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Why is the ResultSet not same for insert and select queries

When I use session.execute in cassandra, I notice that the ResultSet's structure is different for the same table. If I am querying the table to get a record using Where, the ResultSet contains the ...
Manu Chadha's user avatar
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Configuration to optimize cassandra java/scala driver for intensive IO operations?

I can't find any configuration for pooling option on cassandra (using Scala, but I can managed with Java examples). Has anyone ever done it before ? Edit : I'm using the java driver with scala extra....
Ismail H's user avatar
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Async cassandra queries

I've been trying to update an app to enhance performance, it uses Datastax Cassandra Java Driver for DAL services. Now, I need to convert sync queries to async queries, I didn't find satisfactory ...
Kumar Kavish's user avatar
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DSE Cassandra audit log not capturing UDTs in DML

I have setup DSE Cassandra audit log feature on a particular keyspace. By referring below documentation -
Charitra kocheri's user avatar
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High OS load and poor performance on specific cassandra nodes in a cluster

I am using cassandra v2.1.13 in 10 node cluster with replication factor = 2 and LeveledCompactionStrategy. The nodes are c4.4x large types with 10g heap. 8 nodes in the cluster are performing fine ...
Starney's user avatar
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3 votes
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how do I check if a column exists in cassandra table in java?

I want to check if a column exists in cassandra table in java,and then perform an action if it exists.How do I do that?
yacky's user avatar
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6 votes
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Cassandra java driver set global consistency level

So in the datastax doc, it states that ConsistencyLevel can be set globally through QueryOptions: QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions().setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.ALL); I noticed that this ...
Quan Ding's user avatar
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Cassandra Multiple Prepared Statements for Nullable Columns

Because of infrastructure restrictions, we cannot upgrade the version of Cassandra running to > 2.2, so we have to use 2.0.7. This version unfortunately does not support the use of UNSET. As the data ...
techalicious's user avatar
4 votes
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What will happen if I set normal consistency level to conditional write (LWT)?

I have 6 node cluster with replication factor 3. I am using normal consistency level as QUORUM and serial consistency level as SERIAL. I have a conditional write query (IF EXIST). What will happen if ...
Laxmikant's user avatar
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Cassandra delete operation is sometimes not working able to select the data after delete

I have two tables CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS QueueBucket ( queueName text, bucketId int, scheduledMinute timestamp, scheduledTime timestamp, messageId uuid, PRIMARY ...
Laxmikant's user avatar
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Cassandra: Ignore timezone for timestamp value

I've written a program that reads a file containing the date (in yyyy/MM/dd format) and uses the Datastax Java Driver to read the date and add it to a cassandra table. So for instance, if my record ...
rm12345's user avatar
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NoHostAvailableException frequently occurs in datastax driver 3.0

I am using cassandra 2.0.9 and recently moved to datastax java driver version 3.0.0 from 2.0.5. I have following exception occurs frequently after moving to driver 3.0.0 com.datastax.driver.core....
Rishikesan Varudharajan's user avatar
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Single multithread Java Client with DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra not utilizing system resources

I’d appreciate any guidance on optimal setup for multi-threaded, high throughput low latency Java Client using DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra. I appreciate ‘roll-your-own’ bench-marking is ...
Aidan's user avatar
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Data loss in cassandra because of frequent delete and insert of same column in a row

I have a column family posts which is used to store post detail of my facebook account. I am using cassandra 2.0.9 and datastax java driver 3.0. CREATE TABLE posts ( key blob, column1 text, ...
Rishikesan Varudharajan's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Cassandra: Adding new column to the table

Hi I just added a new column Business_sys to my table my_table: ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER business_sys TYPE set<text>; But again I just droped this column name because I wanted to change ...
JOGO's user avatar
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ControlConnection warning in datastax java driver

I am using cassandra 2.0.9 and datastax java driver 2.0.5 to query. I had set rpc_address as in cassandra. Sometimes I am getting this warning message from the client 4411 [Cassandra Java ...
Rishikesan Varudharajan's user avatar
1 vote
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Unexpected shutdown in cassandra due to outofmemory error

I am using cassandra 2.0.9, in which i got some unexpected shutdown says OutOfMemoryError, While minor compaction running background i got this error. before that i had some warning about tombstones. ...
Rishikesan Varudharajan's user avatar
4 votes
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could not connect to cassandra using the latest cql driver and default settings?

I am using the latest version of cassandra 3.0.2 and the latest version of datastax cassandra core java driver which is 3.0.0. The settings in cassandra.yaml remains unchanged. I have not changed that ...
user1870400's user avatar
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Cassandra server crashing on windows 7

I have installed Datastax Cassandra community Server 2.2.3 on windows 7. It was working well a moment ago, after restarting my machine the Cassandra server crashed. I can't even open the cql shell ...
Jayant Daruvuri's user avatar
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Cassandra unset int becomes 0 when converted to Option in Scala

I have a cassandra row slug | logo | name | priority ------+------+------+---------- test | null | Test | null I am using the datastax java driver to query this result and then mapp the Row to ...
p_a_ll_a_b's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to delete all the records from cassandra table without creating a snapshot

I am facing a problem with deleting all the records from a table. I can use Truncate table. But truncate would create a snapshot of the data which would be a wastage of storage space in my scenario. ...
Siva Narayana Reddy M's user avatar
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Cannot return map<text,text> from User Defined Function in CQL 3.x (Cassandra 2.2.3)

I am not able to return map from User Defined Function in CQL 3.x (Cassandra 2.2.3). Here is my code: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION issaviktempkeyspace.myfilter1(begindate timestamp,argtimestamp ...
Avik Dutta's user avatar
6 votes
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Cassandra Query Failures: All host(s) tried for query failed (no host was tried)

I am not able to do queries against the Cassandra Node. I am able to make the connection to the cluster and connect. However while doing the the query, it fails Caused by: com.datastax.driver.core....
im2kul's user avatar
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3 answers

Cassandra throttling workload

I've been recently attempting to send a workload of read operations to a 2-node Cassandra cluster (version 2.0.9, with rf=2). My intention was to send a number of reads at a rate that is higher than ...
Waleed Reda's user avatar
3 votes
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How to prepare a Cassandra Accessor query only once

I am using the Cassandra Java Driver. In order to use the Object Mapper I have created an Accessor. @Accessor public interface MyAccessor { @Query("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = ? AND ...
Ivan Stoyanov's user avatar
1 vote
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Datastax Cassandra Insert with ifNotExists

I Have created a keyspace CREATE KEYSPACE xyz WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': '1', 'datacenter1': '1'} AND durable_writes = true; I have only two nodes and both DC1 ...
Abhishek Agarwal's user avatar
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Cassandra bind sql in statement

Is there anyway to bind to an SQL IN statement using Cassandra and the datastax driver? I will be passing a variable amount of parameters to the SQL in statement.
Ronnie Phelps's user avatar
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OpsCenter cannot recognize Cassandra nodes in the same network

I am experimenting with Datestax OpsCenter 5.2 and Cassandra 2.1.7. One trouble I encountered is that OpsCenter daemon (i.e., the server) seems to try to connect to the Cassandra agents using the ...
stackoverflower's user avatar
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Cassandra showing abrupt behaviour

I have one unit test in which I am writing and reading from cassandra multiple times. future = function(Cassandra update with value x) - async //write and read updated value value = future.get(); //...
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Timeout due to Repair

Off late I am getting a quite a lot of exception for a table that is designed using LeveledCompactionStrategy. com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.ReadTimeoutException: Cassandra timeout during ...
Ananth's user avatar
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Cassandra - Write doesn't fail, but values aren't inserted

I have a cluster of 3 Cassandra 2.0 nodes. My application I wrote a test which tries to write and read some data into/from Cassandra. In general this works fine. The curiosity is that after I ...
Julia's user avatar
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Datastax cassandra driver 2.1.6: noClassDefFoundError LoggerFactory

I am stuck with the datastax cassandra driver which is throwing this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.&...
eVoxmusic's user avatar
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Cassandra is not consistent despite QUORUM consistency level with replication factor 3

I have a problem with Cassandras consistency. I have 3 Cassandra nodes (Version in the cluster and I am reading and writting with consistency level QUORUM and my replicationfactor is 3. ...
Julia's user avatar
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How exactly batch work in cql

I was going through datastax CQL Java Driver 2.1 driver document and also through CQL 2.X reference pdf: In CQL reference pdf: Batches are atomic by default. In the context of a Cassandra batch ...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Altering a column family in cassandra in a multiple node topology

I'm having the following issue when trying to alter cassandra: I'm altering the table straight forward: ALTER TABLE posts ADD is_black BOOLEAN; on a single-node environment, both under EC2 server ...
Nativ's user avatar
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Cassandra datastax driver ResultSet sharing in multiple threads for fast reading

I've huge tables in cassandra, more than 2 billions rows and increasing. The rows have a date field and it is following date bucket pattern so as to limit each row. Even then, I've more than a ...
RRM's user avatar
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What implications does consistency have on async writes?

Both Datastax Python and Java Cassandra drivers supports async writes. Both of them also allows setting consistency level. Does the consistency level have any implication whatsoever for async writes?
Ztyx's user avatar
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How to map static columns differently from other columns?

How can I map the example given here to the below class, using datastax Java object mapping? public class User { private int user; private int balance; private List<Bill> bills; } ...
Chandra Sekar's user avatar
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NoHostAvailable Exception on Async operations with Datastax Cassandra driver

I'm using nested Asynchronous query execution with Cassandra. Data is continuously streamed in and for each incoming data, the below block of cassandra operations are executed. It works fine for a ...
Aneesh's user avatar
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Paging through Cassandra using QueryBuilder

The DataStax documentation says that to page through all data, the following CQL query is useful: SELECT * FROM test WHERE token(k) > token(42); Is it possible to build this query using the ...
Jan Kuipers's user avatar
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Network aware snitches

What are the network aware snitches in Cassandra? They have specified that NetworkToplogy can only be used with network aware snitches. So what are the snitches that can use NetworkTopology?
Ananth's user avatar
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EC2 snitch problems with Consistency

I tried to deploy an application for the first time in EC2. I had three instances of cassandra in the same region with an EC2 snitch. I used datastax java driver for application connectivity. At ...
Ananth's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to set up Cassandra client-to-node encryption with the DataStax Java driver?

I've set up node-to-node encryption on my Cassandra cluster. Now I want to set up client-to-node. According to this documentation, it should be as easy as taking the SSL certificate of my client and ...
2rs2ts's user avatar
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ConnectionException when connecting to Cassandra with DataStax Java driver 1.0.5

I have a 3 cassandra nodes (db-stats-01, db-stats-02, db-stats-03), which are all Up and Normal according to nodetool status. The client is essentially doing this: Builder builder = Cluster.builder(...
CHK's user avatar
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Asynchronous request queue size limitation

I am using Cassandra Java Driver 2.0 in asynchronous mode. When I am executing a lot of operations very intensively they must be queued somewhere inside driver before they sent to network. I would ...
Maxim Zakharenkov's user avatar
17 votes
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Cassandra Java Driver- QueryBuilder API vs PreparedStatements

Datastax Java driver (cassandra-driver-core 2.0.2) for Cassandra supports PreparedStatements as well as QueryBuilder API. Any specific advantages using one over the other? Disadvantages? ...
MasterV's user avatar
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Is the number of Parameters in the IN-Operator in Cassandra limited?

I have a pretty simple question which I can't find an answer to on the Internet or on stackoverflow: Is the number of Parameters in the IN-Operator in Cassandra limited? I have made some tests with ...
maltesmann's user avatar
7 votes
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Cassandra read timeout

I am pulling big amount of data from cassandra 2.0, but unfortunately getting timeout exception. My table: CREATE KEYSPACE StatisticsKeyspace WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', '...
Wild Goat's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Atomic Batches in Cassandra

What do you mean by Batch Statements are atomic in cassandra? Docs are a bit confusing in nature to be precise. Does it mean that queries are atomic across nodes in cluster? Say,for example, i have a ...
Ananth's user avatar
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Cassandra BatchStatement behaviour - datastax java driver

I would like to get some clarification on BatchStatement execution. I have added many insert/update statements for different tables into a batch. When I execute the batch, I expect that, if any one ...
rameshj's user avatar
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