I'm trying to map and validate using #[MapRequestPayload]
request payload with nested request data. When I want to map request with just 1 question, everything works fine, but when I switch type of the $question
property in Quiz DTO I get this validation error.
class CreateQuizDto
#[Assert\Length(min: 1, max: 255)]
public string $label;
#[Assert\All(new Assert\Type(CreateQuestionDto::class))]
public array $questions;
class CreateQuestionDto
#[Assert\Length(min: 1, max: 255)]
public string $label;
#[Route('/api', format: 'json')]
class QuizController extends AbstractController
#[Route('/quiz', name: 'app_quiz', methods: ['POST'])]
public function index(#[MapRequestPayload] CreateQuizDto $dto): JsonResponse
return $this->json([
'dto' => $dto
Example request body
"label": "Example Quiz",
"questions": [
"label": "Example Question 1"
"label": "Example Question 2"
Response error
"type": "https://symfony.com/errors/validation",
"title": "Validation Failed",
"status": 422,
"detail": "questions[0]: This value should be of type App\\Dto\\CreateQuestionDto.\nquestions[1]: This value should be of type App\\Dto\\CreateQuestionDto.",
"violations": [
"propertyPath": "questions[0]",
"title": "This value should be of type App\\Dto\\CreateQuestionDto.",
"template": "This value should be of type {{ type }}.",
"parameters": {
"{{ value }}": "array",
"{{ type }}": "App\\Dto\\CreateQuestionDto"
"type": "urn:uuid:ba785a8c-82cb-4283-967c-3cf342181b40"
"propertyPath": "questions[1]",
"title": "This value should be of type App\\Dto\\CreateQuestionDto.",
"template": "This value should be of type {{ type }}.",
"parameters": {
"{{ value }}": "array",
"{{ type }}": "App\\Dto\\CreateQuestionDto"
"type": "urn:uuid:ba785a8c-82cb-4283-967c-3cf342181b40"