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Seeing IllegalArgumentException warning in logs: "Illegal initial capacity: -231741684"

I am seeing the below warning message in the system.logs. No impact seen in the cluster, want to understand what does the warning mean and how to mitigate the same. Cassandra Version - Apache ...
Pooja Nair's user avatar
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am unable to to the database using cqlsh

I have a cassandra db 1.21 installed on windows 2019, am unable to to the database using cqlsh enter image description here Able to start the cassandra db enter image description here when i run cqslh ...
sandeep Kumar's user avatar
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Janusgraph replication-factor not propogated to cassandra

My janusgraph setup has replication-factor of 1 which I want to change to 3. I tried to change the replication-factor with Management API of janusgraph using mgmt.set("storage.cassandra....
amisium's user avatar
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How to take backup and Restore huge Cassandra Database tables?

Need to Migrate Cassandra 2.0 to 3.11 to new server Old Server : Cenos5/6 Old Cassandra Version : 2.0 New Server : Centos8 New Cassandra Version - 3.11 There are few tables with 20 Million records ...
Development Team's user avatar
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Unable to start kong gateway with custom plugin

I am using kong gateway 0.11.2 with cassandra database version 2.2.7. I have written a custom plugin and I am trying to install the plugin manually. I hve made the necessary changes in the kong.conf ...
Ankit Bhatia's user avatar
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Using batch queries in typescript with cassandra , inserting only one row in table in Nodejs

Using this way const client = new cassandra.Client({ contactPoints: [''], localDataCenter: 'eu-west-3', keyspace: 'test', }); const query1 = 'INSERT INTO user_track (key, text, date) ...
Saurav Verma's user avatar
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NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore.getOverlappingSSTables

I have upgraded one of cluster node from 2.2.19 to 3.11.13, but I'm continuously getting the below error in system logs. I'm using TimeWindowCompactionStrategy-3.7.jar Please let me know how can I fix ...
Solver's user avatar
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Bad Request: line 1:0 no viable alternative at input 'clear'

I installed cassandra and run cqlsh: Connected to Test Cluster at localhost:9160. [cqlsh 4.1.1 | Cassandra 2.0.10 | CQL spec 3.1.1 | Thrift protocol 19.39.0] Use HELP for help. and enter clear ...
Darwin's user avatar
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Getting rpc_timeout when counting data in Cassandra

i have 3 node cassandra 2.0.9 on production and face the issue when count or any specific query with clqsh is always get rpc_timeout the weird is this happen only on cassandra 1, other node with same ...
Aji Fauzan's user avatar
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In Scylla DB, How can I query the records for multiple condition and without mentioning ALLOW FILTERING?

I have a table in ScyllaDB: CREATE TABLE taxiservice.operatoragentsauditlog ( hourofyear int, operationtime bigint, action text, actiontype text, appname text, entityid text, ...
Madhura Patgar's user avatar
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ConnectionRefusedError No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it cassandra

I was trying to reconnect with the a local instance, but getting this error, what can be the possible workaround? ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': ConnectionRefusedError(10061, &...
Dixcy's user avatar
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Cassandra copy n rows from one table and insert them to another table

I need to copy the first 100k records from "prod" keyspace to "test" keyspace in Cassandra, I tried to use dsbulk but it export the whole table data and it is taking longer time. ...
azhagan's user avatar
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In Scylla DB, How can I query the records in desc order?

I have a table in ScyllaDB: CREATE TABLE myservice.auditlog ( operatorid text, operationtime bigint, action text, actiontype text, appname text, entityid text, entitytype ...
Madhura Patgar's user avatar
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Clarification about Cassandra tombstones and manual compaction

I have few questions about Cassandra tombstones and manual compaction. Let's say that I delete a row (partition key) in my Cassandra cluster at time X. Let's assume that gc_grace_seconds has its ...
Aldo's user avatar
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How do I extract the Cassandra table data into json file using python or directly through cqlsh?

I want to export the data from a table in Cassandra to json file.
Rohith's user avatar
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How do I bring back a Cassandra 2.0 node that's been down for a long time

We have a Cassandra 2.0.17 cluster with 3 DCs, where each DC has 8 nodes and RF of 3. We have not been running regular repairs on it. One node has been down for 2 months due to hardware issue with one ...
amitzko's user avatar
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Cassandra query using secondary index timedout

I am facing timeout issue while executing query on Cassandra database. We have tried increasing the read timeout fields "read_request_timeout_in_ms", "range_request_timeout_in_ms" ...
balakrishna's user avatar
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YAML and JSON configuration files in Cassandra

I recently started working with Cassandra and am interested in knowing more about 2 files - cassandra_init.json which holds the list of keyspaces and column families and cassandra.yaml which seems to ...
Doraemon's user avatar
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how Cassandra read one column in one partition fast?

create table (id int primary key, c1 int, c2 int, ....c1000 int); i know that RDBMS stores all columns of such one row continuously.if i want to query c400 of only one row, i can locate the row fast, ...
skycaptain's user avatar
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KairosDB H2 vs Cassandra

I have an application where I need to load a lot of time series data to KairosDB then query it. I read on the DB-Engines website that KairosDB is a distributed time series DBMS based on either ...
AbdelKh's user avatar
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Cassandra schema for authentication

I am trying to design a database to store user information and to authenticate them. My fields include Name, email, password, phone number, city. How should I partition my data so that its efficient ...
Julia Anderson's user avatar
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What dependencies should I use for Cassandra Java driver 4.13?

so I'm having some trouble when I connect to Cassandra(Version:3.11.10). javax.servlet.ServletException: org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerException: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Could someone ...
eberteo's user avatar
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Primary Key in Cassandra

I have the following scenario; My data has the id field, and this field constantly increasing. When event created, id is assigned = 1 automatically. Then 2, 3, 4 and so on. When data that has the id = ...
sparkless's user avatar
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How to force the Commit log's commit to memtable?

I'm using the sstableloader's command to load the backup and I note that the new datas not load. Analising the files, the new datas still in the commit log and not in the backup. How could I force the ...
Luciana Oliveira's user avatar
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Cassandra DB Inserting data into multiple tables

I have been reading the documentation of Cassandra Db on datastax as well as Apache docs. So far I have learned that we cannot create more than one index (one primary, one secondary index) on a table. ...
Hussain Wali's user avatar
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Can i do logical Query inside Blob column field in cassandra Query?

Can i do logical Query inside Blob column field in cassandra Query ? like i have a file inside Blob field called purchase amount : 500$ i want to do search and fetch results purchase amount which is ...
Yuvaraj's user avatar
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Cassandra find records where list is empty [duplicate]

I have the following table CREATE TABLE shipment ( shipment_id TIMEUUID, dropoff_contact person, job_ids list<TIMEUUID>, deleted boolean, PRIMARY KEY(shipment_id) ); CREATE ...
Hussain Wali's user avatar
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How do you nest a UDT inside another UDT in Cassandra?

I have created the following user defined types (UDT) in cassandra : CREATE TYPE keyspace.location ( latitude text, longitude text, accuracy text, address text ); CREATE TYPE keyspace....
Hussain Wali's user avatar
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Write failure on the node due to excessive load in my Cassandra cluster

I am getting frequently this exception on Cassandra nodes like below. Too many remote connections are pending When we checked the stats we didn't find any overload symtoms and no high traffic on that ...
LetsNoSQL's user avatar
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Cassandra restore from a higher node cluster to a lower node cluster

I have 2 node cluster A with replication factor = 2. I tried taking backup of the above said cluster A and restored it to a single node cluster B. But after restoring when i went to Cluster B and ...
ans_ak's user avatar
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How to check how long a Cassandra table has not been visited

How to check how long a Cassandra table has not been visited, help me decide whether to delete this table
feifei liu's user avatar
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How to execute nodetool status command in python?

nodetool command I can get my database status by using this command in shell. How can I execute this command through python? Can you help me out?
Rohit Prabu's user avatar
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Model pagination on list collection in cassandra

Lets say i have a table pagelabels which keep track of page labelled by user with a label - The table i have is as below - CREATE TABLE pagelabels ( pageid text PRIMARY KEY, label list<...
user888270's user avatar
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cassandra database - fetch time is higher than Netflix Astyanax Driver than datastax driver

We are migrating from Netflix Astyanax to Datastax driver - the details are given below Drivers Used: astyanax-cassandra (by Netflix) ; version 1.56.37 datastax-driver-core; version 3.3.2 Java ...
G Balaji's user avatar
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Cassandra CompressedRandomAccessReader Out Of Memory Error

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at<init>( ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.5.jar:2.1.5] at ...
iamfazn's user avatar
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SASI Index is node level or cluster level?

Can anyone tell if we are creating SASI index then it will create index on node level or cluster level. How SASI different with normal Secondary Index? Is it worth to use or not? However, I went ...
LetsNoSQL's user avatar
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Querying on cassandra consumes CPU

Connecting to Cassandra from application code and querying consumes Cassandra's CPU. My query is like :: select fields from table where partition_key = "PARTITION_KEY" and clustering_key_1 = "KEY1" ...
Shiva Prasad's user avatar
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Cassandra read consistency is one, but node connects to another node

3 node cluster and RF of 3 means every node has all the data. Consistency is ONE. So when queried for some data on node-1, ideally as node-1 has all the data it should be able to complete my query. ...
Shiva Prasad's user avatar
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Data missing from Cassandra after adding nodes to the cluster

We had a cluster of 6 nodes with replication of 3. 4 new nodes were added just by starting them up and letting them join the cluster, then restarting all nodes to update the seed list. So every node ...
luka_roves's user avatar
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Cassandra clustering key uniqueness

In the book Cassandra the definitive guide it is said that the combination of partition key and clustering key guarantees a unique record in the data base... i understand that the partition key is the ...
user1997656's user avatar
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Flink connecting to Cassandra for read

I am getting a stream of events, which needs to be enriched with some additional details. These details needs to be fetched from Cassandra DB and applied to ingress event. I am using DataStream API of ...
Srinivas M's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'encode', using Apache Cassandra and Python

i'm using python to insert a dataframe in apache cassandra, but the error AttributeError is returning: 'bool' object has no attribute 'encode' cluster = Cluster(['']) session = cluster....
Eduardo alberto andrade's user avatar
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How Cassandra Cluster - Seed Provider Works?

I have a doubt on the cassandra seed_provider assignment. In my environment, there are 3 cassandra nodes required to setup as cluster. How should I define it in the cassandra.yaml? I'm confused since ...
BlackHat's user avatar
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Why do Tombstones affect read performance but not updates?

From the articles I read they say that tombstones affect read performance in Cassandra. I’m reading how data is updated in Cassandra and looks like data is written with a timestamp without modifying ...
user3587180's user avatar
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Fetch distinct field values from frozen set column in Cassandra columnfamily

Hi please help me to get cql query for below requirement - Column family contains columns: deptid (datatype:uuid emplList (datatype: set frozen(employee) ) How would I get all distinct employees name ...
nagampalli suman's user avatar
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OpsCenter default native client connection and load distribution?

If we have 8 nodes in a OpsCenter cluster(Primary and Secondary) with 2 DCs. We have almost 30 nodes connected to this OpsCenter for monitoring through datastax agent. My question is all 30 nodes will ...
LetsNoSQL's user avatar
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construction of a data model on cassandra / CQL

I have a vehicle tracking table that contains the following fields: vehicle_id, id tracking, time_tracking, longitude, latitude. How to build the table so that I can have the latest tracking of all ...
guernine khadija's user avatar
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How does cassandra reacts to a region failure in Multi-Region setup

I am trying to understand cassandra in multi-region setup. Suppose I have a Cassandra cluster setup in 3 AWS Regions(A,B and C) each and if a region goes down(Region C). How does an outage in entire ...
C0d3man's user avatar
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Is it costly to read one full partition from Cassandra?

Let say i am having one table RecordingsByAccountaId ( AccountId, a,b,c,x,y,z) Partitioning key : AccountId Clustering key : a,b I need to fetch data for one Account inside my code, so performing ...
dinesh kandpal's user avatar
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Test Cassandras R + W > N

I want to explicitly show the R + W > N rule at a presentation. So my initial idea how to do this is as following: // setup 1: Create a Docker network with 3 Cassandra Nodes. 2: Create a simple ...
Nextar's user avatar
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