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Enabling "detectUnsafeIntentLaunch" in strictMode throws warning even for Implicit Intent with setPackage

I have enabled detectUnsafeIntentLaunch in strict mode to test for change while targeting for android SDK 35 in my SDK. I have the following code where I send a broadcast and it is caught within the ...
amIT's user avatar
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StrictMode DiskReadViolation at auen.a(

Description: I am only using packaged classes for AD Id and Remote config and all the code is being run on IO Dispatcher. I feel this is happening internally on Google's side. ...
Nirav Tukadiya's user avatar
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Suppressing known errors in android strict mode

I am trying to implement strict mode in android and my use case is I want to suppress the known errors which cant be fixed and let the app to crash on new scenarios. Is there anything like lint-...
gowtham's user avatar
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How to fix StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=17 ms: android.os.strictmode.DiskReadViolation on call to startActivity(intent)

We have enabled strict mode in one of our activities to check for violations, getting a trace pointing to the startActivity() call belonging to the Activity class. I'm not sure why it's throwing this ...
Ashwin Srevatsa's user avatar
1 vote
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How to check the connection status in Android avoiding StrictMode

I created a function that returns a boolean based on the presence of an internet connection, this function it is called different times from different java classes. The only way that I find to use it ...
Mattia's user avatar
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How to Fix Duplicated Paypal Button in React Strict Mode

Hi guys would like to know how to fix this issue after updating to React 18 I have a duplicated button due to the useEffect while in StrictMode. Any guide how to unsubscribe to this API call or maybe ...
noOne's user avatar
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"findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode" using react-datepicker with React-Hook-Form

I'm having an issue when trying to use "showMonthDropdown" or "showYearDropdown" options with react-datepicker. Everything is working great until I click on the years or month ...
Ruby's user avatar
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Can i get more info out of this strict mode LeakedClosableViolation message?

I just saw a pretty weird message in the logs of my Android app: W/System: A resource failed to call close. So, i turned on Strict mode's "detectLeakedClosableObjects", but i got a stack ...
Mathias's user avatar
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Is there a way to ahead detect ANR programmatically in production?

StrictMode is designed to be used in development and is disabled by default without developer mode, so I'm wondering if there is a way to detect ANR condition ahead, in order to intervene properly ...
AndreaF's user avatar
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StrictMode policy violation Android in Gson

I am getting the following in my application: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.NonSdkApiUsedViolation: Lsun/misc/Unsafe;->theUnsafe:Lsun/misc/Unsafe; at android.os.StrictMode....
theblitz's user avatar
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How can I find where the nonSdk violation is occuring in my source code?

I created an app that works perfectly fine on my phone but not well on an MI phone. The reason must be using non-SDK APIs. I have a Pre-launch report which tells me I am using non-SDK API's but I am ...
Aravind Varma's user avatar
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Is Google Play activating StrictMode for prelaunch tests?

I have submitted an app to Google Play and the Play Console prelaunch tests show a number of API policy violations (use of restricted / unsupported APIs): When I check the stack traces for these ...
Grodriguez's user avatar
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How to debug leak caused by UnixDirectoryStream in Android app

After enabling StrictMode I noticed this: 2021-05-08 11:09:42.854 14347-14773/com.myapp D/StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.LeakedClosableViolation: A resource was ...
Mark's user avatar
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Нow to enable and see StrictMode on android in cordova

I modify via hook I insert the inclusion of a striсt mode there and then in the onTouchEvent I do an endless loop: package org.apache.cordova; . . . import android.os....
Alex's user avatar
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StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.LeakedClosableViolation in my app?

New to Android development and trying out StrictMode on my app for the first time. I noticed the following and would like to know if this is a problem in my app or a library—it’s not readily clear to ...
Bink's user avatar
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Powershell object cannot be found with strictmode latest

I am trying to get below to work under set-strictmode -version latest, it works completely fine without strict mode, unfortunately it's a requirement to have latest strictmode in my environment. What ...
Jeff's user avatar
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addPreferencesFromResource() causing StrictMode violation on Android

I have few fragments extending PreferenceFragmentCompat class from "preference-v8-28.0.0". In order to inflate the view i use addPreferencesFromResource(..) as follows: @Override public ...
4ntoine's user avatar
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App is crashing Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No successful match so far

My app is running perfectly at debug mode but is crashing at release mode, so when i set debuggable to be true i realized that the error is from switch case and one method. Caused by: java.lang....
Olizy's user avatar
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Android StrictMode Policy: A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released Error

I am using Image Compression method from this link it working fine if i compress single image but as soon as i give this method multiple images to compress in STRICT MODE app get crashed at ...
Ritu's user avatar
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Android StrictMode java.lang.Throwable: Explicit termination method 'close' not called

i enable strict mode in my app and it crashed with an error boolean DEVELOPER_MODE=true; if (DEVELOPER_MODE) { StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder() ...
Ritu's user avatar
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KeyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure cause StrictMode policy violation

I want to check whether the device screen lock is enabled or not and I am using the standard API provided by Android SDK as shown below. But I am receiving D/StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation; ...
Code Wizard's user avatar
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How to fix "System services not available to Activities before onCreate" when passing values between classes, and updating recycler view?

I'm making an order taking cashier application. Using a recycler view to show the order queue. However, I'm having trouble passing ArrayList values between classes, and also, updating the recycler ...
StyleOver's user avatar
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Simple Android project crashing by StrictMode ThreadPolicy violation, strictmode.DiskReadViolation

I have created new Android project, an empty activity project and used StrictMode but the application crashes every time due to strictmode.DiskReadViolation I fallow the answer of my similar ...
Arvindo's user avatar
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I am getting warnings in my android program after I updated my project to android x library in android studio

Below are the warnings I am getting. 1) Android compatibility - Google play store has marked API ' Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols()' grey listed and they cant ...
Muthukumaaran's user avatar
2 votes
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A WebView method was called on thread 'FinalizerDaemon' BUT MY APP HAS NO WEBVIEW

I'm using StrictMode policy while developing my app: StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder() .detectLeakedSqlLiteObjects() ....
Adam Varhegyi's user avatar
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Android app extremely slow to swipe viewpager and scroll through recyclerview, how to pintpoint cause?

So, I've been stuck on this issue for a week where I launch my app and it freezes for almost 10 seconds on a white screen and after that the app gets really slow. I have a bottomnavigationview with a ...
Patrice Andala's user avatar
10 votes
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Android Kotlin coroutine crashing on strict mode

I have created a very simplified version of my issue below. The strict mode is set up with the following policies: StrictMode.setThreadPolicy( StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder() ...
Naveed's user avatar
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Android's StrictMode penaltyListener gives NoClassDefFoundError

I'm adding StrictMode to my app and it works great until I add a custom ViolationListener. It seems it cannot find the callback I'm providing and detects that as an error, too. Could you give me a ...
Camarero's user avatar
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StrictMode: A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released

Sometimes I get this SctrictMode Exception: 2019-01-28 14:18:23.073 4597-4615/ E/StrictMode: A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released. See ...
Alexey Timokhin's user avatar
14 votes
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StrictMode: How to disable "Untagged socket detected" in Android for targetSdk >= 28

I'm trying to disable one of Android StrictMode checks - detection of untagged sockets. I have several reasons to do this: Some libraries used in our app e.g. Crashlytics / Picasso e.t.c. are using ...
Alexandr Shkurko's user avatar
3 votes
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kotlin coroutines disk violation strict mode

I have lifecycle aware coroutine abstract class AppViewModel : ViewModel(), CoroutineScope { private val job = Job() override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = ...
Артур Гизатуллин's user avatar
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StrictMode shows 10 errors for one line of code

I am running StrictMode.enableDefaults() to clean up my code and I have one line of code that sets the ZoneId that gives 10 StrictMode violations at about 195ms each for the single line of code. The ...
mtdavem's user avatar
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Crashlytics with StrictMode enabled (detect all) gives "untagged socket detected"

I've tried adding Crashlytics to my app, which already has StrictMode enabled with detectAll(). The result was Untagged socket detected; use TrafficStats.setThreadSocketTag() to track all network ...
MikeL's user avatar
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Why is StrictMode logging not being output on a Marshmallow device?

The code, called from Application.onCreate(): private fun enableOnStrictMode() { StrictMode.setThreadPolicy( StrictMode .ThreadPolicy .Builder()...
Ollie C's user avatar
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Android P (API 28) - What does the StrictMode policy violation "SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;->selectionAction" mean?

I am using the StrictMode in order to find non-SDK usages: if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy....
hamena314's user avatar
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Python(Server) Android(Client) Socket Programming

I'd like to make a program which connects Python code with Android Studio. But there has been a problem on android studio which is not showing any UI that I'd like to show on Emulator Screen. I think ...
Yang Seung Chan's user avatar
8 votes
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StrictMode disk read violation on empty activity's setContentView

I've recently tried to use StrictMode but got a weird violation, so I tried setting up a new 'Empty Activity' project (in Android Studio) and added an Application class as follows (as described in ...
MikeL's user avatar
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When start strict mode and set `android:persistent` to `true` will has error. How can I fix this error?

When start strict mode and set android:persistent to true will has error. How can I fix this error? Thanks. Application override fun onCreate() { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { setStrictMode() ...
tcqq's user avatar
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StrictMode policy violation (DiskReadViolation) overestimates result against measureTimeMillis{} block

I have enabled StrictMode, and got a warning. StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=509 ms: android.os.strictmode.DiskReadViolation at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy....
Artem Garkusha's user avatar
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Is it possible to avoid ANR using StrictMode in android?

Somewhere I read that By using StrictMode we can avoid ANR in android. I tried like that below is the code public class MyApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { ...
Gajanand Swamy's user avatar
10 votes
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StrictMode: StrictModeDiskReadViolation when creating SharedPreference

I have a project with dagger setup with following provider method: @Module(...) abstract class AppModule { @Module companion object { ... @Provides @Singleton @JvmStatic fun ...
azizbekian's user avatar
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Android StrictMode issue with Huawei Mate 9 Nougat

I've got an Android Instrumented test where I try to start my application and perform the following operations: open class MyApplication : Application() { ... override fun onCreate() { super....
damelines's user avatar
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StrictMode java.lang.Throwable: Untagged socket detected with AdMob

I am getting the following exception when using StrictMode with AdMob: java.lang.Throwable: Untagged socket detected; use TrafficStats.setThreadSocketTag() to track all network usage at android....
Jose Gómez's user avatar
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StrictMode java.lang.Throwable: Untagged socket detected

With StrictMode enabled I just started getting this exception: java.lang.Throwable: Untagged socket detected; use TrafficStats.setThreadSocketTag() to track all network usage
Jose Gómez's user avatar
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A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released in DynamiteModulesC

I am using Strict mode and am getting a lot of this errors. E/StrictMode: A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released. See for information on avoiding ...
Petar Marijanovic's user avatar
6 votes
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StrictMode AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk

I faced with the next problem: StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=2235 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=65567 violation=2 ...
Ruslan Leshchenko's user avatar
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Android Studio Strict Mode Unable to Locate Error

I am using the strict mode in android studio but i am unable to locate the code that's causing the error.The error is caused due to an unclosed object but i have checked all my activities and no such ...
Jude Fernandes's user avatar
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Resource Leak issue in android [closed]

My android application is crashing with strictmode violation message with any specific information that what is causing the issue. Crash starting appearing when I configured FCM with my application ...
Zia ur Rehman's user avatar
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StrictMode policy violation: StrictModeDiskReadViolation,WriteViolation in Android

I am working an Android project that uses Google maps. The app is working perfectly in my Cell phone, having 5.1.1 Android version, because I used it for the development of the project, but the same ...
user6750923's user avatar
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Cant see StrictMode details on logcat - Suppressed StrictMode policy violation on screen rotation

My problem is this, I'm trying to understand the source of this trace: 11-06 22:07:36.593 2744-3492/ W/f: Suppressed StrictMode policy violation: StrictModeDiskReadViolation 11-06 ...
AER's user avatar
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