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2 answers

Can't log into Active Admin after pushing to Heroku

I was trying to push a Rails app including active_admin to Heroku. I expect to be able to log into Active Admin after pushing to Heroku I have built a Rails app using active_admin. First I tried it ...
minennick's user avatar
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2 answers

ActiveAdmin Timeout count on heroku

Im getting a lot of H12 Timeouts on heroko just on the user index page after filter, this is my activeadmin page: ActiveAdmin.register User do menu :parent => 'Users' actions :all, :except =...
hrincong's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Rails ActiveAdmin not Working on Heroku but works on Localhost

I installed ActiveAdmin gem on an existing project, and I was able to Login on Localhost and following the documentation everything works perfectly on localhost. But on Heroku I can't login. After ...
mayorsanmayor's user avatar
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Why my active admin shows errors which perfetly worked locally?

I am trying to add admin interface with activeadmin in my rails app. I have successfully completed locally but it gives error after deploying to heroku. I have done all the things which is necessary ...
Achyut's user avatar
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Cannot perform create operation on resource on rails 5 active admin on heroku. Gets internal server error

Im creating a rails api with an activeadmin dashboard on heroku.The api works with seeded data but i cant make any entries using the activeadmin interface. It returns a 500 error the moment the form ...
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ActiveAdmin not working fully in Heroku, works perfeclty locally. Rails application

I have been struggling with this error for days now if someone knows where to look I would be highly grateful. Issue: I am running ActiveAdmin in my application, it works perfectly when I run it ...
Memovox's user avatar
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Rails 4 active admin heroku superclass mismatch for class

I used active admin gem for admin dashboard and I deployed it to Heroku then got an error like this superclass mismatch for class BuyersController (TypeError).it works well in was happened ...
Karthick's user avatar
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Some ActiveAdmin pages not found after deploying to Heroku

After deploying my app to Heroku, everything is working fine, except for some ActiveAdmin pages. I get the following error: The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the ...
Waqas Ahad's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin Issues on heroku

On heroku when I enter And after login it redirect to that page In both these cases it gives ...
Haseeb Ahmad's user avatar
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Rails - ActiveAdmin on Heroku doesn't update Boolean Field

I've just added a boolean field to a model of a little RoR app of mine, to control activation status of an asset. I'm using ActiveAdmin to generate the Admin interface. Made some local tests and ...
Lucas Almeida's user avatar
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active admin view generation and skylight

I am trying to understand some feedback I am getting from Skylight, I have an app with 2 seperated sections, one being a portal for users to manage applications and the other being an admin portal ...
heinztomato's user avatar
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New field added to model - Now active_admin working locally, but not in production (Heroku)

I added a new field car_color to my Car model, and I logged in to active_admin locally and I see the new column on my Cars page, I can add the car's color when I edit the record, and I can set the ...
jackerman09's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin register_page doesn't work in heroku

The app crash when I add the next code (from the Active Admin web page): ActiveAdmin.register_page "Calendar" do content do para "Hello World" end end If I execute the same code at heroku ...
MaicolBen's user avatar
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Activeadmin gem error on heroku deploy during assets:precompile

I had my application running on local. During deployment, I got several issues: First, I wrapped relational objects in order to deploy, otherwise deploy gave no "tags" table error if ActiveRecord::...
Tekant's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin Filter Time Out

When I search a User by email, which defaults to "contains", and purposely put in something I know it won't find, it times out and I get the standard "Application Error" page, the status being 503. ...
Ryan Rebo's user avatar
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Activeadmin Rails register model multiple times - confuses routes

I'm trying to setup the same model in multiple menus, one as a sortable tree and the other as a regular crud. This instance registered as a crud is nested within another model so.. I have ActiveAdmin....
user2515011's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin: not picking up new column added to table

I have a new column in my production db called start_dates. I know it is in the remote database, as when I run heroku pg:psql and then and then \dt \d programs I see the column in the DB. However ...
Thalatta's user avatar
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How to precompile assets with activeadmin

I have these lines in my production.rb config.serve_static_assets = false config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier config.assets.compile = true config.assets.precompile += ['active_admin.js', '...
Asnad Atta's user avatar
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Active admin rails, JS not loading on changing tabs or links

I have rails application that has Active Admin. I added new JS(custom scripts) in the javascripts folder, gmaps scripts and s3_direct_upload scripts. Now when I go to the admin panel the first time I ...
Toshe's user avatar
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How to fix ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieOverflow error on heroku?

I am often get ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieOverflow error on heroku in my rails application. I think dumping unused information in session like env["airbrake.error_id"] = notify_airbrake(e) could ...
Sachin Singh's user avatar
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errors with activeadmin when trying to push to heroku

i am trying to push to heroku with my rails app. I keep getting errors which i am working through but this is causing problems. The latest is TypeError: superclass mismatch for class ...
Lilp's user avatar
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Deployed rails app to Heroku not working

I've created a rails app using Active Admin on and all is working in that dev environment. I am using Devise/CanCanCan for authentication/authorisation When I push to heroku, and try and ...
bnussey's user avatar
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3 answers

Active Admin: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

I am using activeadmin version: 1.0.0.pre 168d72e It is working fine in development But got following error on heroku. app[web.1]: ActionView::Template::Error (wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)): ...
Omer Aslam's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin giving timeout error in Heroku

When I try to access ActiveAdmin in local in my rails app, it loads way to slowly, and when pushing to heroku and trying to access my admin panel, it will give Application Error. In my logs, I have: ...
Gibson's user avatar
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saving record with active admin on heroku not works

I'm using active_admin in my rails app. When I try to add a new record for the PostCategory model, it doesn't work. I can add the other models on Heroku but only PostCategory doesn't work. On my ...
erkan demir's user avatar
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Push to Heroku - hanging Fetching

I don't know why push to heroku failed. I tried pushing it many times, but it didn't work. I use the following OS/tools: Windows 7 rails version 4.0.3, ruby version 2 Node.js Github Heroku Here ...
bsabri's user avatar
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PG: ERROR: relation "admin_users" does not exist

I am currently getting the following error when I run heroku logs, after trying to login to the admin/login part of my production URL: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: ...
Thalatta's user avatar
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asset_path helper is not implemented

I am receiving this error when trying to compile assets on Heroku Custom asset_path helper is not implemented Extend your environment context with a custom method. environment.context_class....
ancoanco's user avatar
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How to split an app into 3 to allow independent deployments ? (Rails 3.2, heroku, postgresql, active admin 1.0)

I am building a daily deal app to learn ruby on Rails. I'm pretty newbie but loving learning to "build stuff". The app is actually made up of 3 parts: the public app/website where internet visitors ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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PGERROR: ERROR relation "table_name" does not exist (avoiding git commits)

I have the same issue as this post... PGError: ERROR: relation "table_name" does not exist My solution was to comment out the related ActiveAdmin files, then run db:migrate. However, to ...
user2012677's user avatar
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Rails 4 - ActiveAdmin - Redactor - Heroku -- has no method 'redactor' console error

I've been trying to tackle this all morning. Locally, this setup works just fine. I am not using the redactor-rails gem because this is a rails 4 app and it doesn't support it. I have moved the ...
chris_s's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin error pushing to heroku, existing config built

When I push my rails 4 app to Heroku, I receive the following fatal rake error: You're trying to register ActiveAdmin::Comment as Comment, but the existing ActiveAdmin::Resource config was built ...
mpgarate's user avatar
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can access active admin/users on local but not production

ok so I can get to active admin on local and my site just fine - within active admin I have the options to select from Pins or Users (my two models) on local, can see all of the pins and users in the ...
westman2222's user avatar
3 votes
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Heroku routing errors in Rails app

On my local machine, when I authenticate at (using the Pow server), I am properly redirected to the index page. When logging into the production domain http://subdomain....
Anconia's user avatar
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Active Admin works locally but not on heroku when I push to heroku

Active Admin works locally but not on heroku when I pushed to heroku. I'm running on rails 4. The font of the Active Admin and everything works fine locally but when I pushed to heroku, the font is ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Heroku deployment with active_admin

I write simple statistic app with active_admin interface and i wan't to host it on heroku. When i type git push heroku master i have the following error: Fetching git://
Mateusz Urbański's user avatar
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Push to Heroku hanging after ative_admin fetch

Guys I have no clue why this push to Heroku isn't working. Any ideas? Fetching git:// fatal: Could not parse object '54fb71c5415f7b1a7aa0cdde680ee882fa3b2d6f'. ...
David's user avatar
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Image's don't load when Heroku Dyno Restarts

I am having a strange issue that I haven't come across before and can't seem to find any additional information about it online. I am running an app on a free instance on Heroku. With Heroku free ...
Tom Pinchen's user avatar
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Renamed model class still appearing in active admin menu

I had to rename model class in my ruby on rails app due to name clashing with other class sitting in lib directory. Everything is fine when I run app both in production and development env on my local ...
user2432278's user avatar
10 votes
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ActiveAdmin Precompile Error on Heroku

Hello I recently push an update up to Heroku and all of a sudden Active Admin won't precompile. Giving me this error. Running: rake assets:precompile rake aborted! SyntaxError: cannot ...
Dan's user avatar
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My heroku app's generated files

I have a rails app that is deployed to Heroku, I don't know why, but I can't view the application on localhost nor can I access the files created by heroku run rails generate []. The gem in this ...
MichaelScaria's user avatar
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"uninitialized constant AdminUser" when deploying Activeadmin on Heroku

I am still new to Ruby and I have been trying to deploy my App to heroku with ActiveAdmin. After pushing my code to heroku I try to run heroku rake db:migrate And I get the following error rake ...
Hosam's user avatar
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Why activeadmin sometimes logout autometic?

ActiveAdmin is a good gem that can help us manage data so easy. But one question is I use Heroku to run my project.After I login the admin page,do something and refresh the admin page,it logout ...
superlove5777's user avatar
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Sending an email from Rails app- works in development, not in production on Heroku

I am trying to use the gem Active Admin to send emails to users that I sign up so that they can create a password. This entails a process of inserting the following code on the config/environments/...
banditKing's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: Active Admin and Heroku - dashboard error

I have some Ruby on Rails applications that are using Active Admin gem. Rails version is 3.2.6, Active Admin version is 0.4.4. I am pushing these applications to Heroku, then doing migrations and ...
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski's user avatar
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rake aborted! undefined method `setup' for ActiveAdmin:Module

I have installed active admin on my development machine and it works fine. But when i run heroku run rake db:migrate it gives me following error rake aborted! undefined method `setup' for ActiveAdmin:...
chaitanya's user avatar
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Heroku returning Postgres error on active admin

I deployed my App to Heroku. When I want to View a record, it returns an error: 2012-07-13T22:28:04+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/admin/non_profits/1" for at 2012-07-13 22:28:04 +0000 ...
Tony's user avatar
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After pushing ActiveAdmin app to Heroku, DB empty

I had a working Active Admin app working on my local server, but after pushing to Heroku all my database tables are empty. I tried running heroku run rake db:migrate and then heroku restart but these ...
Slicekick's user avatar
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Active Admin Gem - Rails 3.2.3, Heroku Error logs

I am having problems understanding the error logs. I am using Active Admin, all works well on my local server but when i push to Heroku i can not login or use active admin. I am a little stuck as to ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Active Admin on Heroku doesn't work properly

Hi I had active admin working fine before but I think it got messed up when I tried merging my github + heroku repositories. It seems to work fine locally but on Heroku I get the generic We're sorry, ...
heri0n's user avatar
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