In vanilla Devise devise_for :admin_users would create the helper edit_admin_users_path and the path /admin_users/edit which is handled by Devise::RegistrationsController#edit - the route has no id segment since it only edits the signed in user. I have no idea what ActiveAdmin::Devise.config contains but you could just use byebug or pry to insert a breakpoint and inspect it and see if it changes the routes or skips them.
Admin Users
tab in your active admin panel?devise_for :admin_users
would create the helperedit_admin_users_path
and the path/admin_users/edit
which is handled byDevise::RegistrationsController#edit
- the route has no id segment since it only edits the signed in user. I have no idea whatActiveAdmin::Devise.config
contains but you could just use byebug or pry to insert a breakpoint and inspect it and see if it changes the routes or skips them.