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QueueTriggered Azure function failing to read queue messages

I have an Azure Storage Queue that gets messages from an IoT device. The messages are not Base64 encoded, compressed or anything else. They are plain old UTF-8. Here's a sample message: {"id"...
Tim's user avatar
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How do I create an event subscription that writes to a storage account queue in Azure?

I am getting a permissions error message when I try to create a new subscription for my event grid topic. I'm trying to write to a storage account queue. I have created a user assigned managed ...
dot's user avatar
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Error: "This request is not authorized to perform this operation" when using SASTokens to access Azure Storage Queues using Azure Storage SDK v12

I am using C# code like this (see below) to read/add/process Azure Storage queues using Storage SDK v12 and SAS Tokens. No matter what I change, I always have the same error: "This request is not ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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How to use REST API to delete message on Azure Storage Queue in bash?

I would like to know how to delete a message on Azure Storage Queue. Currently I keep getting the following error. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code&...
Xynanxdb's user avatar
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send queue data with custom expiration in python

Currently I'm trying to send data to a azure queue in storage. I am able to send data but I am unable to custom the expiration time like to 10 seconds 1 day like that. But in azure portal able to do ...
sai's user avatar
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Azure Function Storage Queue Trigger Not Working

I've gone through similar questions but I still can't understand why my Storage Queue Triggered Powershell Function isn't firing. I have a function in my Function App that throws a message on a ...
Hofa's user avatar
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Python Azure Function in Vnet not being triggered by msq in a Storage Queue

I have an issue in Azure where an Azure Function with a version 2 function listening to a Storage Queue trigger is not being triggered when a message is placed on the Storage Queue. Both the Azure ...
Anouar's user avatar
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Azure Storage Queue JavaScript TTL

The TTL isn't being set on messages added to the queue using this code, and I can't fathom why that might be, even after trying multiple different iterations. Stack Overflow wants me to add more ...
SORoss's user avatar
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Azure Functions with Python - No job functions found

I'm trying to make an application (let's call it "uploder") that takes in Azure Storage Queue messages, does some work and has no output. However, I'm getting this generic error that's ...
Joe Walker's user avatar
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How to create connection to create - queue item - HTTP Trigger - local - Azurite - Azure Queue Storage

I installed Azurite and started ( assuming the command is correct.) azurite --queueHost I created an outqueue using Azure Storage Explorer I want to test/use this function const { app, ...
Kris Swat's user avatar
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Azure QueueTrigger Function w/CosmosDB Output Binding Failing

I have a queue trigger Azure function (included below) that reads from and writes to a CosmosDB. I know that the function itself is working, as I do see some records being written to the database. But ...
FunkiNATEr's user avatar
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Catch "request body too large" error in python on azure functions

Azure storage queue has a message size limit of 64KB. I want to catch this error when it occurs in azure functions. For that I use the following code: @app.blob_trigger(arg_name='inputFile', path=&...
Shishir Pandey's user avatar
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Overwriting Autoscale Rules Of Azure App Service Plan By The Azure Function App?

I have an Azure function app that is under a Dedicated plan (Azure App Service Plan P1V2). The Azure Function App has a Queue Trigger function for Azure Storage Queues. I'm looking to approximate FIFO ...
mkcoding's user avatar
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throttling azure functions triggered off azure storage queues

I have a system where I have an Azure Storage account with a Queue per tenant. I want to segregate the tenant messages this is why I have a queue per tenant. I have an azure function written in c#. I ...
iasksillyquestions's user avatar
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WebJob - supress logs for Azure Queue connection

After upgrading my WebJobs to dotnet 7 everything is working pretty fine, but now it shows logs for connecting to Queues like this: This is being shown everytime the job checks for new messages (5 ...
Ricardo Gaefke's user avatar
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Azure Storage Queue in Java - Exception: JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60))

I'm using a Java Azure Function to send messages to Azure Storage Queue. During local development I initialize QueueClient with Managed Identity. When I use sendMessage function it puts the message on ...
Matorow's user avatar
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2 answers

QueueTrigger Azure function not processing message and exhibiting bizarre behavior

I am implementing a queue message handler in a web job on an azure app service. But I am experiencing some very bizarre behavior in the handler app. The process is very simple - I have a trigger app ...
Matt Spinks's user avatar
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Python Azure Function, queue-triggered alternative `connection` for `function.json`?

Is there a way to use a Managed Identity (either System or User-assigned) for authenticating a Function and Storage Account? Example In a Python Azure Function's function.json file, there is a ...
ericOnline's user avatar
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How to retrieve logging config in Azure Storage Blob, Queue and Table Service with Python Azure SDK

Can someone guide me to retrieve logging information of Storage Queue Service similar to the part I have circled in red as instructed in this article? Image: Article link:
Huu Nguyen's user avatar
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Why does Nuget packages come with AssemblyBinding?

I am using the Azure.Storage.Queues nuget package and it came with assemblyBinding; which I didn’t realise was a thing. I was initially using this package to build a .netstandard2.0 class library, and ...
Bijaya Rai's user avatar
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Why doesn't my container app job scale up when there are messages on the queue?

I have a container app job in Azure, and an Azure Storage Queue. The container app job should scale up when there are messages on the queue, and scale down to zero when the queue is empty. Here is the ...
larlon's user avatar
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Azure - How to trigger Azure function from Queue service?

New to Azure world, implementing a use case where the runtime status of the azure durable function is Failed? We need to trigger a new function which should write a status into AZURE SQL DB. Working ...
Sri Azure's user avatar
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How to all messages on Azure Storage Queue without dequeuing in C# [closed]

I have an Azure Storage Queue and want to create a service to view the contents of for admin-purposes. I know I can view the queue using Storage Explorer, but I want to be able to view the messages (...
Richard Payne's user avatar
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Duplicate Data Issue when Storing JSON Messages in Azure Storage Queue using Azure Functions in Go

Now I am trying to develop an application using Azure Functions and Go, utilizing Custom Handler. The architecture of my application is like this. image The problem seems to lie in storing a JSON ...
Tomis winner's user avatar
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Custom Role Permission to allow read on Azure storage account Queue

User has been assigned a custom role with below Actions on an Azure storage account but user sees This request is not authorized to perform this operation: { "id": .., "...
RSW's user avatar
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Approach on queue implementation for failover in azure

We have azure api gateway for inbound and outbound calls for our application . We need a queue for failed cases with exponential time logic for retry mechanism . I need to know what will be the best ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Azure Data Factory ForEach Parsing QueueMessageList

I am using the dynamic expression below in ForEach Items to feed QueueMessageText from a QueueMessageList into subsequent pipeline process @json(xml(activity('get_queue_message').output.Response))....
soiryk139's user avatar
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Dealing with Azure Storage Queue list without any QueuMessage in ADF ForEach

I am using WebActivity to get QueueMessage from Azure Blob Storage and pass the output to ForEeach to use each QueueMessage in subsequent pipeline process.The pipeline is on schedule run and this is ...
soiryk139's user avatar
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Parsing Azure Blob Queue Message in Azure Data Factory

I use the Azure Data Factory Web Activity to get Queue Messages from azure blob storage. { "Response": " <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <...
soiryk139's user avatar
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Error in Queue Trigger - The input is not a valid Base-64 string

I'm working in Azure Queue storage and Azure functions queue trigger. I'm using the c# console project to send a class object as a message to the Azure queue and then setting up a queue trigger ...
ani H's user avatar
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Sending Class object as messages to Azure Queue Storage

I'm working on a c# console project to send a class object as a message to the Azure queue. public class Myclass { public string? Userid { get; set; } } class Program { static async Task Main(string[...
ani H's user avatar
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Getting Azure Blob Queues Message from Azure Data Factory Web Activity

I am trying to use Azure Web Activity to get the queues message from Azure Blob Storage. The message will then be parsed to obtain the parameter that I need in subsequent part of the data pipeline. I ...
soiryk139's user avatar
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How to Set VisibilityTimeout to Indefinite and Manually Trigger Message Reappearance In Azure Storage Queue

After receiving the message, is it possible to set visibilityTimeout to indefinite and manually trigger the message to reappear? The reason for this is that my application processes the message before ...
Kharlan Palaganas's user avatar
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How to write message into Azure storage queue with DefaultAzureCredential

Following issue: The below code snippet works to the point, where the queue is created with queue.createIfNotExists();: import; import
sl3dg3's user avatar
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Delivery events failed in eventgrid

Created event grid for storage account. Topic :event grid Endpoint type:storage queue When I am trying to deliver deliver failure 400 error I am new to event grid how to resolve this and how to ...
frezsha's user avatar
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Azure Function with EventGridTrigger - Singleton Attribute not working

I try to set a SingletonAttribute to a Azure Function with a EventGridTrigger: [Singleton("{Subject}")] public void Run([EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent eventGridEvent, ILogger logger) { ...
MatthiasMor's user avatar
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How to send the bunch of messages at a time to Azure Storage Queue using Azure Logic App?

Action 1: Recurrence Trigger for every 5 Seconds. Action 2: Sending Multiple Messages at a time Above design send one message for every 5 seconds but not the multiple messages to the specified ...
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Azure Functions Storage Queue configuration not working

I'm trying to set maxDequeueCount to 1, but it just doesn't work. I tried: // host.json { "version": "2.0", "extensions": { "queues": { "...
johnykes's user avatar
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How to bind queue-triggered Azure Function to a custom object

While writing a queue-triggered Azure Function I read that, by default, it expects a base-64 encoded string, but that it can also bind to a POCO. Access the message data by using a method parameter ...
awj's user avatar
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Checking if an Azure Storage Queue exists

I would like to check if an Azure Storage Queue exists by calling the Azure.Storage.Queues.ExistsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) method within the Azure Storage v12 API. I am ...
Hakan Yildizhan's user avatar
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Azure Storage Queue to Cosmos DB

I am trying to receive a payload from a http trigger and send payload with an envelope to the Service Bus and eventually Cosmos DB so I can perform CRUD operations. The payload is properly received ...
ScottG's user avatar
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Azure Queue Trigger no longer works after switching to Azure StorageQueue

Recently upgraded from Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue to Azure.Storage.Queues. After upgrading packages the Queue Trigger no longer picks up the stored queue. Here's the code for sending messages: ...
userone's user avatar
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Error adding item to Azure Storage Queue from Python

Have a (so far) very simple Azure Function in Python. Trying to use Azure Queues for the first time. Modeling off of the tutorial here. When I try to run this I get the following error: System....
Roger Asbury's user avatar
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unable to create event grid subscription based on storage_queue_endpoint

terraform { required_providers { azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "<= 3.30.0" } } required_version = &...
hari989's user avatar
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How do you keep a message in an Azure storage queue for more than seven days?

I've used the heck out of storage queues, typically with Azure queue-triggered functions and no visibility delay. I have recently encountered a use case where I need to schedule events, sometimes 90 ...
user71030's user avatar
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How to read from an Azure queue in an Azure function, without a Queue Trigger

If I have an Azure Function that produces data for a queue, it's very simple: I just set it up as a parameter to the function: [Queue("myQueue")] ICollector<MyType> myQueue Is there ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
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How to listen to azure storage queue with Node.js?

Azure storage queue is not listening to the message automatically when we push to the queue, we have to write a custom lister in-order to fetch the message from the queue. import { ...
Akash Vishwakarma's user avatar
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How to trigger a Container App from Azure Storage Queue?

I'm a bit new to developing in NodeJS and using containers. I'm developing a small application in NodeJS which listens to an Azure Storage Queue. Now I want the app to be triggered by a new message in ...
rjjdv's user avatar
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Azure Function built in VS vs built in portal performance for adding in Storage Queue

I noticed that Adding messages to Storage queue was quite slow (average of 1.5s) from an HTTP Azure Fucntion compared to other functions created on Azure Portal. To test this, I have created a very ...
Ncc1701e33's user avatar
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Store a copy of queue message raw data to somewhere

I'm debugging an Azure Queue Trigger function. I'd like to find a way to inspect the raw message enqueued. The tricky part is the Queue Trigger function is still running, and I have no access to the ...
Tom Luo's user avatar
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