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Control CANoe by python with py_canoe library

**Can I change Transport layer of ECU with python code? ** I'm working on CANOoe 11.0 .When I consul this reference I don't see any function code support to change the transport layer of the ECU. ...
Nnhat's user avatar
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Handling py_canoe in a multi-thread environment

I am trying to implement a tool that executes some commands in CANoe, using for that the py_canoe library. If I implement all the CANoe calls in the main thread everything works fine, but since some ...
user25615933's user avatar
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Diagnostics usage via CANoe and CAPL: Unable to trigger "on diagResponse" function

I'm trying to send a simulated Diagnostic response via CAPL, then catch it and do something with it. This is the simulated response code (I can see it being sent in the Trace window): on key 'z' { ...
VhD's user avatar
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How to send/receive data using CANoe FDX protocol?

I'm trying to send and receive data using CANoe FDX protocol. I went through this document, which has instructions on how to configure CANoe config file. I'm using CAPL for automation but I couldn't ...
Joshua's user avatar
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How to use a signal of previous testcase?

I am encountering an issue in Canoe where test cases produce false positive results due to interference from previous test runs. Specifically, I am testing a Device Under Test (DUT) that sends the ...
petar's user avatar
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CAPL Test Case for Monitoring CAN Signal Over Time

I'm trying to write a CAPL test case where I need to monitor a CAN signal BM_State under specific conditions for a duration of 7 seconds. The scenario is as follows: I want to start monitoring when ...
K.Stefan's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to call Python functions from CAPL?

I have a Python module, say, which has several functions like below. """""" class myclass: def foo(self, arg1: str, arg2: int) -> int: ...
kingvittu's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I get the current Time in CAPL?

I am writing testresults I get into an .csv now I want to get a new .csv when I repeat the test. my idea was to set the Timestamp at the End of the name of my .csv to tell them appart but I cant ...
Speidey's user avatar
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Capture console output of a Python script from CAPL

I am trying this Vector CANoe knowledge base article. I want to call a function from a Python module from inside a CAPL test module. But before that I want to run a simple Python script and capture ...
kingvittu's user avatar
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CANoe Physical to functional requests

I need to control CANoe with Python using win32com and change Physical Requests to Functional Group Request. This can also be seen in Diagnostics/ISO TP Configuration under CAN Networks under ...
davidandsch's user avatar
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How to store the received data in the array from CAPL trace window

I need to achieve the following: Periodically Send RX Messages: I am sending RX messages periodically in CAPL. Receive Messages: When these messages are received, they appear in the trace window. ...
user24970598's user avatar
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CAPL Signal value assignment and read use physical or raw data?

I am new to CAPL and Canoe, my question is when assign value to signal in CAN message should you assign using physical signal like this: MSG.Signal_A = raw_data * scale + offset; Or just assign the ...
Dung Nguyen's user avatar
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Need capl script to get the value of particular byte of a first CAN message which is being sent periodically over CAN bus

Need CAPL script to get the value of particular byte of a first CAN message which is being sent periodically over CAN bus I tried to set the local flag to some other value and added if condition to ...
user123's user avatar
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CAPL DLL File Invalid Error When Starting Simulation in CANoe

I attempted to build a CAPL DLL file for CANoe following the CMake example provided in the Vector Help documentation. Additionally, I used similar steps from this githup repository: huangdong332/...
Mohamed Hamed's user avatar
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Regarding the issue of sending getter requests for the someip function in CAPL language

Since I don't have an arXML file, I have to defining a method: Client: variables { DWORD gMc; // global method call handle } on start { Initialize(); } void Initialize() { DWORD aep; // ...
yi ti's user avatar
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How to Accurately Check Cycle Time for CAN Messages on Multiple Buses in CAPL using CANoe?

I'm currently working on a CAN network simulation using CANoe, and I am writing CAPL scripts to monitor the cycle time of CAN messages. My setup involves multiple CAN buses that share the same message ...
slobel's user avatar
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2 answers

#ifndef __HEADER_H__ #define __HEADER_H__ in CAPL

What I'm trying is to separate function definitions from main .can file. The problem is, when including same .cin file in different .can files, the multiple definition compile error occurs. I've tried ...
Tracy Willson's user avatar
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Error when i run python script to open CANoe config file

When I run this script named bellow to load CANoe cfg file from py_canoe import CANoe canoe_inst = CANoe()'C:xx.cfg') i received error and CANoe is opened but ...
Dimitar Angelov's user avatar
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Enable/Disable Logging block in Vector CANoe through COM

I am trying to Enable/Disable the Logging Block using COM Objects in python. I could access the individual loggings from the collection, but cannot enable them programatically. I tried below way, the ...
lerner1225's user avatar
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CANoe Identifies Constructed Ethernet Frame as Unknown PDU Despite Correct Configuration

I'm encountering an issue while attempting to send an automotive Ethernet frame using the packet builder feature in CANoe. Despite configuring the frame with the necessary IP, UDP, and IPv4 parameters,...
Mohamed Amer's user avatar
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2 answers

Capturing Entire CAN Frames in CANoe TestCases Using CAPL Language

I am currently developing test cases in CANoe using CAPL Language. My objective is to capture and save the entire CAN Frame as it appears on the trace, rather than just the signal it contains. While I ...
Mohamed Hamed's user avatar
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Is there a way of Vector CANoe being able to take input via a usb gamepad and apply Input to a system variable?

I'm trying to see if it's possible to have a USB gamepad plugged into a laptop and then CANoe using the input from the gamepad to apply to a system variable. From the research of done it seems like ...
W1990's user avatar
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using serial RS232 Communication in CANoe CAPL

I am trying to control a power source with CANoe through RS232 Serial Communication, however when I send a command to the power surce using the built in rs232Send function it results in one but the ...
Zaid Mansour's user avatar
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CAPL Script in CAnoe Report generation takes too long

I have written a CAPL script for a testcase which will execute for 65535 times (0xFFFF), i have used for loop to do that. the execution is working fine , but it takes around 14-15 hours of time to ...
Jayasurya's user avatar
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How to add dll security file into canoe?

I already have the dll file but how to add that into canoe and use them? i have added the dll file into the canoe location (Diagnostic/ISO TP ->Diagnostic layer->security Access) . but when iam ...
user23806054's user avatar
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ReplayFileName CAPL

I want to use the function ReplayFileName to load a blf source file via CAPL into my Replay Block. But my actual program isn't working properly. includes { } variables { char replayName[32] = &...
alquema mohammad's user avatar
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Generating wakeup and Error frame In LIN bus using CAPL script in Canoe tool

Trying to generate LIN Slave wakeup frame from CAPL script in which I need to simulate below condition System is in sleep. My Node Connected to ECU will wakeup with three 250us pulse (LIN slave ...
Ashish Verma's user avatar
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"Local RT kernel: The connection is broken."--> Getting this error while calling a function in my capl code (the function is in dll file)

I Have added my dll file into capl code. when trying to use the function in my capl script iam getting this error "Local RT kernel: The connection is broken." I would like to know if anyone ...
user23806054's user avatar
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How can I continuously monitor more than one CAN signal in loop and activate a condition based on its value in CAPL?

I've created a loop cycle in CAPL that I'd like to follow step by step. The loop is running, and it must wait until the signal MAX_V does not reach 3.9. If it reaches 3.9, it will send some signal and ...
K.Stefan's user avatar
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How to create a new SeednKey.dll which in turn refers to already existing .dll files

Use case: Canoe application accepts only one SeednKey.dll configuration in its panel configuration. Vector supports ask me to create a new SeednKey.dll files which refers to my two main .dll files Do ...
Learner's user avatar
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Adding event procedures using CANoe.NET API in VS studio

I tried to used the following procedure: My problem is that it did not worked until I've created an observer and activated it before expecting the message to be seen. I'm not sure it is the proper ...
Diana Bîrla's user avatar
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Wireshark is crashing after printing the result

Wireshark is crashing after printing the result. The root cause is we are dumping packets into a specific file and trying to post process continuously since packets are being cut into half error is ...
user123's user avatar
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Any CAPL function to disable logging block when simulation is ON and activate it back required?

Trying to take logs in .pcap format n post process from trace window, I'm using startlogging and stoplogging capl functions as of now . When I'm stopping it pauses and resumes when I start again. I ...
user123's user avatar
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Need CAPL script to find fin or RST messages over TCP connection - DOIP

Can someone help me with CAPL script to find FIN /RST messages over canoe trace window? This is for DOIP module - I want it to check the RST/FIN from tester as well as ECU(as we specify) Basically we ...
user123's user avatar
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Add XCP device and configure variables in XCP/CCP window CANOe by automation

I am working on XCP test cases for the first time. I am trying the first step itself to add XCP device and configure few variables by automation. I am aware there exists functions to write and read ...
Yottabyte's user avatar
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CANoe settings for intercepting messages sent on Virtual Can Bus with python

Purpose: I want to send data on Virtual Can Bus using Python and then check in CANoe if the request is tracked, but nothing happens. I use a Sample Configuration (ex UDSBasic.cfg) from the CANoe and I ...
Stefan's user avatar
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SysVar in C# COM with CANoe

I'm trying to communicate in C# with CANoe but I get some errors. I have this setup to Open and Start (⚡) CANoe APP, and it is working fine: private CANoe.Application CANoeApp; private void ...
Óscar's user avatar
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Autosar based Secoc

I have to create one scenario in CAPL. In Canoe Cybersecurity Secoc, needs to send one secured I-pdu from one ecu to another ecu. we using data and Time based Freshness to calculate CMAC. Is that ...
Akash's user avatar
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Unable to send CAN signal through vector canoe application using py_canoe

Here, we are trying to send a CAN signal through vector canoe application using py_canoe library, but we are unable to send the CAN signal through the bus but at the same time we are able to read the ...
Karthik's user avatar
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Using while in CAPL causes software to freeze at the beginning of simulation runtime

When simulating running in Canoe, the software freezes, which I believe is the reason for the while. However, in the while code segment, I have written the logic to stop the loop, and I don't know why....
T0Night's user avatar
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How to solve exception in Python when using COM port with win32?

I have a Python script which open and start measures in CANoe. It already opens CANoe but I get the COM error: Exception has occurred: com_error (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None, ...
user23057750's user avatar
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Simulate bus-off using CAPL

Simulating busoff using CAPL. Usually we create busoff using Shorting CANH & CANL, CANH to GND, CANL to VBAT, etc. But here I want to create busoff using the CAPL functions? Is it possible to ...
Cade Amanstrang's user avatar
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CAPL function to stop CANoe

I need to stop CANoe simulation automatically when a condition is reached in my CAPL code. Are there some built-in functions to achive that or other option? I've tried stop() but it is not working. If ...
CAPLUser's user avatar
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Read connected Vector VN boxes with C#

does anyone know a way, how I can access the Vector Hardware Setup via VS in C# and read the connected VN boxes (name and driver)? Because I want to read all connected VN boxes on my pc and will show ...
CheckItOut's user avatar
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Capturing Diagnostic request 27 01 / Seed using DiagGetParameterRaw on Capl/Canoe

I want to capture response of this request 27 01 but unfortunately I am getting 00 00... I can see the request and the response on trace with positive response , thus I can see the seed on trace as ...
mohcine antouri's user avatar
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J1939 TP protocol

We configured 2 nodes in CANoe and each nodes have different source address with same PGN number. The data sending at same time from both nodes and we configured this message is Multipacket using BAM ...
somesh's user avatar
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Send a SOME/IP message with CANoe and the vector box between two ECU already connected

I'm working on a rack where I have several ECU connected. I want to test if my Ecu2 is reacting well when it is receiving a specific message from my ECU1. I used the CANoe to simulate the ECU1 and on ...
Jo Ang's user avatar
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CAPL: display data of received message onto a GUI

I am new to CANoe/CAPL. I am trying to display the data of the received message onto a GUI. This will be a message that is 64 bytes, so I would like multi-line support. Thus far, all I have seen as an ...
MartyM14's user avatar
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EthernetPacket.source() CAPL function interpretation in Vector CANoe

I am new to Vector CANoe, I am trying to find the MAC address of the Ethernet packet being received from real ECU node and sent to another real Node. The two nodes are connected on two ports of the ...
Akhil Alugam's user avatar
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How to read the full data bytes of positive diagnostic service via trace interface by using Vector CANoe

I have difficulty reading full length of data bytes via trace interface when the data bytes I need are over the upper limit which traceface can show. I want to using service 22 to read a trail of VIN ,...
Mori's user avatar
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