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Widget can't load, layout with Famelayout and personal view

I added a widget to my app: Layout <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FrameLayout xmlns:android="" android:...
RP Technologies's user avatar
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How to add a fragment to a container after all other existing views?

I have a FrameLayout that's served as a container for new fragment. Fragment will be added by fragmentTransaction.add(...). However, I have a couple of views hardcoded in the FrameLayout already. I ...
user1865027's user avatar
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The android app consistently crashes, displaying an error stating that the "" file cannot be located

I have been trying to implement spline3d inside a FrameLayout (because i need to display other buttons and featuers in the same fragment) which inturn is inside a fragment but i am gettting errors ...
Damien's user avatar
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problem displaying Webview and having scrool at same time

i got <medialoader.VideoUiView android:id="@+id/video_ui_view" xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="
hterrolle's user avatar
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Use of framelayout in Android Studio

My teacher assigned me a homework with Android Studio: create an interface with cards to show information. I'm trying to add a rounded image My teacher explained me that I must add a framelayout and ...
Alfio Sorbello's user avatar
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How to launch android activity in background, or minimized, when screen locked in Android 14 and start the activity with broadcast intent

I'm trying to make an android app to run Python script public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super....
necra 's user avatar
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Android ImageButton and TextView index position in Framelayout

I have a row of 3 ImageButtons wrapped in LinearLayout. Then each ImageButton is encapsulated in a FrameLayout: <FrameLayout android:layout_width="0dp" android:...
Darksymphony's user avatar
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How to map another keycode for back navigation in AOSP 13?

I am using AOSP 13 source code. To do back via adb shell adb shell input keyevent 4 4 is key code for back I want to map back navigation via key code 141, so that i can use above command for back ...
Margish thumar's user avatar
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mediacontroller not anchored to video frame layout

I'm trying to view videos in my app, but the problem is that the media controller doesn't stay docked to the video. In fact, if I scroll down the page, the media controller of the first video is ...
Arianna Garaglia's user avatar
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Android: How to place a view so it is constrained and overlaps views inside neighboring customviews

I am trying to dynamically create and place a View which starts below an icon within a custom 'RecordView', and above the same icon of another 'RecordView' which is just below it using a a ...
Mary Hamilton's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are my Gridview elements overlapping the Toolbar in the android?

I have been using FrameLayout as parent view to display Gridview elements where I want to display them below Toolbar but it's not getting displayed below Toolbar but overlapping the Toolbar like this. ...
PurpleRabbit's user avatar
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Why screen readers doesn't read any label?

My app run fine in emulator. But when i download it from google play store, it doesn't work. Google play comsole suggest me to give a label to android:id/content/FrameLayout[1] because FrameLayout ...
d r's user avatar
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Custom views inside FrameLayout issue in Picture-in-picture RTL layout

I have a full screen FrameLayout which contains four Views that I add at runtime: repeat(4) { i -> val view = View(this).apply { setBackgroundColor(COLOR[i]) } views += view ...
Mohsen Mirhoseini's user avatar
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Override layout but can still difference space and area

For short I wanted to try some new designs in my mind, and one of them was a button that was diagonally divided into two parts. Of course, each side will have a different mission. And I succeeded in ...
Noob tv's user avatar
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Frame Layout keep stacking over, how to refresh them

Inside the DrawerLayout in FrameLayout when I click the item of Navigation Menu, they keep clashing and stacking over each other, so what do I do? This is my Java code for loading fragment in the ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Set click listener on a ViewGroup and detect clicked child view

So what I have is a custom class that can be inherited by other Fragments. The class has abstract variable - floatingView which is FrameLayout. So any Fragment that inherits this class will have a ...
MaaAn13's user avatar
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Xamarin.Android - Does frame layout changes for each phone screen?

I'm making a project in Xamarin.Android. Is it "safe" to use FrameLayout or it changes a bit compared to the phone screen size? What similar Layout should I use instead if FrameLayout isn't ...
Idan Levitski's user avatar
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Native Child View does not occupy full height and width of FrameLayout

I am trying to integrate camera-x inside an android fragment in react-native Here is my native code class CealScanQrView(context: Context): FrameLayout(context) { init { val ...
BraveEvidence's user avatar
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AppCompatActivity: detect touches on title?

In case of an AppCompatActivity with title (set by setTitle call), (how) can I detect touches on this title section: In case this is not (easily) possible, I'm populating this activity with ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to place correctly two views in a framelayout?

I am trying to get this design: But my problem is that i can't get to place the red view exacly like in the photo above. For now I'm using a framelayout but I still can't get the desire design. Xml: ...
Mario Muresean's user avatar
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when 2 frame layouts are stacked, only the bottom layout is visible in Android 12 devices

I'm creating a video call app using DeepAR and Agora, I created a video call UI with framelayout (Local view) on top and another framelayout (remote view - full screen) at the bottom. On connecting ...
codeP's user avatar
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How to bring TextView & ImageView in front of ImageView using Framelayout?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FrameLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="
GLASS's user avatar
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How can I make FrameLayout for Video have round corners with Agora?

At the moment, I tried with this but didn't work. val surfaceView = RtcEngine.CreateRendererView(baseContext) surfaceView.apply { clipToOutline = true clipBounds = Rect(...
c-an's user avatar
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Scroll View doesn't work in Frame Layout - Android XML

I'm using fragments to recreate a design, so basically my design consists of four buttons which are present in a Relative Layout and the remaining empty space of the activity is used as a fragment. So ...
Harshavardhan N's user avatar
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place ImageView on ImageButton

so i want to crate a pause button for a game and i want to use the drawable button and the pause icon but it gives me this error java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com....
user3289240's user avatar
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Pass FrameLayout as part of android Messsage IPC

I have implemented a Messenger as IPC mechanism between two android apps. Now I want to pass a FrameLayout object as part of android.os.Message Message msg = new Message(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(...
user3819404's user avatar
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Zoom in & out , and scroll or fling only framelayout

I'm going to implement gesturedetector. I'm noob about. I've this layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:...
user avatar
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Android Gridlayout isn't showing framelayout that doesn't have any view in it

I wanted to implement a chessboard with gridlayout & framelayout. When I hardcoded the xml everything works fine. But when I tried to implement it programmatically all things fall apart. In xml I ...
fuad_hasan's user avatar
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FrameLayout with Recyclerview

I want to put the bottom navigation menu with my recyclerview at the bottom of the view. It is currently at the top and I need help sending it to the bottom. This is how it look now: This is my xml ...
Roger Araujo's user avatar
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Android: Put an image and a text view over another image

I am trying to create a screen that has two background images and a text view with a language selection dropdown. The first background image fills up the entire screen and the second background image ...
ekta's user avatar
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Badge Drawable is cutting from view and not showing proper way Android Kotlin

Hey I want to show badge drawable. I tried code from here Does BadgeDrawable not work for views within a FrameLayout such as buttons, images, textviews etc.?, BadgeDrawable does not appear on elements ...
Vivek Modi's user avatar
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Not able to set the Frame Layout height to Match Parent

I Have Two Fragment class for my project, On my first FragmentA, I have added a FrameLayout to the FragmentA xml file,named as filter_pop_up_frame_lyt_container. so on a button click from from ...
I'm Coder's user avatar
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Vector drawable quality with ConstraintLayout

I have this sort of weird behavior with SVG drawable where the quality is poor and blurry when using FrameLayout and LinearLayout. The poor quality vector drawable was fixed when parent views of ...
Bitwise DEVS's user avatar
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Generating GIF from FrameLayout

Hi I'm trying to generate gif from animated view In brief, I've ImageView and animated view inside FrameLayout, now i want to generate gif of main FrameLayout, minimum sdk level 19. getDrawingCache ...
Mahendra Gohil's user avatar
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Issue with programmatically trying to set a FrameLayout for Android

I am able to successfully a achieve this doing so with the XML layout as seen in the image below: Then when trying to do so within Java I am not able to get the same result as seen in the screen shot:...
Learn2Code's user avatar
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flutter black screen at running after integrate android platform with argear sdk

I want to integrate flutter app with ArGear SDK. There is no package or plugin to use this SDK directly in flutter, and we should implement SDK in platform side and call corresponding method with ...
Mahmoud's user avatar
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3 answers

Inside Framelayout i have 1 cardview and an image view. I want the image view over the card view. What i want to do

I was trying to make an image view over the card view. So I used Framelayout. Inside that i added 1 cardview after that I added an image view. If I use a LinearLayout instead of cardview the image ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to determine with image was click in Adapter in Android

I am trying to figure out how I can determine which image a user has click on when the images are all in a FrameLayout and the view is inflated with an Adapter The setItemClickListener for the Adapter ...
Famic Tech's user avatar
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How to highlight a selection in a view in Android with Java

So what I am trying to achieve is the following. If a user click on one of the two images in a Framelayout, the image get highlighted (denotes that it was selected). <FrameLayout xmlns:android=&...
Learn2Code's user avatar
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Setting up a RecyclerView to FrameLayout issue in Android

I am trying to setup a RecyclerView which has the list items in a FrameLayout. I have the following code: // set up the RecyclerView RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(; ...
Learn2Code's user avatar
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Android : Fragment doesn't fit into Fragment Container

I have a Fragment Container View inside MainActivity. And I have a register fragment. Inside the register fragment, I have Constraint layout.When I am starting app in my phone, register fragment doesn'...
msy's user avatar
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How to insert a layout into another frameLayout?

I am trying to insert a resource layout into a frame layout but failed. The frame layout is in activity_main.xml My frame layout is (frame_result_contact.xml): <FrameLayout android:layout_width=...
infiniti ayush's user avatar
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How to set FrameLayout height to match one of the child component

I have the following framelayout containing a TextView and ProgressBar. At one given time, only one of them is shown. The hideText flag is initially set to false. <FrameLayout android:...
Jofbr's user avatar
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How to show button over specific item in recyclerview

I have a framelayout with recyclerview and button: <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/foreground" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height=&...
afgfdg's user avatar
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How to use FrameLayout inside RecyclerView

I want to use a framelayout inside a recycler view. the framelayout is defined in a custom class which contains 2 things: a loading spinner and a button. when the user click button, i want the button ...
afgfdg's user avatar
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Third fragment wont get replaced, just added on top

I've got 3 simple fragments (for testing purposes) Fragment1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FrameLayout xmlns:android="
Nummer Eins's user avatar
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I'm using a framelayout and inside it I want a listview and a floating action button, but the listview doesn't extend

Why is this not working? It's a problem with the listview. I've tried in many ways and ending up with the button not showing <FrameLayout xmlns:android="
Silvia's user avatar
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RecyclerView wraps its conent

I am using the RecyclerView to inflate a Linear Vertical listViews, However, although the width of a child is set to match_parent, RecyclerView wraps that at runtime. Here is a screenshot of the ...
AmanSharma's user avatar
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How to make a Pass through View which is added using window manager

I have inflated a view which contains Constraint Layout as a parent layout and and a Frame Layout inside it (whose dimensions will be manupulated at runtime to be at a specific height and width). I ...
Arjupta's user avatar
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ConstraintLayout & FrameLayout wrap_content then FrameLayout show half content

I don't known why FrameLayout inside ConstraintLayout, and both use wrap_content, then the last item in the RecycleView just show half content. If I remove FrameLayout, direct use recycleview, it can ...
cs x's user avatar
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