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Generating SAS account token in powershell

"I generated a token using Azure and it’s working, but I need to create a correct script in PowerShell using the key. The stringToSign I generated is different from the one provided by Azure, and ...
piter22g's user avatar
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Netty versions conflict with azure-identity、azure-storage-file-datalake java sdk

I am trying to implement ADLS token credential vending in my project with the following dependencies: // 1.13.1 implementation( // 12.20.0 implementation(
Jun's user avatar
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When generating a ADLS SAS token, specifying the path causes an authorization failure

I use following code to generate SAS token, when path is null or empty string, it's working. TokenCredential tokenCredential = new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder() .tenantId(tenantId) ...
Jun's user avatar
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Efficient and Secure Access to Images in Azure Blob Storage for a List of Products

I’m developing an application where I have a list of products, each with an associated image stored in Azure Blob Storage, and I need a secure and efficient way to provide access to these images on ...
Yevhenii Kolisnyk's user avatar
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How to Pass SAS Token as Header in Azure Logic App HTTP Trigger?

I am working with an Azure Logic App that is triggered by an HTTP request. The current setup uses a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token in the query string to authenticate the requests. However, for ...
KKU's user avatar
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Error: "This request is not authorized to perform this operation" when using SASTokens to access Azure Storage Queues using Azure Storage SDK v12

I am using C# code like this (see below) to read/add/process Azure Storage queues using Storage SDK v12 and SAS Tokens. No matter what I change, I always have the same error: "This request is not ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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How to generate SAS token for Azure from Java with the same structure as the one generated from Azure Portal?

I am trying to upload a file to an Azure container from a basic Spring Boot application, and I was successful so far. However, when I try to read or write the tags on the Azure blob, I keep getting ...
Michael's user avatar
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Azure Maps SAS creation fails

I have to use the weather API from Azure MAPS with Shared access signature token authentication I have followed the instructions from here:
dk13's user avatar
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Downloading file from Azure Blob Storage from a React-Native application

I want to connect to azure blob storage via my React-Native Application. I am getting this error: [Error: Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment] Does this mean that I ...
Freyal Shah's user avatar
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Questions around creating user delegation sas

I am trying to create a user delegation sas for a storage account blob in Azure and found this document. Looking ...
albbla91's user avatar
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Is there a way for hitting the host.docker.internal from local machine?

Quickly about service While writing docker compose for service i ran into issue. There are 4 parts that are required for service to fully work e2e on docker that is frontend in angular, backend in c# ....
Smibios's user avatar
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Azure Blob Storage creating user delegation SAS token

I create user delegated SAS token with this code: var blobClient = new BlobServiceClient(blobUri, tokenCredential, null); var userDelegationKey = await blobClient.GetUserDelegationKeyAsync(...
Michal's user avatar
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Azure Blob Storage SAS URL generation issue with managed identity

I am encountering an issue when generating a Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL for a file in Azure Blob Storage using managed identity. The generated SAS URL contains a '+' sign in the signature field,...
Amit Kumar Verma's user avatar
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Enable access to BLOB within Azure Storage account via SAS token URL

I have a requirement where I need to generate a PDF file, upload the same to Azure Storage BLOB, construct a link with SAS token using account level key and embed this link in an email sent out to ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Different Filename for file kept in Azure Blob storage container

We create a SAS token for a single blob file and share the URL with the user. Users can click the link and download the blob file directly from the Azure storage container. Assume the blob file is ...
dotnetavalanche's user avatar
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PySpark: Reading and joining from two datasets using user-delegated SAS tokens in databricks

I am using following code to read from two datasets(lying on datalake) using SAS tokens. I am successfully able to read these dataset, but when I join between them, the authentication error is raised. ...
Mayank's user avatar
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Why I'm not able to Authenticate to blob storage with generated SAS Token for container?

I'm using Azure functions to generate a SAS Token for Container level. Here is the code: const { StorageSharedKeyCredential, ContainerSASPermissions, SASProtocol, ...
Rene Souza's user avatar
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Writing delta tables to datalake using directory level SAS user delegation token in PySpark

I have created a user delegation SAS token at directory level with all relevant rights. Using following configuration to setup spark environment. spark.conf.set("", "org.apache....
Mayank's user avatar
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powershell - Generate SAS token for azure service bus queue/topic using New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken

I have the below code to get the authorization ids of the Service bus and Queue separately $auth_Ids = (Get-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRule -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -NamespaceName $...
nobody's user avatar
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</Message>AuthenticationErrorDetail>Signature did not match. string to sign used was w

I am trying to upload the file from local to azure blob storage using Azure blob storage dependency in Java Spring. Here I’m using sas token to upload the file. The code snippet is:- BlobClient ...
Dev-eloper's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus Send Message - Invalid authorization token signature

I have the below powershell code to send a message to Azure Service Bus Queue. param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $ResourceGroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $...
nobody's user avatar
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Endpoint returning SAS tokens rather than downloading and serving content to the client

I am trying to re-design the flow we currently have in the app, where GET /image/123 endpoint would download image from Azure Blob Storage and serve it back to the client to use SAS tokens to offload ...
Michał Szopa's user avatar
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Generate Sas token for storage account with managed identity

I use the following to get a sas token, it works perfectly targeting the specific container and blob: [HttpGet] public IActionResult GetBlobSasToken() { var ...
Jorge Fuentes's user avatar
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SAS token of azure container generated by c# client is not permitted to getAccessControl/setAccessControl

I have a Spark application and I want to access an Azure Blob container by writing the event log into the blob container. I want to authenticate using a SAS token. The SAS token generated by the Azure ...
mifan's user avatar
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Why I'm getting "Make sure Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature" issue while connecting to ADLS using SAS URI?

I have a SAS URI (read, list) for an ADLS hosted in another resource group. While I try to connect to that ADLS using the SAS URI, I get successful connection but unable to copy or browse files. ...
Swagat Mohanty's user avatar
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Is there a secure way to provide users with Shared Access Signature Tokens for Azure Storage containers?

My API allows users to upload and download files to my Azure Storage account. To do this, they need a SAS token with permissions based on if they want to download or upload a file. I was wondering if ...
bowlingh23's user avatar
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Using C#, how do I retrieve SAS token for account key to access (read/write/delete, etc..) blob storage?

How do I rewrite this code used for User delegation to account key? public async Task<string> GetBlobSASToken(string containerName) { _logger.LogInformation($"Initial Load ...
Chaka's user avatar
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How can I configure Azure Data Factory to create Table Storage tables during a copy activity (using SAS token)?

I'm creating a data factory pipeline to copy data from blob storage to table storage. The table may or may not exist in table storage and needs to be created if it doesn't exist. The Authentication ...
humbleice's user avatar
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CDN endpoint throws: the Url Query String's max length is 100

I'm generating a SAS token for a storage on Azure in Terraform. However, the token is always above 100 characters long. This causes azurerm_cdn_endpoint to throw: Error: the Url Query String's max ...
Muerte's user avatar
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Azure download blob: SAS token not working "Signature did not match"

I'm using Ruby to generate a blob URL. e.g.:
anode84's user avatar
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How to Prevent SAS URL being used for another file by just changing the filename in the URL, I'm not using Azure SDK

I'm generating a SAS token for every successful blob upload to Azure storage account and able to view file in browser using URL. But when I change the file names in the URL, I'm able to view another ...
Chris_dev's user avatar
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Error while creating azure blob SAS token from react app "Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid"

I am trying to create a sas token from react app async function GenerateSASToken() { const sasUrl = `https://${accountname}
Imgane5h's user avatar
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Error while permanent deleting soft deleted blob through rest API

Please help with error PermanentDeleteNotSupportedOnRootBlob I generated SAStoken for BLOB with all permissions including Delete & Permanent Delete While making API call using below blog https://...
Akshat59's user avatar
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Create a SAS Token with Powershell

I would like to be able to create a SAS Token on a Datalake folder in a very specific manner using Powershell. I am able to create the SAS Token in the Azure Portal and cannot find a way to create it ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Create SAS token for Azure Data Lake directory in Powershell

I have a storage account in Azure which hosts a data lake. I want to authorize a specific directory with SAS token and I was able to do configure it by clicking in the portal. First of all, I created ...
Andreas's user avatar
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SAS Token generated by Set-AzKeyVaultManagedStorageSasDefinition throws Signature did not match errors

I am trying to leverage to create a managed sas definition. The SAS token I ...
Papi Abi's user avatar
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PowerBI Secure Access Blob Storage

I have created a PowerBI report with embedded videos using the HTML customer visual. The videos are hosted on an Azure Blob Storage so I have generated a SAS token that I have added to the video URL ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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SAS URL String-to-Sign includes extra newline characters (Azure)

We are creating a User-Delegation-based SAS URL to an Azure storage blob in our Typescript application, but our string-to-sign has extra newline (and ".") characters and we can't figure out ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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403 Error when using generated Sas token to display blobs from Azure blob storage

I've been trying to display images from Azure blob storage on my web app for a while now. My storage account SAS token is: ?sv=2021-06-08&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupiytfx&se=2022-12-...
Ariel K.'s user avatar
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Azure SAS Token

I just upgraded Visual Studio to 2022 and discovered that Cloud Connector is no longer part of VS. We used to generate SAS Tokens for our IoT devices from VS, and they took this form: ...
Tim's user avatar
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What are the proper arguments for the generation of a SAS token to connect to Azure eventhub?

While reading this HTTP POST between Postman and EventHub, I was directed to this: I don't know what resourceUri, keyName, ...
carlos palma's user avatar
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Need to get expiry alert for Azure blob storage SAS token

We are having Azure Storage Container & generated the SAS token for the production usage. We need to get the SAS token expiry alert for the same. I have tried below steps, Stored the SAS token to ...
sundar1451989's user avatar
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Laravel 9 Azure Storage Blob Server AuthorizationPermissionMismatch

im doing an Laravel 9 project, where i store image on azure accout. I use this library I try to connect with SAS Token it works but i got ...
Sinay's user avatar
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How to connect to a Blob Container using a SAS Token?

Using this SDK;, I able to use SAS Tokens connecting to storage accounts, but not blob containers. No matter what I try, I cannot get it to work. The token ...
bleze's user avatar
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Azure Blob Storage - create a SAS token that can be used only one time

I'm building reports for a clients in Blob Storage in the background (the clients are not waiting for it). Once a report is ready the client can see it in our UI and he can choose to download it. When ...
Tal Nanus's user avatar
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Setting the AZURE SAS token expiry beyond 5 years and the risks involved

Through the use of MQTT protocol and SAS (shared access signature) tokens, my device is connected to AZURE IoT HUB. I would like to set the SAS token's expiry time to 5 years because it is hardcoded ...
SKARVA Bodavula's user avatar
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Cannot access storage table with the azure application which is having owner access

We earlier used sas token to access the storage account.Now the requirment is to not to use it. Is it possible for an azure app to access the storage account if it has owner access. I tried using it . ...
Joji's user avatar
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How to share Azure File Share data with the stakeholder within the organization?

I am trying to find an easy way to share some files (each of size 7GB or more) with the stakeholder within the organization. These large files are sitting on Azure file share. I tried to access UNC ...
user1550623's user avatar
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Unable to get Blob SAS URL using Azure Function Blob trigger

I'm using a Blob trigger Azure function to get Blob files data whenever any file is uploaded to the Container. public static void Run(Stream myBlob,string BlobTrigger,System.Uri uri, string name, ...
Naveen Gorojanam's user avatar
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How to create user delegation SAS after getting User Delegation key

I want to generate User Delegation SAS Token to read the Azure BLOB I know we have to follow below step to get it. Get the oAuth Token from Azure Ad Generate user delegation key using oAuth Token ...
Dummy B's user avatar
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