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CAPL Test Case for Monitoring CAN Signal Over Time

I'm trying to write a CAPL test case where I need to monitor a CAN signal BM_State under specific conditions for a duration of 7 seconds. The scenario is as follows: I want to start monitoring when ...
K.Stefan's user avatar
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How can I continuously monitor more than one CAN signal in loop and activate a condition based on its value in CAPL?

I've created a loop cycle in CAPL that I'd like to follow step by step. The loop is running, and it must wait until the signal MAX_V does not reach 3.9. If it reaches 3.9, it will send some signal and ...
K.Stefan's user avatar
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How To Change Value Of Particular Signal For Different Test Case Using Capl

In CANoe configuration my node is sending msg1 continuously, I am using that message in my test case, written in CANoe Test module. But for different test cases I want different values of that signal. ...
Shubham Diwate's user avatar
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How to run all TestModule in [Test Setup for Test Modules] CANoe

My [Test Setup for Test Modules] same here: Environment1 (Test_Environment.tse) -TestEnv1Folder (Folder) TestModuleEnv1-1 TestModuleEnv1-2 -TestFolder (Folder) TestModuleInFolder1 ...
Larva HD's user avatar
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Vector CANoe - How do you build a .NET tests node with multiple C# files?

Objectives I want to use the Vector CANoe C# (.NET) scripting capability. More specifically, I want to reduce my .NET test nodes' complexity by building some core utility classes. For example, instead ...
gberth's user avatar
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Running Test Modules in CANoe Using Python

I developed a Python based CANOE Automation Code, wherein I launch CANOE, Open the Configuration and load the Test Specification and run it. Now i want to wait till the Test Module execution is ...
Malai's user avatar
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How to simulate a LIN Slave Node in CANoe

I cannot find a comprehensive guide on how to build a Synthetic LIN Slave in a CANoe configuration, so I would like to create one here. Scenario: an ECU acts as LIN master and communicates with n LIN ...
Daemon Painter's user avatar
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Which is the correct code structure to be followed for getting the best output using TestModules in Canoe?

I am using CANoe 10.0 to do some Diagnostic testing and I have to generate reports for the tests. So, I am using Test Setup to create my test cases using CAPL. I know that the test starts from the ...
Shyam's user avatar
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CAPL Canoe wait for a specific can message

I'm currently trying to Test Auto-Generated-Code for a Controller. The test will be done in CANoe with Capl. I've already tried a lot of things out and it's working good, but now I want to test a ...
gaskraank's user avatar