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Example of a Recursive Algorithm with a Call Stack Space Complexity Beyond O(n)

I’m specifically interested in call stack space complexity, not the space used by additional data structures. Any insights or examples would be greatly appreciated!
newxomer's user avatar
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Finding a call stack programmatically (unwind?) on nRF82540/ARM/IAR/FreeRTOS

I am attempting to write a routine that monitors the heap in order to track down a memory leak. I've seen similar tools on other platforms and found them quite helpful. To make this even more ...
wdtj's user avatar
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SAP Odata ABAP standard stack calls

I tried to debug the ABAP stack of an OData service, and I see there is this call which is taking more time which is called as "Load MPC class" same with all the DPC and DPC_EXT classes, ...
Mehaboob Subuhani's user avatar
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Is there a way to ensure a function is called for every instance of a subclass inheriting from a base class?

OptionsAndAnswer is the base class. abstract class OptionsAndAnswer( ..., open val options: List<Option> ){ fun validate() { require( { }.distinct().size == ...
Kun.tito's user avatar
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How to use custom font in react native when using @callstack/repack?

I already know how to use custom font in react native when using metro. download the font into the project. configure the react-native.config.js file. execute npx react-native-asset But how can I ...
Ha0ran's user avatar
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Get-PSCallStack in Windows PowerShell

I am writing a recursive function and would like to add a debugging mode with some (function) caller information along with the ScriptLineNumber. In PowerShell 7, I am able to do something like: ...
iRon's user avatar
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CallStack of chain of methods [closed]

I'm trying to find out a way to get the complete method chain call stack A() -> B() -> C() -> D(). However, StackWalker or Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace() returns only the originating ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded when using datalist in React

I'm building a React component that fetches drug data from an FDA API and displays it in a <datalist> for searching. However, I'm encountering a `Maximum call stack size exceeded error when ...
Joy's user avatar
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The caller/callee relationship in a flamegraph generated by golang pprof is wrong. Why?

I use pprof to get the CPU profile of a running golang program (cfs-server of CubeFS). And generate a flamegraph using the CPU profile: go tool pprof http://localhost:16220/debug/pprof/profile\?...
Yu-Ang Cao's user avatar
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Chrome devtool: some function calls present in callstack but not in performance tab

In line 25908 createRootImpl is called and in line 25931 createContainer is called and it is also obvious in callstack However in performance tab, there is no way to see createContainer, ...
Guichi's user avatar
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Can spyder show the call stack while debugging?

While debugging code, it is useful to see the complete call stack. Moreover, it is useful to be able to navigate it by clicking on the various lines in a displayed list of the call stack. Many IDEs in ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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How to prevent multiple nested calls of a python decorator

Hi All the following is my code: from functools import wraps def log_return(level='DEBUG', label='Returned'): """ Decorator for logging the return of a function level (...
Nick OZ's user avatar
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callback queue , call stack and registered event like setTimeout

what happens if any event is register (like setTimeout) but it takes more time (assume 5,6 min ), and currently call stack and callback queue is completed all task and it is empty, so the program is ...
Mayank's user avatar
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Problem with Execution order i would guess

im loosing my mind! I try to get data from a form and pass it to a php script that puts the data in a csv file and into a database. This Works, however i am trying to validate the Transmission of the ...
360Bits's user avatar
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call stack stop while loading data loader

I am currently using VSCode with Anaconda. However, during training, the call stack process stops. This happens irregularly, sometimes with no errors during 100 epochs, and other times it occurs after ...
Seong-Ryeol Park's user avatar
4 votes
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How does Wasm code run in browsers and how does it interact with JavaScript

I'm curious about how WebAssembly (Wasm) code operates in the browser. I understand that JavaScript code in the browser is executed by the JavaScript engine, but I'm unsure about who executes the Wasm ...
Live's user avatar
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Why are the last two values in this array always valid?

I was hacking around with stacks in C to demonstrate something to a friend. I understand that the functions below return pointers to garbage memory, and so we can't rely on them. That was the point of ...
The Infinite One's user avatar
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Debugging MAUI issues from android playstore ANR details stacks

I have a MAUI application available on the playstore. Google PlayStore has the "Crashes and ANRs" reports. Because MAUI isn't exactly Java, I'm having a difficult time finding the actual ...
Yochai Timmer's user avatar
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Does JavaScript have an Event table?

I read an article on Medium that said that "JavaScript has an event table that keeps tracks of all the events that will be executed asynchronously maybe after some time interval or after the ...
Montin's user avatar
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Java: Lazy object storage with auto key from stack trace

I implemented a mechanism for lazily calculated objects, just with a ConcurrentMap of ConcurrentMaps as an EJB Singleton: @Singleton public class LazyObjectStore { private final ConcurrentMap&...
Torsten Fehre's user avatar
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Node Js:- RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I am building a Node Js application using Passport & Passport-SAML Packages for incorporating SAML Login. I have a front-end React app that need to be served after the user successfully ...
Varun Kumar's user avatar
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set_terminate unexplained behaviour with exception thrown from std::thread and libunwind

I'm trying to add a std::terminate handler with std::set_terminate for debugging in my app but i ran into some unexplained behaviour. The basic idea is that if i'm throwing from constructors (or ...
user3671607's user avatar
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Find the stack start address in runtime. cortexM4 processor

I want to create a hardfault handler that saves data to the internal flash and then reset the MCU. I want to save not only the core registers and the system control registers, but also the stack of ...
Hagai's user avatar
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How to free the call stack in C?

I have created a calculator using RDP (recursive descent parser) to parse and evaluate mathematical expressions "such as: 5cos(30) -5(3+5)". The thing is I also have tried to include ...
Achraf's user avatar
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Why don't I see task queue bunch up?

I am reading and conversing with chatGPT about what exactly setTimeout and setInterval do. As I understand it the main JavaScript execution thread sends the Web Timer API a callback function and an ...
qhuboo's user avatar
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call stack when Segmentation fault

I code this(backtrace.hpp) to show the call stack when my program crashed like segmentation fault. #pragma once #include <map> #include <iostream> #include <signal.h> #include <...
BigFaceBoy's user avatar
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Order of processing microtasks in JavaScript [duplicate]

I’m solving an event loop problem in Javascript and I can’t figure out why the output order is 2, 1, and not 1, 2. f1(); Promise.resolve().then(() => { console.log(2); }); async function f2() { ...
Party Favor's user avatar
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How are python variable names resolved? (explanations on the web are a bit uncertain)

It seems that there are two things that are not being distinguished in some guides about this. When a function is running, there is its local scope, and some scopes above her on call stack. Each scope ...
user87035's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are perf back traces on Linux skipping a function (or showing a call to _init), with DWARF, LBR, and even FP (frame pointers)?

I have a simple program that I compile with -O0 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline, and which I record with system-wide recording timeout 3 perf record -a -g -F 99 -- ./program perf script > ...
meisel's user avatar
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why setImmediate function executes after setTimeout

setImmediate(() => { console.log("set immediate function calling") }) setTimeout(() => { console.log("setTime out function") }, 1000) for (let i = 0; i <= ...
Manish Rai's user avatar
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3 answers

Javascript maximum call stack size even though recursive function call itself with an accumulator

I have an object whose value can be any type. const data = { a: { aa: 50, ab: 'hello', ac: 'xx_1' }, b: 50, c: [ { ca: 100, cb: 'by', cc: 'xx_2' }, { ca: 101, cb: 'by1', cc: '...
Loutag's user avatar
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Why does console.trace() show a growing stack trace when using event listeners with { once: true } option?

I have this inline js code. let btn = document.querySelector("button"); btn.addEventListener("click", foo, { once: true }); function foo() { btn.addEventListener("click", bar, { once: true }); ...
LNTR's user avatar
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Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (functionjs.js)

I'm trying to build a recruitment management website (nodejs), but when I'm almost done I get this error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. functionjs.js Here is my functionjs.js ...
Cmint's user avatar
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Why do constructors live on stack instead of heap memory (Java), aren't they invoked on creation of an object?

I'm doing a bit of a deep dive into Java programming. As I'm reading a book I realize that similar to methods and associated local variables (stack variables), constructors also get to stack series ...
Ab12's user avatar
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How to read name of anonymous lambdas in Visual Studio call stack?

It's always been challenging to me to track anonymous lambdas in the call stack, so I wrote some sandbox code in order to deal with the issue: int main() { [] { std::cout << "Hello ...
Kaiyakha's user avatar
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Random placement of items on canvas without overlap

I'm trying to randomly place a number of items (sprites) onto a canvas element without any overlap. I'm using a seeded random number so that I can get consistent placement. However I'm running into a ...
TommyBs's user avatar
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how to make a syncrounous function like writefilesync not using callbacks, nor promises

first of all let me say i'm not asking anything about async/await or promises, i know these concepets, a also know that i can use top-level awaits but i want to make "a single function" to ...
TechDogLover OR kiaNasirzadeh's user avatar
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Can somebody explain how this code is executed in relation to the call stack and the event loop?

I have created this snippet which I am trying to figure out how it's working the way it's working. function fetch() { console.log("Fetch start"); return new Promise(resolve => { ...
kekerinho's user avatar
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How does CALL in Assembly work? Does it return again to execute the further instructions? [duplicate]

start: mov $0, %eax jmp two one: mov $0x1234, %eax two: cmp $0x1234, %eax je done call one mov $10, %eax done: jmp done I have a doubt that when cmp in two is ...
astraltrinity's user avatar
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Visual Studio C/C++ : Access to call stack from the code

Is there a way to access to call stack content from the code ? There are many introspection functions in <crtdbg.h> but none about call stack. (at least, I didn't find any) I need some (MSVC-non-...
Captain'Flam's user avatar
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How can navigate a callstack from a log in Visual Studio Code?

If I have a log file (from a crash reporter), how can I make it so I can easily navigate the callstack in Visual Studio Code? It's just a list of files with line numbers: c:\agent\build\source\game\...
idbrii's user avatar
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How can navigate a callstack from a log in Visual Studio?

If I have a log file (from a crash reporter), how can I make it so I can easily navigate the callstack in Visual Studio? It's just a list of files with line numbers: c:\agent\build\source\game\...
idbrii's user avatar
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Why is the use of a stack, manipulated by both a stack pointer and a base pointer, the proper solution to handle function frames?

Can anyone enlighten us from both technical & historical perspective why computers use a stack, manipulated with a stack pointer and a base pointer, with a specific process to follow like saving ...
bwass31's user avatar
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RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded, js engine: hermes React Native

So I'm new to React Native and I stumbled upon this error while making a guess game... It says RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded This is what I have in my App.js import { useState } from '...
MarkoS's user avatar
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If is not in the call stack, how exactly JavaScript knows to not run any other code before its iteration is over?

function callback(x) { // also tried debugger to find .map in the call stack console.trace(); return 2*x; } [1,2,3].map(callback); console.log('Next line of code'); console What I know about ...
Nick_the_Slasher_McGurk's user avatar
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Queue Using Stacks: Transferring Elements Between Stacks for Dequeue, but Not Reverting for Enqueue

I'm learning how to implement queues using two stacks. This is the method where the dequeue operation is costly and enqueue is O(1). Below is the code:- import java.util.*; class QueueusingStacks2 { ...
Mohit's user avatar
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C# find what the last interacted with instance in the call stack is

I am working on a personal C# project where I want to redirect console streams to different inputs/outputs for different object instances. So for example I have a class User that I do not have source ...
Jakob Tinhofer's user avatar
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Oracle VPD to introduce non-invasive dbms_utility.format_call_stack

We have a situation whereby the code generates an intermetent 'Insert' on a table. The idea is to enable VPD (via DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY) methods, on 'insert' of the table, and policy function, which is ...
Piyush's user avatar
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Does the both functions parent and asynchronous child get re-pushed to call stack from task queue on completion of async code of child function?

What i all know about call stack is: If there is only one function being called it will be pushed to call stack and removed when its job is done or otherwise return statement is encountered. If one ...
Yogesh Kakde's user avatar
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RangeError: Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded in JS when generating 24 Random Numbers [duplicate]

I am working on a project in JavaScript where I must generate 24 random and different numbers from 1-24. Whenever I run this code, I get this error in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome RangeError: Maximum ...
David Kolenda's user avatar

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