Is there any way to make AnchorPane
containing button and few Text
to do padding while clicked on it like a button? I`m using JavaFX and CSS and this is my code. Everything works but not padding
<AnchorPane id="pane" fx:id="pane" layoutX="65.0" layoutY="68.0" prefHeight="90.0" prefWidth="309.0" onMouseClicked="#onSickleButtonClicked" stylesheets="@style.css">
<Text fx:id="sickleLevelLabel" layoutX="193.0" layoutY="27.0" strokeType="OUTSIDE" strokeWidth="0.0" text="1" wrappingWidth="95.13671875">
<Font size="24.0" />
<Button id="sickleButton" fx:id="sickleButton" disable="true" ellipsisString="" mnemonicParsing="false" opacity="0.0" prefHeight="76.0" prefWidth="298.0" visible="false">
<Text fx:id="sickleUpCostLabel" layoutX="129.0" layoutY="66.0" strokeType="OUTSIDE" strokeWidth="0.0" text="10" wrappingWidth="60.136717826128006">
<Font size="20.0" />
<Text fx:id="sickleIncomeLabel" layoutX="237.0" layoutY="66.0" strokeType="OUTSIDE" strokeWidth="0.0" text="2" wrappingWidth="51.749999821186066">
<Font size="20.0" />
-fx-background-image: url(../Resources/sicklebutton.png);
-fx-background-size: 300 80;
-fx-background-repeat: no-repeat;
-fx-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
-fx-effect:dropshadow(gaussian, rgba(0, 8, 29, 1), 10, 0, 0, 0);
-fx-cursor: hand;
-fx-effect:dropshadow(gaussian, rgba(0, 8, 29, 1), 30, 0, 0, 0);
-fx-padding: 5,5,5,5;
#pane:disabled {
-fx-opacity: 0.6;
-fx-padding: 5px
or-fx-padding: 5 5 5 5