So I have this code for uploading images in my laravel app:

 $imageName = rand(111, 99999) . '.' . $extension;
 $imagePath = 'images/category_images/' . $imageName;

 Image::make($image_tmp)->resize(533, 533)->save($imagePath);

It works perfectly on localhost, but after deploying the code online, I can't read or write images from the admin panel of my app. It works on the user part though (The user part can read images).

I've set the permissions on the folders to 775 and on files to 644. So I really have no idea why this isn't working. Please help

This is the error I get when I try to upload:

Intervention \ Image \ Exception \ NotWritableException

Can't write image data to path (images/category_images/74327.png)

  • Are there any error displayed on the page? logs? Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 7:56
  • Does the saving fail or the resizing? Might be a missing PHP image extension.
    – user8034901
    Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 7:58
  • @brombeer The saving fails, I get an error saying I can't write image data to path, so I figured it was a permissions issue, but the permissions are fine
    – Reo
    Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 8:00
  • 1
    Please post the complete error message in your question
    – user8034901
    Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 8:01
  • 1
    Post the error in the question and also where the error was from (page, logs, which logs, etc) Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 8:01

2 Answers 2


Try wrapping it with public_path($path)

$imagePath = public_path('images/category_images/' . $imageName); 

you don't specify where you want to store your image as I can see you try to store it in the /image folder or it's not recommended and I think you don't have a permission to write there. So if you want to store in the public folder public/image: $imagePath ='images/category_images/'.$imageName; as mentioned in the first answer or if you want to store in the storage path add storage_path('path') and if you do this do forget to link the storage path by executing the command

php artisan storage:link

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