doesn't list installed versions of Perl

I've a problem with the original Perl version in Ubuntu 16.04 and i wanted to compile and install a new one. I've used Perlbrew to create a new Perl 5.18.2 with threads available and another one 5.18....
technoleap84's user avatar
3 votes
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How can i install two different version perl on my linux?

I have a Linux server, and it has its own Perl whose version is not what I want. So I want to install another Perl on it. I tried to solve it with Perlbrew, but my server can't download it. It seems ...
Zeason's user avatar
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DBD::mysql installation of driver failed

I'm trying to run Perl DBI on Mac OS and keep hitting into this error: install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load '/Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle' for ...
Yehor Levchenko's user avatar
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Can't install XML::Simple on Perlbrew

I'm trying to install XML::Simple under Perlbrew but am hitting an error that seems like it requires root access to fix. However, the whole purpose of using perlbrew (or one of them, at least) is to ...
iolympian's user avatar
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How do I connect to different versions of Postgres using DBD::Pg on one system

My production system uses Postgres 9.3 and Perl; I have a test Postgres 10.3 database that I'd like to run the same Perl scripts against to make sure that everything works. I'm using Perl DBI and ...
Adina's user avatar
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Switch to new installed Perl Version for migrating otrs config files on CentOS 6

I'll start from the beginning: Case: I have to update from an OTRS 5 (already in use for years) to OTRS 6. I followed Update from OTRS 5 to OTRS 6 of the OTRS Docs. I did everything as described ...
user9696859's user avatar
2 votes
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Why a Perlbrew PSGI application with uwsgi_psgi causes "wrong" Perl include paths?

I want to deploy a PSGI based web application by using an uWSGI gateway interface. To accomplish this I installed Perlbrew locally on my Debian server where no root access is available. perlbrew ...
burnersk's user avatar
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sharing a perlbrew installation among multiple users

I want to setup a single Perlbrew installation to share among my team, so they don't all have to compile versions of Perl separately. So I set PERLBREW_ROOT and then installed Perlbrew on a network ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Running a Perl script from crontab when you use Perlbrew

I have tried the following and find it to work. This is done with a non-privileged user. First find out where your perl command is: # which perl Then check the value of PERL5LIB: # echo $PERL5LIB ...
Javier Elices's user avatar
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how to migrate perlbrew to other debian server

Im new to perl. I have a debian server with perlbrew istallation. There is a custom module which a want on new debian server. Module is owned by my company. What is the best way to achieve funktional ...
cuilster's user avatar
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Default Perl vs. perlbrew version on macOS Sierra 10.12.4

I'm tryng to instruct my system to permanently use perlbrew version of perl in my shells as per perlbrew documentation with: perlbrew switch perl-5.26.0 which should use ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/...
Daniele's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Math::PARI crash inside mod_perl

I build (brewed) my own perl, then the mod_perl module, and then installed all required perl libraries. The mod_perl environment works fine. One-liners with Math::PARI also work, for example: perl -...
Andrew Dwojc's user avatar
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Can perlbrew install or run in C shell

I've perl version 5.22.0 but I need to downgrade it to 5.12.4. is it possible in linux system ? I found the perlbrew and install it in Red Hat 6 bash shell but I need to use it in c shell. Is it ...
User9123's user avatar
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how to uninstall perlbrew from macbook

I have few modules associated with it. However when I try to switch from system perl to perlbrew it displays -sh: perlbrew: command not found however in the directory I have, bin lib ...
The Anonymous's user avatar
5 votes
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systemd service for a perlbrew application?

My coworker wrote a Dancer psgi application called "Newlands" that makes use of perlbrew. I am trying to get the application to start up on system start using systemd. I have this service file: [Unit]...
Josh Rosenberg's user avatar
3 votes
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Perl: installing with Perlbrew on Macos Sierra

I am attempting to use the lastest version of Perlbrew to install the latest stable version of Perl (5.24.1) with multi-threading on a computer running macOS-Sierra. Perlbrew appears to be installed ...
Alan Hudson's user avatar
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perlbrew perl cpanm faulty

I installed a module under cpanm, apparently incorrectly. It is visible and usable when running under system perl, but not under perlbrew. However, perlbrews cpanm is stating that module has been ...
paulj's user avatar
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Perlbrew keeps forgetting my default Perl when I close my terminal [duplicate]

I have installed perlbrew on a Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa system. When I type perlbrew list it shows: perl-5.16.0 perl-5.22.0 If I type perlbrew switch perl-5.22.0 it says: A sub-shell is launched ...
Dragos Trif's user avatar
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Perlbrew perl installation failure ../lib/h2ph.t

I have perl 5.22 (Ubuntu 16.04). One software I am using has some issues and needs older perl (older than 5.22). I tried installing 5.20.1 with perlbrew but I got the error: makefile:840: recipe for ...
user2178841's user avatar
1 vote
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What am I doing wrong when I try to install a version of perl using perlbrew on a raspberry pi?

I am trying to install a version of perl on a raspberry pi using perlbrew. I am getting the following output: ../lib/warnings.t .................................................. ok Test ...
David Nicholas Kayal's user avatar
5 votes
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How to pass compile options to perl using plenv or perlbrew

I have one machine that runs Windows 10 with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. It uses some kind of FUSE filesystem that has no proper hard link support. Because of this, a typical perl compilation fails. ...
MichielB's user avatar
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