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3 answers

How to keep 3 columns from breaking when resizing

So basically, i'm trying to create a 3 column website. Everything looks good until i resize the window and then the third column breaks out of design and goes to the next line. I did check on ...
Ragoo's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

how do I write <br> in javascript

Hi I want insert break line tag in javascript and tried everything from stackowerflow,but nothing helped me. Here is my github repo for.js file and I need make breakline between line 204 and 205 like ...
Daddy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to force break between inline-block divs

How can I force a break between inline-block divs that are currently in line? .sub-body { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; align-items: center; } .start-container { ...
GreatBig McLargeHuge's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Removing a break line from the form text input

HTML: <div class="form-row"> <div class="col-md-6 mb-3"> <label for="validationCustom03">Service</label> <input type="text&...
Jacob Likecocain's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Break Table Rows CSS

I am trying to make 3 tables horizontally(named table 1, 2, 3) placed on Desktop(Done). For mobile(need your help here), I want to make table 2 go under table 1 and so on, table 3 under table 2. Like ...
DLino's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

CSS only: When breaking a line then at a certain position in a sentence,

You see one centered sentence at a certain resolution: In a smaller screen, you see the first line-breaking: My desired result: If there is a first line-break then it should happen at a certain ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Words keep breaking in HTML

I have a text composed by "< p >" and "< ul >< li >", inside a box. There's no problem with the lists, but the words in the paragraphs are splitting in half when they reach the padding of ...
Manu R's user avatar
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1 answer

How to style a tooltip?

I have a tooltip that displays two sets of different info. I need to see some kind of break between the two because right now it all in one single line. <ng-template #template let-anchor> &...
YaniSolis's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Do `overflow-wrap: break-word` and `word-break: break-word` ever behave differently?

My question: Is there any difference between overflow-wrap: break-word and word-break: break-word? Non-duplicates: Here are some existing questions that may appear to be duplicates at first sight ...
Lone Learner's user avatar
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1 answer

have span tag innerHTML not line break

I want to have the span tag inside the div with the item class innerHTML to not cause a line break no matter its length. I also do not want to have the innerHTML that goes beyond the item width to ...
uionut351j's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Line break when you have more than one word in the menu

I need to break the text in my vertical menu in 2 lines when there is more than one word in the "ul li" item. In other words, I need to have a tag "br" between the two words in the element "li", but ...
Lucas Catani's user avatar
-3 votes
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php how to wrap a very long word that has no spaces

I have a problem with wrapping a really long string in my php site. If a user enters a really long string with no whitespaces it breaks the design. For example: "DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" i ...
TwinAxe96's user avatar
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2 answers

Make it one line, even if <br> is there

How to make a <p> tag in one line, even if there is page break <br>? For example: <p> some text<br> some text<br> some text</p> How can we keep the above in one ...
Baktha's user avatar
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2 answers

Cut off text to the last word if longer than table cell width

I have a fixed width td. The text inside should not wrap to the second line. If the text is longer than the cell's width, it should cut off to the last word. If it doesn't have space and cannot break ...
m0kchya's user avatar
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1 answer

Unusual gapping with floats and text-aligns

I have my company name on the left and my email on the right. I have the email set up like this: <div style="color: white; float: right; padding-right: 10px; text-align:right"> <p style="...
user avatar
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1 answer

CSS: Line break before element if last in row

I have images as inline-block elements in a grid-like gallery and at some points in code there are hidden elements that are basically anchors that serve as navigation through different years that ...
nemoneminem's user avatar
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adding line breaks in PHP with custom fields

I don't know very much about PHP so I'm afraid of trying something I found online and wanted to consult the experts first. I installed a customized billing field plugin so I can add extra billing ...
sage's user avatar
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CSS breaking in host site

I'm having a weird issue where I'm sure I've written the CSS fine, however the browser isn't picking up the classes. When checking the file on my hosting provider I see that the classes seem to be ...
benjonesdesign's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Having <br> (text breaks) only appear on mobile [closed]

so my text isn't fitting onto mobile devices so I need to have a text break however, I dont want the text break on my browser, I only want it to appear on mobile devices. Is there any way to do this?
Devexted's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

HTML, CSS - Row break for long table needs a fix

I played around with page-break-inside:auto, page-break-inside:avoid, page-break-after:auto, margin-top and margin-bottom and others for quite a long time, but still can't find a solution how to break ...
Filip CZ's user avatar
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2 answers

Avoid paragraf to be broken when using column-count in all browsers

I'm doing some responsive design with columns with HTML5. I'm stucked trying to make a single column for width<800px and 3 columns for a width>=800px. I've done it with firefox, but can't do it ...
rul3s's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a better way to add line-breaks in a block of text than just putting <br> after every item?

I have a big list of items that are formatted like so: list item <br> list item <br> list item <br> list item <br> list item <br> list item <br> etc. Currently, ...
Egrodo's user avatar
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2 answers

word-break css not aligned accordingly

Is there a way that i can make the word align properly? I tried to add word-break and word-wrap property in but it didn't make any different. <div class="transreview" style="float: right; ...
SitiNuraini Yakob's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is break tag showing in span class? [closed]

<div class="marker m2"> <span class="hint--top" data-hint="Here is a marker with more text!"> <div class="inner-marker"></div></span></div> My code above is not ...
gigi's user avatar
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2 answers

insert break or space after element / in grid block

I have a grid page of album thumbnails, 2 columns and 3 rows. On the third row however I am having an issue with aligning the two items on the row... I've been trying to insert a css break after each ...
jaesperanza's user avatar
-2 votes
4 answers

Avoid line break and change font color CSS

My HTML code looks as follows: <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6"> <section class="widget index"> <header> <...
Kevin's user avatar
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4 answers

Too many floats within div

So I'm trying to run 3 floats within a div and I run into this problem. me Whenever I run two floats the background color stays but when I attempt 3 floats then ...
user1576493's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

I need to add a <br> after a word when viewing in 480 width screen [closed]

I need to add a <br> after a word when viewing in 480 width screen. Ex. desktop <img src="">1-000-000-0000(Int.) <img src="">1-000-000-...
jerz's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Wrapping long email addresses in small boxes

I have a box with a width of 118px which contains an email address. I use word-wrap: break-word; to wrap the addresses better. But on a special kind of addresses this makes it worse.
Juuro's user avatar
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4 answers

Break Text With CSS

I am developing a forum software for a site. Anyway, With the description say if I added 100 words it will just go across the page and it will not break down (I want it like this how I moved this to ...
user279297's user avatar
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2 answers

Word-wrap: break-word breaks to wrong div size

I am trying to align text next to an image. I want to account for long strings with no spaces. My css is as follows .new_item { width: 100%; float: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #990000; margin: ...
jason's user avatar
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49 votes
6 answers

Break long word with CSS

I have a situation where there can be long words like 'hellowordsometext' or integer like '1234567891122' without any space in between. check this js please. how is it ...
dev1234's user avatar
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2 answers

CSS: Good practice to use divs just to break floats?

If this good practice? <div> <div style="float:left;"> text a </div> <div style="float:right;"> text b </div> <div style="clear:...
oceanic815's user avatar
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Break word with CSS?

I work with a web site and i have many long word in my menu. I would like to display them in two line but not one. I used word-wrap proprety in CSS. {word-wrap: break-word} But this property breaks ...
Amirov's user avatar
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CSS layout in Android browser

I'm quite green on CSS but I'm building a webpage and after a lot of searching and coding I've come quite far in browser compability. But there is a big difference in how my Android-phone renders the ...
viriol's user avatar
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1 answer

HTML about line breaks?

So, I'm creating a website in Dreamweaver (class is all about Dreamweaver) and I am stumped on one last part of the layout for my page. I currently have a "View Cart" button at the top right ...
Kyle Meek's user avatar
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CSS - Unwanted Break

I wan't to show a list of videos on my website, as many in a row as possible. On the left side I want a navigation area. Next to the navigation I want to place the first videos. Unfortunately the ...
Lama's user avatar
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CSS3 Column Break

I just realized a layout using css3 columns and now i am wondering how to force a column-break in all browsers. Just searched the (at least) hole internet and could not find an solution as column-...
madc's user avatar
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5 answers

Can I force text to break down in exactly word?

For example, I got a title: "Lorem Ipsum for WordPress" It will be display like this in my screen: Lorem Ipsum for WordPress But I want to display like this: Lorem Ipsum for WordPress Can I have ...
Sang Dang's user avatar
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line break despite z-index?

hello i have a problem using z-index. i have a form with some input fields. beside them i have some error divs for echoing the php error messages. the problem i have is, that the error divs, that only ...
bonny's user avatar
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Website layout "breaks apart" when zooming in or out in browsers + a few other basic css questions

I'm pretty much as new to CSS as it gets and what I'm trying to do right now is just design a very simple/basic splash or landing page for a small business. Here is the url for the site: My site ...
DeHustle's user avatar
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Firefox' string break behavior in other browsers?

I have a long string without spaces, but with slashes, that I want to display in a table-cell. Firefox adds breaks before the slashes at the end of a line. Other browsers only break the string if I ...
Stefan Dietz's user avatar
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Is it possible to set a specific style in CSS to a 'break' float DIV?

Let me explain, I've got several floats in a parent div, it may be possible that some go to new line due to parent width restriction, is it possible to do it in CSS ? For example : style all the div ...
Frntz's user avatar
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line breaks ignoring margins

when i enter a line break in my text, the following text starts before the margin. <li><a class="yourlinkclass" href="" class="blahlink" target="blank">this is really <...
user1284806's user avatar
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Break in new line CSS [closed]

I'm doing a Facebook-Like chat. The problem is that the text is making a horizontal scroll and I dont want to. The original site is and there you can see the code. Please help me ;...
Luis's user avatar
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CSS: Div w/ floats line-breaks in Firefox, but OK in Safari

I have a dropdown menu that appears when mousing over cells in a large table in the page. The table gets large enough that cells can sometimes appear at the far right of the window. Mousing over a row ...
Gregir's user avatar
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random line breaks only on Ipad

for some reason I am only getting these weird line breaks on ipad, no idea why it gives it a line break after P: and F: on ipad, but no other ...
Lukasz's user avatar
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How do I arrange <button> so it doesn't break after textarea?

So Let's say I have a form with Name, Email and Message. However my "send message" button is breaking and not aligning AFTER the textarea but between the textarea and the last input! What I am doing ...
dafz's user avatar
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5 answers

IE7 line break inside div messes up bottom margin

I noticed strange behavior in IE7 that does not occur in Firefox. If you notice in "testing 2" "div",when I add 2 line breaks at the bottom of this div, it does not respect margin set up for this div, ...
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