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How can I use Python to send CAN XCP messages to a measurement ECU?

I need to use Python to implement the MEASUREMENT and CALIBRATE features for an ECU using the CAN XCP protocol. I already have an A2L file to declare variable names corresponding to ECU addresses. I ...
TrangVF's user avatar
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Possible to tune a MCU with XCP on Ethernet over ESP32 (Wireless/Bluetooth)

I'm a beginner working with the iMXRT106x chip which in Simulink (Embedded Coder) supports XCP Ethernet Inferface and I'd like to tune the device/software (INCA, ATI Express, CANape) wirelessly using ...
SamS's user avatar
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Add XCP device and configure variables in XCP/CCP window CANOe by automation

I am working on XCP test cases for the first time. I am trying the first step itself to add XCP device and configure few variables by automation. I am aware there exists functions to write and read ...
Yottabyte's user avatar
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How to write a CAPL for checking XCP command like CONNECT, SET_MTA?

How to write a CAPL for checking XCP command like CONNECT, SET_MTA? I tried like sending the data bytes through ethernet packet.
sai charan's user avatar
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How to use python-can to connect the vector virtual bus

How to use python-can to connect to the vector virtual bus. I ran XCPsim(the software provided by Vector to simulate XCP slave) on my computer and wanted to use a python script to connect to the ...
Sam Yuan's user avatar
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Prof configuration (INCA tools)

I use the INCA tools for the first time. I would like to cset a prof config to flash binary file to my ECU. I tried to create the needed files. I have some question please. 1/ to convert the hex file ...
dzeko1236's user avatar
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Remotely change parameters values from the outside (like XCP)

I am developing an application in C on an Embededd Linux platform. I would like to have a way of setting values of variables (i.e.: parameters) from the outside (calibration protocol) Example of a ...
godo's user avatar
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How to change many XCP signals at once in the ECU using XCP protocol and CAPL?

I'm actually working with CANoe and CAPL language on the test of some XCP signals in an ECU, thus I need to change those XCP signals all at the same time (as mentionned in the customer specifications) ...
Amiiiiiiine's user avatar
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Is there a way for me to make parameters adjustable in canoe?

I'm trying to make parameters adjustable (read calibratable) in CANoe like what exists in CANape. In CANape, the menu item makes a parameter adjustable by copying it from the main memory to the pool ...
Hitesh Anand's user avatar
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XCP daq list - do ODTs have to be transmitted in increasing order?

A DAQ list consists of multiple ODTs which are "numbered". Is it part of the XCP standard that the ODTs in a DAQ list must be transmitted in an ordered manner?
Bob's user avatar
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