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Sprockets::FileNotFound - couldn't find file 'active_admin/base' with type 'text/css' Rails 6

I have been facing this issue from past couple of days once I upgraded to Rails 6.1 Have looked around possible solutions but no success Error Sprockets::FileNotFound - couldn't find file '...
Matey Johnson's user avatar
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Rails 6 | Active Admin throwing error 'ArgumentError - Can't be in the context of nil'

Rails Ruby 3.2.2 ActiveAdmin 3.0.0 It seems to something related to webpacker, but I'm unable to track the exact solution. I have been receiving below error while going to any page of my ...
Matey Johnson's user avatar
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active admin form is creating empty records, in nested form

ActiveAdmin.register User do form do |f| tabs do if current_user.has_role?(:admin) tab "User Login" do f.inputs do f.input :email f....
Ajit Dhanje's user avatar
-2 votes
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Testing Active Admin Page with RSpec

In my Rails application, ruby 2.6.5, rails 6.1. I use Active admin and I created this page. How can I create some tests for this using rspec? I have already created tests for the model and the ...
Karina Piloupas's user avatar
1 vote
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ActiveAdmin v4 how to add custom JS via importmaps

ActiveAdmin v4 supports importmaps. How can I add custom JS to ActiveAdmin via importmaps? E.g. as asked on GitHub
thisismydesign's user avatar
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activeadmin_addons assets are not align to the activeadmin theme

Issue in activeadmin_addons tags input, slim select. I am trying to align the form with adding the css inside the below path app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss no table to overide tried to add ...
Ajit Dhanje's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin has_many helper is only displaying one record

I have a very strange situation in my app where one use of ActiveAdmin's form.has_many helper is working as expected, and a new near-copy of it is only showing the last record in the list. Here's my ...
AJFaraday's user avatar
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ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken Error with domain: ':all' in Rails Session Store

I’m encountering an ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken error in my Rails application when using the session store configuration with domain: ':all'. The issue appears specifically when setting ...
Abhishek Tanwar's user avatar
1 vote
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How to customize the css of ActiveAdmin gem?

The back end added the gem ActiveAdmin on my website (version 1.1.0), but I don't find the css file to edit the colors and the design. Where is it? I checked on the assets folders but nothing. I also ...
Dominic's user avatar
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Mounting Alchemy CMS with Existing Rails App

I have a question similar to this one but the solution does not work. Basically, I have an existing Rails application that uses several bespoke routes for the /admin space (namely, these are an effect ...
Brittany McGarr's user avatar
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Not filter records after active admin and ransack updation

I have recently updated activeadmin and ransack gem, below code snippets is working fine with active admin and ransack gem using version : active admin- 2.13.1 ransack: >= 2.1 , < 4 when I ...
Abhishek Tanwar's user avatar
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How to preview image after selecting image in active admin(using active storage for image)

I have a model Products. class Product < ApplicationRecord has_many_attached :images end the form form do |f| f.inputs 'General' do f.input :name f.inputs 'Product Image & ...
George Maharjan's user avatar
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How to show the new-resource form below the ActiveAdmin index page?

A client requested to have the ActiveAdmin "New Resource" form show up underneath the index_as_table, in order to be able to refer to existing rows while creating the new one. I thought I ...
Sprachprofi's user avatar
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activeadmin with rails 7 bad behavior

I tried to upgrade from rails 6 to 7 and I faced unexpected behavoir from activeadmin configuration active_admin.rb file config.on_unauthorized_access = :access_denied config.namespace :admin do |...
Areej Nour's user avatar
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Active Admin interface is broken with error `Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined` in browser console

I run a Ruby on Rails application with Active Admin as an admin backend. My setup is: Ruby 2.5.9 Rails ActiveAdmin 2.9.0 Webpacker 4.3.0 I migrated the application from an older VM and updated ...
RoRoOnFire's user avatar
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Images uploaded via Active Storage not displaying in Active Admin or on certain devices

I'm encountering an issue where images uploaded via Active Storage in my Rails application are not displaying properly in Active Admin or on certain devices. Specifically, images uploaded via Active ...
deepak raghuwanshi's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin: How to remove `[ ] (Toggle Selection)` for grid index renderer?

This is what it looks like: I don't need it in my AA app, how to remove it?
Nikita Fedyashev's user avatar
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Creating an activeadmin filter on a scope in ransackable_scopes

I'd like to create an activeadmin filter on a page for a model that has an association with the User model. I'd like to use the custom scope matches_name, which combines the first_name and last_name ...
Dan Monego's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin obscuring error messages in forms

We are having an issue with ImageMagick that we cannot get sorted but we need to obscure the error relating to it from the user in an ActiveAdmin form with an image upload. I have come up with a brute-...
Eleventy's user avatar
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How to do a same day date_range filter in ActiveAdmin

I have a situation where I have two models, where there is a 1:1 association between them and some method delegation: class Sale < ApplicationRecord has_one :receipt delegate :date, to: :...
Jonathon Nordquist's user avatar
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Ransack needs AdminUser attributes explicitly allowlisted issue in Rails 7 with active admin

RuntimeError in Admin::AdminUsers#index Showing /home/vidur/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/activeadmin-3.2.0/app/views/active_admin/resource/index.html.arb where line #3 raised: ...
vidur punj's user avatar
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SassC::SyntaxError in ActiveAdmin::Devise::Sessions#new

I am using arctic_admin gem . Following I have added in the gem file gem 'arctic_admin' in /app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js file //= require ...
VR_1's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin in rails engine give me that error : uninitialized constant MyEngine::Admin

I installed activeadmin in a rails engine that I mounted in my main application. When I try to access the home page I get the following error: uninitialized constant BackOffice::Admin The code in lib/...
Mina's user avatar
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Rails ActiveAdmin batch_action with form causing assets:precompile error

We use Rails ActiveAdmin and we are hitting strange asset compiling error. The error causes our rspec CI job to fail in github. It's failing with a database connection error like so: Run bundle exec ...
Harry Wood's user avatar
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DropZone implementation with multiple file types + Carrierwave

I have searched a lot for a straightforward way or example to integrate Dropzone into my existing ActiveAdmin application that already uses carrier waves for single file upload But I'm not able to ...
Matey Johnson's user avatar
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Rails connection switching issue

I use connection switching in AA backend. Depending on session i switch to the archive db. The problem is that calling ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to with database key switches the connection forever,...
NeverBe's user avatar
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Active Admin Comments: "Comment wasn't saved, text was empty"

I've got a brand new rails app (7.1.0) (with a few models) that I have set up with ActiveAdmin and the only model that works is my Admin model. I noticed that the admin model is the only table that ...
Ben West's user avatar
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Active Admin filters not displaying on screen but present in the html DOM

Filters in AA usually works smoothly. I did notice that when i override scoped_collection method, the whole filter sidebar tends to disappear from the screen but still loaded in the DOM. I don't have ...
Ouska's user avatar
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Undefined method error for an instance of Ransack::Search

I am creating a new Rails app, i created an admin page for Users with active_admin gem, when trying to access the page I keep getting this error ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `...
IshAsh's user avatar
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Unable to load ActiveAdmin models with Ransack 4

I'm getting the infamous: Ransack needs ActiveStorage::Attachment attributes explicitly allowlisted as searchable. Define a ransackable_attributes class method in your ActiveStorage::Attachment model....
mystic cola's user avatar
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Custom ActiveAdmin filter for model method

I need to create a filter for ActiveAdmin. The challenge is that I'm trying to filter through a model's method, instead of a model's field or column. Here is my code: class Model < ...
Rodrigo Ladrón de Guevara's user avatar
3 votes
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undefined method `table_name' for #<Arel::Table in ActiveAdmin/ransack

I was able to reproduce this error in activeadmin while using searching/filtering over text field(filter :question, filters: [:cont]) undefined method `table_name' for #<Arel::Table:...
Nikita Fedyashev's user avatar
4 votes
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Activeadmin Rails 7 Tailwind Issue

Just install active_admin in rails 7 and ruby 3.1.0 gem 'activeadmin', github: 'activeadmin/activeadmin', branch: 'master' It add two style files. One is active_admin_old.scss and other is ...
Haseeb Ahmad's user avatar
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How to Expire Session IDs in Cookies for Active Admin?

I'm facing an issue with the session management in my web application. I've noticed that the session ID stored in a cookie doesn't seem to expire, which poses a security risk. If someone obtains this ...
Yann Soares Rocha e Silva's user avatar
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How can I input an array of integers as a form field using ActiveAdmin and formtastic

Using ActiveAdmin 2.9.0, Rails 6 and Postgres 14.6. I have model Persona that looks like this in the schema: create_table "personas", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "orcid" t....
EliRotenberg's user avatar
-1 votes
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When an error occurs in the ActiveAdmin form the /new is removed from the URL

I'm creating an Admin page for my model i noticed that if there are errors in your new and edit forms the /new is removed from URL for example if my url was /my_model/new On error it is changed to /...
IshAsh's user avatar
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How to use ActiveAdmin with TailwindCSS Rails without Tailwind styles breaking

I am using tailwindcss-rails gem along with Flowbite(fyi). I developed a whole app on top of those two and recently I needed to add an admin gem to the app. I really like ActiveAdmin, but as soon as I ...
crodev's user avatar
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Undefined method `configuration_hash' for nil:NilClass when running ActiveAdmin/Devise generator inside of Rails Engine

so I am creating a separate engine inside of my app for admin functionality. I created the engine and added Devise and ActiveAdmin as dependencies inside of .gemspec. spec.add_dependency "rails&...
crodev's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin: render index table of has many resource in show page of parent

Trying to build this with Active admin 3.0. This seems so basic to me that I feel I must be missing something. Let's assume I have a Store model and an Employee model and a store has many employees ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Rails ActiveAdmin decimal validation with error message

I am creating a form for my admin page which goes like this: form do |f| f.semantic_errors f.inputs "Basic Details" do f.input :number f.inputs "Tests", class: "input-...
IshAsh's user avatar
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Paper_trail gem stopped working when upgraded ransack to 4.0.0

In my rails 7.0.4 app I use: activeadmin 3.0.0 ransack 4.0.0 paper_trail 15.0.0 I have the page for filtering and sorting history of changes to the data: ActiveAdmin.register PaperTrail::Version do ...
mirelon's user avatar
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Can anyone tell me why after_destroy is not working in active admin

I am using rails 5 and active_admin 2.0.0 I am using a callback in active admin like below after_destroy do |my_model| account_id = my_model.try(:account_id) Account.desable_something(...
Anil Kohli's user avatar
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Is there a REST Api for Active Admin?

Is there a way to access the data from Active Admin? Im creating a mobile app that will connect to an active admin website. I need to retrieve data from the website.
h3n's user avatar
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Display Rails Server Info in Active Admin

My ActiveAdmin Welcome Dashboard is looking a little empty. And I've been unable to find a way to get it to display the simple server info I'd like to see everytime I login. app/admin/dashboard.rb ...
mystic cola's user avatar
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How do i solve friendly id issue in active admin

I am using Rails 7 Active admin I have Project that is Workshop Project that is related to organizing workshops, booking them etc. I am using Friendly ID Gem . The url looks like
Muhammad Bilal's user avatar
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How can i display Popup Modal forms in Rails activeadmin?

Hi I've just started using Rails Admin and I need to open popup modal form on certain model. To make it simple I would like to have a link which once clicked opens a modal form. How do I achieve this? ...
Ammar Qadir's user avatar
7 votes
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active admin gem error message just following the instructions

I am using ruby 3.1.3, rails 7.0.5 and activeadmin 3.0. I just followed the installation instructions from the activeadmin website, but I got the following error: ActionView::Template::Error (Ransack ...
NaguiHW's user avatar
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Adding Activeadmin to existing rails 6 Api with devise already installed

Hey I have a rails api app with devise and jwt installed already and working perfectly fine. I installed activeadmin to handle data management but when i try to navigate to /admin i get a message on ...
mutebi godfrey's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails | String -> Links in ActiveAdmin

I have a SQL function in my ROR model def permit_needing_maps_link rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query("select dbo.NeedMapsList(#{self.CONO})").rows rows.flatten![0] if !rows....
Sean Gillespie's user avatar
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Getting image to display rails application using Active Admin

First I would like to apologize if I'm asking a question that has been answered. I been looking and I can't find the answer I'm looking for or maybe I just don't understand the answers. I'm a Ruby ...
Havic's user avatar
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