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How to build .a (Universal Static library) using existing C++ code

I have a C++ code and I am able to create .so file for Android using ndk-build Similarly, for iOS, I intend to create .a (Universal Static library) from existing C++ code. Question is how to build .a ...
Ninad2110's user avatar
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How can I compile a C++ lib once, to be used later both in projects that will be compiled both to .a. and .so libs?

Can I use .a file in a project that needs to be compiled both to .a and .so? I need to write a C++ lib, and compile it such that it could be used in another project which is compiled both to .a file (...
Itamar Mar's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I compile an iOS static library from Windows/Linux

I have C++ code, which I have managed to compile into an iOS static library ("library.a") using Xcode. I am then including this in my project (Xamarin.iOS, though this shouldn't matter) and have ...
Rufus Mall's user avatar