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ActiveAdmin register_page doesn't work in heroku

The app crash when I add the next code (from the Active Admin web page): ActiveAdmin.register_page "Calendar" do content do para "Hello World" end end If I execute the same code at heroku ...
MaicolBen's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin Filter Time Out

When I search a User by email, which defaults to "contains", and purposely put in something I know it won't find, it times out and I get the standard "Application Error" page, the status being 503. ...
Ryan Rebo's user avatar
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How to split an app into 3 to allow independent deployments ? (Rails 3.2, heroku, postgresql, active admin 1.0)

I am building a daily deal app to learn ruby on Rails. I'm pretty newbie but loving learning to "build stuff". The app is actually made up of 3 parts: the public app/website where internet visitors ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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Heroku routing errors in Rails app

On my local machine, when I authenticate at (using the Pow server), I am properly redirected to the index page. When logging into the production domain http://subdomain....
Anconia's user avatar
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Image's don't load when Heroku Dyno Restarts

I am having a strange issue that I haven't come across before and can't seem to find any additional information about it online. I am running an app on a free instance on Heroku. With Heroku free ...
Tom Pinchen's user avatar
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My heroku app's generated files

I have a rails app that is deployed to Heroku, I don't know why, but I can't view the application on localhost nor can I access the files created by heroku run rails generate []. The gem in this ...
MichaelScaria's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: Active Admin and Heroku - dashboard error

I have some Ruby on Rails applications that are using Active Admin gem. Rails version is 3.2.6, Active Admin version is 0.4.4. I am pushing these applications to Heroku, then doing migrations and ...
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski's user avatar
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Heroku returning Postgres error on active admin

I deployed my App to Heroku. When I want to View a record, it returns an error: 2012-07-13T22:28:04+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/admin/non_profits/1" for at 2012-07-13 22:28:04 +0000 ...
Tony's user avatar
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activeadmin heroku stylesheet config issue with partial fix

I was receiving the following error message after precompiling my assets locally and then pushing the code to Heroku: 2012-03-28T17:06:01+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/admin/login" for 67.163.67....
rodleg's user avatar
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migration fails on heroku due to activeadmin mailer

I am deploying an app to heroku and the app is on rails 3.2 and I have active admin gem installed. When I run rake db:migrate it fails due to the following error == DeviseCreateAdminUsers: ...
mattwallace's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin on Heroku - routes not working properly

This is really frustrating. AA used to work very well for me, and I think I've tried almost everything. Here's my problem: On localhost, everything works fine, but once I'm in Heroku, weird things ...
Benjamin Tan Wei Hao's user avatar