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Why puppeteer blocks callbacks from execution?

This code as it is opens the browser and read a txt file line by line: line 1 line 2 line 3 Stream closed The thing I don't understand is why placing const browser = await puppeteer....
daego's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does this Node.js script produce different output each time? [duplicate]

This script is from a Nodejs introducing book. This part is about the event loop of Javascript. const sleep_st = (t) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, t)); const sleep_im = () => new ...
Jason's user avatar
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Share default webflux EventLoopGroup

I use Spring Webflux in my project. Also there is a Lettuce and grpc library, both use Netty.How can I get default EventLoopGroup from webflux and use it for Lettuce and grpc too?
Evgeny's user avatar
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How does the event loop handle timing in a single-core CPU with multiple processes

There are many ways I can think of asking this question. Let's say we have a single-core CPU on which the OS is running two processes. Process 1 is a Node application and process 2, we don't care ...
viktaur's user avatar
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ERROR: Event loop is closed in ThreadPoolExecutor

In a .py module I created this function from utils.telegram_utils import telegram_message ... counter = count(1) def open_websites_with_progress(url): risultato = ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Can Flutter support "capture" and "bubble" phases for keyboard events like in JavaScript?

In GUI development, there are typically two different behaviors for handling global shortcut keys: High-priority global shortcuts: These shortcuts take precedence over all other input. If a global ...
Jiang's user avatar
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Why setTimeout is executing this way

Code: setTimeout(() => console.log("1"), 1000) const startTime = while ( - startTime < 5000); setTimeout(() => console.log("2"), 0) setTimeout(() => console.log("...
Vadim Sheremetov's user avatar
3 votes
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Behaviour of setInterval with respect to Event loop

Trying to figure out why the output of the following code is the way it is console.log("Start"); setInterval(function() { console.log("setInterval"); }, 5000); let date = new Date(); while(...
Avnish Ranwa's user avatar
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Python Asyncio source code analysis: Why does `_get_running_loop` in Python execute the C implementation instead of the Python one?

I've been exploring the async source code and noticed that the function _get_running_loop() is defined both in Python and has a note stating it's implemented in C (in _asynciomodule.c). # python3.11/...
OOD Waterball's user avatar
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How to fork Qt6 program

I have already exhaustively googled this topic, and the answer is "don't do it". However I am kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, so I need to thoroughly explore this topic before ...
Mr. Developerdude's user avatar
-1 votes
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Event loop is closed- pytest- FastAPI

In my fastapi application i have written test cases using pytest. My tests folder includes import pytest from fastapi.testclient import TestClient from main import app @pytest.fixture(...
putta's user avatar
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why setTimeout executed first then the setImmediate in nodeJS-v20.11.0 [duplicate]

console.log("---------Event Order---------"); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const currentDir=__dirname const fileName='example.txt' const filePath=path.join(...
Rishu Singh's user avatar
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Priority of react's useEffect in Event-Loop

Background react 18.3 chrome browser v127 Question import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' function App() { const [state, setState] = useState(0); console.log(1); queueMicrotask(() => ...
Byeongin Yoon's user avatar
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Event loop of node.js produces unpredictable results

While exploring the node.js event loop, I realized that poll events appear in some random order, rather than following the order described in the event loop. The logic of the code is trivial: we ...
MaximPro's user avatar
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Node/ExpressJs fail to handle 1000 requests at the same time

I have 2 expressjs servers: Server A: const express = require('express') const axios = require('axios'); const app = express() const port = 3000 function deepSleep (duration) { const start = new ...
Brian Phan's user avatar
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useEffect and promise priority in inital and subsequent renders

I have below code and help me to find the output with accurate explanation. 'infiniteLoopProtection:false' import * as React from "react"; import { useState, useEffect } from "react&...
Rajneesh Mishra's user avatar
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Why does a blocked Electron main process block the renderer process, even without IPC?

Based on the Electron process model, I expected that a blocked main process would not cause unresponsiveness in a renderer process, unless that renderer process is somehow waiting on the main process. ...
jameshfisher's user avatar
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Event loop delay

I have this simple code in NodeJs const { eventLoopUtilization } = require('perf_hooks').performance; const { monitorEventLoopDelay } = require('perf_hooks'); const h = monitorEventLoopDelay({ ...
Taz's user avatar
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How do debug and monitor blocked event loop in Node JS

I am using Express, Node 18, and JS for my back end. Also doing clustering using pm2. Weirdly enough, I can see that some of my APIs get very slow randomly. CPU and Memory remain fine (I know because ...
Anubhav Malik's user avatar
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qasync with IPython hangs on run_until_complete

I would like to have an asynchronous gui with PyQt5. The synchronous version of what I want would look like this: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QMainWindow import asyncio import time import ...
Marc's user avatar
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When using AsyncClients in Google Cloud Python SDK, got future attached to a different loop

I'm quite new to using asyncio in Python. Originally I have a sync function speak: from import texttospeech client = texttospeech.TextToSpeechClient() def speak(*args): # omitted ...
Henry M's user avatar
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Get "RuntimeError: Event loop is closed" while running pytest in django channels

I wrote a test for my websocket connection. Here is my pytest code. import pytest from channels.testing import WebsocketCommunicator from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from ...
walawalaboom's user avatar
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Integrating sdbus-cpp with the GLib event loop

I need to integrate some code written using sdbus-cpp with my application's event loop, which is the GLib's GMainLoop. sdbus-cpp's IConnection interface declares the getEventLoopPollData() function ...
mardy's user avatar
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Vertx single thread become slower when client call many concurrently of APIs to vertx service

I expect your ideas so much for my situation. I built a RestfulAPI using vertx 4.5.7, vertx-pg-client same version. When starting I configured pool like this: final PgConnectOptions connectOptions = ...
troonie-pham's user avatar
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callback queue , call stack and registered event like setTimeout

what happens if any event is register (like setTimeout) but it takes more time (assume 5,6 min ), and currently call stack and callback queue is completed all task and it is empty, so the program is ...
Mayank's user avatar
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How to make Firebase Cloud Function wait for a stream to close before terminating

I store an object to Cloud Storage like this: const bucket = getStorage().bucket(); const fileRef = bucket.file("/foo/bar"); const storageWriteStream = fileRef.createWriteStream(); const ...
starleaf1's user avatar
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How to properly close a WebSocket connection after running an asynchronous function in Python?

I am running into this problem where the websocket will not close after I run an asynchronous function that asks for input ( i think its interrupting the main event loop or something).This code is ...
Gabriel Vanderklok's user avatar
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Why aren't nested `setImmediate` callbacks executed on the same tick of event loop?

According to the node.js docs about event loop: Each phase has a FIFO queue of callbacks to execute. While each phase is special in its own way, generally, when the event loop enters a given phase, ...
roman465's user avatar
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Add index to AsyncIOMotorClient while having Async tests

I have a mongo class for my fastAPI application: ` from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient from config import settings import asyncio class Mongo: def __init__(self): client = ...
Hossein's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Async operation like fetch, async/await are executed after syncronous code is executed then why microtask queue is given more priority?

micro task Queue consist of callbacks/resolved functions from fetch, async/await. but why its given more priority then callback queue because sync code is executed first and then afterward async ...
Chandni Dalal's user avatar
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requestAnimationFrame and its lifecycle

I realized that I was confused with requestAnimationFrame, although some time ago I thought I understood how it works. So what is the essence of my problem: They say that requestAnimationFrame, namely ...
MaximPro's user avatar
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Async/await promises alternative. Rewrite await to Promise

I was trying to understand how await works in different scenarious, and camse across a problem. new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { resolve(); console.log(await Promise.resolve(7)) ...
uhidga's user avatar
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Fluent pattern with async methods

This class has async and sync methods (i.e. isHuman): class Character: def isHuman(self) -> Self: if self.human: return self raise Exception(f'{} is not human') async ...
ZC13's user avatar
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Confused about how event loop fetch tasks from task queue

Recently I saw the event loop session shared by Jake Archibald. As he mentioned in the time 27:55 of the video, it seems the event loop get task from queue one item per round However, we I read the ...
hh54188's user avatar
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Difference in the event loop execution for es6 and common js modules [duplicate]

Why is it that the below code gives output differently for es6 modules and common js modules: process.nextTick(() => console.log("nextTick 1")); process.nextTick(() => { console....
Mohit's user avatar
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Node.js - setTimeout - order of execution

In this code: setTimeout(() => console.log('C'), 100); setTimeout(() => console.log('D'), 0); const t1 = new Date(); while (new Date() - t1 < 500) {/* block for 500ms */} This will log D -&...
lynxx's user avatar
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How to asynchronously run Matplolib server-side with a timeout? The process hangs randomly

I'm trying to reproduce the ChatGPT code interpreter feature where a LLM create figures on demand by executing to code. Unfortunately Matplotlib hangs 20% of time, I have not managed to understand why....
L. Sanna's user avatar
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Turtle-based Python game behaves unexpectedly when it is replayed for the second time

I have created a game using Python's turtle package where you use the Up arrow key to help the turtle cross the screen and avoid obstacles while doing so. It has a Replay button that you can click ...
esp's user avatar
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Are async, await a replacement for process.nexttick()? I read about process.nexttick() in the official Nodejs documentation above. According to the ...
김우성's user avatar
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Why does or loop.run_until_complete() run task that is created but not awaited?

Here is the code. import asyncio async def run_test(): print("run1") await asyncio.sleep(1) print("run2") async def main(): print("main1") loop = ...
白井結衣's user avatar
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How to prioritize the tasks of asyncio eventloop?

I want to create a custom implementation of the asyncio eventloop so that the tasks handled by the eventloop have a priority. The tasks that are available or "ready" can then be ordered by ...
Pablo Martínez Aragón's user avatar
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Even loop creation in Asyncio of Python

In asyncio library of Python, which method(s) create the event loop? Is it / asyncio.get_event_loop() ? Also which method(s) start running the event loop? I tried searching; but it seems ...
user3103957's user avatar
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How to use Revolt\EventLoop?

How to run below script using Revolt\EventLoop use Amp\Loop; Loop::Run(static function() { echo "Callback function executed!" . PHP_EOL; }) Im tried this code but it return blank ...
Andika Saputra's user avatar
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Unexpected behaviour in Python event loop

I have the following piece of Async code in Python. import asyncio async def get_some_values_from_io(): print("Getsome value Executing...") await asyncio.sleep(3) return [100,...
user3103957's user avatar
2 votes
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How does event loop handles async await internally?

Let us say we have the following async function - async function foo(x,y) { x = x+1 await fetch('some_url') y = y+1 } When the function foo encounters await, the execution of foo must be ...
Pratyush Ranjan's user avatar
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Why does an asynchronous FastAPI have synchronous code in authorization? [duplicate]

Hellow everbody) Why does authorization have a synchronous library for creating and checking passwords? Here's the code from the documentation: def verify_password(plain_password, hashed_password): ...
Nikita Klopotovskiy's user avatar
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Why 3 setTimeout funcs were executed at the same time (as macrotasks)?

setTimeout is a macrotask right? And event loop executes only 1 macrotask in 1 "tick", as far as I understand. So, why does it look like these functions were executed in one "tick" ...
AlxCtchr's user avatar
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Monitoring asyncio ready queue in python

I'm optimizing the performance of a Python application that includes many non-blocking I/O operations, some of which involve making HTTP API calls. We use an asynchronous client for all I/O operations,...
Sumanth BBN's user avatar
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which executes first, nextTick or promises? [duplicate]

i'm trying to understand the output of a test that i've been running because it seems to go against everything that i'm reading and hearing about how the node.js event loop works. supposedly all ...
prevail's user avatar
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Do callbacks from I/O operations that return promises go to the I/O queue or the microtask queue in Node?

I'm just learning the details of how the event loop in Node works. I learned that the promise queue takes priority over the timer queue, which takes priority over the I/O queue. async function ...
J Booth's user avatar
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