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iOS ipa and app file size increased after building with xcode16

iOS App size got increased after generating build with Xcode 16. I have compared the .ipa file contents generated from Xcode 15.8 and Xcode 16.1 version, there was huge increase of size which is ...
Madhu's user avatar
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Flutter: Unable to generate .ipa for enterprise

I was able to run the following command before upgrading Flutter to v3.24.5 flutter build ipa \ --release \ --export-method enterprise \ --no-tree-shake-icons \ --dart-define=ENC_KEY=$ENC_KEY \...
Izan Majeed's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get .ipa file of an app installed in iPhone that's connected to a Mac without using Xcode for Appium Inspector without any help from dev team

I want to download the .ipa file of an app that is installed on my iPhone to my Mac without the use of Xcode or without any help from dev team (testing purpose). I need to add the .ipa file in a ...
user6502515's user avatar
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Distribute a flutter app outside of the App Store

My context: I have a mac (with xcode, ...) an account on An account on A Flutter application that builds, I can generate a signed ipa. I ...
david's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Building and creating archive using swift xcode

**I tried to built an iOS application I was trying to upload it on testflight but i got this error and it's not working properly ** SDK does not contain 'libarclite' at the path '/Applications/Xcode....
Manan's user avatar
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iOS - Archiving in Xcode 16

Archiving in Xcode 16 Errors: Assertion failed: ((ct == Atom::ContentType::objcConst) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::objcData) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::constData) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::...
Aftab Ahmed's user avatar
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IPA application opens links in Edge browser instead of Safari browser

I am developing iOS application which is installed in my iPad device. I have introduced 1 hyperlink in that application which should be opened in Safari browser of iPad. I have Microsoft Edge ...
user6323582's user avatar
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I have a problem with sqlcipher.bundle (Multiple commands produce) in my flutter iOS app

So I have a flutter app and when I debug it on my iPhone it works perfectly but when I try to build an ipa file it shows me this error: Which indicates that there are multiple commands which are ...
varin sarkawt's user avatar
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CI/CD Process - Xcode Apple Session Expires

I've got a new Mac build server for deploying my apps. But on this Mac for some reason, the Apple ID account doesn't stay logged in and the session expires. So every time, before I build, I need to ...
user794720's user avatar
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Modifying iOS Binary with IDA and Repackaging as IPA

I'm new to reverse engineering and could use some guidance from the community. I'm trying to modify a string in an iOS binary using IDA Pro and then repackage it into an IPA file for installation on ...
DolphinQuan's user avatar
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Manual Code Signing Fails in Terminal but Works in Xcode GUI, when Podfile includes use_frameworks! :linkage => :static

I’m facing issues with manual code signing when building a React Native iOS project using the terminal, while it works fine in Xcode GUI. Setup: Basic React Native iOS project. Podfile includes ...
arveyMon's user avatar
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BrowserStack errors running IPA

I'm testing an IPA created with React Native with the aim of testing it on different iPhones. The app seems to work apparently well without any strange behavior, but when I'm running the app on ...
Lucas Acuña's user avatar
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Unable to Build/Archive Project from Xcode ( Module not found )

I've been debugging my flutter app on iOS simulator and it has been working fine, but when I try to build/archive project from Xcode, it fails, resulting in this error. GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m ...
ASAD HAMEED's user avatar
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Install an IPA made un Unity to iPhone with Windows

i am trying to install a flappy bird game I made, but i don't know how. I have an iPhone 8 on 16.7.7 and don't want to jailbreak my phone. I also have a Windows 10 laptop. I have not tried anything as ...
LucasThings's user avatar
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How can I provide a signed iOS app IPA file to an organization for MDM distribution?

I have developed an app for a company that will deploy it to their devices for internal use on an MDM managed device. They have asked me to provide a signed IPA file to them. I am a small company ...
alionthego's user avatar
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How to compile an Electron app to a mobile app?

I have been trying to compile my Electron app into either an APK or an IPA, but I have had trouble doing this. If I can't do it, I was wondering if I can convert a .exe file to a .apk or something ...
Jose Moran Urena's user avatar
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how to install IPA file with itms-services?

I'm trying to set up a simple webpage that contains a link which then install an .ipa file to an IOS device. I have found several tutorials to do this and followed the needed steps. I have a webpage ...
Jeremy Blekkink's user avatar
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Upload IPA to Testflight AppStoreConnect

Using xcrun altool --upload-app --file filePath --type ios --username username --password password no longer seems to work, getting the following errors: *** Error: ERROR: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] ...
NSDavidObject's user avatar
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I need help in 3UTools IPA signature

I want to sign an IPA file using 3UTools and my Apple ID, and I used to do it successfully every time. Now it says “Signature failed: unknown Mach format” I tried to update 3UTools and iTunes, but the ...
user412504's user avatar
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React Native Xcode Archive IPA generation not working

After upgrading to Xcode 15, my react native project failed to build the IPA. But it's working fine while I run it via simulator. I am getting the following error: Command PhaseScriptExecution failed ...
Sakthivel's user avatar
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2 answers

iOS App Size much bigger than expected using SVGs

We are working on optimizing the size of our app, and there is something we can't figure out. It looks like Xcode includes rasterized versions of our SVG images, increasing the size of our app ...
ernewston's user avatar
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Null Initialization Vector Used (iOS) - React Native

The application passes a NULL initialization vector (IV) to the Common Crypto library for an encryption operation. When the Common Crypto library receives a NULL initialization vector, it uses a ...
gautam v's user avatar
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Profile Ad Hoc installation doesn't work, i don't see it when i download it

I want to install a react native app made in xCode on an ipad, but since it is the first time i really don't know what i did wrong and what should i do. I created an ad Hoc profile linked to the app, ...
EmyCodes's user avatar
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Unable to add an iOS build for review on the iTunes account as it gives an error just when you add it for review

I have an old project in objective C, we have been keeping it updated for the past few years. And it works perfectly even today as well. But for creating a build i.e IPA , we have been using a script ...
intellignt_idiot's user avatar
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No Team Found in Archive

I have recently updated my mac and this weird issue has come up at the time of creating archive. I am getting "No team found in archive" error, after clicking "Distribute App" ...
Shweta's user avatar
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Unable to Install iOS App from IPA File - Downloading but Not Installing

I'm currently working on distributing an iOS app using an IPA file hosted on GitLab. While the IPA file is downloading successfully, the app isn't installing on iOS devices. I've followed the steps ...
ganga's user avatar
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This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified

I am making the signed ipa using manual signin, from distribution certificate and App store distribution provisioning profile. We had one Device already added. When we try to install this ipa from ...
Umair's user avatar
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How to create iOS app (ipa) via signing certificate and provisioning profile of client

i am making a flutter application for ios. I need to know, do i need client username and password to manage sigining in?. If i take the certificates and provisioning profile from client, can we make ...
Umair's user avatar
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How to generate APK and IPA using Anroid studio for Ionc Angular

I have ionic Angular code , I have installed Anroid stuido setup. I have no idea how to generate APK and IPA from the code . I have tried referring to some websites but it seems little confusing ...
Abhilash Anand's user avatar
2 votes
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Apple enterprise program

I have an iOS application and I want to share this using apple enterprise account I have some questions. I have developed an iOS application for our company members and I have enrolled apple ...
Reza's user avatar
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Xcode : Using bridging headers with module interfaces is unsupported

I'm trying to put my Flutter application in prep on AppleStore Connect via a Fastlane script. During the ios build (pods), everything is ok, the connection to the store is done correctly and during ...
PurplePill's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to generate IPA for a developer role in Apple developer account

My personal developer account has been added as developer role to an paid developer account. Now I'm trying to build ipa by using my personal developer team account, but I'm facing an error. Any help ...
Karan Vishwakarma's user avatar
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.ipa file doesn't get information from App Group

I have an app that shares its data with a widget through app groups. It works fine in Xcode. However, when creating an ipa file and installing it, I am unable to get any data and the widget is just ...
guiflam's user avatar
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Do I need to change AppGroup Identifier when exporting my app to IPA or xarchive to be used by third party?

I am creating an ipa or xarchive file for a third party that will internally distribute my app for their company. So far they are having the following error message: error:...
alionthego's user avatar
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iOS: Calculate how long an enterprise signed app will work

If you sign iOS app with your developer/enterprise certificate they will work for a certain period of time before suddenly iOS tells you <appname> is no longer available. How do you calculate ...
Robert's user avatar
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Symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 "_swift_stdlib_isstackallocationsafe" - XCode Ract Native 0.64

I'm trying to Archive my react native(version 0.64.2) project on a Mac Intel, but keep getting the below error: "_swift_stdlib_isStackAllocationSafe", referenced from: _$...
lreddy's user avatar
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Flutter ipa file uploading failed: Asset Validation failed (File path too long)

I have successfully made the ipa file but when I'm trying to upload it to test flight, it fails because of the following issue. I have tried two ways to upload the file, using Transporter application ...
Yash Srivastava's user avatar
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how to build ipa of flutter app without apple developer account

I want to built ipa of flutter app without developer account. The app has a use for just 2 person. Thats I don't want to purchase apple developer account. Is there any solution that we can built ipa ...
Kamran Ibrahim's user avatar
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Unable to process request - PLA Update available, while creating the IPA

Error while creating the iOS IPA for submitting it to the app store review. Encountered error while creating the IPA: error: exportArchive: Unable to process request - PLA Update available error: ...
Priyanshu Paliwal's user avatar
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Auto-updating line of business iOS apps via intune

I am struggling to find out whether it is possible to push line of business iOS app updates out to users/devices via Microsoft Intune. I'd be grateful to hear if anyone else encountered the scenario ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to resolve IOS APP Crash on Launch using EAS BUILD

Background I have been working on an application using React-Native using expo managed workflow. The application has been working fine while developing locally using expo start. I don't see any errors ...
Bromox's user avatar
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Flutter build IPA is not working in Xcode and terminal

I am trying to build a IPA in Xcode 14.3.1 using Flutter 3.10.5, with command 'flutter build ipa'. However, it turns out error as below: Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: _FWFWKWebViewHostApiGetCodec ...
daphneyong11's user avatar
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Unable to generate ipa using Appollo

I am trying to build a flutter webview app in ios version. I used appollo for generating the ipa file, but it turns out it cannot build the ipa file and display errors. I run command "appollo ...
daphneyong11's user avatar
4 votes
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How to fix: IPA BINARY CODE ANALYSIS in iOS swift

I got MOBSF security check result pdf where i found some "High" - SEVERITY issues like below: I am unable to upload screen shot so i have pasted its content below. how to fix this in below ...
Swift's user avatar
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Error running pod install, while running flutter build ios on Mac mini via Codemagic

I have a Flutter app that is successfully published on Google play store, but I am not able to publish on Apple play store because I constantly get errors while building the ipa file. Because I don't ...
user1101565's user avatar
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Encountered a problem when building my app with Appollo --> gem update xcodeproj?

I would like to build an .ipa file for iOS 16. Therefore I tried to use Appollo. Based on th elogs below I tried already the following: I updated my gem data with: gem update xcodeproj and gem ...
HaniMontana's user avatar
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How to upload Delphi IPA to Apple app store

How do I upload my iOS IPA file (made by Delphi 11.3) to the Apple app store? I cannot find Application Uploader and TestFlight does not seem to have this capability.
Mike at Bookup's user avatar
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iOS Build not working after upgrade Xcode 14.2

I am trying to install an IPA to my iPad, but it's not working and is throwing an error (shown above). I tried like creating new provision profile and tried upgrade Xcode to what Apple suggested. ...
kumar's user avatar
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How to use personal apple id for ipa signature

I've seen SideLoady, and AltStore all use regular Apple ids directly to re-sign the ipa. The re-signed ipa can be installed on non-jailbroken iPhone devices. The downside is that it only has a 7-day ...
linpeng's user avatar
-1 votes
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Github actions - iOS build IPA with Ionic Capacitor

I'm having a little trouble building my app for iOS, I'm finding a lot of errors that I can't solve. In particular these ones: - /Users/.../ios/App/App.xcodeproj: error: There are no accounts ...
Miyonu's user avatar
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