I'm trying to play a soundfile using seewave's listen option, and getting a permission denied error

v.sound <-sin(2*pi*440 * seq(0,1,length.out = 8000))
f <- 8000
seewave::listen(v.sound, f= f)
sh: /var/folders/gg/5v7wvcts2jg4zm40s7r9fgqc0000gn/T//RtmpDWOqTa/tuneRtemp.wav: Permission denied

I get the same result using when using tuneR's play() function to read .wav files. I tried the suggestion here to and got the same results.

I'm using macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

1 Answer 1


So it turns out the packages 'sound' and 'tuneR' both use the setWavePlayer() function. I was able to solve this pretty easily with this quick fix


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