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Add usernames to Twitter List

I read this article about creating a list from tweepy API: I wonder if once the list object is created, can we add usernames to that ...
anitasp's user avatar
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Twitter followers count without token in javascript (2020)? [duplicate]

I'm asking this because previous answers are outdated. I need to get twitter follower count and ideally without using php and / or API tokens. This code returns an error: var twitter_username = '...
Runnick's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Twitter API GET error

I'm trying to get some simple search term to from twitter using the API GET but I keep getting an error. Can anyone see where I might be going wrong here? The error that i'm getting looks like this: ...
dannybots111's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Add text to twitter share API via jquery/javascript

I can't manage to make jQuery add the content of #quote (which is a paragraph with a string generated via foresmatic API).The full code is here: .... Can you ...
Raffaele Spataro's user avatar
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Get information of user with Twitter Oauth API

I need one twitter button on the registration form / page. Registration page contains Firstname, Lastname, email. When user click on Twitter button it should call twitter api, and open twitter login ...
Pratik Patel's user avatar
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How can I get images from a retweet?

Hey guys I can get the images from a original tweet but from a retweet all I get is the text but not the images. Is there a way to get this? var tweet = twt[i] //here I get the twitter posts console....
Markus Hayner's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to get twitter URL count?

I've got the following code, and I cannot understand as to why it isn't returning and printing it in the HTML body.. var pageURL = document.URL; var tweet = "
iBrazilian2's user avatar
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Unique containers per tweet - Twitterapi Jason Mayes

the goal here is to place each tweet within its own unique container. I want to break out of the box and scatter the feeds anywhere on my site. Here is my attempt at this. Although it does not ...
arkjoseph's user avatar
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Adding an opacity black screen to twitter post pop-up screen

I would like to add an opacity black screen when the post twitter pop-up screen pops open. Here is my current code for opening the pop-up post screen which works just fine. All I simply want to do is ...
user2421594's user avatar
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Searching twitters public timeline using JQuery

So a while back I used to use the twitter json search in one of my apps but it seems since the change in API versions there has been some major changes which even after reading the documentation I ...
GeordieDave1980's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Read tweets using Twitter API v1.1 and jQuery Ajax

I have made a GET request to this URL to fetch my recent feeds. Request:**%23twitteruser**&result_type=recent&count=4 Result: {"errors":[{"...
Abu Sithik's user avatar
2 votes
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New Twitter API - they say no way to use ajax but will this work?

I am working on fixing an older connection string to Twitter's api that simply pulls the number of followers to display it. The site is : You can see the current request syntax ...
Vlad Pro's user avatar
3 votes
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Need help converting to Twitter API v1.1 - JavaScript

Recently Twitter updated its API to v1.1 and my program stops working but no matter how much documentation I read, I can't seem to really understand what is needed to make my codes work. My used-to-...
Edeson Lee Yan Wei's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Twitter Feed API stopped working

Here is the following code I am using <script src=""></script> <script> new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 4, ...
Soumya's user avatar
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How to get Twitter search results in Javascript

I would like to grab a list of the recent appearances of a hashtag, but this seems to be impossible to do in Javascript at the moment. I have seen a lot of code snippets around that read like: ...
emote_control's user avatar
2 votes
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GET on Twitter's /user/show/ returning Error:400 and Error:404 (AJAX)

Im making an ajax call that looks like this: $.ajax({ type:"GET", dataType: "jsonp", url:""+twitterId, contentType:"application/...
Alex Neigher's user avatar
2 votes
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Best way to use the Twitter API 1.1 with unauthenticated users

I apologize in advance for my English. I need to get the last tweets about a specific subject (for example.. well.. Twitter!). Today, i use to obtain ...
DrSAS's user avatar
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jquery automated twitter feed and api 1.1

I have an automated twitter feed on my site and it worked fine until recently, I have figured out its because of the changes to Api 1.1 and that I need to make changes but I am at a loss how to fix it!...
Myra Fletcher's user avatar
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Trying to get twitter posts from specific user

I am using the following code to grab the twitter data from a specific user and outputting it to a div, However it is not working. Nothing is outputting, I am really not sure if I am doing this right, ...
Cool Guy Yo's user avatar
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Issue with chrome extension code to fetch tweets from twitter

I'm trying to create a chrome extension which shows tweets with hashtag perkytweets in the extension pop up but nothing is showing up. Here is the manifest.json code { "name": "My First ...
iJade's user avatar
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jQuery Append isn't affecting page content

Here is a JSFiddle for ease: I have a lot going on, but my main concern is why the $("#content").append(); is not changing anything on my page. Specifically this function ...
tbremer's user avatar
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1 answer

Embed old tweet using api

I'm trying to embed the most recent tweet/s from a user's public stream. I did this with $.getJSON(''+user+'.json?callback=?', function(data) { console....
mynameisnotallowed's user avatar
2 votes
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getting twitter api using basic json

I am fairly new with jQuery and I was trying to get the twitter api using JSON tho I managed to do it with php I wrote this simple piece of code but it does not appear to work (function() { $(...
Ragzor's user avatar
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Dynamically changing the color of the text and links for Twitter API @username

I am working on the social media part of a website and my requirement allows the user to change the color of the background and text he is using for twitter window.I have partly achieved it but,when ...
KillABug's user avatar
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Twitter API getting 401 error

I have JQuery Twitter api plugin I have been using often from site to site (from here). Ive recently installed it on a new site but now get a 401 error: Failed to load resource: the server responded ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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Twitter Feed not pulling in on Site // Error

I'm wondering why, within the sidebar of my wordpress theme, This code is not pulling in my latest tweets? <?php /* PHP Twitter Feed Importer @mradamdavies ==...
Lieutenant Dan's user avatar
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Social Sharing for a third party JQuery widget

I am writing a third party JQuery widget. I wanted to have a Social Sharing option for these widgets. These widgets would be installed for different websites, so the sharing urls, content etc would be ...
Jayesh's user avatar
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any possible way to call authorized twitter API method directly from javascript?

I am currently creating a Twitter client application. It's just like Tweetdeck or something similar. The different is it's web based and it uses Codeigniter and Elliot Haughin Twitter Library. I was ...
under5hell's user avatar
-1 votes
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Twitter JSON API with jQuery

function getUsername() { var userName = document.form.screen_name.value; document.getElementById("display").innerHTML = userName; var ...
user1137834's user avatar
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Jquery Twitter search api - no results

I'm using this code to query/search twitter. On occasion my query will have no results. I want to display a line of text if the query has no results. A link to my page is here. I tried using jQuery ...
Brendon's user avatar
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4 answers

Load twitter feeds via jquery ajax

How can I load the twitter below on via AJAX loaded page? I have the twitter widget on a page called twitter.php <script src=""></script> <script&...
Run's user avatar
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1 answer

Twitter script not working in IE9?

I'm trying to get this script to work in IE9, but not sure whats should just pull the feed of my twitter... <script type="text/javascript" src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Matt's user avatar
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Twitter API - Missing } after property list

$(document).ready(function() { $.ajax({url:'', dataType:'json', success:function(data) { console.dir(data); } } ); }); ...
Peter's user avatar
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getJson + Twitter

Im not that much into programation but I've been trying to edit a base code one with another ones to display more than 1 tweet but it dosen't work, could anyone help me? $.getJSON("http://twitter....
Fer's user avatar
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Getting Twitter follower and Facebook Likes

I'm about to launch a new site and want to show my facebook page likes and twitter follower with little icons on it. What are the easiest ways to obtain the numbers (follower/likes) with javascript/...
Michael Gajda's user avatar
4 votes
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adding facebook share button to a dynamically generated web page

I need to add facebook twitter and google +1 button to a dynamically generated web page. I am explaining my use case here: User comes to my web portal which is a java/j2ee based web portal and adds ...
Jeevan Dongre's user avatar
1 vote
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Twitter API to take a tweet from and use it in code [closed]

Is there an API that will take a twitter tweet and convert it to a string to be used in a program or website?
Ctak's user avatar
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Count the number of pages returned by twitter search API

Is there a way to count the number of pages returned by the twitter search API? I'm just trying to get an idea if there's a way to access how many pages there are for a specific query.
locoboy's user avatar
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Take Value of DIV and Post to Twitter

I'm working on a game in Jquery and would like to take the contents of a DIV (the score) and post it to Twitter: <div id="score"> <p>You scored <span class="scoreToPost">800 ...
Yahreen's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

Is there a callback for Twitter's Tweet Button?

Is there a way to register a callback on Twitter's Tweet button? I'd like to be able to track which particular users on my site have tweeted a link. I can't add on onClick event because it's a cross-...
jbnunn's user avatar
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Tweet Using Javascript Only

I want to make a simple script to post a tweet from a Textbox when the user click on the Submit button, but all using Javascript, without any server-side language. How may I do this?
Nathan Campos's user avatar
2 votes
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How do i refresh my Twitter API every 15 seconds?

I was successful in installing the TWITTER API jquery script, but I can't figure out how to make the script refresh with the latest tweets without refreshing the entire page IN 15 SECOND INTERVALS. ...
Erik's user avatar
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jquery twitter plugin capable of using twitter lists API?

What is the best jquery twitter plugin capable of using the twitter lists API? I want to display a list of the latest tweets using jquery given the name of the twitter list.
Craig Smitham's user avatar